• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen 19 hours ago


A goofy little miss that's here to write and draw to her heart's content. Her imagination doesn't know when to shut off.


This story is a sequel to Brother Bothers

Takes place during Season 5; Rated Teen for violence (aside from the expected slapstick, there is also minor blood/gore, though a little heavier during the August segment, and attempted murder at some points) and some elements involving non-consensual magic used on the characters, as well as some unfortunate side effects of both mind and body.

A polo shirt and a suit jacket. A comedian and a college student. A silly pony and a serious pony. A party pony and a business pony. An older brother and a younger brother.

Such is the relationship of Cheese and Tomato Sandwich.

After the events of the Fall Festival, the two have decided to end their feud and rebuild their relationship, hoping to regain the same bond they had when they were little. Though they had mostly corresponded through letters and had a nice Hearth's Warming holiday, Cheese feels it's not enough.

Come summer, and he's taking Tomato on a cross-country road trip to let his baby bro see for himself just what life on the road is like and to give him a break from Manehattan.

Of course, as fun as the trip sounds, there's no telling what kind of mishaps and dangers that these brothers would end up in. Between the parties and the goofy antics they get into, they also find themselves facing both inner demons and outer monsters, facing millenium-old legends, and taking inadvertent dips into darkness that could very well destroy them both.

This trip would either bring them to a greater understanding of each other, or rip them apart once more.

Yet another installment in the saga of the Brothers Sandwich. Hooray for buddy road-trip stories!

Chapters (110)
Comments ( 786 )

Yes finally! some more heartwarming moments with these two. I been following the ask blog and i have to say its good to see more of these two written in story format. But probably with some more angst now that i dont mind we need more angsty cheese on this site. I love the cover art btw.

I am VERY pleased to see this!

Tommy's too polite to yank Cheese's chain about Pinkie, evidently. BTW, I like the way you're walking a line about Flora and Tommy, too. I'd be more than pleased if they wound up together, but I also enjoy seeing them as very good friends and not having that steal focus from a brother buddy road trip.

*yay for cowspies*

YEAH!!!!!!!! THANKS FOR THIS. I can't wait to read this sequel. I think it is going to be so much fun.

Very glad to see you writing more about Tommy! :pinkiehappy:

The return of the cowspy! :yay:

This looks like it's going to be a lot of fun. I look forward to it. Also, it amuses me that Flora basically lives in Springfield.

A sequel to one of my favorite family fics? What in Fazbear's name is this madness?! :pinkiegasp:

Nah, I'm just kidding. I can't believe that a sequel was made, however! I literally jumped up from my office chair, clapped my hands, and said "HALLELUGHAH!" I'll be keeping an eye on this one with the excited Lyra symbol that is on my Tracking tab. Keep up the good work! I'll be waiting for the next chapter excitedly. :pinkiehappy:

5428163 Came here to make shipping jokes about Tomato and Flora, saw your thoughtful comment and reconsidered. Romance or friendship, both work well for those two, it's just nice to see their relationship explored. It makes me wonder if the author has siblings, and if they are older or younger.

That was fun to read. I love how you are hinting at the PinkieCheese Romance. Great job. I can't wait to read the next part. Good luck.

I get the impression that Cheese doesn't want to admit even to himself how much he loves Pinkie.

When one is madly in love they tend to be in huge denial. He will come out with it soon cheese couldn't hold something like love in forever. But yeah this story is gonna get good telling by the adventure and comedy tags. :scootangel: yay for cowspies

"The story of how she inspired you to become a party pony does sound like a 'love at first sight' kind of thing." Tomato sat up and blew on his forelock. "And I've seen the way you look at her; I've seen a lot of ponies with that look on campus."

Looks like I wasn't the only who thought that sounded like love at first sight just as much as it did an inspirational story. Who knows what will happen in ponyville a part of me hopes pinkie and cheese kiss before the brothers set off on another adventure. I can picture it as the two walk off into the sunset pinkie watches them longingly *sigh* so romantic *gets hit with a shoe* ow! Hey! Yeah it is a story for another day right now let's get the adventure started!


I think that Cheese fears admitting to the vunerability that loving Pinkie would bring. Plus, he kind of worships her, and doubts his own merits.


I wonder what happens in the worlds where Pinkie falls for Big Mac, or even Rainbow Dash? I am thinking about this because the Degradingverse is one of those worlds: a (badly damaged) Pinkie and Rainbow Dash heal one another from the effects (psychic and physical) of Winning-Through-Degradation.

So he feels his love for her may not be real. That hero worship can lead to a feeling of love. Real love is loving someone for who they are even when they make mistakes. so I get it if he wants to see if his love is real. Which I think it is I do think he truly cares about her.

Hmm now that would be interesting seeing what happens if she fell in love with Mac or Dash in those two different worlds. It's an interesting thought and how it would effect Cheese Sandwich.


My opinion is that Cheese would wind up as Pinkie's loyal friend and disciple, but find love with somepony else. He seems in both your and Scoots2's fanon to have been subconsciously "waiting" for her: if he found she loved another, he'd be disappointed, but become open to loving another himself.

Who? It could be almost anypony with a compatible personality, OC or otherwise. Trixie's an obvious possibility -- in my fanon, she falls for an original character, Piercing Gaze, but that's hardly inevitable. Trixie is also an intinerant entertainer, and theiy could easily wind up falling into each other's company and becoming friends -- things could develop from there.

I don't know if Trixie's personality is "compatible" -- she's remarkably obnoxious and sometimes paranoid even when she's in Heroic Mode -- but Cheese's genuine kindness might be able to penetrate her arrogance, and Trixie can even in canon be nice to somepony whom she realizes is honestly being her friend. I will say that Cheese is probably on the short list of characters who might have the benevolence and patience to tolerate her long enough to love her.

I have given Cheese/Trixe shipping some thought and I just can't see it. I guess its because I can only see Cheese loving only one pony and that's Pinkie. Sure I ship her with a lot of characters but when it comes to Cheese its hard to see him with anyone else but Pinkie. Still I see your point and I can see how Trixie and Cheese can work since they both dont stay in one place for long and such. Then again I have a hard time shipping Cheese with anyone else I wish it was as easy as it is to ship Pinkie with different characters. Like I can see how pinkiemac can work or pinkieburn. But hey any ship can work if written well so why not?


Agreed: I think that Cheese / Pinkie is the likeliest pairing -- unless Pinkie was for some reason seriously in love with somepony else. In my fanon, my current assumption is that Cheese and Pinkie eventually wed.

5439785 This is an extremely articulate version of what I've always thought about Cheese, Pinkie and Trixie.

He narrowed his eyes and grit his teeth. "Just... eat it."

Oh Snap! I love the song references.

I wonder where Matthew comes from? I know Weird Al doesn't have a brother.

Oh, and I love the idea of rational Tommy butting heads with Cheese over party pony powers, demanding to know more.

5442971 Matthew is Weird Al's middle name.

I somehow completely missed this chapter when you published it. :facehoof:

I once met a filly who earned her cutie mark early because she was very obsessed with drawing.

Stealth self-insert?

Delve not into the mysteries of the party pony, Tommy. There are things pony was not meant to know. Secrets that should not be brought to light. Jokes that should never be explained.

I love the alternating connection and tension. The stargazing scene was especially nice. Looking forward to more.

This pair makes me think of grilled cheese and tomato soup :trollestia:

Nice chapter. I love that the party is for pinkie. Good luck with the next chapter. Thanks for the update.

A giggle sounded above them. "Silly Cheese, I'm not dead!"

Cheese looked up and locked eyes with the pink-coated and raspberry-maned mare that they had been speaking of. She was hanging upside-down from the railing of the hall's second floor balcony, and wearing the most adorable smile on her face. He was in awe of how her blue eyes were gleaming, and for a moment, he felt like it was just the two of them in the world.

Of course, he snapped out of his trance, and exclaimed, "Heya, Pinkie!"

Pinkie held a huge grin as she waved, and then fell ungracefully from the railing and landed face first in the dust.

Both beautiful and hilarious, as befits those particular two Ponies.

"Vampire fruit bat? What, is it going to bite me and turn me into a vampire?" Tomato sneered.

XD That made me burst out laughing hard i love snark. Its obvious Cheese is in love with Pinkie. :pinkiehappy:

5490118 ur name and pic combo reminds me of Flapjack and Sally

i somehow keep getting small doses of TommyBelle:raritywink:

5492597 I'm going to have to point out that there's an age problem there.

5492844 foalcon:trollestia: or just a crush on Sweetie's part and mayb a kiss on the cheek from Tommy a little later:ajsmug::trollestia:

5492923 Ew, not foalcon! :raritydespair:

A precocious crush on the part of Sweetie Belle is plausible. Tomato on the other hand... he's not interested.

5492953 no sweetie will actually suggest something he says to her friends and takes charge 4 once and just as a reward or she could kiss him on the cheek also foalcon isn't just rule34 it cud b just fluff or something sweet like that

5492992 I'm still not going into that territory.

5493018 aww :applecry: not even a wittle crushie:pinkiesad2:

Good point on that fruit bat sanctuary, I think we all knew that thing wouldn't work long term.

This chapter makes me wonder about the Sandwich parents. How did they decide to get married, or have kids? It seems like neither of them really love each other, or their kids. The grandparents seem like great ponies, what went wrong when they were raising their own child?

Pinkie blinked and looked around at the food and decorations around her. She also saw the disappointment on everypony's faces, to which she pursed her lips and said, "I could forget about this party so I can be surprised later."


In fact, I think I have done it.

Loving all the sweet Cutie Mark Crusaders moments, including the funny stuff with Tomato and Sweetie Belle. They play off each other well, don't they?

:D This going to be good and Pinkie ruined her own surprise party how the.....Forget it never question the pink one.

I feel sorry for Tomato. Everpony is overlooking him. Sad. I hope he can shine sometime in this story. Great job with this chapter.


Pinkie is psychologically-strange enough that I could see her doing this for real.

With how the tv series treats her its no surprise she has these comic relief powers.

I love Pinkie forgetting her own surprise party! I just hope she doesn't do it via hitting herself with something.

I was kind of hoping when Applejack asked Fluttershy if she'd learned bat yet, AJ would take the time to say "I told you so." From what I remember of the episode, it seemed like the bats could understand Fluttershy, they just didn't care, like a horde of Angel bunnies with wings.


The funny thing about this is that her Reality Warping is one of the most potentially-dangerous powers in Equestria -- right up there with the Alicorns Major, especially if she screws up badly enough. Her Final Strike mode would basically be the ability to crash causality -- the problem is that she might not be able to contain what she unleashed.

Oh man that's pretty intense! She would learn to control it right? because those with powers do eventually learn to control it so they don't accidently hurt the ones they love. Still its an amazing gift she has but deadly if not controlled.


It's a really good thing for everyone that Pinkie PIe is an archetypical All-Loving Heroine.

Good! Her getting corrupted in any way will be a disaster. :pinkiehappy:


Alex Warlorn's Angry Pie (Discorded and immortal Pinkie) and Nightmare Granfalloon (Pinkie-gone-Nightmare) were both terrifying characters, precisely because they had retained Pinkie's powers but lost their moral compasses. Angry Pie was a homicidal maniac who horribly killed anypony she thought might be laughing at anything; Nightmare Granfalloon incapable of doing anything but Eternally Partying -- from a Joker sort of persepctive of "partying."

... sticking it to the mare...

I like this turn of phrase in a matriarchal society.

Be glad that you ditched those monsters--you would have become a criminal by the time you hit your teen years.

Then his Cutie Mark would have been a black eye-mask over an Inmate Number, like the Beagle Bays.

Nice chapter. I think you did a great job. Good luck with the next one.

... I guess you just want to wallow in that puddle of self-pity of yours... which will only get deeper as you disappoint the whole school... all your little friends will be sad you didn't join in. Your teachers would be disappointed that you didn't help get those new chalkboards. Your poor mother would be disappointed that you didn't contribute anything to such a noble cause. ...

... continuing the thought ...

"It would hit the newspapers and the whole city would be disappointed. The news wires and the whole country would be disappointed. Other countries would laugh at Equestria for having such a self-pitying colt among us. You would be forced to don a mask and hide in the sewers, eating mold and rats and occasionally sneaking out at night to raid garbage cans for stale bread. Eventually you would become a legend of disappointment. Generations yet unborn would be disappointed with you ..."

Why yes, my own mother used to come up with improbable scenarios when nagging me. Why do you ask?

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