• Member Since 13th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


There really is not much to say, except I am here for the same reason I write on Fanfiction. I want to entertain you with my writing, not just detail it but make you feel that you are in the story.


How brave can you be when it comes to protecting a country?

If you were left with the choice of dying for your loved ones or telling the truth about how you were betrayed, which would you choose?

Would you give yourself to becoming the hero of an empire, a country, a world...or risk everything by giving up the one that deserves to die?

Love has a price, a consequence, and even though you wish for revenge...sometimes you must allow them to live. For if they do not...then you chance evil to come when the rarest of power is never to be seen again.

So ask yourself this..."Will you die in lies and become a hero...or save yourself with the truth?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 34 )

The Story description explains NOTHING of what it is or what it will be.

Its more like a very long question than a descriptions.

This need a better description please.

while i thought this was a good story, i do agree the description provides no description of the story whatsoever. Twas a good story though.

Not bad. :moustache:

As always, a tragic story... still it was good,

I'm not saying the story was bad, but i'm not saying the story was good either. I was confused through out the story if anything. This just seems more of a Mary Sue story.

What I'm getting at is that this human went to Equestria befriended one of the popular background ponies. He is somehow so close to Twilight and her friends that he considers them sisters. Cadence for some reason doesn't love Shining anymore and has divorced him to marry this guy. For some reason I don't quite understand, he is charged for cheating on Cadence, even though Cadence cheated on him with Shining of which she hates for reasons not quite explained. I think he sees Luna as a second mother while his first is there aswell. There is apparently other more powerful Alicorns including the mother of Cadence. It seems everypony knows what really happened but wont revolt against those imbeciles of ancients those other Alicorns claim to be. I honestly don't see why the mane 6 are surprised and against the idea that he dies in order for the Kingdom to live.

The reason I won't call this a bad story is how much the description made me think.
"Will you die in lies and become a hero...or save yourself with the truth?"
Aside from that I also have stories pop into my mind that won't leave after a while.


Thats okay. It was just something I needed to get out of my head.

5317504 I know, like I said, "I also have stories pop into my mind that won't leave after a while."

damn this was sad but very beautiful. very well done, cant believe candece that slut :flutterrage:

sad this is how it ends.

Soo... basically Cadance cheated on her husband with his best friend and he's not only not the slightest bit upset about it but is giving his life up due to her mistake just because he loves her and his unborn child? That's just fucked up, no matter how much you love her she still cheated on him with his best friend. If it weren't for the child I'd just say screw her and let her take the blame for her choices, she's your wife yet she still apparently had no trouble cheating on you with your best friend even though she's pregnant with your child.


No, no, no. It is themed with what would happen to those that betray royalty, back in medieval times. She cheated but is the heiress of The Crystal Heart, and it only works for her.

So to ensure the safety of The Crystal Empire he is taking the sacrifice to ensure that The Crystal Empire has someone to control The Crystal Heart.

If they didn't, then how could the Crystal Ponies be protected??

Know what I mean?

You know you told me you were changing this from the human being an emotional weakling without a spine but with each new story and a new chapter for existing one's you keep making yourself out to be a hypocrite.

Thought you'd like to know that.

5582881 When did I say that about this One-Shot? :rainbowhuh:

5583154 When you told me that I thought you meant all of them in general.

Evidently I was wrong in that regard.


Seasons of Darkness, yes. The Princess' Sin, yes as well. Also Embracing The Sun, but my one shots will be random, and I'm thinking my next one will just be without romance.

Friendship, but no romance. Not sure yet

5583725 But lying down and taking it like that man? He might as well have been an abused slave taking it with a smile on his face at that point.


True, true. But it does not say that he did.

And besides, the emotional torture from that is going to make it even better when Mayor Mare is brought back for the truth she speaks of about the Griffon Princess.

Now that is gonna be dark and twisted.

5584777 ???? That sounds like a different story entirely.


No, it is part of the story where Sin is seen as a bad guy for two reasons. Not that he is, but rather everyone will be upset and disappointed in him.

5586919 Which comes back to bitch-slap them for I hope.


Most likely...Seasons of Darkness.

5587539 I have a REALLY strong belief in Karma. Not a good thing for them. >_<

Comment posted by SaiyanUltima deleted Feb 6th, 2015


For Celestia it's gonna suck. Thats all I can say about the next chapter. It's already done. My editor just has to finish it up.

5593301 Oh yeah you did get someone to do so just recently wasn't it?

If I don't then Cadance will be executed, and The Crystal Empire will be without the one that can control the Crystal Heart.

It doesn't need Cadance, it needs its people to be happy, to love their situation. If everyone here is in tears it should have fizzled out a while ago.

However, for being the former husband of Queen Mi Amore Cadenza and former king of The Crystal Empire, these are crimes seen as treasonous acts against Equestria. How do you plead?"

The Crystal Empire and Equestria are each their own political bodies. Just because Canada is above the US doesn't mean it's an extent of the US and vice versa. Even if there was a law like this, Celestia and Luna could easily dismiss it since, as the heads of their diarchy, they get final say in what is and what isn't treason. And you didn't allude to them having superiors here, the 'council' sounds like the UN here, as they are acting mediators for an intercontinental problem in this case. Again, Celestia and Luna could waive the claims against this human. Just because Cadance is in Celestia's pocket doesn't mean they're one kingdom, yet.

I like feeling things, I wanted to feel something here, but when a story makes me feel something I scrutinize the hell out of it and let my feelings slip through the holes because I remember I don't like those particular feels. (Un?)luckily the holes are already here.
Would be better without the council, extra party alicorns, and Cadance's broken cutie mark. Those things are there for a reason, doesn't feel like it here, so she'd literally be unable to to conceive, let alone carry out, such a nasty triangle, it's just how she is. That goes against her existence's code.
An ancient rule forced to be carried out by a vindictive, heartbroken person, leaving all parties hands tied, under close watch by other countries for signs of inconsistent treatment (favoritism; although given their pull on things the princesses could easily explain it away) would make much more sense. Maybe someone who deluded themselves into thinking one or the other loved them. But something other than treason, because I told you how they could solve that.

Given a reason and time anyone can change in any way, but I don't see reason nor feel time has passed for them.
Oh well, just a one shot.

Where is the second chapter?

What bullshit. Good story man.

Still sick bestiality fetish crap.


I see. You’re one of those people.

Suddenly, the headless body jumped up. "Ooooh, I'm a rebel for kicks now, I been kickin' like it's 1986 now..."

It’s always in a way satisfying when the ponies see how their actions affect others and the world around them. This was a sad, honest, and beautiful story. In a lot of the stories the ponies never seem to know of the consequences on others and how they screwed them over but to find stories like these were the ones who caused said consequences see them first hoof and how they actually affect and impact the world it's in a way...beautiful it shows that the ponies are not children show ponies it shows anthropomorphism to what is basically blank slates that can do no wrong as this show was intended for the younger audience and thus to find stories like these it makes them realistic and allows us to identify with them in some ways rather than them just being perfect can do no wrong ponies. So I must say an amazing job and a beautiful story. Keep up the awesome and absolutely beautiful work my good author.

Honestly before I made this account I was a guest here and throughout my tire reading of many many stories this one stuck to me like never ever before even now I ran into it again how funny is that when I see through the story suddenly I can find it this time was very good and sad. P.S thank you for making this :,-)

por una parte seria intereante ver lsa consecuancias despues de lo sucedido, pero por otra si se hiciera eso le quitaria prestigio a este por que ya todo se estaria enfocando en el segundo

I am ashamed to say (And not at the same time) That I cried like a bitch reading this.

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