• Published 10th Feb 2015
  • 4,250 Views, 147 Comments

Midnight's wish - Sugarcube66

When a young filly turns up on Twilight's doorstep, in the middle of a stormy night, coated in bruises, Twilight takes her in but is in for a shock when she discovers who the filly is.

  • ...

Meeting the mane 6

Twilight and Midnight walked side by side down the earthen road. Twilight stopped and looked up, seeing a castle like building made completely out of clouds and was even built of clouds. But it wasn't just clouds, there were rainbows too. Twilight smiled, she knew exactly who's house it was, Rainbow dash's and now Scootaloo's too. Maybe Rainbow was home. The alicorn looked down at the filly next to her and said. ''You want to fly for a little bit?''

''Um.....sure...?'' Twilight smiled and opened her wings. She began flying up to the sky castle, with Midnight flying very slowly not far behind her, panting all the way. It was long before she cried out ''Wait up.''

''Oh, sorry.'' said Twilight, stopping mid-air and let the filly catched up to her before saying. ''Not to be mean or anything, but wow your wings are weak...'' Midnight flinched and looked down, Twilight sighed and thought 'No answer again....something else from her past to add to this list.

''....Um...T-Twilight.....where are we going?...'' asked the filly, having not been told yet.

''Oh, sorry I forget to tell you. We're going to visit my best friends. And at the moment, we're flying up to my friend, Rainbow Dash's sky castle.'' replied Twilight.

''Rainbow.....'' mumbled Midnight, under her breath.

''Come on, we're almost there now.''

The two ponies continued flying, Twilight slowly to let Midnight keep up. The sky castle was in sight and soon the mare and filly pair landed on the cloud surface. Midnight, unlike Twilight, wasn't expecting to land comfortably on the cloud and gasped when she did. She didn't know about the abilities of pegasi.

''I....didn't fall....through....'' she mouthed out her thoughts.

''Of course you didn't, pegasi can walk on clouds. It's a weird talent, but they can. It's part of their magic, the other part being their flight. Their magic isn't like unicorn magic, or the magic that I suppose you can control, they have it natural whilst unicorns have to train and learn it over the years of their life.''

Midnight titled her head in confusion, but nodded slowly. Twilight frowned but ignored it, as she walked over to the door made of clouds. She knocked on it, but no reply came. She knocked again, still no reply.

''Maybe she's not home.'' wondered Twilight, before she remembered something. ''Oh yea, the annual collecting rainwater in is only 1 month and 2 weeks so she will be getting Fluttershy prepared, that mare is so nervous....''

''Nervous?...'' echoed Midnight, quietly. So quiet that Twilight barely caught it.

''Oh, you wouldn't know. Fluttershy, one of my friends, is a shy and timid pegasus like you, but when she was younger she had trouble flying and so she was bullied a lot. Now she is severely nervous about flying in front of other pegasi, she briefly overcame it 4 years ago but she's still worried. But it's not just that, she's also worried about leaving her basically chaotic 2 year old daughter with her husband, personally I agree but we're gonna need all the wingpower we can muster, there's only about 20 pegasi here now excluding the foals.''

''That little.....'' worried Midnight, quietly.

''Come on, lets go to Fluttershy's cottage.''

Midnight nodded and flew after Twilight, but being tired from her first flight, she almost fell from the sky. She would have, had Twilight not caught her. With the filly now resting tiredly on her back, Twilight sighed. ''Looks like I'm carrying you there.'' Midnight whimpered her sorry, but didn't speak. ''It's alright, I'm not bothered. I'm just a little out of practice with my flying so hold on.''

Midnight blinked in confusion but was soon forced into gripping her weak, scar-covered hooves around Twilight's neck when Twilight flapped her wings so hard that they ended up flying way passed Twilight's normal flight speed, and then the poor filly almost throw up when Twilight forced her stop.

''Sorry, Night.''

''....I-it's alright....'' mumbled Night. ''Wait....why did you call me 'Night'?''

''Well, your full name is pretty long so I gave you a nickname.''

The conversation ended as quick as it began, and soon the pair landed on the path leading to the cottage surrounded by amazing flora and fauna and it made Night smile, as she looked around. For the first time since that morning, she step away from Twilight to observe the plants and strange animals that she hadn't seen before.

''Stay close, Night. I like to finish this meetings before sundown at the latest.''

Night nodded and walked back over to Twilight, and the alicorn led the filly up the path to the cottage. To Night, the cottage was something out of the fairy tales that she used to read herself to sleep with when she was little, well littler. It was beautiful in her eyes, Twilight noticed this and giggled a little.

''I-is...this my....i-imagination?....'' questioned Night.

''No, it isn't. This is Fluttershy's cottage.''


''Come along.'' said Twilight, as the pair walked up to the cottage. The alicorn knocked on the door, and a face popped out of the door. Night becoming instantly scared, hid behind Twilight's back-hooves but Twilight know who the mare was, it was Rainbow Dash. Looks like her hunch was right.

''Hey, Twilight. What brings you over here?'' asked the rainbow pegasus, in curiosity.

''Rainbow, I have somepony I like to introduce to you. Where's Fluttershy?''

''Inside, I'm trying to get her to do what she did four years ago but she's refusing to leave Screwball with Discord for only a couple of hours. It's like she's afraid that they will blow the cottage up. Wait, I could believe that, those two are too alike.'' sighed Rainbow, looking into the house. ''Come in.''

Twilight and Midnight came into the house, with Midnight staying behind Twilight the whole time. Fluttershy was sat on her sofa with a young earth pony filly beside her. The filly was even smaller than Midnight, who was tiny, and had a pink coat with a two-toned white and purple mane with violet eyes, with not a droplet of black in them just a purple swirl.

''Ah, Auntie Twilight. Can you tell mommy that I'll be fine with daddy, she doesn't listen to me.'' said the filly, in a foal like speech.

''Okay, Screwball but no promises.'' replied Twilight, before she turned to look at Midnight. ''Why don't you have a chat with Screwball here, I'm sure you can be friends.''

''B-but...'' Midnight tried to deny wanting to be friends with somepony but gave up. ''O-okay....''

''You'll be fine. Now go on. I have to talk with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.'' With that, Twilight pushed the young pegasus over to the swirly eyed earth pony.

''Ah...um.....I-I...'' stuttered Night, unable to speak.

''Hi!'' yelled Screwball, bouncing up and down. ''I'm Screwball Fluttershy Draconequus. That creamy yellow pegasus is my mommy, my daddy is called Discord, he's the lord of chaos but is fun.''

''Um.....n-nice...to meet you...um....Screwball....Fluttershy....Drakraques?....''

Screwball giggled and waved it off, quite literally, she summoned the spoken words and waved them away. ''Don't mind! Don't mind!''

''How...did you do that?.....''

''Do what?''

''W-waving my....words away....physically....''

''Oh, it's magic. Like unicorn magic in your mommy.''

Midnight looked down and flinched a little. ''T-Twilight isn't....my mommy.....''

''Oh, I see. A little mistake on my behalf, don't worry. Oh yea, you didn't tell me your name.''

''....Ah...um....it's...Midnight....Wish....'' murmured Midnight, getting quieter for her surname.

''Oh! What a beautiful name, I wish my surname was wish!''

Midnight flinched more, and looked down at the bandage that was around her body and a image filled with blood erupted into her mind. She stumbled a little. Twilight, who had been speaking to Fluttershy about overcoming her fears, saw this and went over to the young filly and put a hoof on Night's shoulder in attempt to calm her down.

''You okay, Night?'' asked Twilight. Midnight panted a little and shook her head, in some fear. This gesture made Twilight worry a little. ''Screwball, please try not to mention the name 'Wish' and don't try to get Midnight to talk about her past, she isn't able to cope well with it, can you promise me that?''

''Okay, Auntie Twi.'' replied Screwball, regret filling her swirly eyes. She turned to the older filly and said ''Sorry, Midnight.''

Midnight didn't speak and Twilight sighed a little. ''It's not your fault, Screwball. I probably should have warned you. Girls, I probably gonna have to leave soon.'' she said, turning to Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

''We understand, Twi. Night does seem pretty terrified. Don't you still have to meet with Pinkie Pie?'' asked Fluttershy, with a concern tone.

''Yeah, I'm a bit worried about that. Pinkie is slightly worse than Screwball, no offence little filly, and she may say something that could upset Night.''

''Well, your gonna introduce her to each of us. So I suppose you'll have to have her meet Pinkie one day, maybe she'll get along with Surprise and Confetti Cannon.''

''I gonna try and get all the introduction today.''

''Well, good luck, Twi.'' said Rainbow, before turning to Midnight, who was still slightly shaking and holding onto Twilight's leg tightly, and said kindly. ''See ya, runt.''

Midnight squeaked a little and hid behind Twilight, who sighed and said to her friends. ''Well, see you, girls. I will come over Monday when Nyx and Night are at school.''

Then, the pair left to go visit the other mane 6 members, Rarity, Pinkie and Applejack. As the alicorn walked, she figured out how she was gonna introduce Night to the others. First Rarity, because she was the closest of the three, then Pinkie then Applejack, because she's nearby the school so Twilight could show Night the school grounds before enrolling her.

The route to the carousel boutique wasn't long and bendy, it was just a short trek over a earthen roads. The boutique had wasn't open that day because it was the weekend and Rarity only worked at the weekend if it was a important client that needed to be served right away. Twilight smiled a little, because that meant that wasn't gonna be anypony but Rarity within the shops walls making it easier for Night, who clearly was very nervous about everything but a bit curious too.

When they walked into the boutique, Rarity wasn't in the main room but the sound of humming was heard clearly telling Twilight that Rarity was working in a different room. She knew better than to interrupt Rarity but she called out. ''Rarity. It's me, Twilight. I have somepony for you to meet.''

The humming stopped and soon a white unicorn walked out of the back room, carrying various threads in her magic and having a pair of red glasses on her nose. She had a slightly annoyed expression as she spoke. ''Tell me, Twilight. It better not be another Nyx, I don't want another disaster like 3 years ago.''

''Oh no, in fact she's nothing like Nyx.''

''Good.'' sighed Rarity in relief, before sorting herself out. ''Well, where is the little dear?''

Twilight smiled and moved to the side to reveal the still terrified Midnight, who freaked when she realized that she was in the spotlight, she jumped and tried to hide behind Twilight who shook her head. Midnight frowned and somehow built to courage to face Rarity but didn't even look her in the eye.

''T-Twilight, please tell me that white thing around her waist is not a accessory.''

''Rarity.'' sighed Twilight. ''It's a bandage.''

''A bandage, well something needs to cover it. And I know what.''

Rarity began levitating something within her magical auras, a vest that looked identical to Nyx's only with slots for wings to slit through and it was a different color, this one was blue and purple whilst Nyx's was purple and black. The fashionista smiled to herself before carefully placing the vest onto Midnight, without even asking permission.

The vest fit perfectly, and Midnight's wings were comfortably outside of the vest's cloth. And the vest also covered up all sign of the filly having a cutie mark in the first place. Twilight stood in shock, whilst Midnight shuffled awkwardly. The alicorn mare smiled and said to Rarity. ''Wow, it's amazing and it covers both her cutie mark. her scars and the bandage.''

''Wait, cutie mark. I didn't see any cutie mark.''

''She has one, a rather odd one at that.'' mumbled Twilight. ''A magic cutie mark, like mine only with a wand not a star.''

''Well, if it's magic and she's a pegasus then I can see where you're coming from. Other foals would bully the poor dear relentlessly if they discovered that she had a talent that wasn't related to her race. I have seen a bully take toil to a blank flanked filly but to a filly with a cutie mark of a odd theme, oh no.''

''I personally agree, Rarity. I will buy the vest, it does look pretty good on her in my opinion.''

''Twilight! I'm no where near finished with her outfit yet. She needs something in her mane, and she needs those wings having coverage, they look so delicate that a gust of wind could snap them off if strong enough.''

''I see, but Rarity. I believe I should tell you her name first.''

''Oh yeah. Thank you for reminding me, Darling. Now what is the dear's name?''

''It's Midnight Wish.''

''I see, well Midnight. Would you mind standing there for just a little while.'' Midnight blinked and said nothing, only obeying Rarity with no complaint.

Half an hour passed, and Midnight's outfit was finished. The young pegasus was now wearing a sea blue translucent wing coverage with a bow on the above side of each wing. And she was now wearing a cute bow on her the back of her head, it was identical to Applebloom's but a different color, purple. And on the vest, there was a pink bow in between her wings. Midnight was blushing and shuffling awkwardly but Rarity smiled in satisfaction.

''She's perfect!''

''Thanks so much, Rarity. How much for the entire outfit?''

''It's on the house, darling. I'll let this slide, after all it's the least I could do for my friend's daughter that I never knew about.''

''Rarity, she's isn't my daughter. She's a filly who I found outside my door yesterday night during that storm, with a hole in the side of her back and various cuts and scars. So I took her in, you would if you met her.''

''Oh, I see but why was she in the dreadful storm?'' asked Rarity, concerned.

''I don't know, she won't answer any questions revolving around her past.''

''I see. Well, here's some advice, if she isn't telling you about her past then it's pretty severe. One day, a few years back. Sweetie Belle came here with a cut on her leg, I tried to ask her where she got it but she refused to tell me. Scootaloo, who I had only recently met, was the one who told me what had happened.''

''I was pretty certain about that already but thanks.''

''You're welcome, darling. Now you and the little dear better head over to Sugar Cube Corner, because the CMC are trying to bake cupcakes with the twins.''

Twilight smiled awkwardly before walking over to Midnight, who was looking at the outfit in some confusion and slight worry like she had done something wrong. Twilight giggled. ''Midnight, you have done nothing wrong. It's a gift. Now say 'thank you' to Rarity for me.''

Night blushed and stuttered out. ''T-thank y-you....M-miss...R-Rarity...''

Rarity smiled down at the nervous filly and said calmly. ''Your welcome, dear. Now run along with Twilight, I have some work that I must get back to.''

Night smiled and Twilight giggled. ''Bye, Rarity.''

Rarity didn't reply and instead walked calmly into the backroom. Twilight smiled and soon, she and Night left the boutique to get the Sugar Cube Corner before the CMC destroy the place. As soon as they got to the bakery, it was just like Twilight had expected. Batter slung in all directions and 7 fillies and a colt were stirring the rest of the batter. The CMC were there, with Nyx, Twist and Dinky Hooves. But also two other foals stood nearby, the Pie Twins.

Surprise, a bubbly pegasus white filly with a curly, very curly, golden mane and had purple eyes. She was the odd family member, because she looked like neither of her parents but she got her genetics from Pinkie's Granny Pie who was a pegasus of similar colors. The filly, despite only being 2 years old like Screwball, had her cutie mark, three purple balloons symbolising her talent of surprising others, mainly her brother.

Surprise's brother, Confetti Cannon was a orange unicorn colt with a stern personality, in contrast to his family's happy go lucky personality. He had a pink mane, which to his annoyance, that was very straight not curly like his family members. And his cold blue eyes should little to no emotion, almost like he had been the one raised on the rock farm not Pinkie.

''Foals.'' said Pinkie, as she came in having realized the mess. ''Now, what am I gonna tell your parents and sisters.'' Twilight blinked with some confusion, Pinkie was actually telling the CMC off. ''And, you two.'' said Pinkie, turning to her children and saying sternly. ''You shouldn't have agree to them cooking.''

The CMC all said sorry and the group of 6 left the bakery leaving Twilight, Midnight, Pinkie and the twins alone. Pinkie sighed and looked around with a sad smile on her face. ''Boy, caring for foals and letting them to baking is a difficult job.'' she said, before turning to Twilight. ''Sorry about that, Twi.''

''Oh. It's alright, Pinkie. I was just a little surprise to see you serious.''

Pinkie giggled for a moment, before spotting Midnight. ''Who's the filly?''

''Oh. Her name is Midnight Wish, I found her in the storm last night. Try not to be too eager with her though, she's highly nervous and don't try and get her to talk about her past. Screwball only said her surname earlier and she went faint.''

''Oh, the poor filly. Well, she's in good hooves now. Right?''

''Yep. I wanted to introduce her to you, Pinkie but looks like we're done now.''

''Oh, wait a sec.'' said the pink mare, before bolting up the staircase and coming down with a cupcake and a teddy bear. ''Here you go, Nighty. Present from your Auntie Pinkie.''

Midnight took the teddy bear and cupcake into her hooves, with some surprise. ''T-thank you....''

''Hey, Twi. Whens her birthday?''

Twilight didn't get chance to answer because Midnight cut in with saying it. ''...November 17.''

''Wow, that's like only a month away. I have to get planning!''

''P-planning for what?.....'' questioned Midnight.

''Your birthday party of course!''

''.....But parties are sinful....'' cried the filly, shaking a little.

''Parties, sinful!? No!'' gasped Pinkie. ''Parties are happy and fun. I guess you never felt that before.'' Night looked at Pinkie, with eyes filled with fear, doubt and some sadness. It made Pinkie's heart break, she had to make this filly's birthday special but also small because she didn't want to scare the filly away with her normal silly antics.

''Well. Thank you, Pinkie but please make the party small. Night is serious nervous and quite clearly terrified. I personally believe that her parent or parents forced this onto her, don't blame her for calling parties sinful.''

''I understand, Twi. You have my pinkie promise that it'll be small.'' said Pinkie, with a smile before she became reciting her promise. ''Cross my heart and hope to fly. Stick a cupcake in my eye!''

''Um....Twilight. How is....a pinkie promise....different to a normal....promise...?'' asked Night, quietly.

''Well, according to Pinkie. If you made a pinkie promise, you can't go back on it or you have her on your tail. Believe me, you don't want that.'' explained Twilight, with a small shiver as she remembered the time that Applejack broke her promise with Pinkie. ''Well, Pinkie. It was good introducing Midnight to you, now we better be going. We still have to introduce her to Applejack.''

''I understand, bye Twi. Bye, Nighty.''


The two left the bakery to Pinkie and the twins. And then walked down the quick path to Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack was outside, kicking her way through the red delicious and the newly appeared zap apple trees. The mare smiled in delight as a bunch of zap apples fell into one of the waiting baskets. She then turned and saw Twilight. ''Ah. Hiya, Twilight.''

''Hi, Applejack. Working hard, I see.''

''Yep, ah have to. Zap apple harvestin' isn't easy because they will disappear if they aren't picked all in one day. Mah job is the get them picked in time, but with only me and Big Mac. Ah don't think ah'll be able to this year, because of the sheer number.''

''I see, well. Why don't I help, with my magic. The zap apples will be picked in an hour at most.''

''Ya know, that actually a very good idea, Twi. Ah will appreciate the help. Ah'll even give ya and yer little friend some freshly made zap apple jam.''

''That would be nice. I'll be glad to help.'' said Twilight, with a smile. ''Night, would you like to help? I have your wand with me so you don't have to kick the trees.''

Night smiled and nodded, without a single word. Twilight smiled, reached into her saddle bag and gave Night the wand that had been nestled in the alicorn's bags all day. Night held the wand in her mouth and waved in gently, sparkles erupted from it but soon it glowed in a amazing golden glow, much like the auras that wrap around a unicorn's horn, and levertaited a lump of mud.

''So you know levertation I see. Well, that's all you need. Come on.''

The four ponies, Applejack, Big Mac, Twilight and Night all worked together till sundown to get all the apples harvested from the zap apple trees. It was a job that needed careful time management but as the last rays of Celestia's sun faded from the evening sky, all the apples had been harvested and thus none of them vanished into thin air.

''Well, thank you again for the help, Twilight, Midnight.'' said Applejack, with a thankful smile. ''Here you go, the promised zap apple jam. Don't use it all in one day.'' She handed them a jar of the rainbow colored jam, which made Midnight looked at it with curious eyes. The orange mare then walked back into the barn.

''You're wondering how it tastes, aren't you?'' said Twilight, with a smile.

''Yea....what if it's bad?....''

''Oh no, zap apple jam is always yummy. You'll see, I'll make toast in the morning and use the jam. Now, before we go home....'' said the alicorn, as she led the young filly down the earthen path that led past Ponyville Elementary.

''There's the school that you'll start at on Monday, Nyx will take you.''

''O...okay. It...sure looks....foal friendly....'' said the filly, with hopeful eyes.

''It is. Your teacher, Miss Cheerilee is one of my friends and shes probably one of the kindest mares in Ponyville.''

She didn't get an answer, but she smiled. Midnight continued to look at the schoolhouse with fascinated but scared and curious eyes. So many emotions swirled around Night's eyes that half the time, Twilight couldn't tell what she was thinking or feeling and it partly scared the alicorn mare and made her worry more about Midnight's past.

But, she looked to the future. Maybe one day, Night will tell her what happened. One day.....

Author's Note:

Okay, whoever reads these. Tell me, should I put a dark tag up because I ain't fully sure where 'Night's past is going, but it's pretty dark....I only hinted it here, and I highly doubt everyone would have gotten it. Okay, don't tell at me for Pinkie too. She's older and a parent, I believe she would be a little less childish and a bit more stern.