• Published 16th Oct 2014
  • 21,259 Views, 1,120 Comments

Poniocracy - sunnypack

Cryogenics was a pretty cool concept until we forgot about it and buried it. So sorry you're going to be woken up ten thousand years in the future... Give or take a few thousand.

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6 - When The Clock Starts Ticking, The Alicorn Starts Kicking

Chapter 6 - When the Clock Gets Ticking, The Alicorn Starts Kicking

Princess Luna, the co-ruler of Equestria, Princess of the Night, the Mistress of the Moon and the self-proclaimed reigning World Champion of Manticore Wrestling (they just put up with her), was bored.

While in the old days there used to be dragon invasions, Minotaur invasions, diamond dog invasions, parasprite invasions, Equinos invasions and even the odd goo invasion (don’t ask), now there were just parasprite invasions and even they had lost their taste for flesh. What Luna craved was the return of the good old days when the world was less peaceful and a lot more chaotic. Well, perhaps not as chaotic as to wish the return of Discord to the throne, but more in the sense of adventure and action in her life.

Luna was so bored she was in the library of all places! Not that the library was a bad place by any means, but Luna fervently wished that she were here at least desperately trying to find the spell to prevent world-level destruction instead of wandering around bored. The last time Luna was bored, she ended up planning a coup to overtake the throne. Oh, this was way before the Nightmare had taken her, mind you, but she never thought that the plan would actually be used. It was still under her pillow due to the writing being steeped in a mixture of her blood and that of a thousand year old dragoness, making it basically indestructible.

So Luna was here wandering the non-fiction section of the library when she heard a noise that suspiciously sounded like a sigh. “Who’s there?” she called out quietly. The sigh came again and this time Luna turned to face the source. There was nothing in the room save a curiously opened casket of sorts. She remembered this exact same container being a piece of furniture in the library. It was really old, at least as old as the castle itself.

Luna felt a tingle of anticipation shiver down her spine.

A new discovery!

Her ears perked.


Her ears flattened.

Maybe only a box…

“Calculation complete… determination [REDACTED] due to proximity trigger-sense for a living organism within hearing distance. Reason: experiencing lethal existential crisis.”

Luna approached the bedazzled fixture cautiously. The sound had definitely come out of it, she was sure. Perhaps a pony was trapped in a crystal matrix? She knew the words that were spoken by—whatever was inside that thing—but when it strung together like that she couldn’t make heads or tails of it.

“Hello?” Luna ventured. She reared back as it suddenly spoke in reply.

“Detected living organism in speech proximity to core. Welcome! My designation is Cryo-stasis Pod One, version zero point zero zero one five, but you can call me Cry-pod,” it greeted mechanically.

Luna drew herself up. “I am Princess Luna, Princess of the Night.” She eyed it curiously as several lights flared up as the ‘Cry-pod’ spoke.

“Greetings, Princess Luna, Princess of the Night. As there are currently no humans present, I will currently be assisting you. I can answer any questions that you may have.”

Luna paused. What are humans? She shook her head, dismissing the thought. Was this some ancient codex from the past? Her tail flicked impatiently. Better find out. She cleared her throat. “Ahem, Cry-pod?”


“What are you? What is your purpose?”

“The Cry-pod was designed by Doctor Staton under the Institute for Cryogenic Research and Development. The Cry-pod’s main functionality was to preserve the greatest achievements of humanity by cryogenically suspending subjects during times of peace and reviving them when they are needed.”

“Needed? For what?”

“People of extreme intelligence will be given priority. Scientists and engineers that have made significant contributions under 1a winning a Nobel Prize or 1b internationally recognised, and 1c currently hold no criminal tendencies. Gifted advocates of peace, tolerance and great minds on philosophy that have significant contributions under 2a winning a Nobel Peace prize or 2b internationally recognised and 2c currently hold no criminal tendencies. Military greats as per directed orders from Australian Defence Force. Current next in line [REDACTED] unauthorised access to information. Next priority: investors, automatically sorted by given stake in program. First in line, ICRD CEO—“

Luna snapped back to the conversation. Her face scrunched up in concentration.

“So what you are saying is that your purpose is to preserve the best of the best of this species called ‘humans’, is that right?”

The Cry-pod whirred quietly. “That is correct.”

“How long can they be kept?”

“Barring adverse events and failure of system functionality, the maximum estimated suspension time is theoretically infinite.”


“Realistic models predict under care, maintenance and supervision, cryo-patients should be reanimated periodically every one hundred years to ensure no long term damage to brain tissue. There has been no recorded data on the effect of serial compound product one hundred and seventy three on humans for an extended period of time past the natural lifespan. Mean time before failure calculated at effective limit: two thousand years.”

“Wha—? How old are you?”

There was a pause. “Data indicates roughly ten thousand three hundred and twenty seven years, two months, eight days, two hours, fifty six minutes and eighteen seconds have elapsed since first record of operation. Data on manufacturing processes fail extrapolation at present. File corruption detected. WARNING! Data retrieval error due to radiometric data loss. Files compromised since 18th April, 2403. Variation of up to six percent may be present in datastream.”

Wait, this thing is older than me? Surely it jests. “You must be joking.”

“I currently do not retain a full copy of the Equine Interactions Manual. Humour has been abandoned due to dangerous results.”

Luna shook her head in bemusement, what a curious little thing. However, if this entity is as old as it claims and I have not heard of ‘humans’ in all that while… It is possible they no longer exist. Luna felt a pang of sorrow shudder through her frame. Her hoof reached out to comfort the pitiful machine. Are you all alone, abandoned by your masters?

The Cry-pod was silent for a moment. “The data may be recovered,” it offered.


“Data: a collection of information for refer—“

“Yes, yes, I am familiar with the term. You mentioned that the data is corrupted. Is there a way to recover that information?”

The Cry-pod answered immediately. “Data corruption at 98%. Fortunately, a manual backup may be performed. There are many redundancies present within my system to guard against failure due to data corruption. The process may only be started by a human of the highest administrative authority. Current human of highest administrative authority: First name, David. Last name, Collins.”

Luna’s ears perked up at that. Amazing. Is it saying what I think it is? “There are still humans alive?”

“Correct. Recent reanimation successful. No data could be retrieved concerning current subject medical state. Current attending physician: Doctor Staton… Current status: missing.”

“Are there any other humans left?”

“Unknown. Current data suggests no humans within an appreciable distance from this unit. Contact, apart from subject, has not been established in excess of ten thousand years. Authority shifted to David Collins until suitable human with higher authority made available.”

“Are you saying there might be other humans out there? Where is this… David Collins?”

“Unknown. Location of David Collins restricted. Please provide appropriate authentication.”

Hmmm, the box won’t give out information about humans, at least not past general information. That will make locating the currently alive one difficult… Luna shook her head. There was definitely more to learn from this curious machine.

Just as Luna was about to say something, she was interrupted by the clattering of hooves and a shout.


Luna turned around to see a ragged guardspony short of breath.

“Princess Luna,” the stallion bowed.

Luna gestured with a regal wave of her hoof. “You may rise, guard.”

The stallion bobbed his head gratefully. “Thank you, Princess Luna. Princess Celestia has urgently requested for your presence in the throne room.”

“Did she tell you the nature of the request?” Luna asked curiously.

The stallion shook his head. “The Princess did not reveal any information regarding the nature of the summons.” Nervous blue eyes shied away from the Princess’ gaze. Luna forced herself to relax.

“At ease, guard. Apologies for my intensity. Strict command is a hard habit to be rid of.”

The stallion looked horrified that the Princess had decided to apologise to him. He waved his hooves frantically to dispel even the notion that she needed to apologise to him. Luna sighed as the guard got increasingly flustered.

“I apologise for apologising,” Luna said impatiently and the guard hung his head sheepishly. Luna sighed again. “Would you mind waiting a few moments? I will need to bring this strange relic with me—it won’t take long."

Luna tugged the Cry-pod telekinetically with her magic and found that it came quite easily out of its recess. Surprised, she let it float in front of herself. The box caught some of the afternoon’s rays and gleamed in its many hues as gems studding the surface glowed. Luna was mesmerised for a moment, then she shook her head. “Cry-pod, are you alright?” she asked apprehensively. She was afraid she may have damaged the device.

“Affirmative, Princess Luna, Princess of the Night. No damage, despite unknown method of transportation. More data required for extrapolative inference.”

Luna nodded as the guard did a double-take, eyes widening as it considered the floating artefact. “Is it dangerous?” he asked tentatively, eyeing the gently levitating object.

Luna flicked her tail dismissively. “Nothing to be concerned about, I will discuss this with my sister,” she said, walking past the guard. The stallion scrambled to follow before the box could whack him in the back of his head.

Luna lead the way to the throne room, dismissing the guards standing at the door and the one that had been following along. They left reluctantly, looking back curiously at the open box. As Luna opened the heavy double doors of the throne room, Celestia watched in bemusement as Luna dismissed all the guards within the room. Celestia spotted the floating object behind her sister and nodded in acknowledgement.

“I see you have found the mysterious ‘Box’ before I have,” Celestia commented mildly. “Coincidentally, this is part of the reason why I called for you.”

Luna stamped a hoof. “How is it that you always know about things before I do, sister?”

“Intuition,” Celestia replied wryly. Luna grunted and brought the Box closer.

“What do you know about this, sister?” Luna asked, tapping the former decorative furniture with her hoof.

“At best guess, a relic crafted by the humans.”

Luna gaped at Celestia. “That’s really not fair, I just learnt about that from the Cry-pod.”


“Yes, that is what it calls itself.”

“That’s funny, Twilight prefers to call it ‘the Box’.”

“Why would she call it that?”

“She mentioned the name was a little sad-sounding.”


“Yes, with ‘cry’ as in ‘crying’”



Luna lowered the Cry-pod slowly to the floor.

“This creation,” Luna began, running a hoof along its surface, “is quite unique. I’ve never seen anything fashioned like this before. The Cry-pod has told me that it was created well over ten thousand years ago. It can’t be though, nothing is that old, not even Discord himself.”

Celestia rubbed a hoof across her temple. “It’s hard to think of anything more ancient. Anything that old would be decrepit and falling to pieces, its amazing this… object survived for so long. All the while keeping a living being alive and well for that period.” She laughed. “I saw the human naked the first time we met. He took it all in stride, even though he had just woken up. I don’t know whether to call that brave, or simply insane.”

The Cry-pod spoke up, startling the Princesses. “As I have explained to Princess Luna, Princess of the Night, the subject may have quite a high likelihood of brain damage. Attending medical physician should perform a CT scan to eliminate possibility of damage from hemorrhaging caused by long-term stasis. Rest is recommended.”

Luna shrugged. “I don’t understand half of what it says.”

Celestia nodded. She called out to the Cry-pod. “Is there any information you can give us that could help us know more about your race—why you are here and where they have gone?”

The Cry-pod was silent for a few moments.

“Insufficient data present for conclusive answer. Please try again later.”

Celestia eyed the horizon. “Oh, it’s time to lower the sun, Luna would you converse with this Cry-pod for a moment? I’ll be back soon.”

As Celestia headed towards the door, the Cry-pod asked its first question since talking to Luna.

“My speech processors must be malfunctioning. Would you mind repeating yourself, sister of Princess Luna?”

“Sister of Princess—oh my, how rude of me. I am Princess Celestia. Pleased to meet you, Cry-pod.”

The Cry-pod paused again. “Would you mind repeating what you have said earlier? My speech processors have identified ‘it’s time to lower the sun’, unfortunately, that cannot be right. It has conflicted with my logic interface. Is that a figure of speech?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, I will be lowering the sun with my magic—that is how it works.”

The Cry-pod flashed a couple of times. Another digital processor might detect that as impatience. That’s silly though, digital systems can’t be impatient.

“Recording response as ‘religious and/or cultural behaviour’,” the Cry-pod replied.

Celestia cocked her head curiously. “Why do you say that?”

“My data banks indicate the Earth is in orbit around the Sun. As gravity is the force keeping the orbits constant and the rotation of the Earth is the variable responsible for day and night cycles, it is improbable for most other beings to control this phenomenon without substantial energy. Energy on the order of magnitude equivalent to stopping the Earth’s rotation. Roughly 2x10^23 Newtons of force estimated. Most likely case, claims are religious or cultural in nature.”

Celestia’s eyes narrowed as she studied the gently ticking human invention. “You’re going to be trouble,” she growled softly.

Luna laughed and batted the machine playfully. “How delightfully primitive the assumptions of this machine are! I cannot wait to hear more things that will amuse us!”

Author's Note:

Not enough... hair?

Oops, forgot to link it above earlier: Equinos, they're kinda fun.

P.S. Hmm not enough David. Don't worry he'll be back someday. I decided to tone it down a bit because keeping thing ridiculous doesn't move a story, no matter how much I want it to.

Next Chapter: What are you doing David? Get down from there! Seriously, that's a lightning rod.

As always, my astounding, astonishing readers, thanks for reading!