• Published 31st Oct 2014
  • 3,153 Views, 63 Comments

The Last Days of Parrsboro - Eakin

An unusual earthquake may be the end for a little coastal town, and the start of something new for the world beyond

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Met the nicest lady tonight! Tyler was good enough to give me some extra hours working the front desk, even though we don’t exactly have busloads of tourists coming through in the middle of the winter. Good thing he did, though, because come two in the morning this poor girl comes stumbling in from the cold, completely lost and exhausted with no reservation or anything, and asks for a room to spend the night. Of course we had rooms, and I did the only neighborly thing and made her a nice mug of hot chocolate to warm her up. Not exactly much that’s needs doing at that hour, so we struck up a conversation. Her name’s Lauren... something, I’d have to check the registry. Started with an ‘F,’ I think, but she was trying to drive up from the States to Vancouver of all places. Asked her how she managed to end up all the way out here, and she didn’t rightly know. Not much of a sense of direction, that one, but of course I told her she’s welcome to stay as long as she likes. Gotta be a good ambassador for the town, y’know, and I gave her the whole spiel about how beautiful the blueberry bushes were during a full bloom and all the things there were to do if she was looking for a place to relax for a bit. Of course, we’re not exactly a big city. Not much happens here, unless you count the quake that shook things up a few months ago.

I don’t care what Marshall says. It’s still funny.

Well of course you know me, get me going and I’ll talk your ears off, but Lauren got a couple words in edgewise. She’s some kind of big television person, but when I asked her if she could cast me as the star in her newest show she laughed and told me it was a cartoon, but she’d keep me in mind. I told her that was just fine, and I was only kidding.

I totally wasn’t kidding. A girl’s gotta dream, right?

Anywho, I think I might have sold her on staying at least the rest of the week. Big snowstorms rolling through all of Nova Scotia over the next few days, and who wants to be driving through that? She did say that she wouldn't mind having somewhere quiet while she worked on the scripts she’d been trying to write for the last couple weeks. Writer’s block sounds like it would be just the awfulest thing. Of course we didn’t talk for much more than ten minutes or so before she went off to bed, but it was still the highlight of my night. Honestly, some of those graveyard shifts I just end up staring at the clock and thinking the sun’s never going to come up.