• Published 26th Dec 2014
  • 13,982 Views, 1,938 Comments

Three Gems and a Scooter - RaylanKrios

For Rarity, what starts as a simple quest to help her sister turns into an unexpected journey of what family really means.

  • ...

Fair Bargain

“It’s not fair! She’s my best friend and they’re gonna take her away.”

The normal tranquility that the Carousel Boutique enjoyed after closing had been shattered by the shrill wails of Sweetie Belle as she burst through the front door in tears.

Aware of Sweetie Belle’s habit of sometimes jumping to the worst possible conclusions, Rarity didn’t immediately panic. It was entirely possible that Apple Bloom was going to visit one of her many relatives for a week and Sweetie Belle was crying over nothing. She put down the fabric she was measuring and looked up from her workstation. “Calm down, Sweetie. Who’s taking who away?”

“Scootaloo! The foster mom she’d been staying with for the past few months doesn’t want her anymore and she says that the adoption agency says that they found a family in Baltimare who’s willing to take her and so they’re sending her away and I’m never gonna see her again and she’s my best friend and it’s not fair!” Verbalizing her fear sent a fresh wave of tears cascading down her cheeks.

Before Rarity could come up with an appropriate response, she briefly reviewed what she knew about the orange pegasus who comprised one third of the trio that was responsible for wrecking her kitchen on occasion. She was an orphan. Rarity wasn’t sure what happened to her birth parents, but the one time she had met Scootaloo’s mother, she had introduced herself as Scootaloo’s foster mom. Rarity didn’t push for any more details after that, and Scootaloo seemed happy enough every time the crusaders had used the Boutique as a base for their misadventures. Sweetie Belle had never voiced any worries about Scootaloo’s home life before, so the fact that she was hysterical over Scootaloo’s relocation came as more than a little surprise.

Rarity levitated her sister over to her and wrapped her in a hug. She took another moment to reflect on her relationship with her sister. She didn’t always show it, but she did care very deeply about the happiness of the filly currently crying into her coat. “Maybe I can help?” she offered in the way that big sisters often did, despite not having any real idea about how to go about helping their little sisters.

“How?” Sweetie choked out between sobs.

Sweetie's one word question and very real distress spurred Rarity to begin assessing a proper course of action. Scootaloo was apparently being sent to a foster home in Baltimare, presumably a little against her will. Rarity wasn’t all that familiar with how foster care worked, but she assumed that if there was a place for Scootaloo in Ponyville then she wouldn’t have to move. With that thought in mind, there had to be somepony in Ponyville who could be Scootaloo’s foster parent. She quickly did a review of prospective candidates that she knew.

Her own parents were out; they had one filly to take care of and had already raised her. It seemed wrong to ask them to add another filly to that list.

Pinkie was likewise quickly ruled out, she would make a great mom someday, but she had her hooves full with her second job as the Cake’s regular babysitter, and her apartment above Sugarcube Corner really wasn’t built for two. Maybe as a last resort.

What about Rainbow Dash? She lived in a cloudhouse, so Scootaloo’s inability to fly would be a problem. Secondly, nurturing and patient weren’t the first words she would use to describe her multi-hued friend. But she was a pegasus and Scootaloo idolized her. It was worth considering.

Fluttershy was a possibility. She was caring, patient, the living embodiment of kindness. She was a pegasus also, so she would know how to handle things like molting and preening. In addition, unlike Rainbow Dash, she lived on the ground. She did have a lot of animals in her house, but surely she could find room for an orange filly, even if her timid nature wasn't a great fit for Scootaloo's brashness.

Twilight was out. She did take care of Spike, so the duties of a caregiver weren’t new to her. But she was busy with her responsibilites to Equestria as a princess, and with her new castle she had been busier than usual. Rarity wasn’t sure she could add being a mother to that without it becoming overwhelming.

Applejack? She already knew how to take care of a filly and had a built in support system. Rarity wasn’t sure if there was room in the Apple House for another tenant, but maybe Scootaloo could bunk with Apple Bloom. Applejack was a strong possibility.

Rarity gently rubbed Sweetie’s back in an effort to calm her down. “Sweetie, I’m going to try and fix this, okay? I need to go talk to some ponies first, but I think there might be a way to keep you and Scootaloo from having to split up.”

Sweetie took a break from matting her sister’s coat with tears to look up, “R-Really, you think you can keep Scootaloo in Ponyville?”

“I’m going to try. So you run along home to mom and dad and I’ll come visit you later.”

Sweetie sniffled and rubbed her eyes, a faint smile shone through her features as she nodded, unable to actually speak the words of gratitude she felt, before scampering out the door.

Determined to make Sweetie Belle happy and armed with her list of prospective foster parents Rarity set out to find Scootaloo a home in Ponyville. There were some potential options available. She had closed the Boutique early today so she could work on some special orders; thus it was early enough in the afternoon that she could start her foray immediately. A quick glance over at her unfinished dresses followed by the thought of her heartbroken sister made it clear what was more important. First stop, Sweet Apple Acres.

“Yeah I know, ‘Bloom told me.”

“If you already know then what are you doing to try and stop it?” Rarity was prepared for some resistance, but she hadn’t considered that Applejack was apparently willing to let Scootaloo be relocated without trying to find an alternative.

“Dontcha think I’d try to help if I could? I went down to the Foal Services offices to see if there was anything that could be done. As much as it upsets those fillies, this may be the best thing for little Scoots.”

“How can you possibly say that? You of all ponies know how much that friendship means to them!”

“I know that, sure as shootin’, but I also know that friends move away sometimes. It ain’t like they’re sending her to an orphanage. Where they’re sending her sounds nice, she’ll have a family, brothers and sisters, ponies who will care about her. I’m not sure we should stand in the way of that.”

“She could have had that here! You could offer to be her foster mom. I’m sure you would get approved.”

Applejack let out a pained sigh. “I thought about it, really I did. But we ain’t got the time, bits or space round here for another Apple. It wouldn’t be fair bringing a filly in like that, and it wouldn’t be fair to Mac, Granny or ‘Bloom to ask.”

“You are as aware as I am that they would agree to help Scootaloo without hesitation,” Rarity shot back.

“Sure they would, they’re Apples. That don’t mean it’s right to ask them. It ain’t a question about caring about Scootaloo, because you know we love her like she was one of ours. But I gotta be honest, it sounds like Baltimare is the right place for her.”

“Squirt’s movin?”

“Yes, Rainbow Dash. The foster care system is having trouble placing her here in Ponyville. But if somepony in town were willing to open their home, maybe another pegasus whom already has a relationship with her...?” Rarity fervently hoped she didn’t have to spell out the rest of her thought process.

Rainbow Dash looked bewildered until she realized what Rarity was implying, then she simply looked incredulous. “You mean me? You’re joking right Rares?”

“I most certainly am not. You care about her, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I like the kid in a ‘spend a few hours with her every other week’ kinda way. Look at me, Rares, I’m lazy, irresponsible and I only know how to cook two things. I’ve got Wonderbolt duties that come up randomly and I spend half my day napping. I’m not ready for a kid and we both know it. I’ll go visit her in Baltimare but I can’t be her mom.”

“Oh that poor thing. I know she’ll miss her friends terribly.”

“Yes dear, I agree. But she doesn’t have to move away, I’m trying to find a pony in Ponyville to be her foster mom and I thought you might consider it.”

“Me?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“You’ve foal sat for Scootaloo before, and you’re marvelous at taking care of animals, it doesn’t seem like a stretch to suggest that you would make a great mother. And of course we’ll all be here to help,” Rarity finished her explanation with a warm smile in an effort to pre-emptively placate her often nervous friend.

Fluttershy shook her head sadly. "It's sweet that you think I'd make a great mother, but... I'm already fostering dozens of animals."

"So what's the problem with taking in another houseguest?"

"She's not an animal - she's a pony. Her needs are far more involved than the critters I've already got, and I've already got my hooves quite full. She needs somepony that can devote themselves fully to parenting, and I... I really can't. Umm, do you know what’s going to happen to her?”

Rarity briefly considered lying before coming to her senses. Aside from being incredibly duplicitous, the truth would almost certainly come out and then she would lose a dear friend, but it was a testament to her growing desperation that she even considered it.

Rarity sighed. “A family in Baltimare wants to adopt her; I’m trying to find somepony here to take care of her so she and Sweetie can stay together.”

“That’s very nice of you, Rarity, going through all this trouble for your sister. If you don’t mind, can I ask why you won’t be Scootaloo’s foster mom?”

Rarity balked at the question. “I-I’ve never really thought about it. I’m so busy with my dresses, and Scootaloo and I have nothing in common. I have a hard enough time connecting with Sweetie Belle as it is.”

Fluttershy nodded in her usual demure fashion. “I understand, and I wish I could help you but I just don’t think there’s anything I can do. You’ll let me know if I can help though, right?”

“Of course dear, thank you.” Rarity offered Fluttershy a quick peck on the cheek and promise of a spa visit before trotting off.

Rarity left Fluttershy’s cottage feeling significantly less optimistic than she did when she set out on this journey. She couldn’t really be mad at her friends; they didn’t want to take on the responsibilities of being a foster parent precisely because they knew how important it was. And Applejack in particular was right. Scootaloo wasn’t being banished to a barren wasteland, left to fend for herself; there was a family willing to take her in.

Asking someone to be a foster mom wasn’t like buying a dress. If you didn’t like your purchase, it’s not like you could return it. Though wasn’t that what Scootaloo’s current foster mom was doing? I don’t need to find somepony to be her foster mom, she already has one! Buoyed by that thought, she set out to talk to Scootaloo’s current caregiver, in the hopes that she could use her powers of persuasion to keep Scootaloo in Ponyville.

A quick visit to town hall and sweet talking a young staffer later, Rarity found herself at the door of Scootaloo’s now very temporary lodgings. From the outward appearance, Rarity couldn’t diagnose the problem. Scootaloo’s home was a quaint, light blue, modern three story house. The neatness of the yard and the pristine white picket fence announcing that the owner clearly took pride maintaining a clean home. There were a few childrens toys arranged neatly by the side of the house, they were well worn, but otherwise in good condition, suggesting that they received a lot of use as well as care.

Unsure of the best course of action, but also lacking the time to come up with a better plan, she simply knocked on the door using the polished brass door knocker.

Almost immediately after making her presence known, the door opened. In front of her stood a middle-aged mare, a little taller than herself, with a teal coat and a fading grey mane. Rarity studied her for a moment, it would appear that being a foster mom aged one quickly, but Scootaloo’s foster mother wore it well. Years of customer service had given Rarity a fairly good sense of intuition about ponies. The mare in front of her certainly didn’t seem cruel or uncaring, but she didn’t exactly exude warmth and love either. Not a problem, Rarity had yet to meet anypony she couldn’t connect with on at least some level.

“Hello dear, my name is Rarity, I’m… Scootaloo is a friend of my sister. I’m looking for an Aurora Hoofington. I was told she was Scootaloo’s foster mother?”

The mare at the door regarded her suspiciously. “I’m her. What is this about?” The question was guarded, not exactly hostile, but still well shy of welcoming.

“I don’t mean to pry, but could I ask why you’re not continuing in that role? Scootaloo seems like a wonderful little filly, why would you not want to keep her as part of your family?” Not exactly a subtle inquiry, but a soft approach nevertheless.

“I'm not your typical foster parent and this isn't a typical foster home. I take in a lot of children who have trouble being placed. When they arrive I make it very clear what I expect from them: They have to do their chores, be in bed by ten, keep their grades up and follow the rules. If they do that then there is a place for them here, if not then they can try somewhere else. Scootaloo seems unwilling to agree to that,” Aurora said in a flat no-nonsense tone of voice.

Rarity recoiled slightly at Aurora’s apparent expectations for her family. “Forgive me for being brusque, but that sounds a little cold.”

“Foster children like Scootaloo need structure, if they are willing to work with me on that structure, the warmth can come later. Forgive me for being ‘brusque’, but I’ve been doing this longer than you have.”

Rarity couldn’t deny that she was very new to this dynamic. “I see. I don’t suppose you’d be willing to give Scootaloo another chance? It’s just that she has friends here in Ponyville and I would so hate to see them broken up," she said, hoping some of Applejack's earnestness had rubbed off on her.

Finally, Rarity saw the tough exterior of Aurora crack slightly. “Despite what you may think, I’m not heartless. Scootaloo’s had a tough go of it and I feel for her. That’s why I’ve given her a second and a third chance. She doesn’t seem interested in being here, and I don’t have the energy to spend on a pony who doesn’t want it.”

Rarity frowned, she hadn’t really considered that the decision to move Scootaloo wasn’t capricious, which would mean that convincing this Mrs. Hoofington to allow Scootaloo to stay in Ponyville would be harder than she thought. Still, perhaps there was a way to salvage this relationship. “If I talk to her about trying a little harder, do you think you might be willing to give her one last chance?”

Mrs. Hoofington studied the strange white unicorn in front of her who had come to plead for one of the fillies in her care. She seemed sincere about wanting Scootaloo to stay, and Rarity didn’t strike her as the type of pony who would vouch for a lost cause. “If she’s willing to put in an honest effort I’m willing to give her one more chance.” The emphasis on “one” made it clear to Rarity that that number was not up for debate. “She’s in her room. Upstairs, third door on the left.”

Rarity quickly trotted upstairs and gently pushed the third door on the left open. Inside was a small, but clean room, containing a matching wooden bedroom set, bed, dresser, and desk. There were also some standard, if a bit dated, decorations; mostly flowers and rainbows. All things considered, it seemed like a perfectly nice place to live, even if it was not exactly "in style". In stark contrast to the serenity of the room was Scootaloo. There was an open green suitcase that sat on her bed while she rummaged through her drawers, apparently deciding what she wanted to take with her. Rather than disrupt the process, Rarity observed the little filly for a few moments in the hopes of learning something that could help solve the predicament she had wandered into.

Scootaloo was clearly upset, that was obvious. From what Rarity could see as Scootaloo turned her head to check on her suitcase, her eyes were an ugly shade of red and her movements were jerky and stiff. Her wings stayed tucked against her sides as various articles of clothing and the occasional book got tossed over her shoulder, accompanied by an unintelligible muttered phrase.

Having seen enough, Rarity pushed the door all the way open and knocked gently. “Hello, Scootaloo.”

Scootaloo wheeled around to face her intruder, her expression quickly betraying her surprise until it hardened into a more familiar stoic look. “What are you doing here?”

That was actually kind of a complicated question, that Rarity wasn’t sure how to answer, in part because she wasn’t entirely sure herself what she was doing in Scootaloo’s room. “I came to talk to you,” seemed like a good place to start.

“So talk.”

Not exactly a friendly greeting, but Rarity pressed on. “Well, I understand that you’re leaving Mrs. Hoofington, how do you feel about that?”

“Whatever, it’s not like she wants me here anyway. Why do you care?”

That was another complicated question. She did care about Scootaloo in the same way that she cared about everypony in her life, but if it were only her feelings then she had to be honest that the idea of Scootaloo living somewhere else wasn’t a huge concern. But for Sweetie Belle it was, and that was her motivation. She decided that this was one of those times where complete honesty was, in fact, not the best policy. “Because I care about what happens to you.” It was a true enough statement.

“No you don’t.” Scootaloo’s reply was quick and brutal. Her tone made it clear that “I care about you” was an oft told lie that she had no interest in believing.

Again, the response to that was probably too complicated to be helpful. Rarity took a moment to remind herself that she was dealing with an emotionally frayed and fragile young filly. Complex lectures about the exact nature of relationships as they extended to others on the periphery of those associations were not entirely appropriate. Maybe she could use Scootaloo’s friendship with her sister to gain a hoofhold. “Yes I do, but I can see that I’m not going to convince you of that. Do you think Sweetie Belle cares about you?”

Scootaloo grunted. Rarity was willing to bet that there were a lot of ponies Scootaloo had met whom she was certain didn’t care about her. But Rarity also doubted very much that Sweetie Belle was one of them.

Hearing no objection, Rarity amended her previous declaration. “Then, for now, would you believe that I care about what happens to you on Sweetie’s behalf?”

“I guess that makes sense,” Scootaloo offered cautiously.

“Good.” A temporary understanding reached, Rarity wasted no time with small talk. “I talked to Mrs. Hoofington, she seems to think you aren’t happy here.”

“Why should I be? She doesn’t want me,” Scootaloo snapped.

Rarity laid out what little she she knew, in the hopes that Scootaloo could provide more clarity. “It appears to me, darling, that she is offering you a place to stay so long as you do some chores and follow some rules. Even if she doesn’t want you here, that seems like a fair bargain.” Rarity paused to observe Scootaloo’s reaction, the filly stayed surprisingly still, as though she was afraid to betray any emotion. “If you don’t want to move to Baltimare, I think I can convince her to let you stay here. You would have to promise to do your chores though.”

Rarity’s offer did provoke a reaction from Scootaloo, but not the one she was hoping for. “Why should I do chores for her, huh?” Scootaloo answered angrily. “She already gets a paycheck from the government to take care of me.” Scootaloo stared off into the wall before shaking her head vigorously. “No, I’m not doing some stupid chores for a stupid pony that doesn’t even want me in their stupid house.”

Rarity considered Scootaloo’s objection. Foal Services did provide stipend checks to foster parents, but Rarity doubted that Mrs. Hoofington was using Scootaloo as a means to an end. Besides the checks were rather paltry last she heard of it. Regardless debating fiscal policy with regards to child care was not why she was here either. “I see. If it were up to you, would you stay in Ponyville?”

Scootaloo stared at the ground and trembled ever so slightly. “Yeah, but it’s not up to me. Nopony here wants me, so they’re shipping me off to Baltimare where I’ll bounce around some other foster homes who don’t want me until I’m old enough to take care of myself. Then I’ll be awesome and they’ll all be sorry they didn’t like me,” she mumbled, her voice on the verge of cracking.

Rarity felt her heart break as she listened to Scootaloo’s declaration of her future. The little filly was much too young to feel so unloved. Fluttershy’s question came rushing back, Why not me? Well, there were a lot of reasons actually, but looking at the filly in front of her the only thought that seemed to matter was that Scootaloo deserved a home where she felt wanted. She clearly didn’t want to stay in this house, but she also was obviously upset about moving to a different city. Rarity wasn’t sure that she could commit to being a foster mom, but she could offer Scootaloo a place to stay until a more permanent solution could be found. Yes, that will do quite nicely.

“What if you stayed at the boutique? At least for a little while, until we can find someplace that you do feel welcome.”

“Why? So you can get the money in the meantime?”

One thing becoming readily apparent was that Scootaloo did not trust the motivations of others as far as they related to taking care of her. A gesture of good faith was in order, “If you really think that I am extending you an invitation in order to make some sort of profit then I shall offer you this; I will take any money Foal Services sends me and promptly deposit it into a bank account. Every few months you can pick a charity as the beneficiary of your largess. The donation will be made in your name and you can even accompany me on it’s delivery, so you can be sure that it isn’t a ruse. None of it will do me the least bit of good, except for the warm feeling of helping somepony.”

Scootaloo considered the offer and couldn’t immediately see any ulterior motives to that plan. Rarity did admit that she would get some sense of satisfaction from donating the money to charity, but that didn’t seem like enough to prompt anypony to take her in. It appeared that Rarity was offering her a place at Carousel Boutique, if only to please her sister. It was a good enough reason for Scootaloo to play along, at least until she learned what Rarity really wanted, or until her new host grew tired of having her around like everypony else. If nothing else, it would buy her at least a few more weeks with Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.

“What about Sweetie Belle?” If Sweetie was going to get mad about her moving in with her sister then it wasn’t worth it. Sweetie Belle often complained that her sister was too busy with other ponies to spend time with her, so if she was going to be another reason that Rarity ignored Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo reasoned it would be better to leave now than to make Sweetie Belle unhappy later.

“What about her?” Rarity asked, unsure of what Scootaloo was hinting at.

“Have you asked her how she’s going to feel about this?”

“I imagine she’ll be positively delighted that you’re not leaving.”

Scootaloo thought carefully about what was happening. So far Rarity had quickly placated two of her immediate concerns. She knew that eventually Rarity would kick her out but at least they had gotten off to a decent start. “I’m not calling you mom,” she said, determined to make it appear as though she would accept the offer only on her own terms.

But if Rarity was put off, she certainly didn’t show it. She simply smiled at the request. “I wouldn’t dream of asking you to. Could I be so bold as to suggest you call me Rarity? ‘You there’ seems just a tad uncouth.”

The faintest hint of a smile crossed Scootaloo’s otherwise troubled face. “Can I stay there tonight? I don’t like it here,” she asked rather tentatively. It was the first real instance of vulnerability that Scootaloo had been willing to share, and Rarity jumped at the chance to capitalize.

Rarity didn’t necessarily mean to acquire a houseguest so suddenly but she didn’t want to risk what little goodwill Scootaloo was willing to offer. In for a piece, in for a bit. “Of course. Why don’t you pack what you’ll need for the next few days, and we can come get the rest of your things later.”

Scootaloo nodded and set about refining her packing choices, and Rarity went downstairs to inform Aurora that Scootaloo would be leaving sooner than expected.

Aurora met Rarity's information with some resistance. “I may be relinquishing my role as her foster mother, but until it’s official I’m still her guardian, I can’t just let some random pony off the streets take her home,” she replied after Rarity had informed her of Scootaloo’s desire to spend the night at the boutique.

“I am not some random pony.” Rarity emphasized the last words with a particular brand of disgust as though she could be reduced to a mere common denominator. “I am the sister of one of her best friends. My name is Rarity Belle and I live at the Carousel Boutique. I am close friends with Princess Twilight Sparkle, and I am the bearer of the Element of Generosity.” Rarity hated to use her status to gain special treatment, as though she somehow wasn't good enough without her element; but she also wasn't above it, and this seemed like an excellent time to tout her credentials. “I give my word that nothing will happen to her and I will go to Foal Services in the morning to take care of whatever paperwork I may need to. Just think of it as letting her go to a sleepover.”

Aurora considered the request and had to admit that it seemed reasonable. If something did happen to Scootaloo, she knew who would be responsible. Additionally, since she was preparing for Scootaloo to move anyway, her absence had already been prepared for. As she was about to respond, Scootaloo came bounding down the stairs, suitcase and scooter in tow. It seemed as though this was happening one way or another. Rather than address Rarity, she directed her remarks toward the little filly who she hadn’t really gotten a chance to know.

“I’m sorry that this didn’t work out, Scootaloo. I wish you all the best with your new home.”

“Whatever,” Scootaloo muttered as she walked out the door. The house behind her she began trotting away toward Carousel Boutique, Rarity following close behind her.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading; this is a bit of an experiment.

I like Scootalove and Scootadopt stories, and I’ve read a lot of them.  There are of course a bunch of RD adopts Scoots, and Twilight adopts Scoots and Twidash Scootadopts.  Fluttershy sometimes adopts Scoots, even though it’s often the case in those that ‘Shy is Scoots birth Mother.  I’ve seen Pinkie and AJ try their hand at it.

I’ve read fics where Celestia, Luna and Discord each adopt her, likewise for Lyra and Bon Bon and Vinyl and  Octavia. Cheerilee and Nurse Redheart have on rare occasions filled the role of mother for Scootaloo as have various Wonderbolts.  I’ve seen OC’s adopt Scoots and there’s even a few where Scoots is taken in by changelings

But I’ve never read one where Rarity adopts Scootaloo, and so I asked myself why? Turns out the answer is kind of obvious, Rarity already has a sister so she doesn’t need another one. Of all the Mane six, Scootaloo has the least in common with my favorite pony, so an idea for a fic where, say Rarity and Scoots bond over making dresses would require challenging what we know about Scoots (I read a fic where Scootaloo confesses out of the blue  that she’s actually really girly (authors words not mine), and it made me angry).  Or in the other direction where Rarity becomes the radical thrill seeking pony Scootaloo might like would be way ooc for Rarity. Neither of those sat well with me either.

I wanted to try a Scootadopt with Rarity that didn’t require major ooc-ness from one of the principal characters, so I began to think how it might pass that Rarity becomes Scootaloo’s caregiver and this is what I came up with.