• Published 17th Apr 2015
  • 13,797 Views, 2,312 Comments

The Prince - BronyWriter

Prince Antares, formerly the human TD Powell, helps lead the ponies of Equestria through the trials and tribulatons his nation endures.

  • ...

Wedding by Fire

"How do I look?"

I smiled at Kathyrine and put a hoof on her shoulder. "You look ready. Go take back your homeland. If you need anything, you know where to find us."

Kathyrine cricked her neck and grinned confidently at me. "I've been preparing for this all month. There's no way I'm going to fail."

"I agree," I said. "You have too much support from your fellow griffins to fail now." My expression turned serious. "But remember: don't reveal yourself until you're in the palace itself and make contact with your allies. The Blade Wings are going to get you as far as they can with magical disguises, but that's not going to last forever. Go to the palace, set the plan in motion, then we'll go from there."

"Don't worry, dude. I've got it all under control." Kathyrine turned around and spread her wings. "Cromwell won't even know what hit him."

"I hope not. There's going to be a lot of conflict after this all goes down, but I think you'll be okay."

"Yeah." Kathyrine's smile turned wistful and she shook her head. "Remember the day we met? When you arrested my dad because you thought he took your ponies? My guards made me empress then. I screamed out that I didn't want to be the empress. Now here I am about to kill a bunch of griffins to get the throne." She looked back up to me. "It's gonna be hard, isn't it? Ruling my country, I mean."

I nodded. "Yeah, it's not going to be fun. But if you show your subjects love and support, they'll return it. And you'll always have allies here."

"Thanks." Kathyrine took a deep breath and looked over at the griffin and Blade Wing bodyguards who were there to escort her back to Griffonia. "Alright. I think I'm really ready."

"I agree." I inclined my head in a small bow. "Go get your home back."

"Yeah." Kathyrine nodded absentmindedly. "Yeah." With one powerful flap of her wings, she took to the air. Her guards promptly followed.

I stared at them until they were little more than dots on the horizon. We were taking a gigantic risk here, even with all of the support Kathyrine had drummed up. I didn't know what would happen if she managed to fail. Cromwell would undoubtedly brag about it to his subjects, saying that it was proof that he was supposed to be on the throne. What bothered me beyond that was what the average griffin would do after that. Would they storm the castle and overthrow Cromwell themselves, believing that he killed the rightful empress? If so, who would take over after that? A competent duke on the throne could be a big problem, and there was no way that they wouldn't do everything they could to take over.

Hopefully our plans today would disrupt any of that. If we succeed today, Griffonia would become completely unrecognizable. There was still speculation of how much control Equestria would really hold in the country. If Kathyrine started relying on us to get the nuances down of ruling a nation, there were several noble families in Equestria who would be more than happy to fill any roles of power in the nation. I'd do my best to crack down on that, of course, but I couldn't stop everything, even with all of my power.

I pushed those thoughts aside. I had a far bigger event planned than overthrowing the griffin's government.

My wedding to Celestia.

In the end we'd decided on a little private ceremony for the two of us. Just Luna, the Elements, and a couple of our most trusted staff, which for Celestia meant Duckworth, and for me that meant Tulip and Time Keeper. Tulip hadn't been doing very well, but she was on the mend. I hadn't returned her magic, but she was taking care of her foals again with the help of Sunny.

I was brought out of my thoughts when Time Keeper walked up to me. "Er... Your Highness, it is time to begin preparing for your wedding.”

I took a deep breath and slowly nodded. "Yeah, I guess it is. Lead the way, Time Keeper."

Time Keeper bowed to me. "Yes, Your Majesty."

* * * *

I entered the seedy tavern my contacts had decided on. I kept my hood and cloak wrapped tightly around me. The bar wasn't the most high class place, so seeing somegriffin who looked like she was up to something was a given. As a result, no one paid attention to me. I made eye contact with a trio of griffins sitting at a booth in the back. They nodded to me, and I nodded back before making my way over.

"Empress Kathyrine," one of them whispered when I sat down. "We are honored that you are here."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it," I replied. "Is everything good to go?"

"It is," the second one said. "We have surrounded all targets. Our troops only await the signal."

"Cool. Once you guys get me into the palace, things are gonna get messy. Just remember one thing." My eyes narrowed, and I looked at each of them in turn. "Cromwell is mine to deal with, you got that? If I find out that somegriffin has even put a scratch on him before I can have my fun, I'm gonna be really angry, is that understood?"

"Yes, Empress Kathyrine. We will bring him to you restrained, but unharmed."

"Good. The dude's enough of a coward that once he realizes he's lost he'll probably start crying and begging for mercy."

"That is my assessment too, Your Majesty," the third one said.

"Alrighty, then." I stood up from the booth. "No sense just sitting around preening our feathers. We have work to do."

* * * *

I stood at the altar that had been set up in Celestia's throne room, staring at the massive double doors which she'd come through. On my side stood Tulip and Time Keeper, while Duckworth and the Elements stood on Celestia's side. Snap Feather, the High Priest of Antarianism, stood at the altar, tears of joy brimming in his eyes.

"Prince Antares, it is an honor to do the ceremony," he said for what must have been the tenth time.

"Yes, I'm glad you think so."

My stomach clenched up when the double doors opened, and Celestia walked in. She wasn't dressed in any fine clothes, and neither was I, but she still walked to the altar with more grace and beauty than I'd ever seen from her. Not even her large baby bump caused her to falter in her steps.

She reached the altar and stood beside me. We exchanged a smile while Rarity dabbed at her eyes with a hoofkerchief, which Rainbow facehooved at, leaning on the fake leg that she'd gotten much better at using.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the holy union of Princess Celestia and Prince Antares." Snap Feather lit his horn up and opened up a copy of the Liber Sanctus. "I would like to begin by reading a passage from the Book of the Scorpion."

* * * *

This was madness. Cromwell was going to lose his crown, of that I was sure. However with the support that Kathyrine had drummed up, I wasn't sure that I could be the one to succeed him, no matter how much it was necessary. We couldn't have Kathyrine on the throne. Clan Zangara should be in control of the nation. I could end the war with the Equestrians just as well as Kathyrine could, and the country surely knew that.

I sighed and stared down at the reports I had been given of current political activity. This was going to be complicated, no matter what it all came down to. My butler set a cup of tea down beside me as I muttered some thanks for it.

"Is there anything else you require, Duke Zangara?" he asked.

"Not at the moment, thank you. I just need to--"

My words were cut off when I began hearing screaming from inside the house. What's more is that I began smelling smoke coming from the lower levels.

"What in Griffonia is going on?!" I cried, looking to my butler for some answers. Before he could speak, the door to my study burst open, and a pair of griffins armed with crossbows flew in. One shot my butler in the head, while the other fired at me before I could dodge. The arrow sank into my chest, and I fell to the ground, clutching at the likely fatal wound. I gasped for breath as blood began pouring out my chest.

"In here, too," one of the assassins said to the other. "Grab anything that looks important or valuable, then let's get out of here."

A third griffin came in holding a bale of hay, which he tore apart and began spreading around the room.

"N-no!" I wheezed, trying to crawl away. "I... I can pay... you. Just... wait for a..." I began coughing up blood as the strength to even raise my head left me. One of the assassins smirked at me and walked over while he reloaded his crossbow. I tried moving away, but I couldn't. The second griffin finished grabbing all of the papers in and on my desk, then began throwing everything that looked valuable into a large bag. I could do nothing to stop it.

"W... why?" I moaned to the griffin standing above me, just as the second griffin finished looting the room. The third griffin tossed a match onto the hay as the first raised his crossbow to my head.

"Empress Kathyrine wishes you a safe journey to Tartarus."

Then he fired.

* * * *

"Prince Antares, Princess Celestia, you have both ruled Equestria justly for a different amount of time, but I see the strength in your rule. You have led your subjects to safety, protected us from those who would do us harm, and you are about to bring new life into this world. Your bond is as strong as any that I have ever seen. With your combined wisdom, I see you ruling Equestria as well as you always have from now until the end of all things."

Snap Feather turned to Twilight with a fatherly smile. "Do you have the rings, Miss Sparkle?"

* * * *

"What's going on?" I demanded, stomping into my living room. "I have heard of some disturbance at Duke Zangara's compound!"

"My apologies, Duke Byck, but I know nothing," one of my servants said, bowing to me. "We have word of a fire there, but nothing specific on exactly what caused it."

"I don't like it," I muttered, turning my head to look at my wife and newborn son who had just entered the room.

"Is there something wrong, my dear?" my wife asked. "Have the rioters begun targeting us?"

I gave her a comforting smile. "I doubt it. They've mostly kept to demonstrating outside of the palace. We are safe from them." I took a moment to center myself. I couldn't get emotional. I had to think clearly and logically about the situation. Something was definitely wrong, but nothing I could not handle if I thought it through.

The door to my living room opened, and six of my bodyguards walked in each wielding crossbows and spears. I frowned at them.

"Is there something wrong, Captain?" I asked. "Do you bring news of the disturbance at Zangara's home?"

In lieu of an answer, the captain raised his crossbow and fired a bolt directly into my shoulder. I fell to the ground with a scream. My wife cried out and ran into my study while one of the other soldiers stabbed my servant with his spear. The captain motioned to three of his subordinates, then pointed toward the study.

"No!" I cried, my eyes going wide. My study was a dead end. My wife and child had no way out. I could hear their cries from where I lay. "P-please! I'll do anything, just spare--"

The twang of three crossbows firing filled my ears, only to be replaced by silence. Neither my wife nor child cried as the griffins came out of the study. I threw my head back and screamed in agony that had nothing to do with the wound on my shoulder.

"Go through the house. Kill everygriffin you find. Take whatever looks important or valuable for Empress Kathyrine," my captain said.

"E-Empress Kathyrine?" I wheezed out. "Impossible."

The captain turned his head to me and grinned. He walked over to me and raised his spear above his head.

"P-please. I'll do anything to--"

The captain brought his spear down.

* * * *

Do you, Princess Celestia, take Prince Antares as your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold, to comfort and cherish, in richer or for poorer for as long as you both shall live?"

Celestia's beaming smile somehow made her even more radiant and beautiful. "I do."

Snap Feather bowed to Celestia before turning to me. "And do you, Prince Antares, take Princess Celestia as your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold, to comfort and cherish, in richer or for poorer for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"Very well." Snap Feather motioned to Twilight. "You may bring forth the rings now, my dear."

Twilight lit her horn and levitated two pillows next to her. She moved up to the altar and presented the pillows to us. I lit my horn and took the ring off the pillow, gently sliding it over Celestia's horn. One that was done, Celestia lit her horn and slid the other ring around my horn.

* * * *

"Thank you for your report, Captain. I will be in the throne room."

“Yes, Empress. Fire and blood.”

“Fire and blood.”

I didn't make a single expression as I walked through the palace where I'd grown up. I hadn't been here in over six months. It almost felt foreign to me, like this wasn't my home anymore. It didn't seem real.

Maybe part of that was the bodies littering the hallway. Servants, maids, cooks, members of rival clans, disloyal guards who had tried to fight once ambushed. We needed a complete overhaul of the system here. We would have to start from square one.

I reached the large double doors of my throne room. A dead griffin guard lay beside them. Guess he didn't see it coming when the guard next to him had stabbed him right in the neck. Good riddance. I didn't need guards like him if he couldn't even fight back. I pulled open one of the doors to the throne room and stepped inside, closing the door behind me.

My throne room. Weird. Last time I'd been here I'd been with my dad on the day they killed him. Now was the time to avenge his memory. I think he'd be really proud of me for all of this. I know he always wanted me to succeed him. I reached the throne itself and put a claw on one of the armrests. Somehow it felt wrong to actually sit on it. Ever since I could remember, this was my dad's throne. Sometimes, when we'd have nothing to do, he'd let me play on it and pretend that I was a powerful empress that everygriffin loved and worshiped. My mom would laugh at that.

I don't remember her laugh like I used to. She'd be proud of me too, right?

I gulped and slowly sat down on the throne. No, this didn't seem right. This throne isn't for me. It's for my dad. I wanna go back to the days when I was barely the size of a dog, and I'd play on the throne. No more bedtimes! Dessert for every meal! Use all the money to feed the poor! I let out a half chuckle/half sob at the memories.

"Homework is outlawed." I said quietly to myself, pretending to wave the royal scepter around. "There's gonna be a National Cake and Ice Cream day, where everygriffin gets as much as they want. Use the money we didn't spend on feeding everygriffin to make sure nogriffin is poor anymore."

I quietly scoffed to myself and stared at the floor. Guess things turned out a bit more complicated than that.

The doors to the throne room opened again, and I heard the clinking of chains and the pathetic whimpering of the griffin behind all of this. I looked up and saw Cromwell being dragged into the room, both his fore and hind legs chained up. No visible wounds on him. That was good, I guess. I stepped off of my throne and walked up to him as the griffins dragging him along threw him to the ground.

"I can make you dukes!" he cried. "You can both have powerful families that will live until the end of all things! Just don't--"

"Shut up," I growled. Cromwell turned his head to see who had spoken, and moaned in fear when he saw me. I stopped in front of him and put my left claw on his head. "Are you really all that surprised to see me?" My gaze flicked up when a third griffin walked into the room, holding a sack in his claws. I inclined my head to him before turning back to Cromwell. "It's over."

"I know, I know," Cromwell whimpered. "Just don't kill me! I'll go into exile! I'll... I'll become your personal slave! Turn me over to the Equestrians so I can answer for what I've done! I'll spend the rest of my life in their prisons, just don't hurt me!"

My mind flashed back to when Dad was in one of Antares's prisons. My mouth twisted into a snarl. I grabbed Cromwell's head and slammed it onto the floor. He cried out in pain as the force of the blow cut his head open.

"I'm sorry! I'll do anything!" A thought seemed to cross his mind, because his expression went from one of fear to a glare. "You... you really think the other dukes will stand for this? They are loyal to me! They will avenge me!"

"Which dukes are you talking about?" I asked as I motioned for the griffin with the sack to approach. He flew over to me and handed me the sack. I opened it up and reached inside before pulling out Duke Zangara's head. "Maybe this one?" I tossed it on the ground in front of him. "Is that who you were talking about?" I reached into the sack once more and pulled out Byck's head. "Or this one? Maybe you thought this one would come to help you?"


"There are no more clans Cromwell, or Fromme, or whoever you are. Doesn't really matter. We're going to erase even the memory of you from the history books. You will be completely forgotten once I'm done with you. It'll be like you never existed. I wouldn't really bother thinking that the clans are going to band together to stop me." I began pacing back and forth in front of him. "Duke Byck had a son in school. Sixteen years old. We had a griffin who said he was a representative of his father pull him out, then he slashed his throat in an alleyway. Duke Zangara's family was attending a play. We shot them all. We even tried to find their cousins and aunts and uncles and nieces and nephews, and anygriffin who could possibly appear to make a new clan. I'm sure some escaped, but we’ll find them. This new Griffonia will begin anew through fire and blood."

"It's not too late to go back!" Cromwell moaned. "I-if you let me go I'll give you everything! All of my power, all of my clan's wealth! You don't want to do this!"

"Firstly, I've already taken all of your clan's wealth. You have no physical possessions to offer me. You have nothing. That said..." I sighed and looked up to one of the guards. In one wing he held the royal crown and cape. In the other he held the royal scepter. I took them from him and set them on the ground before me. "You have one thing right. I don't want to do this. Maybe I still don't need to." I motioned for the guards to back away from Cromwell, then took the crown off of the floor and gently placed it on his head. "You're right. I can still back out." I took the cape and draped it over his shoulders. "I can go back to Equestria and we can never speak of this again. We can just go our separate ways." I reached down and took the scepter off of the floor, staring at it like doing so would unlock some kind of mystery.

"But I'm not going to do that."

I raised the scepter high and brought it down on Cromwell's skull, knocking the crown off of his head. He shrieked in pain and brought his arms up to protect his head. I grabbed one of them and pinned it to the floor before striking him with the scepter once more. He tried to wiggle away from me, but I held him down. Nothing was going to stop my vengeance. Even if Antares came into the room to tell me he changed his mind and didn't want to do this anymore, he couldn't stop me. I slammed the scepter down again, and one of the points on it created another cut on his head. Cromwell had stopped begging. He'd mostly even stopped moving, outside of the occasional twitch. I continued striking him. Both me and the scepter were covered with blood.

Reforge Griffonia through fire and blood.

I threw the scepter down and grabbed one of the guards' spears. I stood over Cromwell and began stabbing him repeatedly. The cape was totally ruined by the blood, but I didn't care one bit about that. I'd get another one. Who cares? My attacks became more violent as I screamed at him; screamed for everything I'd been through since he'd killed my dad. I knew he couldn't hear me. He was definitely long dead. I still needed this.

Eventually I kind of wore myself out and threw the spear against the wall. I moved away from Cromwell, wiping my face with my arm to get some of the blood out of my eyes.

"Empress Kathyrine?" I twitched at the title. I guess I really was Empress now, huh? "What should we do now?"

I turned my head to the guard who had spoken. "String him up outside the palace. Cut his head and wings off. Put him next to the dukes. Just... get him out of here. I'm gonna be fine."

"Of course."

The guards bowed and dragged the mangled remains of Cromwell out of the throne room, leaving a trail of blood behind them. They closed the door behind them as I walked back over to the throne. Once I was sure I was alone, I grabbed the armrest of the throne and wept.

* * * *

"Prince Antares, Princess Celestia, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. May your days be filled with joy. You may kiss the bride."