• Published 20th Jan 2015
  • 9,233 Views, 73 Comments

Messenger - SkycatcherEQ

Sparked by an unexpected request, Twilight helps deliver a long-overdue message from Celestia to her former student.

  • ...

An Unexpected Request


Twilight’s boots struck the concrete a few feet from the statue in the courtyard at Canterlot High.

Yesss—stuck the landing. She beamed a giddy smile. Dash would be so proud.

Her smile broadened as she rolled her fingers and clapped both palms together as if they were hooves. She’d made a few trips back and forth since the band competition, but landing out of the portal on two points this time instead of all four was a satisfying first.

She checked the straps on her backpack. “Now, to find Sunset.” A quick scan of the courtyard found it empty and quiet. Under an overcast sky, nearly all of the leaves had fallen from the trees as the final days of autumn began to slip away.

Twilight made for the entrance and clipped up the steps. A harsh shiver rattled through her, distracting her almost to the point of forgetting the ‘hands required’ part for gaining entry. She stopped short, grabbed the handle, and made her way quickly inside.

“Oh my goodness, it’s cold,” she muttered, pausing in the foyer as the door closed behind her. She rubbed both hands furiously on her upper arms. Her mind grumbled that, while the portal’s magic at least had the foresight to attach clothing as part of its process, it seemed that sight was too narrow to account for seasonal variation. She took to surveying the crowded hallway and soon spotted a characteristic flash of red and gold rounding the corner at a hurried pace.

“Sorry I’m late, Twi,” Sunset huffed as she came to a stop. “You ready?”

Twilight wrapped Sunset in a quick hug. Pulling back, she clapped her palms together again and said, “Ooooh, I’m so looking forward to this!”

The way Sunset had described this late autumn ‘harvest festival’ was a bit different from anything she’d experienced in Equestria. It sounded similar in some ways to celebrations the earth ponies would put on around harvest time, but Sunset had made this out to be more about the camaraderie, music, and social celebration, and less about any actual harvest. After all, it was almost winter now, and it’s not like there was any degree of agriculture in the middle of the city.

The lights, the smells, the live music, the food. And the hot chocolate. If one word could describe what Twilight was anticipating, it would be ‘warmth’.

In contrast to that thought, another shiver came over her. “Sunset, would you happen to have any… extra layers?” Twilight half-raised one arm and then the other, and looked down at herself with a sheepish giggle. “The portal seems to be having a bit of a joke at my expense here.”

Sunset stifled a chuckle. “Hmm. I think I have an extra jacket in my locker.” Walking over and reaching in to the right, she fished it out. “And we can pick up something on the way to my place that you can call your own.”

“Thanks.” Twilight zipped up the brown turtle-neck jacket and crossed her arms with another shiver. “You sure, though? I don’t have any way to pay for anything right now. And thanks again for offering to cover my food, by the way.”

“It’s no problem. Really. There’s a store near here that sells clothes really cheap. It’s nice stuff, but I guess they can’t sell it at the fancy stores 'cause of small defects or something.”

“Great... thanks again. I don’t care what it looks like as long as it’s warm.”


“So I saw Aria and Sonata in the hallway back there,” Twilight said as they made their way toward the store. “And they looked to be doing… quite well. I think I even saw Aria give a genuine smile to some of the others.” She raised an eyebrow and shared a giggle with Sunset. “It’s warming me up a bit just thinking about it.”

“Yeah, those two really have come a long way.” Sunset turned forward again with a grin. She lowered her eyes as her expression softened. “Adagio too. I still choke up a little when I think about it sometimes.”

Twilight placed a hand on Sunset’s shoulder and met eyes with her. “You did a good thing for them.” Sunset’s smile brightened at this, and her eyes began to glisten. “And from what you’ve written, it sounds like the whole thing helped you grow quite a bit as well.” She looked forward again and returned her hands to the jacket's pockets. “I’m proud of you. Celestia is too.”


“Oh. I didn’t see Adagio anywhere,” Twilight added. Looking back toward Sunset, she asked, “Did I just miss her, or?”

Sunset was silent for a moment, but then shook her head slightly and blinked. “Oh, she doesn’t go to the school.”

Twilight felt a tinge of worry begin to sprout.

Sunset appeared to notice her concern and quickly added, “But it’s okay, and it’s actually a good thing, heh. She’s able to pass for college-aged, so she took a job to support them—or at least give that appearance.”

Turning forward again, she clasped hands behind her back. “They actually have a crazy amount of money. Which is unsurprising I guess, given their history—and Adagio’s mindset especially. So the job is more just to keep suspicions off their living arrangement. And to give her something to put her passion toward.

“And then with Aria and Sonata, it's not like they have much to gain learning-wise, yanno. So the school thing is just for fun and socializing.”

Another grin spread across Sunset's face. “And oh, that poor history teacher. I would never have guessed Aria'd be so interested in the subject. It’s funny because she gets a bit of twisted glee whenever she can contradict parts of the books with her own life experience. And then—” she giggled “—when he questions her with, ‘And how would you know?’ she usually responds with a dispassionate, ‘Internet…’ at which point he just throws his hands up in the air and moves on.”

Twilight laughed again and shook her head.

“They’re coming too, you know,” Sunset said. “To the festival. Should give you a chance to really talk with them, if you’d like. Seems like something that’d be good for all of you.”

“Yeah. I’d like that. I mean, it was nice reading what you wrote about how far they've come, but I really can't wait to have an actual talk with them.” After a few moments of thought, she added, “I guess I'm not surprised that it took Adagio the longest.”

“Same,” Sunset replied, looking down again. “It was so hard seeing her like that—so angry and walled-up still, while Sonata and Aria were starting to enjoy life again. I mean, I wasn't surprised that Sonata was the first to come around. But what did surprise me was how much courage she showed in helping Aria.”

“And then you said it was the two of them working together that finally got through to Adagio?”

“Right. Adagio said that... seeing in them, Aria especially, what they'd found—how good it feels to have someone appreciate and care about you without being... forced. It just really hit her.”

Sunset put her hands in her pockets smiled softly. “There's actually a lot of warmth inside her. I guess the layer of pride just needed to crack for it show.”

Twilight gave Sunset a playful nudge. “Sound like anyone else you know?”

Sunset laughed and put an arm around Twilight's shoulders in a quick hug. “Yeah. She and I both have been really surprised at just how much we have in common. It's really been nice.”

Twilight returned her focus to the sidewalk passing by under her feet, considering again just how much had changed since the last time she'd visited. She snuck a sideways glance at Sunset. She's come so far since last year. I'm so happy for her.

From there, the two of them quietly admired the almost-winter landscape as they walked the last few blocks to the clothing store. Upon arriving and stepping inside, Sunset moved to lead Twilight over to the section of women’s winter clothing, but Twilight stopped just inside the door and to the left where she picked up a thick hooded sweatshirt.

“Ooooh, this’ll work,” she said pleasantly. “I saw a bunch of others at the school wearing these, and they look so comfy.” She turned to Sunset and presented it, beaming, “And look, it’s purple!”

Sunset raised a finger and opened her mouth as if to protest but then relaxed and chuckled to herself. “That’s so you, Twilight. And so not Rarity.” At this, they both shared another laugh. “Function over form it is. So just a pair of pants now, and maybe some gloves and earmuffs, and we’re good to go.”


The night of the festival saw the seven girls gathered outside the south entrance to the city’s main park. After exchanging greetings, they walked in toward the park’s central fountain, each looking up and around in jovial awe. Strings of paper lanterns fanned out from the central area to all corners of the event space and bathed it in a warm yellow glow that blurred away the starry sky. The feeling of warmth was accented further by portable gas heating lamps standing at intervals along the park’s walkways. And finally, the smells of cooked food and sounds of live music wafting down from the north served to draw their remaining senses into the experience.

The festival space appeared to be laid out into four quadrants, with the southern half to their left and right housing local artisans selling their handmade wares. Food booths were situated to the northwest, and the live performance stage with its seating was to the northeast.

As they reached the fountain in the center, Twilight turned to Sunset. “So we’re supposed to meet those three here somewhere?”

“Adagio told me they’d be here, but we hadn’t arranged anything that specific.” Sunset lifted both arms to frame the space around her head. “Shouldn’t be too hard to spot her though.” This elicited a light laugh from Twilight as she covered her mouth.

Ari. Ari! You gotta try this!

“Or shouldn’t be too hard to hear Sonata.” Sunset turned toward the voice coming from the food booths and motioned for Twilight to follow her. Pausing just inside the area, they inhaled the wave of scents and then both exhaled with a shared “Mmmmm.” Twilight pointed to a splash of blue and purple up ahead.

“What is it, dor—umph.

Aria was cut off by Sonata shoving what looked like the last bite of a meatball into her mouth. She grimaced and swatted Sonata’s hand away, but then her eyes widened for a moment while chewing. After swallowing, she narrowed them again and with a spreading grin stated, “More.

Sonata grabbed her by the hand and led her off down the walkway, leaving the scene dominated by an orange cream-puff of hair. Sunset walked up behind Adagio and wrapped her around the shoulders in a hug. “Hey, you.”

Lifting a hand to Sunset’s forearm, Adagio replied warmly, “Hey.”

A new sort of warmth welled up in Twilight at the sight of these two—each of whom had once sought her own version of ‘world conquest’—now sharing a contented gesture of friendship with one another. Twilight wrapped her arms around herself and gave an involuntary squee of happiness.

This caught their attention, and they both turned toward her. Adagio wore an expensive-looking white jacket, accented with a scarf and hair tie of her characteristic purple. Absent were all the spikes from their prior encounters. She shook her head and lowered her eyes with a grin.

“Yes, yes. I know what you must be thinking,” she said with a sigh. “And honestly, you’d be right. This last month or so really has been good for me.”

With eyes still lowered, her grin faded slightly. “Of course, the path to get here led through the absolute lowest point in my entire life…”

Sunset rubbed a hand on Adagio’s back for a moment, causing her shoulders to relax with a long exhale.

“But it made me stronger. And this feeling now… It really was worth it. It’s still not easy, but with their help—” she returned Sunset’s gesture “—hers especially—it’s getting better day by day.”

Releasing the embrace, Adagio took on an analytical expression, tinged with a remnant of her old Machiavellian grin. She looked Twilight up and down for a few moments before settling on her eyes.

“So. Twilight Sparkle,” she said. “We meet at last.

Twilight raised an uncomfortable eyebrow at the unexpected tone but relaxed when Adagio poked her lightly on the upper arm and laughed.

Twilight offered a smile in return. “I’m happy for you. I really am. Sunset’s been telling me about everything you had to go through, but also about the better place you seem to be in now.”

She looked down and continued softly, “After the band finale, and thinking about it for a while, I was worried about the way things ended there on the stage—we all were. None of us wanted to believe there was nothing we could do to help you, but it really did seem that way at the time. We—”

“Sunset! Dear, you must come and see this.” Rarity strolled up from the artisan area with Fluttershy in tow. “I’ve found just the perfect piece to accent your couture for this winter season.”

Laughing as Rarity motioned sternly for her to follow, Sunset turned and asked, “Well, shall we?”

Adagio looked hesitantly over at Twilight for a moment but then back to Sunset and smiled. “Sure.”

“You coming, Twilight?” Sunset asked.

“Well… actually.” Twilight raised a finger and hunched her shoulders with a sheepish grin.

“Oh, right, your cocoa. Hmm. There should be some at one of these booths—here’s a ten. We’ll be right back, but feel free to have a look around. We’ll see you over by the stage in a few, if nothing else.” She leaned in and whispered, “Sorry, but…” and nudged her head toward Rarity.

“Heh, I understand. I’ll see you over there.”

“Third booth on the left!” Pinkie yelled to Twilight from the second tier of the fountain as Rarity led her entourage away. And while there was no way Pinkie could have overheard their conversation, Twilight knew from experience to simply take her word for it.

“We’ll save a seat for ya,” Applejack called, before she and Dash walked off toward the stage area with Pinkie skipping behind.

When they had all left, Twilight looked around briefly and again took in the joy of the surrounding atmosphere as it infused its warmth into each of her senses. A bit of laughter drew her attention to another pathway coming out of the food area. She looked over to see Aria and Sonata waving at Applejack's group as the latter motioned for them to join and follow.

She smiled to herself with another contented hmm, and then continued on toward Pinkie’s appointed booth. After paying the vendor and returning to the park’s center with her cup of happiness between both hands, Twilight noticed Adagio sitting alone on the encircling edge of the fountain.

Adagio met Twilight’s gaze and motioned for her to sit down as well. “I’d like a few minutes to talk with you, if you don’t mind.”

Twilight flashed an excited smile and said, “Of course. There’s so much I’d like to talk to you about. I know we probably don’t have a lot of time, but—”

“Actually,” Adagio interrupted, “It’s… about Sunset. I’m sure we’ll have time for that later as well, but I feel a certain sense of urgency with this.”

Twilight’s curiosity and concern now piqued, she quickly nodded with an “Mm-hm.”

Adagio stared at the space in front of her and spoke calmly. “Sunset Shimmer. Over my many years of… influencing people, I’ve encountered very few who possess the resilience of character and strength of will that she does. Yet, as I’ve gotten to know her over this last month, I have seen her hurting.”

She softened a bit and met eyes with Twilight. “I have a lot of experience reading people, Twilight—which should come as no surprise. And I can tell you that what she’s carrying inside her is a hurt that runs deeper than she wants anyone to see.”

Twilight lowered her eyes with a frown and sighed. “It’s Celestia, isn’t it…”

“Yes.” Adagio looked forward again. “Her name has come up more than once in our talks. And each time, Sunset grows more withdrawn, and it takes me longer to bring her back up. I can see that she’s holding it all in and that it’s eating her up inside. She’s come so far, and has helped us do the same, but still…”

Adagio let out a long breath and lowered her eyes. “Sunset knows Celestia is proud of her now, but something’s still missing. I suspect it’s a need to actually hear it from her—that she really is proud of Sunset and has forgiven her. And until she can get that, I fear it’s going to continue to haunt her.”

Twilight closed her eyes and nodded once. “I think you’re right. Actually, I know you are.”

Adagio looked back at Twilight intently. “So that’s why I wanted to talk with you. Sunset has done so much for me—and for Aria and Sonata as well. She cares about my happiness, and I can’t tell you how good that feels. What I can tell you, though, is that it’s made me to care about seeing her happy as well.”

She lowered her eyes and gave a single laugh. “I suppose that’s what this ‘friendship’ stuff is all about, huh?”

Twilight looked at Adagio and smiled softly. Yes. Yes it is.

Adagio met eyes with Twilight again and continued, “So if there is anything you can do to help… even if it’s just getting a message to Celestia about what I’ve told you. Just something—anything—that might help Sunset bring some closure to what she's feeling. I know it would mean the world to her.”

“Well, there is a way. I’m sure she told you about how she communicates with me?”

“Yes, the book.”

“I’ll talk with Celestia and return my copy of the book to her for a while. I'm sure she has regrets of her own, so I hope that hearing what you’ve told me will help her take that first step and reach out to Sunset.

“This is a wonderful thing you’re doing, Adagio. It sounds like Sunset's shared with you things that she hasn’t even told me.” She placed a hand on Adagio’s upper arm. “I hope you realize how significant that is; your friendship must really mean a lot to her. I’m happy for you.”

“Yes, and she’s played no small part in that, so please, whatever you can do.”

“I will. You have my word.” Twilight looked over toward the music area. “We should be getting back. They’re probably wondering where we are.”

Adagio nodded. “Thanks for listening.”

When they had made their way over to the live performance area, Twilight began to look around for any familiar head of hair she could find, and immediately spotted Rainbow Dash standing by the others who were already seated. She appeared to have been waiting for them attentively, and waved them over.

“Took you guys long enough, geez,” she teased.

“Yeah, we took a minute to talk. It was nice.” Twilight smiled at Adagio and then back at Dash. “Sorry we’re late, though. Thanks for waiting.”

“No one left behind,” Rainbow replied with a mock salute and then stepped over the bench to take her seat between Pinkie and Applejack.

Adagio walked up behind Sunset and put a hand on her shoulder. She, along with Aria and Sonata, scooted to the left to make room for the two of them to sit. Taking the spot next to Sunset, Adagio leaned over and wrapped her in a hug.

“What’s this for?” Sunset asked with a laugh.

“Oh, nothing in particular.” She sat up again and shared a sideways smile with Twilight.

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

I hope Celestia understands. I’m sure she will. They both need this.

A few more minutes passed, and the stage lights came on. The din of the crowd lowered to a hush, and following a brief introduction for the band, the warm tones of live folk music began to fill the cool night air.