• Published 7th May 2012
  • 39,829 Views, 773 Comments

Let's Find You a Date! - Soundslikeponies

Rarity helps Twilight find a date.

  • ...

Chapter 6: The Date!

The Date!

Let’s Find You a Date! by soundslikeponies

“—And I just really don’t know what I’m going to say, or do, or how everything is going to turn out!” Twilight shouted, lying on her back across a black leather couch as May leaned over the arm of a beige loveseat with a cup of coffee.

“Mhmm,” May Flower drawled, listening to her rant.

Twilight reached up and dragged her hooves across her face with a moan. “What if Rarity turns me down? She seemed disgusted when I asked to kiss her the other night, and she told me herself that she prefers stallions! She hasn’t ruled out the possibility of being with another mare, but still, what kind of chance do I have?” She sighed and sank into the leather cushions.

“Well, yeah, none of that really sounds good,” May Flower said, taking a sip of coffee. “To be fair though, you sort of dug your own grave on this one.”

Twilight sat up and glared at her. “Why do I come to you for advice again?”

“Because you secretly want to make out with me and won’t admit it,” May Flower answered with a grin.

Twilight snorted. “In your dreams.”

“Only last night’s ones,” May Flower quipped as she took another sip of her drink.

Twilight flopped back down on her back and stared at the ceiling, thinking. The room was quiet aside from May Flower sipping her coffee and a soft hum from the ceiling fan spinning round. Twilight traced the details in the trim on the fan, and watched its blades slowly rotate.

“I guess I did dig my own grave, didn’t I?” she said after a moment’s silence, resting her front hooves on top of her head. “I should have told Rarity how I felt that first night at the bar, or when we went back to her place and she taught me how to dance. Then she never would have set me up on that double date, and I wouldn’t feel like crud right now.”

“Do you think she would have answered differently if you asked that night?” May Flower asked.

“Maybe?” Twilight said. “I felt something between us that night. Maybe she felt it too?” A frown tugged at her lips. “All I can picture—imagining the date—is the worst case scenario, where I’m left with nobody.”

“Well, if it’s any condolence, I’m always here,” May Flower said, smiling at her.

Twilight felt a small smile creep onto her lips, despite her worrying.

“And I’m also not above rebound sex—if you want,” May added.

Twilight shook her head, smiling. “That’s... oddly comforting, in a way.”

“What are friends for?” May Flower asked with a grin.

Twilight got off the couch and stood, patting down her tail and mane. “Well, whatever happens, thanks for taking the time to listen to me.”

May Flower held an impish grin behind her cup of coffee. “I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested in how this all plays out.” She set her mug down, raising an eyebrow. “Do you still want me to come to the cafe at lunch?”

“Yes.” Twilight paused. “Actually, do you think you could swing by the library a bit before? My nerves feel fried and it would probably help to have someone to talk to just before Carrot Top shows up.”

“Sure.” May Flower nodded, and stood to lead her to the door. “Where will you go now?”

“I don’t know,” Twilight said, watching her hooves as she walked towards the door. “Maybe somewhere quiet to think, but then again, that didn’t work the first time I tried it, so...” she trailed off with a shrug as May Flower opened the door.

“I’ll see you after lunch then,” May said.

Twilight stepped outside and began to walk away from the house when May called out after her, “By the way, you still owe me a kiss!”

Twilight rolled her eyes and shook her head, turning around and sticking her tongue out at the mare. “Not happening!”

Twilight strolled through the streets, looking around and walking in no particular direction. Ponies walked past her and waved—or nodded—and she would half-heartedly smile and wave back, but most of her time was spent following the cracks running through the cobblestone road, her head hung low, and a sigh escaping her every now and then.

“Oh, wow!”

Twilight’s head spun around at the sound of the familiar voice, and she spun around to see Carrot Top, bounding up to her with a spring in her step.

“It seems like we just keep running into each other!” Carrot Top said, smiling and giggling.

Twilight rubbed the back of her neck. “Yeah, we do...”

She fell in step next to Twilight. “Well, Ponyville isn't that big, so I guess it’s not all that surprising, but, uh...” She paused and wrinkled her nose, having lost her train of thought. “So where are you going?”

“I don’t know. I was thinking of going to the park,” Twilight answered, frowning and giving Carrot Top a sidelong glance.

“Mind if I come along?”

Twilight inwardly cringed, but replied, “Sure.”

Carrot Top looked at her out of the corner of her eye. “Are you sure? Because if you’d rather have some time alone, I can wait until later.”

Twilight sighed at the reminder of their date coming up in a few hours. “No, no, it’s alright.” She bit her lip, debating how much to tell Carrot Top. “Rarity and I... had a fight.”

Carrot Top’s eyes widened. “About what?”

Twilight glanced away. “Um, it’s a long story. One I’d rather not go over at the moment.”

Carrot Top nodded. “We can always talk about something else, if you want,” she offered hesitantly.

“It’s so hard to know what she’s thinking sometimes,” Twilight said, ignoring Carrot Top’s suggestion. “And it seems like she never just comes out and says what she means, and she sends mixed signals about everything! I know she does it because she doesn’t want to hurt anypony’s feelings, but it’s frustrating to watch her do that to herself just to avoid causing a minor inconvenience for someone else.”

Twilight stopped as they arrived at the park, realizing she’d been ranting to Carrot Top about somepony she barely knew. Carrot Top was staring at her, her eyebrows raised and a mild look of surprise on her face.

“Sorry,” Twilight said. “I needed to get that off my chest.”

“No, no, it’s fine,” Carrot Top said reassuringly, resuming their walk through the park. “So, um... are you mad at her about something?”

“No,” Twilight answered, letting out a small sigh. “Not really.”

“Is she mad at you, then?”

“No, no one’s mad at anyone.” Twilight paused, turning off the path towards towards a pond and taking a seat by it, Carrot Top sitting down next to her. “She’s been avoiding me because of something that happened.”

“What happened?” Carrot Top asked.

Twilight frowned and flattened her ears back, looking at the grass. She shifted and lay down, crossing her hooves in front of her and resting her chin on them. “It’s not that easy.”

Carrot Top looked at the ground, her mouth curving into a frown as scratched her head. “Sorry, I don’t really know that much about these things.”

“That’s okay. I think I just want to lie here for a while,” Twilight said.

Nodding, Carrot Top lay down next to her, shifting slightly closer to her so that their coats were touching, and then stayed silent. She lifted a hoof and rubbed Twilight’s back in small, comforting circles, as the mare stared at the pond.

The grass by the pond felt soft. Twilight closed her eyes half-way, a wave of drowsiness washing over her. “How come you’ve never dated anypony before me?” she asked, striking up conversation to stay awake.

Carrot Top took a moment before answering. “I don’t know. I’ve just never approached anyone. I’m a bit nervous about confronting other ponies. There were a couple times where I thought about talking to someone, but...” She looked to the side, an embarrassed blush painting her face. “Then I start thinking about them rejecting me or turning me down, and I get a bit scared.”

Twilight felt a pang of guilt and looked away from Carrot Top.

“So, uh...” Carrot Top trailed off, glancing at Twilight out of the corner of her eye. “D-do you want me to stay around for a while? I don’t have any plans—until lunch of course—b-but we could stay here, or go wherever you want up until then.”

“That sounds nice, but, uh...” Twilight stood, folding her ears and glancing around nervously. “Actually, I think I need to get going.”

“Oh... okay,” Carrot Top said, her disappointment leaking into her voice. “I’ll just see you at lunch then?”

“Yeah,” Twilight said, backing away from her. She couldn’t make eye contact with her. She felt an overwhelming amount of guilt when she did so. “Uh, bye,” she said, giving her a weak wave.

“Bye,” Carrot Top replied with a small frown, tilting her head as she watched Twilight walk away.

Twilight looked in the mirror, feeling much more tired than the pony that stared back at her looked. She parted the pink streak running through her mane around one side of her horn, and then the other, staring at herself with a frown.

Any minute now, Carrot Top would show up on her doorstep for their date, and Twilight found herself checking the clock again, watching the second hand countdown. In hindsight, she wish she had specified a more accurate time for Carrot Top to pick her up. And although she knew it was foolish, her mind raced with all the possible implications of just what that could mean.

There was a knock at the door. Twilight’s whole body tensed at the sound, but she patted down her mane, parting the streak to the left of her horn, and went to answer.

Rarity stood on her doorstep with a forced smile that spoke of the fact that she didn’t really want to be there. She raised a hoof to her mouth and cleared her throat, looking up at Twilight. “Do you mind if I come in?”

“Weren’t we supposed to meet at the cafe?” Twilight looked down, bringing a hoof to her chin and mumbling, “Actually, we weren’t even supposed to meet until after the date.”

“I wanted to stop by and clear the air between us first. Now can I please come in?” Rarity said through clenched teeth.

Twilight moved to the side and held the door open. “Come on in.”

Rarity stepped inside with a small thank you, and Twilight let the door fall shut behind her. Turning and facing Twilight, Rarity let out a sigh. “I didn’t mean to seem... unwelcoming the other day,” she began, her bottom lip sticking out in a pout. “I don’t want to beat around the bush. I think it’s time to be honest with each other.”

Twilight paused, waiting for Rarity to continue, but she didn’t. “And...?”

Rarity seemed to suddenly snap to her senses as she realized what Twilight said. “Oh, no, you first, darling.”

“What?! You can’t just—” Twilight cut herself off, puffing up her cheeks and trying to hold back her frustration. “Fine. I don’t want to write off what happened two nights ago as some alcohol induced delirium, and I want you to stop pretending it was.”

“Of course I know that it wasn’t just the alcohol,” Rarity said, her voice incredulous and high. “I’m not blind. I noticed how you changed the way you look at me for a while now.”

“‘A while?’ I only started feeling this way a few days ago!”

“Whether you realized it or not, you’ve been giving me looks since before I took you to the spa.” Rarity reached up and buried her face in her hooves, letting out a low groan. “The whole idea with trying to find you a date was so that you moved on to someone else.”

“B-but why would you do that?”

“None of the friends I’ve had are like you and the other girls, Twilight!” Rarity shouted, the frustration in her voice building to a peak. “You girls mean a lot to me, and I’m very afraid of anything that might change that.”

“It’s not like the girls will stop being your friends just because you’re with me,” Twilight said. “That doesn’t even make any sense!”

Rarity took a deep breath to calm herself. “It’s not because we’re together, but what if things didn’t work out between us? Don’t you see? It could create a rift in our friendship.”

“But didn’t you feel anything all those nights? Not even at the lake?”

A small smile broke onto on Rarity’s face as she shook her head. “If you’d asked me to kiss you that night, I think I would have.” Rarity rested a hoof on top of her head, biting her lip. “I can’t say if I feel anything for you. It’s hard not to look at you and see a friend, but sometimes it’s almost as if—”

Rarity cut off as the door opened. Twilight looked behind her to see May Flower, standing in the doorway and glancing between the two of them.

She stepped inside cautiously. “Did I interrupt something?”

Glancing between Twilight and May Flower, Rarity let out an aggravated sigh. “A little.” She turned back to Twilight, ignoring May Flower and continuing their conversation. “Listen, Twilight, I think it would be best if things carry on the way they had been before all this.”

“I don’t want to,” Twilight ground out. “You said yourself you felt something for me at times, so why are you running away?”

“I am not running away,” Rarity said, glaring at her.

“Oh would you two just hurry up and sleep together already?” May Flower whined. “Honestly, you’re both overcomplicating this.”

Rarity turned and directed her glare at May Flower. “Listen here, you, I hardly even know you, and Twilight has only known you for a few days, so you can’t act like you know what’s best for either of us!”

“Oh please, at least I’ve kissed her.”

Twilight reddened. “May!”

Three times,” May Flower added with a smirk.

Rarity turned to Twilight with a raised eyebrow, causing Twilight’s blush to deepen.

“May, you’re not helping,” Twilight said, forcing herself to remain patient.

“You’re a bit voyeuristic, aren’t you?” Rarity asked in a condescending tone.

“At least I know what I want,” May Flower rebutted with a smile. “We both want to have sex with Twilight. The only difference is, I’m actually trying for it.”

“You... ugh.”

Twilight looked at Rarity, who looked like she was about to blow her top. “May, please...”

May Flower ignored Twilight, smiling wider at Rarity. “Even right now, you’re jealous!”

“Jealous of you? Tch, hardly.”

“Whatever,” May Flower said, turning her nose up. “I just think you need to get your head out of your rump and see how much Twilight likes you.”

The room fell silent. Rarity stewed, glancing at Twilight with a thoughtful look. “Do you really feel that way about me? Strongly?”

Twilight looked at the floor, drawing circles with her hoof. “I—well I mean...” She swallowed. “Yes.”

Rarity put her hoof over her eyes, and Twilight didn’t know if that was good or bad. Rarity moaned. “Why do you have to do this?”

“Do what?” Twilight asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

Rarity sighed. “Why can’t you just be happy with Carrot Top?”

“I told you already how I felt about her already and you didn’t listen!”

Rarity wrinkled her snout in offense. “Well, then tell me again.

Twilight groaned, sitting down and pressing her hooves to her temples. “I don’t like her that way! I mean she’s nice, and pretty, but she’s more like a friend!” she shouted. She noticed Rarity had a cringe on her face, but she wasn’t staring at her, she was staring over her shoulder. Twilight turned around and saw Carrot Top standing in the doorway, her eyes holding a watery sheen.

“S-sorry, I heard loud voices, and, um...” She stared at the ground, a few tears falling onto the wood floor. “Maybe I should just go.”

Twilight held out a hoof to stop her. “Carrot Top, wait!”

Carrot Top flinched and looked back over her shoulder at Twilight.

Twilight walked up to her tentatively. “Listen, I really do want to be your friend.”

“Why did you kiss me and lie about liking me then?”

“I wasn’t lying! I liked spending time with you, and I really tried to give it a shot, but...” She sighed, glancing back over her shoulder at the white mare watching her from across the room. “I already liked Rarity.”

Rarity fidgeted uncomfortably as all the other ponies in the room looked at her. A lavender shade of pink rose to her cheeks.

“I thought it seemed like there was something between you two.” Carrot Top’s shoulders slumped. “I never really kissed anypony before you, but still, I thought there was something there... maybe that was just me being naive.”

“No, I felt it, too!” Twilight interjected. “It just wasn’t quite... It wasn’t quite what I was looking for.”

Carrot Top sighed and hung her head. She looked up at Twilight out of the top of her eyes. “Did you mean what you said about having fun spending time with me?”

Twilight blinked, but nodded. “Absolutely.”

“Then, I guess I could give being friends a shot,” Carrot Top said, giving her a weak smile. “I do like being with you, even if it wouldn’t be as marefriends.”

“Maybe we can go to The Salt Around the Rim sometime,” Twilight offered, trying to smile encouragingly. “I could be your wingmare.”

Carrot Top wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes away, her smile becoming a little more sincere. “I think I’d like that.”

The two smiled at each other, and Twilight felt a warm glow in her stomach. It always made her feel a bit ridiculous when she said ‘friendship is magic’ but during moments like these, she knew there was a certain feeling of magic in making a new friend.

She glanced over her shoulder at Rarity, and then turned back to Carrot Top. “Sorry, I’ll be right back.”

Carrot Top nodded a bit sadly. “Go ahead.”

Twilight turned, rubbing the back of her neck, and faced Rarity. Rarity seemed to be fixing her with an apprehensive look, a look that she already knew what Twilight would say, but Twilight pressed forward anyways.

“I would have preferred to choose a better moment than this. Sometime when it’s just the two of us, or when there’s the right atmosphere, or the right buildup. I wanted to ask you out ever since that first night out, but I could never really figure out how to, so I guess... I guess...” Twilight swallowed the knot in her throat. “Will you go out with me? On a date?”

Rarity bit her lip, glancing around the room, meeting May and Carrot Top’s expectant gazes. “I... I don’t know, Twilight.” Her ears pressed against her head, her whole body rigid. “What if it doesn’t work out?”

“Then I guess it just doesn’t,” Twilight said, shuffling her hooves. “But I’d rather try and have it fail than spend time wondering what could have been. And if it really doesn’t work out, it doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll stop being friends, right?”

“Well, no, I suppose not, but still...” Rarity trailed off, chewing her lip. “So a date, then?”

Twilight couldn’t help herself as a small grin formed on her lips. “Yes.”

“And then we’ll see where it takes us from there?” Rarity asked. She received a nod from Twilight, and gave her a weak smile in return. “I guess I’m willing to give it a try.”

Twilight beamed, feeling a sudden urge to hop up and down on her hooves. She said yes!

There was a patter of hooves, and Twilight turned to see May Flower and Carrot Top stomping their hooves against the floor in applause. May Flower was smirking, and gave her a wink, while Carrot Top gave her a smile, albeit bittersweet.

“Congratulations, you two.” Carrot Top glanced nervously away, scratching her hoof with her ears pointed back and pressed flat against her skull. “I should probably get going... have lunch and everything...”

Twilight glanced behind her at Rarity and May Flower. “Why don’t we all go out?”

Carrot Top lifted her head. “Huh?”

“All four of us,” Twilight said. “We could go out to the cafe for lunch!”

May Flower shrugged. “Sure. Sounds like fun.”

“That seems like a fine idea, since we were all heading out to lunch anyway.” Rarity glanced beside her at May Flower. “Except for you, I still have no clue what you’re doing here.”

“Oh,” May Flower said, a smile playing on her lips. “I just came over to ask Twilight if she wanted to have sex, but now that I think about it, I’m a bit hungry, too.”

Rarity rolled her eyes, and turned to Twilight with a flat look. “I suppose you can count the two of us in. Though I’d preferably not sit beside her,” she said, pointing a hoof at May Flower.

Carrot Top looked away, an uncertain frown tugging at her lips. “Um...”

“I know it’s not exactly a date,” Twilight said. “But I did agree to have lunch with you, and we still can if you want.” Twilight glanced back at Rarity and May Flower, who seemed to be looking away from each other with their noses held high. “It’ll be the four of us... as friends.”

Carrot Top swallowed, and offered Twilight a shy smile. “A-alright.”

Twilight, May Flower, Carrot Top, and Rarity all sat around a cafe table, plates of finished—or nearly finished—food sitting in front of them.

“You’re a model?” Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow as she sipped her iced tea.

“Yeah, moved up here from Las Pegasus with a friend a few months ago. It’s a nice getaway from the city, but I do miss the nightlife,” May Flower said.

“I’ve never gotten to visit. What’s it like?” Rarity asked, leaning forward in her seat.

“I miss the fountains and lights.”

“You wouldn’t be interested in a bit of modelling work, would you?” Rarity lifted her drink to her lips and looked at May, her lips curving into a smile against the glass.

May Flower’s eyebrows rose. “Modelling work? From you?”

“Well, I don’t know if Twilight’s mentioned it, but I own the Carousel Boutique here in Ponyville.”

“You do?” May Flower asked, a mischievous smile forming on her lips. “I’ve heard about that place.”

A nervous chuckle escaped Rarity. “Good things, I hope?”

“Oh, absolutely. I’ll contact my agent and see if we can arrange something.”

Across the table, Twilight listened to their conversation, glancing at Carrot Top out of the corner of her eye. Carrot Top smiled as she listened to the other two talk, but her eyes seemed sad.

“Hey,” Twilight said quietly, reaching out a hoof and touching her shoulder. “Are you okay?”

Carrot Top sat up straight and rubbed her eyes, giving Twilight a smile. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”

Twilight bit her lip as she looked at Carrot Top, trying to think of some way to cheer her up. “So would you like to go to Salt Around the Rim with me sometime? I could help you find a date.”

“Tonight?” Carrot Top asked.

“Sure,” Twilight replied without hesitation.

“Um, okay.” Carrot Top smiled at her with a genuine smile, the first that Twilight had seen since that morning. “Sh-should I come by the library at around eight?”

“Make it ten.”

“Should I wear a dress?” Carrot Top asked.

“Only if you can dance in it,” Twilight answered with a giggle, drawing a grin from Carrot Top.

“So it’s a date!” Carrot Top replied, before quickly realizing what she said with a blush. “Um, well, not that kind of date...”

“I know what you meant,” Twilight said, finishing her apple juice and setting it down on the table.

Rarity and May Flower were leaning over empty plates, engrossed in a conversation about last fall’s trends, and the food on Carrot Top’s plate looked like it was going to go untouched.

“You girls want to talk someplace else?” Twilight asked, interrupting their fashion foray.

“Like where?” Rarity asked.

“We could go back to my place and go swimming in the pool,” May Flower suggested.

“How about the lake?” Carrot Top piped up. “It’s not far from here, and it’s much bigger than a pool!”

“I like that idea,” Rarity said to Twilight, pointing a hoof at Carrot Top.

Twilight placed a small pouch of bits on the table. “Me, too.”

May Flower stood, holding her hooves out with a large smile on her face. “But there’s other things we can do at my place, too!”

No,” Rarity and Twilight both said simultaneously. They turned to each other and burst into a fit of giggles.

“You’re no fun,” May said, crossing her hooves in front of her chest.

The four left the cafe, walking shoulder to shoulder down the street, chatting amongst themselves. Rarity and May picked up where they had left off in their discussion on the latest trends, going into great detail about which feathers best ornament different styles of hats, while Carrot Top and Twilight had their own conversation to the side.

“It’s nice to see those two getting along,” Twilight said. “I was worried they’d be at each other’s throats the whole time.”

Carrot Top chuckled. “I think they’re more alike than they realize.”

Twilight’s nose scrunched up. “Which one’s Rarity again?” she asked. “Anyways, I didn’t really apologize properly for leading you on. I didn’t mean for things to go as far as they did.”

“Um, do you think if—” Carrot Top hesitated. “Do you think we would have kept dating? If you didn’t like Rarity?”

Twilight was visibly taken aback by the question. She looked up to the sky, thinking. Carrot Top deserved the truth after everything she’d done. “Yes,” Twilight said firmly. “I don’t have those kind of feelings for you right now, but I think if it were given time it could...” she trailed off, seeing Carrot Top smiling at her, her eyes watering slightly.

Carrot Top sniffed and wiped her eyes. “It’s weird, that actually makes me feel a lot better about myself.”

Twilight wrapped a hoof around her. “You’re a great catch, and we weren’t even dating for a week! I’d be very surprised if you didn’t meet somepony else who you wind up liking more than me.”

“Will you help me find them?” Carrot Top asked.

Twilight nodded.

The lake came into view and May Flower and Carrot Top galloped towards the water, May Flower turning and giving Rarity a small wave as she splashed into the water.

Rarity had a blush which her coat completely failed to hide, and Twilight gave her a curious look.

“What did you two talk about?” she asked.

“She, erm..” Rarity’s blush brightened. “She asked me to tell you that you may feel free to bring me along should you choose to take her up on her offer.

“Oh.” Twilight looked at the lake, where May Flower was laughing and playing in the water along with Carrot Top. “But I mean, we’d never—”

“Most definitely not,” Rarity said. “It’s absurd is what it is.”

“And it’s presumptuous to think that we’d even consider such a thing!”

“Well...” Rarity said, tilting her head and looking away from Twilight. “It certainly wouldn’t be conventional.”

“It would be new and different,” Twilight agreed.


The two of them stopped and looked at each other, their blushes mirroring each other.

Rarity cleared her throat and forced her blush to die down. “Let’s just take things slowly for now. I mean, we haven’t even kissed let alone—”

Twilight cut her off by kissing her. Warmth spread from Twilight’s chest all throughout her body to the very base of her tail. Her eyes fluttered and her ears twitched with delight. Rarity’s eyes widened, her whole body freezing as Twilight’s lips met hers, but she quickly melted into the kiss and began to hesitantly kiss Twilight back. It was everything Twilight hoped it would be.

The two parted, breathless despite how brief the kiss was. Rarity was still looking at her with a bit of surprise, no doubt at her boldness.

“Sorry,” Twilight said, a bashful grin stretching across her face. “You just reminded me how much I wanted to try that.”

Rarity stifled a giggle, a playful smile tugging at her lips. “Well now you have to take me on a date.”

“I never planned not to.”

“Hey!” May Flower shouted from the water, waving at the two of them. “Are you going to spend all day making out, or are you coming swimming?”

Twilight wore a blue dress and an amethyst necklace lined with silver trim, both designed and made by Rarity. They were, after all, her favorites out of all the ones she’d tried on. She turned to May, who was looking out the library window at the lowering sun.

“How does it look?” Twilight asked.

May Flower looked at her and smirked. “Pretty enough to make me very jealous of Rarity.”

“Do my eyeshadow and mascara look alright?”

“They look good,” May said, glancing them over.

“Are you sure? Because I’ve never used blue eyeshadow before, and I don’t think it’s actually the shade they show on the bottle—”

“It looks fine,” May insisted, rolling her eyes. “Try to relax.”

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and when she opened them, she looked at the mirror leaning against the wall with a newfound smile. “Sorry.”

“Think nothing of it,” May said with a wave of her hoof. “So what are you two doing for your date?”

“We’re going out to dinner at a restaurant.” Twilight levitated a pair of earrings to her ears, debating whether or not to wear them. “The nicest one in Ponyville, too. I had to delay our date for almost a week to get reservations. I’m hoping to surprise Rarity with it. If she likes it, I think it’ll have been worth the wait.”

A knock came from Twilight’s door.

“Coming!” Twilight shouted, setting down the earrings on a stand. She turned to May Flower. “How do I look?”

“Perfect,” May answered.

Twilight smiled as she turned and walked over to answer the door. “Wish me luck!”

“Have fun on your date.” A smirk slipped onto May Flower’s face, and she added, “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”

Twilight stepped up to the door and opened it to see Rarity, wearing a slim purple dress and a simple silver necklace. Her hair was done up, a pair of white golden hair pins holding it in a bun.

“Ready to go?” Rarity asked.

“Yep!” Twilight answered, closing the door behind her.

Rarity giggled abruptly. Twilight raised an eyebrow and tilted her head.

“Sorry,” Rarity said, a demure smile spreading across her lips. “It’s just that after all this I still find it hard to believe we’re going on a date.”

Twilight smiled, stifling her own giggle. “I guess I convinced you to experiment a little.”

Rarity motioned to the road. “Shall we?”

Twilight nodded, and the two of them left for their date.

Comments ( 179 )

Awww damnit. I thought this would go on a bit longer. :fluttercry:

“That seems like a fine idea, since we were all heading out to lunch anyway.” Rarity glanced beside her at May Flower. “Except for you, I still have no clue what you’re doing here.”

I have no clue why, but this line made me burst out laughing.

Belated authors note:

So this story was always intended to be novella-ish length, and with it done I'm going to be focusing on Equestria from Dust and Flying High, Falling Hard. I also plan to release a one shot for Halloween that is Halloween themed (albeit shipping).

I've been working a lot on improving to a good readability in my writing, and now that I've hit that point I'm probably going to go back to mass producing like I did at first (I miss those days of pumping out 3k words every 4-5 days consistently). That's not to say quality is going to slip, it's just that theory only does so much, and what I feel like I'm lacking that I need to improve is raw practice.

My next multichapter after Equestria from Dust and Flying High, Falling Hard will probably have something to do with Twilight, Dark Magic, and Castle Canterlot.

I liked the ending, but in my opinion, it left it too open in terms of Carrot Top. We didn't find out how the trip to the bar went, or if she ever got over Twilight, or anything like that. It was just left off kind of ambiguously.

That said, I definitely enjoyed the story otherwise! :pinkiehappy:

I was actually leaving that part of the story open on purpose for either an epilogue or a sequel centered around Carrot Top. (I will probably do one of the two)

Oh really? The end already? I want to read thier date. This story is the best RariLight story I've read and I think it shows in how sad I am to see it end. It was such a gripping read through all the chapters and Rarity and Twilight were so cool in it. You pulled of the background ponies in such a way as they were interesting to have and added their own weight in gold to the story.


Good job, ending it where it needed to end. I congratulate you on an excellent fic, and the first RariTwi ship I've enjoyed dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra2.png

1474987 Ah, okay then. :twilightsheepish:

Well, that ended rather abruptly. I mean, yeah, it was nice-- everything worked out fine, everypony was happy, the good stuff.
But, I felt this chapter was a bit rushed nonetheless.
I will say this again, I wouldn't mind some random Twilight/May alternate shipping story... XD

I think May Flower is the best character in the story. :derpytongue2:

Epilogue? I would love to see what happens after! :3 :applecry:

Here's a big high-five from me for writing a great story. *high-fives*

It has ended, with a satisfying non-sad-ponies ending nonetheless:yay:

I, too, am sad to see this end as I greatly enjoyed the cast and would have liked to follow more of the trials of their relationships. Still, it was excellent while it lasted and found a satisfying resting point, although I certainly encourage you to revisit them all in sequel works. I was surprised how much I ended up liking May as the story went on, and in the end was totally won over by her. Looks like her dreams might come true someday as well...:twilightblush:

Nicely done, and thanks for writing and sharing it!

This was an excellent story (I liked it much more than I'm liking Flying High, meaning no offense). I particularly liked how Twilight and May's relationship evolved - they started out with Twilight totally hating her and ended up being good friends, and there wasn't any deeply intense moment where that changed. It felt very organic and natural, I was very impressed! And Carrot Top took disappointment like a champ - good for her! The best part about this story was that I didn't want to throw any of them out of the window for criminal stupidity at any point - that made it very believable, no one had to turn off their brains to generate conflict.

I look forward to more!


I think there might be a chunk of text missing-- There's a big (three line) gap and a weird transition here:


Twilight frowned and flattened her ears back, looking at the grass.

Twilight shifted and lay down, crossing her hooves in front of her and resting her chin on them. “It’s not that easy.”


Regardless of what happened there, this is a stellar chapter, and I'm glad to see things wrapped up smoothly. This has been a fantastic ride. :)

You girls want to take someplace else?

That should be 'talk' I believe. Or maybe you were going for 'take this'? Either way works.

They were after all, her favorites

There should be a comma after 'were'. That way, if you removed the clause 'after all', the sentence would still be correct.

All's well that ends well hmm? I do love stories with a happy endingdl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Lyra2.png

At one point I was half expecting May and Carrot Top to get together. Who knows? Maybe in the epilogue.

All in all a sweet story, and I'm looking forward to this epilogue you mentioned. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/misc_Sweetie_happy.png

So how about when the other Elements get caught up into this? :unsuresweetie::trixieshiftright: Seems to me.. that that would be an excellent monkey wrench.. to throw into the machinery of your story. Otherwise known as... A PLOT TWIST!!!

Good conclusion.:twilightsmile:
Two notes on the ending though:
1, I feel the 'start of the date' part at the end wasn't really needed, instead a few more lines at the lake after the kiss, to cement that the date would happen would have been better imo (unless the final part had a cute moment, which I don't feel it did).:raritywink:
2, The big confrontation with all 4 seemed quite a bit fast and awkward, but in a sorta good way. Having to force the start of a relationship like this and being forced to turn someone down at the same time should be jarring and hard, and the weirdness of that scene, I think, really did it.:pinkiehappy:

P.S. I love how May turned out in the end character-wise!

I really liked the story - even the end! It was sometimes heartwarming and sometimes a bit sad and frustrating - like love can be.

A minor point in this chapter I like a lot: when Rarity says she doesn't dare try to date Twilight because of what may happen if it doesn't work out... that happens just after Carrot Top was told "sorry, no" and it did work out (after a fashion) right there. Twilight doesn't say it, but she has just shown an example right there that people that failed to connect romantically can still be friends.

Hmmmm. I actually found myself cheering for May-Twi ship near the end of the story. I guess the possibility of a May-Twi-Rare threesome is still an acceptable outcome.

it seems like an import from gdocs error, since I checked the original and there was only a normal paragraph spacing.
Still, those two should probably be in the same paragraph, so I combined them.

Yeah, that's why I brought it up- The same thing used to happen to me, but when the gap was there, it meant that the GDocs Uploader had eaten an entire sentence, or paragraph, or worse.

"I’ve never used blue eyeshadow before..."

Allow me to mention in passing that Avon sells a glittery blue eyeliner called, yes, Twilight Sparkle. :twilightsmile:

so this is how it ends... i'm a little bit sad about it. I think it really could aswell just be the beginning of a really long and epic romance story. not saying it can't end like this, but it doesn't have to. should you ever decide to continue it - maybe after finishing FHFH and EfD - well... :yay:

the only thing i didn't like about it (beside the fact that it's too short) is the cloppish scene in the previous chapter. that really wasn't necessary.

Out of all the ways this could go I didn't see it going like this. But that was an awesome end. Very nice.

That was a nice ending. Although I kinda wanna know what happens to May after this.

Not to sound like a major pervert or anything, but a Rare Twiflower ship actually sounds plausible by the end of this. All three of them have amazing chemistry with each other... it's just wonderful. Thank you for this fic- it has been quite the emotional roller-coaster. It's too bad that all rides have to come to a stop sometime... :pinkiesad2:

Oh Mayflower behave...:facehoof:

Wonderful ending, I actually rather liked how it was not all wrapped up nicely by the end. Twi and Rare didn't somehow become soul mates, and Carrot Top and May Flower didn't match up as a pair either. Life is messy after all, and it's nice to see an occasional ship fic that reflects that.

As others have already said, May Flower totally won me over by the end of the story, which is interesting since I didn't really like her at all initially.

That was a good read! /o/

Very good story, it kinda makes me curious to see a few more stories with Carrot Top, though to be fair; she is close to a blank slate as far as personality wise. : )

My mind is blown, another great read from soundslikeponies. Its crazy how much the story screwed with my feelings for each of the characters. I was as confused just as much as Twlight was on who I wanted her to end up with. And honestly, each character was developed so fully that I was indifferent.

Not gonna lie, I was a little put off by the idea of reading a story about Carrot Top and an OC, but they were done so well I found myself rooting for both characters.

Had me smiling the whole time how suspenseful it was. And I have to agree with the previous posts, and epilogue would be fantastic! Even better, a spinoff story based on May Flower!

not sure if gusta. ending while disappointing a little makes sense, rarity did find twilight the date the story evolves around. i like everything this author has done and guess i will just go read from dust.

biggest thing to note is the story is full circle and not just dropped off so the author could be done with it, so i will respect that

“I don’t want to beat around the bush. I think it’s time to be honest with each other.”

Twilight paused, waiting for Rarity to continue, but she didn’t. “And...?”

Rarity seemed to suddenly snap to her senses as she realized what Twilight said. “Oh, no, you first, darling.”

Pffft. Wow. That's like a perfect Rarity moment. :duck:

mayflower is best pony

“All I can picture—imagining the date—is the worst case scenario, where I’m left with nobody.”


A smirk slipped onto May Flower’s face, and she added, “And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”

Well, that only leaves... just about everything actually.

To be honest, I was kindda hoping that May would brak down and confess that she had falen madly in love with Twilight just to see the reactions there.

Loved the story! been following for a while now!

This chapter did feel a little rushed:applecry:, but loved the ending:twilightsheepish::twilightsheepish:! cant wait for FHFH!!:rainbowkiss:

I think this was a good stopping point... nice wrap up!

Good ending! Will there be a sequel?

Also, five out of five moustaches :3


I honestly did not think I would enjoy a fic of this nature, but I was surprised that I really enjoyed it! The ending left me a little sad, but I suppose it was the logical place. Good job, and congrats :rainbowlaugh:

Cute, though like everypony else, I'm sad there won't be any more. :raritydespair:

Sadly it comes to an end, though on a happy note. :twilightsmile:

Not usually a fan of the more ambiguous endings, but I agree with 1476237 here: it ended at the perfect spot. Promises of things to come, that sort of thing. Episodic, perhaps. I look forward to more work from you.

Well, that only leaves... just about everything actually.
I was expecting a bit of snark from Twilight there. :twilightsmile:

I really really reall want more May Flower and Carrot Top.

Bravo! This is without a doubt, among my top three favorite Twilight/Rarity shipping's.
I will admit I'm sad to see it go, but I'm so glad I was here to witness.
i194.photobucket.com/albums/z116/bluemonk9/Imsorryyouhavetodealwiththeobnoxiousbronies_553d02c90d291c1d4e5e2ba6276066cf.png .

Bravo! Bravo, I say!:raritywink:

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