• Member Since 10th Jul, 2013
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Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.



Trixie Silverlight Lulamoon, successful magician extraordinaire. Have you ever wondered how she came to be?

What kind of life could make a pony like Trixie? How a pony, who lives in the land of peace and harmony, could become a confrontational showmare with relationship problems? Why such a confident mare like her is now walking alone under the rain?

One last chance, one last scenario and one last audience. Follow Trixie in what could be her last story.

The thing is that recently I received a fairly bad new. It struck me very bad. Bad enough to put all of my stories on hiatus. Since then I haven't written anything, till today. Let's see if the old horse can ride again.

Please show no mercy on the comments. Compassion is good for the broken, but it's through the strongest fire that steel is best forged (or something like that, I'm not good at translations).

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 68 )

Obligatory Queen reference!

not bad :ajsmug: , just a few errors , but nothing bothering , it was nice , really felt like she had her own puppets or Magic dust or some stuff , to show her story
good job

and i had to mention this :

A strong wind and a well-timed lightning reveal her body. A body worth mentioning. One of those bodies that would make a young cheerleader run into the library and rethinks her career choice.

yeah :ajsmug: you totally didnt thought of any pics like this one for this line :

Great story! I shall save this to read again when I'm feeling down. Good show, sir.

This was very nice and cute, well done. Have some :moustache:s.

Excellent story. The second chapter in particular captivated with its structure of being separate stories. It painted Trixie as the pony I've always found her to be: neither good or evil, or a huge jerk or misunderstood saint, but in fact just an individual, with her own hopes and dreams and wants, with strengths and shortcomings and flaws and hidden qualities. It's good.

I resent stories where Trixie is depicted as some kind of universal pariah, where literally everyone up to and including small children harass her and it's treated as perfectly acceptable behavior, as though she represents some kind of blank spot in the universal code of moral behavior. Trixie can be likeable if she really tries. And it's nice to see the patrons at the diner reflect that.

I enjoyed reading this. Good work.


I'll face it with a grin
I'm never giving in
On with the show

Oh God. This story was born when I got the weird determination to learn that God blessed song for violin, flute and piano (p.s.: two of three, I still have to buy a piano).

Yeah, errors happen when I write this in one sitting and no editors involved, but I wanted this one to be a surprise.

Trixe's beauty being mentioned was more to evoke the image of something that still looks good but it's broken inside. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Next!

Glad to give you something useful then. I once heard that bad art entertains, but good art makes people think. Who knows, maybe I'm becoming an artist.

Years of being Catholic, and now a guy named Jesus likes my work. This is good, right?

Glad you liked it, my good reader.

As I said some responses before, this one came to be when practicing Queen's The Show Must Go On. Just like music becomes a song by following the pattern of a story, I wondered, what if story was written as it was a song's sheet?

I always had this headcanon that we never got to actually meet the real Trixie, just an stage act (Magic Duel doesn't count, she was possessed). So, in relativistic terms, the possibilities behind that azure and silver pony are literally infinite. Following that path, I juxtaposed different stages coming from different sources (I'm preparing a blogpost with the insane amount of shout outs in this story).

This is just an aspect of something bigger, an image. Or, how Trixie would put it, an illusion (now how is THAT for fridge brilliance?).

"But now I'm mechanical for the Royal Guard."

I didn't know Trixie was a robot.

I would edit that, but the idea of Trixie being secretly a robot too damn cool.

Hope you liked the rest of the fic.

Needs some editing at the end, but a decent story. Have a like.:twilightsmile:

Glad you liked it, thanks for reading.
Have a Trixie. :trixieshiftleft: Trixie: Wait, what?

Ooh, this hits me right in the feels. A Trixie down and not entertaining ponies like she loves to do. Nice imagery and feelings conveyed, here.

Comment posted by Magenta Cat deleted Dec 10th, 2014

*Shakes head* It always comes, but it's never easy to read about that one damned day.

Quite a nice ending, there. Open-ended, but with a note of hope. best ending for this kind of tale. *Tips metaphorical hat*

Well, I managed to get the attention of a notorious member of the fandom and one of my favorites writers (loved Spanner in the works, I must tell you). And he even liked the story!
Thank for that nice comment.

Sad to see Trixie in such a sorry state. Everything she had, gone in a matter of seconds.

Trixie who rose up from nothing went back to nothing. A vicious cycle, especially considering that after all that life threw at her she rose to such great heights.

To lose everything and rebuild yourself is something that few can do. The scars will always be there but in the end, you finally learn who you are. Good story.

The worst part? all of that is canon if Magic Duel is to be believed.
I once heard that if life could get stuck only in the good parts, then they would loose their meaning. Still, it doesn't make the bad ones better.
Something that define us as sentient being is our ability to overcome the obstacles in front of us. All of this was written around that idea. Glad you liked it, it basically resumes all I know and care about fiction, here's the proof: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/412183/show-must-go-on-shoutouts

It may be a bit short but I definitely enjoyed it. Remember me from the "evil clone" story and the commenter for your thread? Yeah I'm the same (yay)hole. As far as characterization goes this is great! I liked hearing the story of Trixie in a unique way and the ending was heartwarming to boot. Nicely done. Have a Wheatley! He's waiting for you in the profile picture. Ignore the pleading for mercy he's fine.

Glad to know you liked it, although the ending is a little (okay, a lot) cliché, I did my best to get out of the box with the Symphony of a life chapter.

Hey! A wheatley! Now I can use him as a zapper in Team Fortress 2.

I agree, Trixie is someone who's back story is screaming to be told.
Any time I find one that doesn't have her either being a bitch, or being someones bitch, I read it.

I know the show is geared towards younger types. But damn, no one's life is all black or white.
That always bugged me, they'll take the time to 'reform' Discord ( if Sunbutt decides she wants him to do things).
But Trixie, a traveling showmare just trying to make a living. Has her home destroyed and no one seems to care.
The Changlings, granted, they tried to take over, but that was to survive. How many wars of conquest did Equestria have?
Lightning Dust, had her dreams crushed, because the ones running the school fail at safety, and for acting like RD.
None of them were given a chance at the 'Magic of Friendship', they got thrown under the bus.

I like seeing someone offering Trixie, or whoever, a hand up, rather than kicking someone whos down.
At some point in time, we all have/will go through rough patches. Having someone offer even a few kind words can make a huge difference.

Hmm, let's see.
Antagonist who really didn't do all that bad and could use a fic to redeem/reinterpret them:
Trixie Show MUST Go On!
Changelings Stay
Lightning Dust

So, I could either write something with Gilda or with Lightning Dust...



Ok, extra points if you can write a redeeming story...featuring anyone....

* And mention how Best Princess (Luna) has ended more ponies than anyone else, but she was forgiven.
(Was it because friendship is yada yada yada OR because she's a Princess? Does justice there depend on who someone is?)

* All the while Sunbutt, whos portrayed as so wise and caring. Either couldn't be bothered to notice Luna was sad, or just didn't give a damn.

5509243 Hear hear. Twilight should prove herself worthy of her title of friendship by extending some of it to ponies who need a little friendship, not just hoard it with her friends who already like her.

Another thing that just struck me is that Equestria, at least in the show, is not very keen on direct punishment. Yes, when someone is causing problems, they're dealt with until they're no longer a problem - but after that, ponies seem to be okay with letting bygones be bygones. Luna never faces trial for trying to bring endless night, Discord isn't punished for his actions, nopony pursues Flim and Flam for what they did, and Trixie left Ponyville with matters fully settled after apologizing (which she did of her own accord, too; nopony forced her) and, if comics are considered canon, is back in the limelight and doing well. Heck, Twilight forgives a kelpie who brainwashed the whole town and nearly drowned the place simply because the thing had a good reason for it. And the protagonists have made their mistakes they don't get harrassed for. Ponies just don't seem to be the vindictive type to me.

Except in fanfics. Where the wrongdoers always has to get punished for their crimes, sometimes years after the fact and sometimes for actions the author made up on the spot. Where characters are supposed to look 'righteous' for getting payback on their enemies (even enemies like Gilda or Blueblood, whose crimes were simply 'being jerks', not exactly a legitimate charge). The only thing they accomplish is debasing the character and making them look like petty, small-minded haters. I prefer seeing my ponies look good, but no one's ever looked good stepping on others, in my eyes.

Sorry for ranting. I needed to have it said.


Hear hear. Twilight should prove herself worthy of her title of friendship by extending some of it to ponies who need a little friendship, not just hoard it with her friends who already like her.

Really, look how poor Derpy was yelled at by Rainbow Dash. How hard is it to figure out someone with an obvious medical condition, may have issues with flying?

Another thing that just struck me is that Equestria, at least in the show, is not very keen on direct punishment. Yes, when someone is causing problems, they're dealt with until they're no longer a problem - but after that, ponies seem to be okay with letting bygones be bygones. Luna never faces trial for trying to bring endless night, Discord isn't punished for his actions, nopony pursues Flim and Flam for what they did, and Trixie left Ponyville with matters fully settled after apologizing (which she did of her own accord, too; nopony forced her) and, if comics are considered canon, is back in the limelight and doing well. Heck, Twilight forgives a kelpie who brainwashed the whole town and nearly drowned the place simply because the thing had a good reason for it.

I can see as long as no one was hurt, letting some things slide. Twilight can't really say anything about the kelpie, since she brainwashed the town herself, starting with her 'friends' younger sisters. For that matter, the Mane 6 can't really hold what Trixie did against her, since she was possessed, while Twilight was worried about magic kindergarten.

And the protagonists have made their mistakes they don't get harrassed for. Ponies just don't seem to be the vindictive type to me

Thats a good point. And something the show should push more.

Except in fanfics. Where the wrongdoers always has to get punished for their crimes, sometimes years after the fact and sometimes for actions the author made up on the spot. Where characters are supposed to look 'righteous' for getting payback on their enemies (even enemies like Gilda or Blueblood, whose crimes were simply 'being jerks', not exactly a legitimate charge).
The only thing they accomplish is debasing the character and making them look like petty, small-minded haters. I prefer seeing my ponies look good, but no one's ever looked good stepping on others, in my eyes.

I agree, I'm a huge fan of *righteous* payback. (The Crow was an awesome movie!) And you're right. For the most part it's too forced, and way off base with the way the ponies act.
Gilda and Blueblood also need something to tie up their loose ends.
Thats a good motto to have.

Sorry for ranting. I needed to have it said.

Nothing to be sorry for. Everyone needs to vent now and then.


Did either of you guys ever check out the Lunaverse? Some pretty good stories in that group too.
Trixie is Lunas student. She screws up, but tries to be better, and her friends help her. As she does them.
Some of the authors I think make the Mane6 look bad-ish. But for the most part the bad guys get punished, if caught. Friendship is magic, (and a cheesy thing to say.)

They also have background pony stories. Sadly lacking in the show.

Its an interesting take on the show. If nothing else, Trixies winter wrap up is worth reading. :rainbowlaugh:

5509729 Pretty interesting setting, yes. The main writers have established that it's a bit less "innocent" due to Corona's betrayal. It's for good and bad, in my opinion - the added realism can be interesting if done right, but I enjoy the idealism of the canon show for a reason.

If you mean how the original M6 look like a bunch of jerks a lot of the time (especially AJ and RD), it's actually explored and explained and makes a fair bit of sense. Unfortunately you have to read a fair bit into the stories to get there, and I think a few readers get turned off before that happens.

And yes, Trixie's response to the Winter Wrap Up nonsense is golden. Reminds me of another fanfic, where the Ponyville unicorns' response to the "no magic" rule was to take the day off. Every year. If they can't use magic, they just won't do anything at all. It's tradition! :ajbemused:

5509729 5509826 So THIS is what happens when I'm not looking.

Ahh, rants and debate, the angular stone of rational thinking and flame-wars. I really want to add something here, but there's nothing left to say. Oh well, as long as I don't press the


I really want to add something here, but there's nothing left to say.


Do what I do, just yell 'you damn kids get off my lawn!' then take a nap. :moustache:

yay nap! :yay:


It's for good and bad, in my opinion - the added realism can be interesting if done right, but I enjoy the idealism of the canon show for a reason.

I agree, there's a lot to be said for a show based around 'dont be a jerk'. But then, there's a lot to be said for a verse where Trixie is the hero of Oaton, mostly by saving it while drunk off her hooves. I also like how they took the song from Serenity for that story.

She stood up for right and she stood against wrong
She fought injustice as you’ll hear in this song
Our love for her now is easy to see
The Hero of Oaton
The mare they call Trixie!

Now the Guild came after our hero
Waving permits and thinking themselves sly
But mare they call Trixie, even while tipsy
Showed the Guild’s permits for lies

She brought water back to our fields
She brought hope back to our hearts
Then the mare they call Trixie, still quite tipsy
Galloped off that night full of stars

And yes, Trixie's response to the Winter Wrap Up nonsense is golden. Reminds me of another fanfic, where the Ponyville unicorns' response to the "no magic" rule was to take the day off. Every year. If they can't use magic, they just won't do anything at all. It's tradition! :ajbemused:

I would do the same. Work smarter not harder.


while drunk off her hooves



Every year. If they can't use magic, they just won't do anything at all. It's tradition!

You know, I never understood the use of tradition to justify anything. I mean, yeah I can see why we need to respect our past and all that, but doing something that has literally no sense at all (like doing a job in a way that has a full history of not working) just under the excuse of tradition.


You know, I never understood the use of tradition to justify anything. I mean, yeah I can see why we need to respect our past and all that, but doing something that has literally no sense at all (like doing a job in a way that has a full history of not working) just under the excuse of tradition.

Indeed. It seems a lot of people will claim "It's tradition" when they don't have any better excuses, as if it's a legitimate justification by itself. And often they just don't think about why, because they assume it must have a reason. For example, a case I heard from an acquaintance a while ago: Every time his mother cooked a ham, she would slice off a chunk from the end and throw away. It was how her mother had always done it, and she went along with it. Decades down the line, her mother found out, and explained her reason: her oven back then was very small and couldn't fit a whole ham, so she had to cut it down to size.

Yeah. Tradition's well and good if you have a reason for it, but it's not an excuse to stop thinking. "If all children listened to their parents, we'd still be living in the stone age."

5519881 The Hero of Oaton is absolutely awesome.

I totally agree with that line of thought, we are the last statement in a line that has over five thousand years of cultural, scientific, politic and philosophic evolution.

We already have the reasons and the means to stand and say 'no' to tradition and rise up to our own ways, to create something new and better. We can do it.

We just need the will to do it.

(sorry the out of topic rant, just got out from a very heated debate with some friends.)

5519976 Oh, no, we're not the last. There will be others coming after us: our children, and our children's children. And we owe it to them to make our mark on history in order for their lives to progress, even if they may reject our teachings in return and choose their own path. And I'm okay with that.

My friend says that humanity's stopped evolving because we don't allow natural selection anymore. I say we still evolve, just in a different way.

Sorry, translation error. I meant 'most recent' statement.

But yeah, it doesn't end here. Maybe natural selection is not selecting anymore, because we earned our right to chose by ourselves! It doesn't matter if nature reign us or not, we don't need anything to tell us what to do. We can be responsible.

We have the right and the duty to chose a better tomorrow, for us, for those after us and to make this always a better place. And by making a better place, we're giving those who will succeed us their own path to follow, or to create their own.


5520097 Our brains are shrinking and becoming more plastic.

5772707 Brain size has little meaning on capacity, or whales would be ruling the world. (Unless they're being very sneaky about it, but 'sneaky' and 'whale' are difficult to correlate.)

5773365 :rainbowhuh: Uh... I didn't say anything of that sort...
Read what I said a little more carefully. One word at a time, out loud, real slow, if that helps. :scootangel:

5773412 Oh, sorry. I got the initial impression that you were arguing the oft-repeated case that civilization is in decline and intelligence is dropping due to how "dumb people are outbreeding the smart people" and "natural selection isn't killing off the weak ones because we coddle them" (as shown in the often hilariously misinterpreted movie Idiocracy). Perhaps you could elucidate on your argument, as reading it at a slower pace fails to reveal any further points? I'll assume you weren't claiming to be literal.

5509298 There's one for Gilda and I'm writing Lightning Dust. Soz.

5773669 Ten dollar words don't fuckin impress me much, guy. :ajsmug:
I simply said that our brains are getting smaller and more plastic. Current theory is that this is actually evolution occurring, that it helps us more efficiently process all the information that we're overloaded with every day. Reading it more slowly would have revealed that I literally only provided an interesting quip, saying nothing of average intelligence.

Actually, if you don't mind, I'm working on a Blueblood fic of all thing. No, i'm not sure of how it started.

5774107 I can't think off the top of my head of one, but he was pretty cool in The Monster In Twilight.

5774045 You have a pretty overinflated image of yourself if you think I'm trying to impress you, kid. So sorry if I assumed you were trying to start a discussion on something interesting. I'll stop paying attention to you if that's what you prefer.

5774271 I never asked for your attention or approval. So alright, fine by me.

Okay, that's it. You two cut it out, seriously. This story was written under the idea of cheering people up and you two turned it into another generic internet discussion. I'm disappointed, of both of you.

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