• Published 14th Nov 2014
  • 16,547 Views, 712 Comments

Reformation Buddies - Metool Bard

Can former villains learn from one another without driving each other and everyone else insane? Discord seems to think so. Sunset Shimmer, however, has her doubts. And the Sirens aren't helping matters, either.

  • ...

Freak-out Fail

Sonata wrung her hands nervously, her eyes darting every which way as she ventured across the school campus. So far, her morning appeared to be entirely normal. She got out of bed normally, she had a normal argument with her roommates about bathroom privileges, she ate a normal breakfast, and the day itself just reeked of normality. But in the back of her mind, she knew this was the calm before the storm known only as Hurricane Discord. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves.

"I can do this. I can do this," she chanted to herself. "I just gotta play it cool. It's no big deal. I'll find the Rainbooms, casually walk up to them, tell 'em the sitch, and they'll take care of everything else. Yeah. This'll be a cinch. All I have to do is be cool. I can do that in my sleep, no problem."

She kept repeating this mantra over and over again to psych herself up, but inside, her heart was pounding something fierce. All the while, she kept a sharp lookout for any of the Rainbooms or Discord's shenanigans. Eventually, she heard the muffled sound of a thumping bass coming from behind her. When she turned to see the cause of the sound, she froze in her tracks. Walking across campus was none other than Canterlot High's resident deejay, Vinyl Scratch. As usual, her headphones were blaring some sort of electronic beat that she kept in time to with every step she took. Sonata swallowed.

"This is it, Sonata. Keep it cool," she whispered, taking a few deep breaths. "She won't hurt you. Discord's probably not spying on you right now. Just tell her what's going on, she'll tell the Rainbooms, and then everything will be okay. Alright, let's do this."

She quickly made a beeline towards Vinyl and wave her arm frantically. "Yo! Hey, you there! Wait up!"

Vinyl stopped and turned to see Sonata running towards her. She smiled and raised her fist, which caused Sonata to skid to a stop.

"Waa~! D-don't hurt me!" she shrieked, squeezing her eyes shut and turning away.

Vinyl's eyebrows softened, and her smile turned into a concerned frown. She took off her headphones and reached out to Sonata with an open hand. Sonata opened one tentative eye.

"Y-you're not gonna hurt me?" she whimpered.

Vinyl shook her head.

"Then, what was with the fist?"

Vinyl let out a sigh and made a vertical waving motion with her wrist, indicating that it was nothing.

"Oh, okay," said Sonata, calming down a little. "S-so, um... How're you doing?"

Vinyl shrugged one shoulder.

"Oh, that's cool. That's cool," said Sonata, brushing the back of her head sheepishly. "I'm cool too, by the way. I'm just, like, really ready for a cool day at school, y'know? Just being cool. Check out how cool I am."

Vinyl nodded slowly, although because of her shades, Sonata had no idea if she was actually listening or not.

"Yeah, you know it," said Sonata. "Just a couple of girls talking about being cool. Nothing weird about that. Everything's fine. It's okay."

Vinyl tilted her head as she noticed beads of sweat forming on Sonata's brow. She opened her mouth to say something, but Sonata interrupted.

"Th-there's just one teeny tiny little thing that's bothering me," she said. "I-it's nothing serious or anything. Nothing to cause a panic over. J-just that THE MASTER OF CHAOS HAS RETURNED AND HE'S GONNA DO HORRIBLE THINGS IF THE RAINBOOMS DON'T STOP HIM!"

Sonata gasped and clasped her hands over her mouth right after her outburst. A few of the other students on campus gave her strange looks as they walked by. Vinyl lowered her shades and raised an eyebrow.

"I-I know this is hard to believe, but it's true!" Sonata insisted, falling to her knees and clawing at Vinyl's dress. "I saw him last night! He's gonna make this world worse than the worst, and only you and the Rainbooms can stop him! Please, help!"

Vinyl brushed Sonata off, giving her an annoyed look.

"C-C'mon, you gotta believe me!" Sonata cried. "You don't know what Discord could do. He might make it so that black is white and get us all killed at the next zebra crossing, or he could turn gravity into gravy, or worse! The only thing that can stop him is your Equestrian magic! You're our only hope!"

Vinyl's face clouded with concern. "Um, do you want me to go get you a cup of coffee or something?" she asked. "It sounds like you had a pretty wild time last night."

Sonata blinked. "Wh-what are you talking about? I spent my night at home."

"Ah. I see what's going on here," said Vinyl with a thoughtful nod.

Sonata's expression brightened. "R-really?"

"Sure, sure. I do that kind of stuff all the time. I know what it's like."

Sonata's hopeful smile turned into a stare of confusion. "Wait, what kind of stuff?"

"Aw, don't be so bashful. You know what I'm talking about," said Vinyl with a playful wink. "It's all good. I won't tell anyone. That's strictly your business, and no one can take that away from you. But just FYI, you might wanna splash some cold water on your face before first period. Mr. Doodle will not be happy if you stumble into his math class spouting off that crazy mumbo jumbo. Trust me, I've been there."

"B-but it's not crazy mumbo jumbo!" Sonata yelled. "I saw him, for realsies! I saw Discord with my own two eyes, and you need to tell the Rainbooms about him before he—"

"Whoa, hey. Chillax, girl," said Vinyl, placing an arm around Sonata. "I get it. It's okay. Believe me, I've seen my fair share of weird things, too. And I'm not talking about magical she-demons or epic music battles, either. But while those things are real, you just gotta remember that everything you saw last night wasn't."

"But it was! I swear!" Sonata wailed. "I'm not making this up!"

"I'm not saying you made it up," said Vinyl. "I'm just sayin' it's probably just in your head. That's cool and all, but school ain't exactly the time or the place for that, y'know what I'm saying? Now, how about we hit up the bakery and get you a nice hot cup of coffee, huh? It's sure to cure you of those heebie-jeebies."

"I don't need any coffee!" Sonata shouted, sinking to her knees again. "I need the Rainbooms to defeat Discord before he breaks my brain!"

"H-hey! Hands off the merchandise, girl," Vinyl snapped, shoving Sonata off again. "Sheesh. You must've gotten into some crazy hijinks last night. I'm afraid to even ask what happened."

"I just told you!" Sonata exclaimed. "It's Discord! He's come to turn this world into a crazy nightmare, and—"

"Only the Rainbooms can stop him, yeah yeah yeah," Vinyl interrupted with a dismissive wave of her hand. "I heard you the first time. Though at this point, I think you should probably call in sick. The teachers don't like it when you're not in the right state of mind. Especially not Mr. Doodle."

"B-but I can't," said Sonata, her voice cracking. "I-I have to warn the Rainbooms about Discord."

Vinyl sighed and shrugged her shoulders. "Alright, suit yourself then. But don't say I didn't warn you."

With that, she put her headphones back on and walked away. Sonata jumped to her feet.

"W-wait! Don't go!" Sonata called out hoarsely. "Y-you gotta..."

Alas, her cries fell on deaf ears. Vinyl was too engrossed in her music, and Sonata couldn't strain her voice over the thumping beat. She stopped in her tracks and sighed as she watched Vinyl leave. After a pause, she heard a familiar snickering behind her. She spun around and glowered. Sure enough, Aria was walking up to her, stifling her laughter all the while.

"Smooth, Sonata," Aria chuckled. "Way to keep your cool under pressure. No one will suspect that you're having an episode. Except for, oh, I don't know, everyone in earshot. Pfft-hehahaha."

Sonata crossed her arms and sulked. "Sh-shut up," she grumbled.

"Nah, I don't think I will," said Aria with a smug grin. "I'm also gonna say I told you so. She clearly didn't believe a word you were saying."

"W-well, she didn't hate me, either. You were wrong about that part, so nyeh~!" Sonata snapped, sticking her tongue out at Aria.

Aria simply scoffed. "She was probably just trying to keep up appearances, Sonata. Besides, I thought you weren't trying to like these guys."

"I-I'm not," said Sonata, twiddling her fingers. "I'm just trying to warn them about Discord before he does something bad, that's all."

Aria sighed. "You know, that's probably not gonna fly with Adagio. Heck, with how obsessed she sounded last night, she's probably gonna kill you if she finds out you're doing this."

Sonata's eyes went wide. "Wh-what?! Oh, breadballs! I-I totally didn't think of that!"

"Somehow, I'm not surprised," said Aria, casting her gaze upward.

Sonata gripped Aria's arms and gave her a manic stare. "Promise me you won't tell Adagio about this, Aria! Promise me!"

Aria deadpanned. "You have five seconds to let go of me. Five..."

"B-but Aria—"


"Y-you can't tell—"


"I'm being serious he—"



Finally, Sonata released Aria and stumbled back a few feet. Aria sighed and brushed herself off.

"That's better," she said. "Anyway, you don't need to worry about me, Sonata. I wasn't planning on telling Adagio anything in the first place."

Sonata breathed a sigh of relief. "F-for realsies?"

"Yeah, sure," said Aria with a shrug.

Sonata smiled broadly and stretched her arms wide. "Oh, thank you, Aria! I really owe you one!" she cheered. "I'm so happy, I could just—"

"Don't even think about it," Aria snarled, cutting across Sonata.

Sonata's expression deflated. "Okay."

Aria heaved another sigh. "Just for the record, I'm not touching this Discord situation with a ten-foot pole. As far as I'm concerned, both you and Adagio have lost your minds."

"What were you saying about me?"

Sonata blanched as she noticed Adagio walking towards them. She hid herself behind Aria, who simply folded her arms and scowled. Adagio herself looked like a mess. Her eyes were droopy and bloodshot, and her clothes were decorated with rips and tears. But despite all that, she still kept her head held high.

"And Her Highness graces us with her presence at long last. Finally decided to leave the bathroom, did you?" she said irritably. "Sonata and I were just discussing how you were hogging it this morning, actually. So much so that we ended up leaving without you. Seriously, what was up with that? My hair looks like a rat's nest thanks to you!"

Adagio groaned. "I got in late last night, and I was too tired to take a shower when I got home, okay?"

"Yeah, about that," said Aria, arching an eyebrow. "Do I want to know what you were doing that could've possibly justified that little bathroom adventure? This is like the first time we're seeing your face since you stormed off chasing after Discord."

There was a sinister gleam in Adagio's eye as she wrung her hands. "Oh, you'll see soon enough. By the way, it's not too late, girls. You two can still get in on the action. I'm sure Discord will make us all his queens if we work together."

"Sorry, Adagio. Still passing," said Aria flatly.

"Yeah, me too," whimpered Sonata.

Adagio shrugged. "Oh well. Your loss. More power for me, then. Now, if you'll excuse me, my little present for Discord should be showing itself any minute now."

She walked past Aria and Sonata with a cocky swagger. Aria stroked her chin and smirked.

"She actually made a present for him?" she mused, letting out a slight snicker. "Oh, this I gotta see."

With that, she took off after Adagio. Sonata lagged behind, staring at her feet and heaving a great sigh.

"Well, I only talked to one Rainboom," she mumbled. "I'm sure one of the others will listen to me. They gotta listen to me. They just gotta. Aria's wrong. They don't hate me that much."

She paused, and then swallowed. "D-do they?"

Author's Note:

I had a hard time deciding how to write Vinyl in an EqG setting. While she never talks in the movie or the shorts, she must have the ability to talk. So I ended up going the Big Mac route and only had her talk when absolutely necessary. I think that worked out alright. :eeyup:

On another note, you might notice that Vinyl's dialogue is, well, a few buzzwords short of bumping this up to a Teen rating. Seriously, you don't know how hard it was for me to keep that tame while getting the joke across at the same time. Even now, I'm not entirely sure if I pulled it off or not. I'd really appreciate some feedback on that front. :applejackunsure: