• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 4,988 Views, 738 Comments

Absolution 2 - ed2481

After Cres left, Applejack thought that she'd never have to hear the words 'Pokemon' again outside of Twilight's constant questions. However, it seems that hope was misplaced. With only the help of Cres, can she find her way back

  • ...

Chapter 3

Applejack floated in the void like world, hearing only the clip clop of hooves. Her forelegs were crossed over each other and she had her eyes closed as she contemplated her thoughts. Of all the places I could’ve ended up in... I end up where he lives... grrrh. Her forebrow furrowed in distaste. I’m sure he has something to do with this... this ain’t no coincidence, and he’s laughing it up in the background.

Her exhales vented slowly as her tail swished sharply. I’m sure whatever that voice was from before, he’s some friend of his... and why do I have this bad feeling that whatever they’re planning is something to just mess with me more. Help me, humph, I can’t even believe I allowed them to trap me in this... damn contraption! Her hooves bucked out hitting an invisible wall, bouncing off with seemingly little consequence.

She let out another sigh, this one more quick and worrisome. I just hope Apple Bloom, Big Mac, or Granny weren’t dragged into all of this... that’s the last thing any of them need. Her forebrow furrowed once more. But if they are... I’ll kick that Cres so hard he’ll be seeing stars all his life.

The trip to Mt. Coronet’s summit took only about three hours for Reva to reach with Cres keeping up the whole way, he’d made the climb many times before after all. As he’d traveled, the Absol’s thoughts had taken on a fairly regular circuit.

I can’t believe that she of all ponies is here. Thank Arceus we’re getting rid of her. I can’t believe that...

Over and over again those words had spun in his mind.

All the while, Matt was quite during the whole trip, his mind on the duty of keeping a look out for anything dangerous. But none came and soon the trio walked onto the snowy, cold, summit where the man dismount. He reached down and grabbed two Pokeballs from his belt. “Applejack, Emilia, come on out.”

The balls flashed open with the mare and a Glaceon appearing on the field. Applejack eyes widen slightly as her body was washed over with a wave of cold wind and began to shiver slightly, while Emilia simply smiled as she closed her eyes and took in a deep, relaxing breath.

“Ahh... I always love it when Matt pays a visit here,” she murmured to herself.

“Hey Em, been a while since you’ve been out and about,” Cres said as he walked up and gave her a friendly nuzzle. “Thought Matt would keep you in there forever,” he added with a chuckle.

“Nah, only until when he needs a new reflective surface that is,” she added to the joke as she returned the nuzzle. Her eyes then locked onto Applejack, who was staring right back with the same confusion as the Glaceon. “Oh, who is this?”

“Hopefully someone who you can help us be rid of,” Cres replied, a bit of his good cheer leaving his voice. Applejack simply narrowed her eyes at the Absol, which he returned in kind.

Emilia glanced between the two, a puzzled frown crossing her face. “Okay?”

Matt simply shook his head slowly in minor disappointment. “Anyways, if you would be so kind to make us a nice sheet of ice Emilia?”

The Glaceon nodded her head slowly. “Of course,” she replied as she took a deep breath. A faint blue ball of light form over her mouth and shortly shot out in a crackling blue beam. Applejack jumped slightly out of shock as the beam hit the ground and coated it with a thin layer of ice. Emilia swept the beam back and forth until a good sized portion of the ground was sheeted in a blanket of reflective ice.

The beam died down and Emilia nodded her head in approval. “There you go Matt. One mirror of ice.”

“Thank you Emilia,” Matt said with a small before gesturing his head outwards. “How about you enjoy your stay while we’re up here. Relax a bit since it seems like I never let you out of your Pokeball.”

The Glaceon chuckled a bit and nodded her head once more. “I think I’ll do that. Thank you Matt.” She flashed a smile at him before he legs quickly carried her away in a fluid series of rapid movement until she hit a bank of snow and dived in, disappearing completely within the bank.

Applejack walked slowly to the side of the ice, her head peering over and down to see a mirror like reflection of herself with some minor defractions. Matt walked up to her, though he kept a good distance between them, not wanting to be fully within her personal space. He peered down into the ice as well and simply called out.

“Hey Giratina, we need to talk,” he said in a loud voice.

Applejack craned her head up slightly to look at the man with a puzzle frown for him shouting out loud, but as she looked back down her heart nearly jumped out of her chest. The ice had changed from being a mirror to a window looking out into a starry looking sky with some floating islands. But what really shocked her was the large golden mask with two peering red eyes staring right back.

“SWEET CELESTIA!” the mare nickered as she leapt back several feet in the air.

The being looked at her for a moment before looking back at Matt. “Matt... why is there a pony standing next to you?”

“It’s a long story Giratina, right now we kind-of need her to be sent back home,” the man replied.

“Right...” Giratina said slowly as he looked back at Applejack once more before back at Matt. “Just to be clear, I didn’t have any part in this.” He glanced back at the mare. “Now them, please step through the ice.”

Applejack shook her head quickly. “Nah uh, how do I know this isn’t some sort of trick... or you’re going to eat me?” she demanded.

“Why would we bother?” Cres demanded, speaking up for the first time in a while. “This is Giratina, the only one who can get you home, either go through the ice or feel free to stay here on the mountain until you starve to death.”

“That and I don’t need to eat,” Giratina added. “And I know Celestia, and to be honest I’d rather not have her on my bad side along with another celestial being.”

The mare was still hesitated to move forward but closed her eyes and walked forward. She stopped at the edge of the ice and opened her eyes as she lifted up a hoof and slowly touch the surface.

The next she knew a painful blot of energy slammed up into her hoof and she was sent flying high into the air. She landed hard on her back and let out a groan. Everyone, even Cres, was stared in shocked surprise at the unexpected event. Matt was the first to react as he hobbled over to the mare and knelt down, while Cres stared at the sheet of ice in confusion.

Giratina was looking right back at him from the other side. “Don’t look at me, I have no idea how that happened, or even why.”

“It couldn’t be that easy could it?” Cres asked with a frown and a sigh. “Not with her.”

“I KNEW IT!” Applejack shouted as she pushed her up and away from Matt. “I knew y’all were lying to me!”

“We did no such thing,” Cres replied, frowning at her before he attempted to dip his paw through the ice. His paw sank in as if it had been dipped into water, the ice even rippling a little. “See, it works for me.”

“Yeah right,” the mare said with narrowed eyes. “You probably staged this whole thing to convince me otherwise, but I’m not going to be fooled no more!”

“Does she always yell like this?” Giratina asked Cres.

“Always, it is unbelievably annoying,” Cres answered with a snort. “And if she’s not yelling she’s attempting to frame me or accuse me falsely of a crime I did not commit.”

“I know how that feels... somewhat,” the Legendary replied.

“Tell me about it-” Cres cut himself off as he sensed Applejack charging him from behind.

With a single lithe movement, Cres sidestepped her charging form and hooked the dull half of his blade around her leg. He then gave her a mighty lunge before she could realize what was happening and threw her into a nearby snowbank. The snow crunched and concaved under the mare’s weight, making a faint impression of her whole body. Applejack groaned a bit before getting back onto her hooves and charged forth once more.

Cres fell into a fighting stance again and this time when she’d almost reached him he sprang into the air, landing directly behind her. Applejack twirled in an attempt to come down on him with her forehooves but Cres’s blade once more caught her leg before it could do any damage and before she knew it, Applejack was thrown face first into another bank of snow.

“Oi! Stop it both of you!” Matt said as he stepped between the two.

“It’s not as though I’m doing much,” Cres said smugly with a short shrug. Though it did nothing to rid the smirk on his face though. “You don’t have to yell at me.”

Matt gave the Absol a hard glare, one which caused Cres’s smirk to disappear. He was angry, and not in the mood for Cres’ attitude. The man gestured his head at the mare who was still half buried in the snow. “She’s crying,” he stated.

Cres glanced in Applejack’s direction and found that she was indeed crying, though he couldn’t see the tears on account of her still snow-bound face.

“She attacked me, twice,” Cres said flatly, turning away from the mare. “All I did was redirect her, like you taught me.”

“It is your right to defend yourself, but not your right to smirk like that,” the man replied. “You enjoyed that a bit too much to my liking, and I want this to end. I don’t know what happened between you and her, but that’s in the past and it doesn’t matter now. One of of you needs to let it go, and that should be you. We need to help her not make it worse.”

Cres rolled his eyes, but nodded. “Very well, but I shall defend myself as often as need be if I am attacked.” Matt nodded his head and went to Applejack’s aid while Cres turned his attention at Giratina. “Any ideas on why we can’t shove her through?”

“None...” Giratina said in a troubled tone. “Only one other being can mess with portals to the Distortion World, and that is Arceus, but doing something like this is not in his hat of tricks.”

“Wonderful...” Cres replied with a sigh as he watched Matt help Applejack out of the snow bank, not that she looked at all pleased about it.

“Indeed... I shall do some investigation of course, check the portals to Equestria and even visit the world in person to see if I can find anything,” Giratina said as he too watch from his mirror. “Hopefully I find something to the cause of this.”

“Yes, because once you find the cause, you can get rid of her,” Cres agreed, nodding his head. “Her name is Applejack by the way.”

“Noted,” Giratina said as his head flew backwards. “I shall be back hopefully soon. In the mean time, don’t hurt her too much. Like I said, you don’t want to get on Celestia’s bad side.” The ice began to fog up before the image faded away.

Cres let out a small sigh before he ambled over to another of the snow banks where he spotted Emilia peeking out, her eyes narrowed in confusion.

“I tried not to send her into the ones you were in,” Cres told her as he sat down beside the bank.

“I thank you for that,” she said as she stepped out and up to him, her head craned over to Applejack. Her face was red and the look of defeat weighed heavily across her features. “I’m guessing things got a lot more complicated, huh?”

“Yep,” Cres agreed. “I was hoping to be rid of her... but it seems she’ll be with us for a bit longer.”

“It shouldn’t be all that bad... we just have treat her as if she’s part of our family, and things should go smoothly till we find a way to help her,” the Glaceon said with a small smile.

“I wish it were so simple, knowing her, she will protest and antagonize each of us over any number of things,” Cres replied with a shake of his head.

“Then we just have to try and show her differently,” Emilia stated with a nod. “It might not be easy, but it’s the best we can do.”

Cres let out a moody sigh and slumped to the ground beside her. “All that effort to leave her behind and she still managed to find me...it’s not fair.”

Unbeknownst to those on the mountain top, a pair of teal eyes watched them with amusement.

“Oh this was such a splendid idea,” the darkly playful voice that Applejack had heard upon her first awakening murmured to itself. “I shock even myself when I come up with stuff like this... I should write it down...”

The being then frowned.

“Oh right, no paper...”

“Or pencils...”

“Or pens...”

“Heck, I don’t even like to write,” the voice commented to itself before breaking into a dark chuckle as it returned its eyes to the goings on of the mountain, eager to continue enjoying the show.