• Published 22nd Feb 2015
  • 18,492 Views, 422 Comments

A Nobody's Destiny - Golden Flare

Your name is Naxon, you used to work for Organization XIII, but you left, now you find yourself running for your life from dangerous creatures. Can the inhabitants of this world change your life for the better?

  • ...

Day 7: Spoken Sunset

Day 7
Spoken Sunset

Canterlot High School - Hallways
Time of Day: After School
Weather: Sunny
Time: 2:32 PM

The final bell rung a couple minutes ago and everyone had vacated the hallways, leaving you and Sunset by yourselves, the latter wearing an entirely new outfit; a black, zip-up jacket with an orange arrow pointing upwards on each sleeve, underneath that is a light blue blouse with a yellow, see-through trim below, blue pants, and black, heeled boots with a belt and buckle on each one and the same upward arrow pattern as the jacket.

"I have to go meet up with the girls for band practice...well, sort of like band practice." Sunset says.

You raise an eyebrow, wondering what she meant by that.

"Anyway, you can go on home, the students aren't around so you shouldn't run into any trouble on the way. I'll see you tomorrow, Naxon." She then turns around and heads to her destination, but she didn't get very far.

With some unknown force, you find a weird feeling climbing up your throat, and you instinctively opened your mouth.

"Sun...set..." You spoke in a slightly strained voice.

She gasped and turned her head in swift succession, staring at you wide-eyed. "Naxon...?"

You turned to face her as you spoke again, "...That's your name, right? 'Sunset'?"

She was dumbfounded for a moment, but she was able to reply, "...Yeah, Naxon. It is."

You were quiet for a few moments, then you said, "I'll see you later." And then turned back around and left.

You have forged a Z-Link with Sunset Shimmer.

When you turned a corner, Sunset pulled out her cell phone and texted her friends:

New Group Message: Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity

After she sent the group text, she pocketed her phone and ran, not to the amphitheater, but a science lab.

On your way back home, you walked by a dark alleyway, you involuntarily turn your head towards it, and instantly doing a double take when you saw a familiar face.


By the time to gazed into the alley again, he disappeared, as if he was never there. Was he even there at all? Or do you miss him so much that you're beginning to see visions of him?


You decided to brush it off as an optical illusion and continue your trek home.

Your Home - Living Room
Time of Day: Afternoon
Weather: Sunny
Time: 2:57 PM

After over half an hour walking all the way back to the house, you made your way to the living room, where Celestia and Luna were waiting for you to return.

"Ah, good afternoon, Naxon." Celestia said.

You take a deep breath and say, "Hello, Mama Tia...hello, Auntie Lulu."

They both gasp in surprise, "You can talk!?" Luna asked.

You nod, "It just...came to me, I guess."

Celestia stood from the couch and walked over to you, cupping your face in her hands, tears of joy leaking all the while, "My baby can talk..." she then pulled you into a bone-crushing hug that easily rivaled Pinkie's, "My baby can talk!"

Luna rushed over and hugged you both, joyfully crying as well. You raise your hands and hug them back, feeling a warmth in your chest. After a few minutes of Celestia and Luna crying and hugging, you all break the embrace and your two caretakers dry their tears.

"Sorry, Naxon, we're just so happy you can talk, we were worried you would be a permanent mute."

"That doesn't seem to be the case anymore." you say in a little clearer voice, now getting used to talking.

"How about...you spend some time with your friends today?" you looked confused, "We've been together for less than a week, you should spend more time with the girls."

You nod in understanding and give them one last hug before taking your leave back to the school.

Canterlot High School - Hallways
Time of Day: After School
Weather: Sunny
Time: 3:42 PM

You've searched just about everywhere for the girls, the amphitheater, the music room, the gymnasium. Where else could they be? Your question was answered by a familiar voice within the science lab.

"Well, you are, sort of." you put your ear to the door to hear better, "Back when I was Princess Celestia's student, I learned best by going out into the field and actually doing something, studying ancient books is fine for some people, but I like to solve magical mysteries by rolling up my sleeves and getting hooves—uh, hands dirty." you then hear a snap, most likely from a rubber glove, you theorize.

What did she mean by hooves? And did she say Princess Celestia? Doesn't she mean "Principal"?

"I can relate to workin' hard outdoors, but what the hay does that have to do with us playin' music?" you hear Applejack ask.

"I'm trying to figure out how magic works here," you hear Sunset explain, "why you grow ears, tails, and wings when you pony-up and what your instruments have to do with it."

"Um, are you sure we need to figure it out?" you hear Fluttershy ask, meekly.

"It'll be fun, just start playing, you won't even know I'm here!" you hear Sunset say, excitedly.

Deciding that you've eavesdropped enough, you knock on the door.

"I wonder who that could be?" Sunset says, then opens the door, "Naxon!? I thought you went home!"

You shake your head and walk in the lab.

"Naxon...?" Sunset mutters.

You take a deep breath...

"Hello, girls, lovely day, is it not?"

They all share a collective gasp from shock.

"Sunset was tellin' the truth!" Applejack exclaimed.

"Naxy can talk now!" Pinkie added.

"Goodness...!" Fluttershy whispers, incredulously.

"And such a soothing voice, too!" Rarity utters, breathlessly.

You feel your face heat up at their words, only to cool down when you didn't hear Rainbow say anything. You take this chance and speak, "Rainbow Dash...I...I'm sorry for getting you into trouble."

Rainbow perked up, "W-What?"

"That day, when you pinned me—"

"No, I mean, why're YOU apologizing to ME?"


"Look..." Rainbow fidgeted, "I'm sorry for attacking you. I just lost it, y'know? You acting like Mr. Perfect really got to me."

"Water under the bridge, and secondly..." you look away, "I'm far from perfect..."

"I'm glad you two got things patched up," Sunset says, smiling, "and Naxon?"

You turn to her, "Yes?"

"How about...you be my assistant and help me with my experiment?"


"Of course! You're my friend!"

You felt your lips tug at themselves again, you make a mental note to ask Mama Tia and Auntie Lulu what that means, "...Okay."

"Great! Let's get started!" Sunset declares as she eagerly strides to the machine on the far wall.

Sunset began typing on a computer, preparing some sort of program, and gave Fluttershy a thumbs-up, then she started playing her tambourine. The monitor was detecting the energy waves perfectly, until the waves twisted and morphed into the shape of a butterfly, which confused you and Sunset. Fluttershy transformed and glowing butterflies flew out of her helmet, effectively knocking out the power; one ended up on Sunset's nose while the rest converged on you, making you a massive glow stick, much to Sunset's amusement as she tried to stifle her giggles.

Now it was Applejack's turn, she transformed when she played her bass guitar as Sunset and yourself were taking notes, but she reverted back to normal, much to yours and Sunset's confusion. It was then a bunch of magical glowing apples fell on top of Sunset and one fell into Applejack's hand and she ate as she walked away. Sunset stuck her head her out of the pile of apples she was in just in time to see five more apples bounce off the top of your head, prompting you to drop your clipboard and pencil, annoying you greatly, even more so from Sunset's giggling.

Sunset placed several electrodes on different parts of Rarity's body, since it was her turn next, she began to play her keytar and transform as well with you and Sunset taking notes, but then Rarity begun to float in midair and caught you and Sunset in the electrodes wires, causing Sunset to fall to the floor and you, standing too close, dangling just below Rarity, who gave you both a sheepish smile.

Pinkie's turn has come as she was playing the drums, you and Sunset were watching the machine scanning her energy waves, then Pinkie began to transform like the others and got a little too wild with her drumming and created several magical balloons flying towards you and Sunset, the latter clinging to the wall from static electricity and the former caught in the balloon strings and floating up to the ceiling, making you more annoyed.

Next came Rainbow's turn as she played her electric guitar, but this time, you and Sunset stayed behind a wall in another room with her laptop, a mic, and a few other things. You, personally, are glad you'll be shielded from the inevitable onslaught of magic by being in a different room than the test subject, A.K.A. Rainbow Dash.

Or so you thought.

Rainbow floated up and transformed as she played, which made Sunset smile at her progress. At that moment, you noticed a rainbow trail flowing through the cord that Rainbow's guitar was hooked up to...which was also hooked to the outlet in the wall you two were behind.

"Uhh, Sunset?" you say.

"What is it?" Sunset asks.

You point to the rainbow trailing cord as it made its way to the wall, making Sunset's laptop shine rainbow-like and splatter a rainbow colored substance everywhere.

...You swear this girl has an obsession with rainbows.

(stop music)

Everyone's tuning their instruments as you brush the last bit of "rainbow goop" from your coat.

"Well, that worked like a dream." you say sarcastically.

"It did!?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

You just gave her a deadpan look, which she got the message and went back to checking her drums.

"Finally, after all this testing, I've come to a definitive conclusion!" Sunset declares as you take a good look at her; her entire body is steaming, her face and lab coat are all scuffed up, her hair is burnt and blown back with static radiating from it, and she just coughed up a rainbow, how that was possible, you may never know, "I have no idea how magic works in this world. Ahhh..." she then begins to faint.

"I gotcha." you rush to her side and catch her before she hits the floor.

She opens her eyes and looks at you, "Thanks, Nax..." she stops herself as you two gaze into each other's eyes.

You somehow find comfort within her cyan green orbs, like they alone would protect you from the darkness itself, regardless of how cheesy that would sound. You then noticed Sunset's face turning red, was that the same thing you felt when your face burned? Is it bad? You let go of those thoughts for now and help her stand back up, but her eyes never left yours, not like you wanted them to. Sunset realized what she was doing and quickly recomposed herself.

"Um...T-Thank you, Naxon." she says.

"Um, yeah, you're welcome." you reply as you look away, scratching the back of your head.

What's with you? You've never felt like this before. Is it these girls making you feel these things?

Or is it just Sunset?

"Okay, dearie," Rarity takes Sunset by the hand along with Fluttershy, both trying to withhold their smiles, "let's get you cleaned up, we'll start with your hair." with that, lead her to a nearby seat, allowing you to walk over to a window and prop yourself on the wall next to it, giving you a chance to think for a bit.

When Sunset sat down, her two friends began to fix her hair. "Are you alright, darling?" Rarity asked Sunset.

"I'll be fine, just need to clean myself up a bit." she responds.

"Um, I hope I don't sound out of line or anything, but..." Fluttershy fidgets, "Naxon was taking the same amount of impact from our magic as you, but he doesn't have a scratch on him. Why is that? Oh, if you don't mind my asking..."

"You raise a good point, Fluttershy," Sunset begins stroking her chin suspiciously while scrutinizing you, "Why doesn't he have at least a scratch on him? It's almost like he's resistant to magic..." Maybe I should do some experiments on Naxon sometime, Sunset thought.

"While we're on the subject, you do like him? As in, like-like?" Rarity asked coyly.

Sunset immediately became flustered, "W-W-What!? N-No! I-I just like him as a friend!"

"That's not what I saw~" Rarity singsonged.

"Alright, Rarity," Applejack intervened, "stop teasin' the poor gal."

"Yeah, if Sunset likes a guy, it's her business, if not, oh well." Rainbow adds.

"Speaking of a guy," Pinkie speaks up, "Naxy's doin' some REAL hard thinking over there, it's almost like something's REALLY bothering him."

They all looked over toward you, but you didn't notice, staring at the palm of your gloved hand and closing it while clenching your eyes shut in frustration.

"Naxon?" Sunset got your attention.

(stop music)

You looked out the window and saw birds flying by as the girls worked on cleaning up Sunset, seeing those birds fly free reminded you of your freedomlessness back in the Organization...and it angered you greatly.

Roxas saved me the day he walked through that door, whether he realized it or not, you thought, if it wasn't for him, I never would've made such great friends here. One day, I'll find him, and everything will go back to the way it was...at least, I hope so. you turned your attention to the empty palm of your hand, The Organization will find me, and that means I have to do whatever I can to keep these girls safe. you close your hand into a fist and clench your eyes shut in frustration, the guilt of keeping your secret weighing heavily on you.


(stop music)

Sunset got your attention as you opened your eyes and gazed upon her and her friends' worried looks.

"Are you okay?"

You shake your head and give them a reassuring look, though it was fake, "It's okay, I'm fine."

But Applejack saw through your ruse, "Ya sure didn't seem fine b'fore."

You look away in shame, "...It's nothing."

"C'mon, Naxon, we're not five-years-old, it's obvious something's bugging you, so spit it out!" Rainbow demanded.

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity exclaimed aghast, "I want to help Naxon too, but you have to be a little more sensitive about these sorts of things!"

You look at them and speak with finality in your tone, "...It's my burden to bear, not yours."

"Why?" Sunset asks.

"I can't tell you."

"And why not?"

"The less you all know, the better; I want you all to have plausible deniability."

"For what?"

You sigh deeply, "...I have a bad feeling that the Organization will come for me."

"The Organization?" they all echo.

"What Organization?" Sunset asked.

"Organization XIII. The people I used to work for. They're a bad group."

Fluttershy gasped, "From the...'bad place'?"

You just nod.

"That's all I can tell you...for now, anyway."

"'For now'? You mean you're still hiding stuff from us?" Rainbow accused.

"You wouldn't understand." you walk past them to the door, "I'll see you all later."

"Hey, wait a se—" Sunset started, but was soon cut off by the door closing.

You begin your trek home feeling heavier than ever. The rest of your day is uneventful.

Meanwhile, the girls are still trying to understand what just happened. Sunset put a hand to her chest as she thought about you.

"Naxon...is what you're hiding so dangerous that you have keep it to yourself to protect us from it?"

Your Home - Your Room
Time of Day: Evening
Weather: Clear Skies
Time: 10:46 PM

After you returned home, you exchanged a few words with Celestia and Luna and retired to your room, you knew you had to chronicle this in your diary, but for some reason you didn't feel up for it, perhaps it's because of this heavy feeling you had the whole way home. You crawled into your bed and passed out the moment your head hit the pillow.

Author's Note:



No. VII - Lunatic
No. VIII - Eternal Flames


Gift Card: $10.00 (Sugarcube Corner)


(E) Black Coat (Defense +2)
Pajamas (Defense +1)
Wondercolt Uniform (Strength +1, Defense +1, Speed +1)
Swim Trunks (Speed +1, Water resistance +5%)


Apple x 7 (+20 HP)
Fizzy Apple Cider x 6 (+50 HP)
Sm. Chocolate Cupcake x 1 (+30 HP)

High Jump LV1
Shockwave (Lunatic only)
Burn, baby! (Eternal Flames only)


Key Items

Popsicle Stick
Paper Stack
Luna's Pen
ePhone 6
Celestia's Number
Luna's Number
House Number
Pinkie's Number
ID Card
Canterlot Animal Shelter Flier
Class Schedule
Canterlot High School Map


VI - Trixie Lulamoon - Lv. 1/20
VII - Vice Principal Luna (Auntie Lulu) - Lv. 4/20
VIII - Principal Celestia (Mama Tia) - Lv. 4/20
XII - Flash Sentry - Lv. 1/20
XIII - Sunset Shimmer - Lv. 1/20