• Published 26th Feb 2015
  • 3,966 Views, 294 Comments

Three of Hearts - Anzel

Azurite is a pony relations warrant officer for the Canterlot Palace. It was supposed to be a relaxing change from royal guard duty, but that idea falls apart when her heart is pulled in two different directions... toward a stallion and a mare.

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6. My Surprise Visitor

I learned a lot about Sunny Day over the evening. Her bath tub, for instance, was clearly sized for at least two ponies. So were most of her pillows. We were sitting on a different one than before, both of us wrapped in fresh towels. Sunny had been diligent and washed me from head to hoof. All of that time at the mane salon lost...

“Oh, don’t pout,” she teased. “I like you all styled but I like you just as much like this.”

Her ability to read my mind was somewhat frightening. “I just wanted to be pretty for you.”

“And you were. Now you’re cute and moist.” Her brow wiggled at that and she stroked a hoof along my side.

I snorted and swished my tail. “Uh huh. Well… what’s next?”

Sunny tugged me close into another cuddle and whispered, “Kisses? Lots and lots of kisses?”

That seemed perfectly fine to me. After the crowd I honestly didn’t want her to go further away from where I could reach her. Kissing necessitated closeness so I nodded.

Slowly she nestled me onto my back and leaned over my form. Sunny was a finesse kisser and dotted my lips with multiple little pecks before going in for a long, lingering smooch. Her lips were soft and full and I felt the electricity from before. It was hard to think about what had happened earlier. For now all I could think about was more kisses.

My hooves looped around her neck so I could hold onto her. Hers slipped under my back to embrace me. I’m not much for cliches but I thought I heard fireworks go off…

Sunny parted the kiss and whispered, “Don’t mind that. There is a dinner theatre downstairs and they have some minor pyrotechnics.” She then kissed me once more before nosing my cheek. “Azu, you’re a very nice pony…”

I nibbled on my lip. “But?”

“But I’d really like you to not be a good girl tonight. That is, assuming you’re not still worked up. I don’t want to take advantage of your condition.”

Oh sweet Celestia… All-The-Way Day. Briefly I contemplated the options. What would she think of me in the morning? What would they say at the palace?

I swallowed. “I don’t want you to think I’m easy.”

The golden mare giggled. “I see. Well… I’m pretty easy and I don’t think it is necessarily a character flaw. I like what I like, I’m not ashamed of it, and I’m really into you. Totally your call, though.”

“I’ve never been with a mare,” I admitted.

“I’ll go easy on you.”

Here was my chance to be impulsive. I’d made Soarin promise to be good and it had been tough to keep my hooves off him. Softly I whined before leaning up to nuzzle Sunny’s neck. “Show me how it’s done.”

There was gasp followed by a gleeful clapping of hooves. With the eyes of a hungry lion Sunny lifted me with her magic and floated me right into her bedroom.


I flopped on my back, my head hitting the pillow with a soft thump. My coat was matted with sweat and I tingled all over. “Oh, Celestia, I had forgotten what that was like.”

Sunny’s ears shot up. “You said you’d never been with a mare!”

“What? Oh no! I meant…” I giggled sheepishly. How to phrase this? “Crossing the goal line.” And I felt flushed all over again.

“Azu!” She gasped. “Surely you…” Sunny spared me and continued the metaphor, “...practice for the big game?”

My head shook. “No… I’m completely into team play. I can’t get into the game solo.”

Sunny Day laughed happily and tugged me against her chest. She smooched my ears and purred, “Oh, you’re a treat. As fun as that is, I am worn out. Bed time?”

Quickly I nodded. I had had one heck of a day and sleep sounded great.


I woke to the sound of hooves in the room outside. The sun was pouring in through the windows so it had to be early. Sunny was making me breakfast? Hmm… If Sunny was making me breakfast, then who was I snuggling with? The haze of sleep wore off and I froze. Quickly I shook the unicorn next to me.

“Sunny, somepony is in your condo!” I whispered.

Her eyes opened and peered at me with a warm fondness… and zero recognition. She nibbled on my ear which sent tingles to far away places. “Yes, you are.”

Lightly I shook her. “No… somepony else is in the-”

The door opened suddenly. A blur of blue whisked in and flopped on the end of the bed. “Sunny Day, it is horrible! Horrible!” It was a familiar mare’s voice.

Sunny sat up straight, suddenly very awake. “Trixie? What’s the matter?”

Trixie? With a gasp I hid behind Sunny and looked out from under a hoof.

“Trixie’s main assistant! She has run off with a stallion. Trixie won’t have time to properly train a new one before the next show! Ruined… ruined!” Trixie threw a hoof to her forehead, closed her eyes, and fell over dramatically. Then one eye peeked open and she asked, “Who is in bed with you?”

Sunny just started giggling uncontrollably.

“Trixie does not know how you can laugh at a time like this! Her career will be ruined!” She toned it down and peered at us. “Seriously, though. Who is that?”

The golden mare turned and looped her hooves under my forelegs. Sunny pulled me around to sit in front of her as if she were showing me off, giggling all the while. I get that I’m small, and that all royal guards work out, but seriously, she moved me way too easily. “Trixie, you remember Azurite?”

Weakly I waved a hoof and said, “I’m sorry.”

Trixie quickly nodded. “Yes, Trixie’s fan. She remembers. Hello Azurite.” She then looked to Sunny. “What is Trixie going to do?” Her mind then snapped the other way. “Wait. Why is Azurite in bed with you?”

More giggles from Sunny while I was mortified, horrified, and terrified. She just held onto me and kept me still. Finally coming down from a giggle fit Sunny replied, “Because we were on a date last night and I asked her to stay over. You let yourself in like usual so you found us in bed.”

I repeated, “I’m sorry.”

Trixie waved a dismissive hoof. “Trixie has seen worse.” I wasn’t sure what that meant but it didn’t seem directed at me. She then flicked her tail and went on. “Well, you still haven’t consoled Trixie and given her advice. What is she to do?” The blue mare crept a little closer and then peered directly at me. “You and Azurite were having s-”

Sunny quickly cut her off. “We were playing in the big game. Azurite was the most valuable pony. She scored more than once.”

My jaw went slack and I stared in horror. Slowly I just buried my head against Sunny in embarrassment.

“Big game? Trixie has no idea what you’re talking about. You were playing sports in here? How would Azurite score… oh! Sunny Day, you’re corrupting mares that can’t even speak about such things outside of metaphor?”

“Uh huh,” Sunny replied cheerfully. “Now, about your assistant. I know the part well enough to fake it for a few nights. You can train up your number two mare. She is a smart cookie. Then just hire a new number two.”

Trixie’s hooves clapped together and she cheered, “Thank you, Sunny!” Without warning I found myself squeezed between the pair as Trixie hugged Sunny. Through all of my terror and expectation that Trixie was going to pound me for being with Sunny, a little part of me thought, ‘oh yeah… this is nice.’

“You’re welcome,” Sunny said warmly. “Now Trixie, why don’t you go get settled in the living room so I can make sure Azurite doesn’t die of a heart attack. We’ll get cleaned up and come out.”

Trixie let us go and then turned her nose up. “Don’t keep Trixie waiting long.”

Once Trixie was gone Sunny started giggling again and she hugged me. I was trembling. “You’re fine. She isn’t going to beat you up.” Sunny whispered.

“She caught us in bed.”

Quickly the mare shook her head. “Nope. Caught implies we were doing something wrong. Sugar, Trixie doesn’t own me. She knows the rules. She let herself in and found me in bed with another mare. That is her fault. Besides, as you can tell, Trixie isn’t possessive of anything but her career. Come on. Let’s go have some breakfast with her.”

“That sounds like the most awkward thing ever.”

Sunny Day slipped off the bed and pranced for the door. “No, we’ll just talk about her career and my part. You stayed the night. The least I can do is make the MVP breakfast.”

Oh, Azurite, what have you gotten yourself into?


Sunny had been right. Trixie had already forgotten about us being in bed together… either that or she just didn’t care. She spent all morning talking about the part Sunny would play in the show.

Breakfast, while a sweet gesture, was very basic. In contrast to Soarin, Sunny Day was neither a food genius nor a great cook. Still, she rewarded my promiscuity with edible food and I was grateful. After breakfast I excused myself and headed for home. It was just too weird to sit there with the two of them. It was even weirder that Sunny had kissed me goodbye right in front of Trixie.

I’m not sure I could have sat there politely if the situation had been reversed. I knew Sunny dated but I didn’t want to see it! At any rate I needed to get home and feed my fish, water my plants, and take care of all the chores I had put off in my excitement to go on dates.


Mr. Clockerson ticked soothingly to me. He was trying to raise my spirits. My monthly appointment with Mindful Soul had occurred early that morning and I was feeling a little low. She had started our session the same way as always: stating that emotional pain gets easier with time but it can’t be “fixed.” We just learn to deal with it.

Almost a year later and I still have problems. Problems with nightmares, problems with crowds, and problems with self esteem.

On the plus side, she was very happy to hear I was dating. She also gave me a talking to about promiscuity but I’m an old enough pony to make those kind of choices. Just because I look like a filly doesn’t mean I am one.

What had hit me hard was that she wanted me to go see Sandy Shores, my former partner. I had told her I couldn’t. She said it was time. I said it wasn’t. We disagreed but she pointed out it was up to me. Later, I’d said. Always later.

I wiped my eyes again and moved on to the next pony’s paperwork.

“Knock knock,” Soarin said without actually knocking on my open door. He was in that wonderfully tight Wonderbolt’s uniform.

Quickly I wiped my eyes again and stood at attention.

Soarin laughed and waved a hoof. “At ease Azurite. This is a social call.”

“Oh?” I asked, settling back onto my pillow. I tried to summon some confidence and motioned him in. “Please come in then.”

He did so and took a seat across from me. “Hey are you okay?” he asked. “You look sad.”

“Me? Oh, I’m fine. Sometimes a pony’s file has things that are sad in them. Injuries and such. I was just thinking about one in particular. I’m fine though, honest.” That was exactly the right thing to say. It wasn't exactly a lie.

Soarin smiled and shook his head. “It makes me respect you more that you care so much. You’re a good pony… which is also why I’m here.”

You care so much, Azurite. So much so that you can’t go see Sandy… That wasn’t helping; time to focus on Soarin. My ears stood at attention. “Is that so?”

“It is. I wanted another date. When are you free?”

The Azurite in my head jumped up on her hind hooves and started dancing. It was a pretty nerdy dance… the cabbage patch, I think. I batted my eyes at him. “Well… my dance card isn’t full or anything. For a gentlestallion like you I’m free this weekend.”

Soarin’s ears drooped. “Oh… well this weekend I have a thing. A Wonderbolts thing. We’re going to be in Manehatten.”

I was starting to like the Wonderbolts less and less. I waved a hoof. “It’s okay. I can wait.”

He nodded and then sat up straight. “Unless…”

“Unless?” I asked hopefully.

“Unless you’d want to go. We have shows Saturday and Sunday but… you could stay in my room. I could even get you tickets to the show. You know… if that isn’t too much for your…” Soarin trailed and was clearly trying to pick the right words. I knew what he was getting at. “Uh…” You can do it handsome, come on. “Virtue?”

My parents were good, honest ponies. They had raised me to be a good honest girl. In less than a month I had catted around with a mare and now I was going to shack up with a stallion. Wait, we are? Yes, inner Azurite, we totally are.

I set my hooves on the desk and lifted my head to look proud. That left me only a head shorter than the stallion. “My virtue can stand it. I would love to go.”

Soarin cheered, “Alright! Listen, I promise to be a gen-mmph!” Somehow my hoof had landed on his mouth. He stared at it. I stared at him and then slowly took it back. “Good host, then?” he amended.

Quickly I nodded.

“Great…” I could almost see the wheels turning in his mind. “Pick you up here Friday after work? I won’t have you back until late Sunday.”

“I’ll ask my fish to water my plants.”


“Nothing, it is fine! See you then!”

“Great!” he said before heading out. I stood up but he didn’t bother with any appropriate military decorum.


“Yes?” I called sweetly.

“Yes?” Lieutenant Brook repeated in confusion, his head in my door.

I rose to attention and replied, “Yes, sir! Sorry, sir! I thought you were my last visitor coming back… sir.”

“Oh. Well, I didn’t knock. Mitsy is taking maternity leave. Any issues with you covering any pony relations issues for Princess Celestia’s House Guard for the next few weeks?”

No problem… is what I wanted to say but I couldn’t. Ethically I couldn’t. This was also something I really didn’t want to discuss with the lieutenant but… “Almost no problem, sir.”


“I can take any pony but the unit commander. I can’t work her case.” Please just accept that, please just accept that, please just acce…


Drat. Clearing my throat, I said casually, “We’re dating, sir. It would be a conflict of interest.”

Lieutenant Brook stood there for a good few moments while Mr. Clockerson tickered.

Tick, tick, tiiiiiiiick. I wanted to glare at him.

“Well, I’m going to say that is none of my business. You’re right, though. I’ll find another pony for her… I mean her cases. Anyway…”

He looked flustered and embarrassed. I’d never seen the lieutenant acting like a regular pony. It was awesome!

“Anyway, I’ll send the rest of them your way if necessary. Have a glittery day, Azurite.”

Gah! It doesn’t wash out! It never washes out! “Thank you, sir,” I replied.

He nodded and was out the door.

I grabbed my courier bag and started my rounds. I hadn’t seen Sunny Day since Saturday so I wanted to catch up. Of course I also didn’t want to seem too eager. Each missive was accompanied by a medium-length conversation with the recipient until I reached Sunny’s office.

“Hello, Azu!” she said cheerfully. “What do you have for me today?”

From my pouch I levitated a single missive over to her. “Just one.”

Sunny accepted it and set it on her desk. “Did you have fun this weekend?”

“I did! Even with the whole panic on the dance floor.” Biting my lip I asked, “Did you?”

“Absolutely! It was really low key. So many dates get all built up and this one was just… easy. In a good way. So, when can I see you again? This weekend?”

Two weekends in a row? I then wilted. “I uh… Soarin asked me out again. What about the next weekend?”

Her brow rose and she smiled. “He did, did he? Good for you! The early pony gets the Azu, I see. I have a date the weekend after.”

I felt like pouting. It wasn’t like I didn’t want to go with Soarin but I also wanted to go with Sunny.

She slipped out from behind her desk and came over to hug me. “Oh, don’t pout. How about this. You go on your date this weekend and then we’ll have a small date the Wednesday after?”

“That seems fine. A real date the weekend after your other date then?” I went for a bit more and also made a note to get a calendar. This was getting confusing.

Sunny smiled. “Agreed!” Then her tone changed. “Now, I heard you told your boss you couldn’t work on my case? You told him we’re dating.”

My eyes widened and I peered up at her. “Yes?”

“Oh, Azu.” She stroked my ears. “Technically we only went on a date and a half. One full date. Now we’ll have three. Are you always so by the book?”

“I take your confidentiality and my ethics very seriously.”

Sunny giggled and leaned in to whisper, “Given where you were nosing about this weekend I’m not sure how much confidentiality I have left.”

If it were possible to melt into her floor and hide I’d have done so. That only gave her more cause to giggle and hug me.

“No, you were right to tell him. That is very professional of you and I appreciate it.”

With a sigh of relief I hugged her. Sunny seemed to enjoy making me squirm and, in some ways, I liked it when she did it. We lingered in each other’s hooves for a while longer until she suddenly stiffened.

“Azu!” she whispered while I still hugged her. Wait… she was at attention.

Oh, Celestia. Slowly I turned my head. Sweet Celestia, it was Celestia! The alicorn princess was standing in Sunny Day’s doorway like any other pony would. I squawked. I think it was a squawk. Then I turned to face the princess and prostrated. My chin bumped the carpet I was so low.

“Good afternoon, lieutenant.” Her voice was melodious and pure. “Who is your friend?”

“Hello, Princess. This is Warrant Officer Azurite. She works in pony relations,” Sunny Day explained clearly.

Princess Celestia approached and I found myself looking at two gold-clad hooves. “You may rise, Azurite.”

My hooves trembled a bit and I admitted softly, “I’m not certain I can, Princess.”

That drew giggles from Sunny and even a chuckle from Princess Celestia.

“Would you be more comfortable down there?” the ruler of all ponies asked me.

“Yes, Princess.”

“You may stay there then. Sunny, I want to go visit Ponyville tomorrow. Would you arrange that for me? You can coordinate with Raven for my schedule.”

“Yes, Princess! Full guard or is this a social call for Sparkles?”

“It is mostly for Sparkles but I’m also going to see the mayor. A middle ground will be fine, thank you.”

“Of course, Princess. Raven and I will have it all planned.”

Princess Celestia replied, “I know you will. Thank you.” Then, from her towering height, she lowered her head so that she could look me in the eye. “It was very nice to meet you, Azurite. I didn’t know pony relations involved hugs but I think it is a good idea. Have a good day.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I didn’t move until she was gone… gone, down the hall, and far away.

Sunny hadn’t stopped laughing since the Princess was out of earshot. “Oh, Azu,” she said as she tugged me up. “You’re just too much!”

“That was the princess!”

Sunny nodded. “Yes.”

“Princess Celestia!”


“I was hugging you in front of Princess Celestia.”

More laughter. “Yes, you were… and she seemed okay with it.”

“I need to get back to work!” I said. “Wait. Who is Sparkles? A pet?”

Sunny Day shook her head. “No, its a code name for a pony. I can’t tell you who. All important ponies have one.”

“Oh… that makes sense. Okay. I’ll see you later Sunny. I’m going to go mark the calendar.”

The golden unicorn patted me on the flank. I couldn’t appreciate it since I was armored. “Alright. Have fun this weekend if I don’t see you sooner!”

♥ 6 ♥