• Member Since 13th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I write horse stories.


This story is a sequel to Beyond the Portal

After months of fear, and the near rebirth of the dreaded Old God Alp'tauum, the threat of the Sha has finally passed. With the aid of the Alliance, all six Sha have now been imprisoned. Equestria, in return, has joined the Alliance and sworn to aid them in their continued efforts against both the Horde and the Iron Horde.

Back on Equus, Kyle Slater finds himself juggling his responsibilities as a commander and his ties with his friends. On top of it all, he is still training Scootaloo in the ways of the Monk. But now that the Sha threat is gone, hopefully things will begin to calm down.

But with Equus now fully connected to the war-torn world of Azeroth, the door is open for new threats to emerge. Dark forces have set their sights on Equus, threatening the safety of the peaceful world once more. An ancient evil, locked away for millennia, has begun to stir.

And this time, the might of the Alliance may not be enough to stem the tide of darkness.


World of Warcraft Crossover

Featured on 1-21-2015!

Feel free to add me on Battletag - Firestar#1653. Just let me know who you are.

On hiatus due to lost interest in World of Warcraft. Will be resumed at some point.

Chapters (28)
Comments ( 352 )


Also, Vol'Jin!? Or another troll I don't know about! Cause I know Zul'Jin, Vol'Jin and Rokkan only!

Ok, seems the Horde found out about the changelings. I wonder if the Troll is there to offer membership or something.

Would the Changelings really want to become enemies of the Alliance so quickly? Or enemies of Equestria after Equestria has essentially stopped them from starving?

It's not like the main feeling amongst the Horde is love and friendship to feed the Changelings in exchange. :P

Looking good so far, and I can imagine any adventurer would go gray after a few minutes of being in charge. From Quester to Quest Giver (as, that's essentially what you are with the follower board).

5325408 Don't think it's Vol'jin seeing as it said green hair in braids and Vol'jin has a orange-red mohawk neither does Zul'jin or Rokkan

Hoorah! sequel time!

Is the horde finally gonna get involved in this? Because the horde is my favorite side.

I don't know if Kyle is the authors character in WoW or not, but if he is this new troll meeting with Yxia might also be one of the authors chars. Looking forward to seeing where this goes

5326520 Actually, Kyle is not one of my characters. My monk is actually a female Draenei, and my main is a Pandaren Hunter. I do have a couple of trolls on another server (A druid and a leveling priest), and Troll is actually my favorite Horde race. Very simple race on the surface, but their lore is fascinating if you delve into it.

But that doesn't mean that this one is necessarily Darkspear. :pinkiegasp:

Actually i am not surprised some horde made it through here and there, they've always had good infiltrators, and those who work for...other causes seem somewhat competent (at least until adventurers get involved)

The Legion, I'm guessing?

Here's a scary thought: The Burning Legion's modus operandi is to undo the Titans' work. If they don't know about the Old Gods still on Azeroth I'll eat my shoe. Imagine the terror if the Legion tries to free one of the two remaining Old Gods? (N'zoth and the unnamed fifth).

The Burning Legion would rather see all either under their heel or dead before them, they seek nothing else. As for Yxia? I applaud her decision to stay neutral in this affair, I can only hope that the other races of Equus will be as thoughtful of affairs, lest chaos worse than what Discord can bring be unleashed.

Query: Will there be a side-chapter of sorts showing equestrian efforts on Azeroth? Would be interesting to see the Westfall weather team in action and the like. Likewise seeing alliance civilian efforts on Equus/Equestria, there was mention of a few bold ones picking up stakes and heading over, how are they faring in all of this....and how will they react to the differences between their animals, and the ponies?

I'm guessing he is from Zandalar

No. It be a promise. Dis world gonna be ours. And when it is, der gonna be no place fer ya in it

That screams Zandalari to me. Seeing as Vol'jin wouldn't dabble in powers beyond his reckoning.

She dabbled in ‘powers beyond reckoning’. Where is she now?

Definitely Zandalari.

Interesting stuff - the Iron Horde and the Zandalari both infiltrating Draenor...

Also, both the Blackrocks and Dragonmaw on Azeroth have Grey Skin, as well as their Iron Horde counterparts. Why their skin didn't completely change like the rest of the clans is anyones guess.

Playing this as reading!


Well, as to that No-Orc ever drank the Demon's Blood on Draenor-- only in Outland. And yes. I'm thinking Zandalari too. They never learn.

5353589 But the Blackrocks and Dragonmaw on Azeroth DID drink Mannoroth's blood (Or at least the overwhelming majority of them did), and their skin remains grey - just look at Malkorok in Siege of Orgrimmar, who was a Blackrock Orc. I believe that Blizzard has stated that the Blackrocks' skin color turned grey due to their lack of sunlight deep within Blackrock mountains, though this was well before Warlords of Draenor. Maybe only Orcs whose original skin color had been browned turned green under the influence of the Demon Blood?

5353727 Quite personal. My point was the very few-- only those who were following Gul'Dan-- drank Mannoroth's Blood in Draenor proper. And well, Azeroth was-- and is-- different. Outland, well, who can figure that place out? It's seriously messed up (and in an entirely different timeframe to boot).

5353589 The Blackrock and Dragonmaw both drank during the original timeline - but their skin was still Grey, despite them being exposed to Fel Magic. But the Orc that came through was definitely Iron Horde - if he was Shadow Council, he would have had Green Skin, as they would be exposed to fel energy, and both the Blackrocks and Dragonmaw have been chased out of the Horde.

In the Alternate Timeline Draenor (WoD), only the Shadow Council has been exposed to Fel Magic. The majority of the Orcs that stayed in Draenor(Outland, main timeline) were turned to Fel Orcs by Magtheridon and Illidan after the Dark Portal collapsed.

And on Azeroth, the Orcs that were exposed to fel magic is all of the Orcs, since they are from the original Horde that partook of Demon Blood and were exposed for years by Gul'dan to Fel Magics. The Red Haze is a good example in the Nobundo storyline of the Orcs using Fel Magic.

 An artifact of such incredible power, and none had ever tried to abuse it

  *cough* Sombra

5369767 Y'know those times when you know you forgot something, and then you remember it AFTER someone else already reminds you, and you feel like a moron?

Yep. Just had one o' those moments. I'll fix that mistake here in a minute.

Hehe, so here I thought since I wasn't getting I plate emails you were busy, and yet I find I forgot to add this one to my fave lol. Great chapters if I a bit slow... it seems like there may have been more than one faction sneaking through the portal... silly alliance guards and your inability to stop infiltration! On a side note, you and your work has convinced me to make an alliance toon, perhaps on Aerie Peak at that. I feel like a traitor to the horde for even typing such a thing

5369767 Did he really try to abuse the hearts power? as I recall he hid it away so it could not be used against him. Though I might have forgotten some information about the crystal empire episodes

5381344 Celestia hints that filling the CH with hate/fear would result in Very Bad Things. You can hide something and experiment on it at the same time.:pinkiecrazy:

Surprised the Crystal Heart only pushed away the windigos, given what it did to Sombra. At least the Empire's safe-ish again.

And then suddenly demons!

Well.. that was satisfying. Although, it feels like there's something missing... Shouldn't there be folks there to protect the Crystal Heart now? Horde or some other person could easily go and snatch it up. Death Knights are practically immune to the cold. And then there's the mage enchantments.

Also quite fascinating what the Crystal Heart does when Kyle is touching it, I wonder why that happens? :applejackunsure:

I too find it odd that the train didn't have a rear-guard or some prelim workers to get the empire back in order or at the least ready enoguh ot get more in to get the place back in shape.....or for that matter palace staff.

Just a quick heads up on the status of the next chapter.

I've written a bit of chapter five, but the holidays have kept me from writing as much as I'd like to. I'm going to use that as an excuse, rather than me having too much fun with the new expansion. Deal with it :scootangel:

And of course, what happens right after Christmas dinner with all of your relatives, and I think I might be able to write a bit? I get the ****ing flu! So yeah, I'm a bit under the weather. I'll try to write while I'm recovering, but It'll likely be another day or two longer before the next update.

Though hopefully the next one will have a special surprise to go along with it... :pinkiehappy:

The Zandalari did one good thing, and that was to shatter the empire of the Aqir. That's it. This is bad for them...

Edit: I take it back, that wasn't even the Zandalari.

Ak! the Zandalari. if your gonna be fightin Zandalari Call me Character Foeripper a Ret Dwarf paladin he'll set them straight. PS love your story:pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by werty12345 deleted Jan 3rd, 2015
Comment posted by Firestar463 deleted Jan 4th, 2015

Oh Discord, never change.

A hairy potter.


Hehe, nice one firestar. Out of curiosity, are you planning on including any references to high maul? I do see you in there a lot

5532029 I may make a few references. Yeah, I've gotten back into raiding after taking a break during Siege. Heroic Imperator is pretty tough.


You must have a pretty good guild! Mine only just got to twin ogron on normal, though that is prob because of our limited raiding time

That pun was bad and you should feel bad.:pinkiesick:

5532042 Grats on that we only got to him on normal

“I’ve got it!” Lyra exclaimed suddenly, drawing Kyle’s attention back to her. “The Starswirl the Bearded Traveling Museum is in Ponyville for today only. We could go there.”

The hardest boss so far in this expansion has been the Recruitment Boss. It's like Mages and Priests don't exist...

Also, the Amniomorphic spell is actually a bit of a pun. Amnio means bowl, and morphic means the act of changing. So Starswirl the Bearded invented a spell that changes things into bowls - a pottery spell. He was...

Wait for it...

A hairy potter.

Dude that was the worst pun ever :pinkiesick:


What's that? More bad puns you say?

I think I can manage that. :pinkiehappy:

I'm a peace-loving Hordie and this synopsis makes me incredibly sad. :fluttercry:

“Ha!” Kyle laughed. “Karma, bitch!”


I will repeat myself but i am truly curios if Tirek is part of the burning legion or if he tries sumon demons invasion on Azeroth.

5544732 Time will tell.


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