• Member Since 27th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 1st, 2023


Comments ( 52 )


Add this to the inFAMOUS group.

5431369 I'm actually not sure how you do that. I've never added anything before.

5431383 See the symbol next to the orange Flag button? The one with a person and circles behind it? Click that. You need to be in the group you want to add it to to be able to add it, though.

Advertise; don't wait for someone to add your story to a group, add it yourself.

Unoriginal title is unoriginal. If you want people to read it, don't go with a "My Little ___: ____ is _____" title, especially not one that only changes one word from the show's title.

5431943 I'm not really very creative. I can't think of anything else to call it.

5432219 That's a good name. I might use that, if you don't mind. And thanks for telling me how to add my story to a group. I was wondering how to do that.

5434253 Go for it. Add it to more groups as well for more readers. There's even a group out there for the sole purpose of promoting your stuff called the Self-promotion group.

ok 1st good work your getting better and better with each chapter. at 1st your characters were that of a robot still a bit of that in there but its alot better now. so keep up the good work! ^_^

Question: is the romance between Spike and Twilight?

5447690 No, the romance is not between them.

Nice, I like your story. Can't wait to read future chapters

Comment posted by Wang-Tang deleted Jan 12th, 2015

I am glad your still writeing this i am loving this story and was wondering are you going to go through part 1 and 2 of the game?
Also keep up the good work. ^_^ the resion i asked about that is cause if i recall he dies at the end of part 2 i was wondering if he could insted be sent back home with twilight. plus it would be cool to see a pony with his powers. *grins evily* of course twilight and him would have to figure out how to keep his powers charged and ready but i am sure they are up to the task.

5504292 Yeah I was planning on doing Infamous 2. I'm still deciding on things for this story, so we'll have to see what I come up with.

Beautiful chapter and a beautiful story

i am still loving the story. ^_^ but i am also enjoying watching you blossom as a writer every chapter or two i see your characters have more character and more character and this chapter i see them as almost perfect. (nothing is perfect that's the only resin i say almost perfect.) Keep up the good work. ^_^

5527436 I'm glad that you are liking it. I was worried how it would turn out because I'm not really creative or very expressive.

Great chapter ColexTwilight ship approved

I want to fave and like this more. :fluttershysad:

am glad i am not the only one who is likeing how this story is going. ^_^

another wonderful chapter. ^_^ keep up the good work. ^_^

I remember when I first entered the warrens I was Immediately faced with the Dustmen needless to say they used my skull for soccer.

That angel bit was priceless. Iam gonna keep reading this. It's good and one of my favorite suckerpunch games.

Go for it. This is getting good. Or you can do a bad karma version of this.

Yay blackmail. He could use those photo's to upgrade from basket too twin sized bed.

Damn. You really painted some picture with what that reaper did. Brutal. Still great chapter though. Cant wait for the next chappy. :pinkiehappy:

I added some things to the chapter Interlude: Conversing. It's nothing big or all that important, but I thought I should let people know that I added things.

As she was charging the spell the magic in the forest started to surround her and got mixed into the spell.
I think there's supposed to be a comma after 'spell'.

"Weird, it feels like I more power than before."
A 'have' should be there and you misspelled Equis. It's not Equus. Just so you know.

I will throw you both into a whole so deep that you won't even know which way is up.
You put a 'w' in hole. I thought you'd like to know.

5794151 I've looked through these several times and still somehow miss things. :facehoof: Thank you for telling me about the spelling and punctuation errors. :twilightsmile:

5794186 No problem. If you need an editor. I might be able to help out for a while.

5447690 :facehoof: Really? I'm sorry, but how could you see that? In the first chapter I think, Twilight calls Spike her
'Little Brother" then admits to herself that She's in love with Cole. How could you be that dense? Sorry for being an ass.

Twilight shook her head and said, "I knew you would say that. That's why I showed you myself first. Spike, would you?"

Spike nodded. He closed his eyes like Twilight did and concentrated. Cole and Zeke's eyes widened as Spike's skin changed purple and became reptilian. He also grew a tail with an arrowhead tip and his hands turned into claws. When he opened his eyes his pupils had become slits.

They stared at him for several minutes before Zeke finally managed to say, "Holy shit. So he's a lizard man?"

Spike fumed at him, "No! I'm not a lizard. I'm a dragon!" To make his point he blew a long stream of fire toward the sky.

"I'm a dragon! DRAGON! i don't do that tongue thing." -Mushu, Mulan

When Cole reached the ground he sprinted toward the Reaper dodging his bullets. When he was near him he charged lightning into his hands and turned them into blades. He hit the Reaper square in the chest. The gunner was sent flying and landed on the ground, where he laid unconscious.

i imagine that Twilight felt that, too.

5796500 to paraphrase Jerry Peet,
"HE'S A F*CKING CHILD! Say what you will about him being stuck in a limbo due to suppressing his dragon greed or whatever, he still seems to be a kid, 6-10 years old and the mane 6 treat him as such, while they would probably be in their 20s if any educated guess was to be made. Twilight is the closest thing to a mother he will ever have.

Also "Spike having a crush on Rarity? That's cute. Her giving spike a kiss as a reward? also cute. Rarity reciprocating his feelings? Now we enter into bad touch territory!"

The Reaper managed to stay on his feet and let loose a shockwave at her. She teleported away and appeared behind him. She raised her fist and gathered a massive charge of magic into it. She threw her arm forward and it connected with the Conduit's back. The Reaper was rammed into a wall. He slumped down the wall and laid on the ground unconscious.


"Come on man, I'm being serious here. You gotta listen. DARPA is the at the top of black ops crap. It's a secret Pentagon group that doesn't have to answer to anyone. If she works with those guys, the two of you need to watch your backs," he said.

Rolling his eyes, Cole said, "Sure, Zeke. And Santa Claus shot JFK. Now where are those drinks you were talking about?"

The funny thing is that directly after that, there's a quote by John F Kennedy.

"Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men"

"Have you tried sending her a message? That little drake is with her isn't he?" he asked.

All of their heads shot up and they stared at Discord.

He looked back in shocked amusement, "You mean, *snrk* that n-none of you *phft* even th-thought about trying to s-send Twilight a message?" Discord tried his best to hold in his laughter, but when Celestia facehoofed, he couldn't hold it in anymore. He fell out of the air and started to roll around the floor laughing.

They soon reached the transformer. Cole jumped up and re-established the circuit. Cole saw the now familiar flash of what he could do with his powers. "That's probably the strongest power I've gotten so far," he commented.

"It does seem pretty powerful," Twilight said, after her vision of the enhancements she could do.

Looking around they saw the way forward. Climbing up to the tunnel, they headed through it. On the other end they saw several Dust Men facing the opposite direction. There were two on the platform and three in the water. Cole aimed at the ones on the platform and fired a megawatt hammer at them.

I just call it the Shock Rocket. :raritywink: Catchy, self explanatory, easy to remember.

This is beautiful. More please.:pinkiesad2:

Ok so this looks pretty interesting. Actually started playing Infamous recently. Haven't gotten far but eh, if there's spoilers here I don't really care. I'm going into this fully aware that it's on hiatus because 1) It's a decent length and 2) Hopefully the author will come back to it at some point and even if that doesn't happen well... eh. *shrugs shoulders*

When they stopped firing at him, he crawled to the edge of the vent and looked around the corner to see why. He saw them aiming there guns to the sky and shooting at something. He felt panic and anger course through himself as he realized that they were aiming at Twilight. He jumped out from behind the vents and charged at them. He gathered as much electricity as he could manage into his gigawatt blades and drove the blades into the Reapers backs. They flew off of the roof they were on and landed on the one below them.

For DLC, that ability is incredibly useful at times.:raritywink:.

"It doesn't seem like he can go very far though and with two of us it should be easier. So let's just keep on him," Cole said.

Seriously, that would have been a nice completion bonus. A partner (hopefully with decent AI) to aid you in the + game.

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