• Member Since 9th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Last Friday


My name is Thom, I'm from the Netherlands, and I love writing stories. That about sums it up, I think. https://azhelchasm.com


After suffering from a recurring nightmare, Sunset Shimmer decides to go back to Equestria. There, she discovers that Twilight has been having similar dreams and that a mysterious dark force is at work in Equestria. Sunset, Twilight, and her friends are sent on a mission with the goal of bringing harmony to Equestria once and for all. (Human tag included solely for first chapter; pony all the way after that) (Light SunLight in later chapters)

Chapters (12)
Comments ( 52 )

It's an interesting start.

Huzzah that this story's continuing! Double huzzah that they've completed the first part of the quest! Of course, now they have to find the other five forges...

This sounds pretty good.

Well the dream indicates they succeed so no worries there.

Wouldn't an Equestria Girls tag be better than a human tag?

I'm glad to see this story continue, and can understand creative difficulties. We all run into them now and again.

Anyway, one forge down and a lead on where at least one more might be thanks to the power of mathematics. Nothing wrong with that.

Might be, yeah. It was rejected the first time for not having the Human tag, though.

Hey, a chapter's gone down! What happened?

I missed some stuff in editing and a friend gave me some more feedback, so I took it down to patch it up. I normally wouldn't, but there was one thing that I had to fix so I figured I'd do a little bit more.

And things just get more and more interesting.

interesting, you're going with atonement instead of empathy.

...I liked this chapter. It ended on a hopeful note, and I like it when that happens.

Ya know, such a fight in the nexus of Kindness just makes how far it had gotten way back when all the more disturbing.

Not sure what the Princess will say about all of this though. Yes it might not be how the world is 'supposed' to work, and all of this might even give us an explanation on just who or what Discord is. But Ponies have been like this for as long as any of them, probably even the Sisters, can remember. Letting the world go back to what it was, like the Everfree or Sunset's adopted home, might not even be something they can deal with.

Well those were some eye-opening revelations. Enough to make you wonder.

True. Another thing to consider is that the darkness destroyed Callabus after the Forges were built. That kind of gives the impression that the darkness was created by the Forges power, a negative byproduct of sorts. That begs the question of whether reactivating the Forges will help, or just make it stronger. So maybe all they're doing is making things worse.

Yes, they must keep...
(Wait for it...):pinkiesmile:
... forging on!:pinkiehappy:


...I sincerely hope that was a big damn heroes moment from Celestia at the end.

Princess Celestia inclined her head. “Thank you. I want you to aid Twilight Sparkle and her friends in the quest I’m about to send them on.”

well then... Just immediately send them out.
it does?

I may be paranoid or something but it seems too easy I know they still have to find the other 5 but I feel there has to be a screwball I feel like there’s gonna be a 7th forge I mean think about how Rarity needed to stand in the center to help Twi activate it and where would Sunset’s use come from she has to be related unless she’s needed to activate Twi’s forge.

Sunset smiled at the contrast. It showcased Twilight’s focus on learning the theory behind each spell she cast, just like it showed Sunset’s tendency to just try spells out and work from there. Not much later, the shield was done. It was partially magenta, partially cyan. The colors swirled around each other and glowed faintly, the different magical energies empowering one another.

am I correct in assuming ying yang

I've been following this for years and...well, I'm impressed by the ending. You kinda turned canon on its head here.

All in all, a good fic. I enjoyed it. And I called it. I knew activating the Forges would just make everything worse.

Well, well, well...it's been a while since I read an interesting, well-written, long adventure story. Yours will do the trick. It looks stunningly crafted so far. The characters, the buildup, the lore about the Elements! It got me wanting more.

“Of course they will. We had a wonderful party, didn’t we?” Pinkie Pie said, happily skipping along. “I mean, we blew the roof off, and if that isn’t a sign of a good party I don’t know what is,” she went on.

To be fair, raising the roof is an expression for a reason...:rainbowlaugh:

Well done! I love the character building you've been doing. It can move slowly at times, but these kinds of things take time.

“Everything I did…I did for Twilight’s sake,” Princess Celestia said.

No, everything you've done was for yourself Celestia!

I really enjoyed this story!. Great job!

This was a great story. Hope a sequel gets posted eventually.

A couple of questions though.

First off, did Parallax Dream win the duel in the Forge of Kindness? And what exactly was he trying to stop them from doing when they wanted to activate the Forges a second time?

Second, did the Crystal Cataclysm turn everyone in the city into the Windigoes?

And lastly, HOW was the Forge of Loyalty even built, when it was in a frozen wasteland surrounded by Windigoes?

Thanks for the comment, glad you liked it!

Parallax Dream won the duel, in the sense that he managed to damage the Forge enough that it couldn't be used again. He was afraid that activating the Forges again would lead to a static, unchanging Harmony, which would see everything and everyone turned into crystal in a dead and frozen wasteland. That idea was actually based on my entirely shoddy interpretation of the laws of thermodynamics, in this case the third: A perfect crystal at absolute zero has zero entropy. (I imagine everyone who knows anything about physics is crying right about now.)

In my view, the Windigos are naturally occurring entities, just like chimeras, manticores, and all other creatures seen in the show. The Crystal Cataclysm, a failed attempt at weaponizing Harmony, lead to the north becoming a frozen, crystallized wasteland, again based on my interpretation of the third law of thermodynamics, and the Windigos naturally thrive in an environment that is frozen and barren. I sort of pictured them feeding on the residual negative energy, kind of like the Grimm do in RWBY.

Building the Forge of Loyalty was incredibly difficult for them, yes. I have a few ideas on how they might have pulled it off, considering that I also want to write a prequel at some point, but I haven't actually settled on any one method yet. One of my cheaper ideas was to have them enlist the help of a natural-born alicorn, which would down the line also contribute to the rift between 'regular' ponies and natural alicorns that Celestia briefly mentions in Chapter 11, in which alicorns decide to live far away from other ponies, but like I said, I haven't actually settled on a true explanation yet. Kind of a lame answer, I know:twilightblush:

So he was sabotaging the Forge to stop any future usage of it, rather than to stop them doing a specific thing?

Yes. He figured destroying the Forges would be the only way to prevent the wizards from activating them again. Why he didn't destroy the other ones after his fight at the Forge of Kindness is something I intend to explore in the prequel, assuming I ever get around to writing it.

If he sabotaged one, would he even need to sabotage the others? I got the impression that they all had to work together.

They do, but as the Mane Six proved, there was no guarantee the Forge wouldn't be fixed, especially since at the time the ponies who built it were still alive.

"Excepto por esa vez, Sunset se convirtió en un demonio y trató de apoderarse del mundo entero", dijo Pinkie.

Sin ofender JAJAJAJAJ

Con una última ola, Sunset se dio la vuelta y atravesó el portal.

Wait.. El portal estaba abierto? Cómo?? Que tenga entendido solo se puede lograr cuando el libro de Twilight está puesto... So, lo habían dejado abierto así porque sí, eso es un tanto peligroso, si me preguntan.. 🤔

"Todo bien. Buenas noches, chicas —dijo Twilight, y se volvió hacia Spike. “Deberías ir con ellos, Spike. Necesitas dormir ”, dijo ella.

Haha deshaciendose de la gente, qué inteligente de tu parte Twi

Excelente capítulo, Hubieron algunas partes, en los diálogos, que confundí qué pony hablaba,pero fuera de eso todo genial. Menos mal que regresaste jajaja ésta es una muy buena historia!

"Sí", dijo Twilight débilmente. Entonces ella sonrió. "La fragua está activa".

Uff excelente, i really like it!!

"Sí", dijo Twilight débilmente. Entonces ella sonrió. "La fragua está activa".

Este fic debería llevar más atención que la que recibe, en serio lo digo..

Poco tiempo después estaban en sus sacos de dormir y Sunset estaba mirando el lienzo sobre ella. Mientras se dormía lentamente, pensó en el cumplido de Twilight. Casi se sentía igual que cuando su magia se mezclaba ...

Vaya, cómo me encantan esas dos

Sunset, mientras tanto, trató de adivinar simplemente por la forma en que estaban escritos los pergaminos y los guiones, lo que cada uno podría contener. Parecía que era un esfuerzo inútil, hasta que abrió un libro que era más pequeño que los otros, encuadernado en cuero azul oscuro en lugar del marrón resistente de los otros libros.

Uyy, ésta historia parece cada vez más y más real!! Aún no puedo creer las pocas vistas, likes y comentarios, o sea ésto merece más reconocimiento, de verdad que sí!

"Sabes ..." Twilight dijo vacilante. "Si ... si crees que te haría sentir un poco mejor ... ¿por qué no simplemente ... mueves tu saco de dormir por aquí? ¿Justo al lado mío?"

Se estaban demorando jaja

Sunset estaba de pie en el claro, mirando a sus amigos. Como antes, comenzó a caminar hacia ellos, lentamente al principio, luego más rápido cuando sus amigos la vieron. Llegó a sus amigos, y la voz demoníaca dijo el nombre de Twilight ... y luego el cuerpo de Sunset se llenó repentinamente de calor, y en lugar de explotar hacia afuera, su magia se calmó, y Sunset supo qué hacer. Lanzó un hechizo, uno del que no sabía el nombre, ni lo que sabía, pero sabía que era el correcto, y el hechizo llegó a Twilight, cuyos ojos se abrieron con sorpresa y se centraron en Sunset. Twilight comenzó a sonreír. "Gracias", dijo. Y luego fue como si el claro estuviera envuelto en una niebla blanca, que se sentía tan relajante ...

Excelente!! Gran capítulo, por mi parte ninguna queja

"Sí. Amigos, nada más ...

Uyyy!!! Just friends, me encanta cuando lo ponen 'of that way', if you know that i meaning

Por cierto, me encantó esa declaración!

I know it said light shipping in the later chapters, but I'm already shipping them.

Oh my god you kind of predicted how the Next gen will end up😮 Well maybe since it just began but who knows maybe this is exactly what happened🤭 anywho this is great thanks for the series🙏🥰

Gosh, I just really liked the worldbuilding and historical lore you created here! It's so fresh and fascinating that it'll honestly probably in my mind for a good while. Thanks for the ride. This was quite awesome!

:twilightangry2:The power of rainbows compel you!

:pinkiehappy:Let us forge a new destiny

Undesirable influences

No one expects the Equestrian Inquisition!

Bring out the rainbow power!

The eighth Element of Harmony: Shipping.

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