• Published 21st Feb 2015
  • 15,324 Views, 268 Comments

Luna's Protégé - MrAlterad

Luna needs to take up a protégé, for soon, Celestia's banishment will come to an end. The problem? Too many good choices!

  • ...

5. Three Lights...

Luna was looking over a particular parchment of importance. It was old. As old as Canterlot itself. Held together by centuries of preservation spells and tender care. As the familiar words swept past her eyes, she couldn't help but smile. She then abandoned that smile, the weight of what lay before her coming to mind, as she appraised the relic. Her eyes fell to the words at the top of the list as she adopted a determined look:

'Excuses For Skipping Out of the G.G.G.'

It was tradition, and it was necessary. At least, Luna thought so, and who was going to tell her otherwise?

Once a means of avoiding a great annoyance, it was now a means of testing herself. She went through great pains to make sure her exclusion from the event seemed more as something that simply couldn't be helped, rather than her just blatantly avoiding it. And for several centuries, she'd managed to pull it off. The trick, was attending some of them, then having to drop out early, or arrive late.

The 'Triple G' was several months away, and it took time to get these things together. Her eyes went past a large number items on the list, many of them checked off repeatedly from past use. Her eyes, in an almost habitual motion, hesitated on the only object left unchecked on the large list, as she noticed Sir Tell Tale enter the library.

She felt compelled to hide the list, but resisted the urge, trusting her perceptive bookkeeper to keep this royal secret to himself. She could tell by his pace that he had something important to inform her of, and her interest was even more piqued, as she noticed he held a small grin.

“Something good happen?” Luna asked.

“Depends on who you're asking,” Tell Tale casually replied as he gave Luna a small bow, “Your students got into a fight with each other.” Luna raised an eyebrow to him, putting her quill down as she appraised the stallion.

“I'm presuming they're alright...”

“Oh, quite so, Your Highness. Sunset and Trixie are a little battered and bruised, but I think they finally got what was between them out of their systems.” Luna nodded, hiding a small smile as she looked to the library door.

“You have them standing in the hall?” He nodded as his eyes noticed the list on the table, his grin growing.

“I, I assumed you'd want to talk to them, individually,” he replied, pulling his amused look away from the desk, looking to the Princess, who nodded, appraising the bookkeeper.

“I'll take your version of the events, first.”

“Understood. Though I didn't see the whole thing, I presume the fight started in their room, and at some point the two of them teleported to the front garden. The garden itself is a mess, but it seems both fillies didn't harm each other with their magic. Twilight's panic to reach and stop them caught my eye, and I arrived in time to see her separate them and end the fighting. Afterwards, they all gathered for a rather,” he then cleared his throat, and Luna could swear he was trying to conceal a blush, “touching, moment.”

“Really?” Luna asked, picturing what such a scene would entail. Her brow then furrowed, “It took place in front of the castle? Where were the guards?” Tell Tale let out a small sigh as he shrugged.

“I have the captain looking into that right now. The guards inside the castle never saw the fight, and the hoof-full that saw Twilight running through the castle in a state of panic didn't take as high a note of it as they should have.”

“I want the captain's report delivered after we're done talking to my students,” Luna firmly stated, “We can't have a lapse in security. I don't need some renegade changeling simply waltzing in here, thinking they can spit on our alliance by foalnapping somepony!”

“I'll make sure she's ready for you in short order,” Tell quickly, and firmly replied, then gave Luna a small smile, “Not liking the idea of running off to save your students from a renegade?” The notion did have a touch of fun to it, but Luna shook her head.

“I don't want those three to be given the wrong impression concerning changelings.”

“Ah, I understand.” There was a small pause following his reply, prompting Tell Tale appraised the front of the library, “Who do you want to speak to first?”

“Twilight,” Luna quickly replied, “She's undoubtedly worried sick over this.” The bookkeeper nodded, and with a small smile, left Luna alone, sending Twilight to her.

In short order, the lavender filly was standing before Luna's desk. Her ears were low, a familiar look of worry etched on her face. It looked as though she had recently cleaned up, which made her slightly frazzled mane all the more concerning to Luna.

“Twilight...” Luna began softly.

“Yes, Princess Luna,” Twilight stated sheepishly.

“Call me Luna, Twilight.” The filly nodded weakly as she avoided Luna's gaze, “Mind telling me what happened?” Twilight nodded again as she reported the events that transpired. From the way she delivered it, Luna was put under the impression that Twilight was the cause of the whole thing, which the Princess found skeptical. When she was finished, Luna appraised her student, hiding a sad frown.

“Twilight, did you start the fight?”

“I- Well, yes. They wouldn't have fought if I didn't ask them about their cutie-marks...”

“So then, you think you're the one to blame?” she asked, a little put down that Twilight was so quick to see the glass half empty. “Well then, what happens next?”

“Since I caused the fight, I'm gonna be dropped.” Luna blinked in surprise.


“That I'm dropped,” Twilight repeated, on the verge of tears. “That I- I'm no longer your student.”

“Twilight,” Luna said firmly with a kind tone, getting a confused look from the filly, “I would never do that.” Luna got out from behind her desk, moving close to Twilight, lifting her chin so they were looking eye-to-eye. “You are my student. One little fight isn't going to make me send you- any of you away. I don't know what put that in your head, but rest assured, I'm not that harsh. What happened between the three of you is simply another lesson, one about life.” She then gave her student a warm smile, “Tell me, did anything good come of it?”

“Huh?” Twilight asked, looking to the princess blankly for only a moment, before her mind started seeking out the answer, almost desperate to appease her teacher. “Um. Yes...” she answered weakly, then, a small fire lit in her eyes. “Yes. They're both friends now.”

“Interesting,” Luna said with a smile as she moved her hoof from Twilight's chin, “A fight making them friends. What do you think about that, Twilight?”

“I... don't really know,” Twilight admitted, “I mean, they talked afterwards... But I don't really get it. Still, I'm glad that they're friends now.”

“Maybe you should try and figure that out, and try and understand why they're friends now.”


“Just do what you always do. Look for the answers.” Twilight considered that for a moment before nodding.

“Okay. I will,” she replied, rubbing her eyes of the moisture they had threatened to give up. She then looked to Luna, the fire in her eyes burning brighter. The fire then flickered faintly as doubt flashed across her face, “Luna, if I'm not getting dropped, then...”

“That can wait till I've talked to the others.” Luna then nodded to the door, “Now, you go think about how the three of you became friends. Oh, and could you send Trixie in?” Twilight briefly considered Luna's words before nodding, and she turned around to fetch the blue filly, a contemplative look on her face.

As Twilight turned, Luna noticed the filly's new cutie-mark, and her heart skipped a beat as she saw the set of six stars. A missing piece of an important puzzle clicked into place in Luna's mind, and she adopted a small, thankful smile, to nopony in particular. “Oh. And Twilight, congratulations on getting your cutie-mark.” That made Twilight freeze on the spot, and she instantly appraised her flank. And as if like magic, the few traces of her worry evaporated as she adopted one of the happiest grins Luna's ever seen.

“My cutie-mark!? I'm not a blank flank anymore! Yes yes yes yes yes!!” she cried out, jumping on the spot in pure mirth. As her happiness slowly returned to reason, her expression shifted to confusion as she stood there. “But, when did it...?” she asked out loud, considering it for several seconds before remembering where she was. Her face adopting an embarrassing blush, Luna motioned her on, and Twilight quickly continued off towards the others. Luna shook her head, a foal-like grin on her face as she let out a small sigh of relief.

So, choosing all three of them had been the right choice all along, huh? She thought to herself as Trixie entered the room, looking composed, if a little bruised. The filly carried an air around her, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened today. Luna briefly considered returning behind her desk, then abandoned the notion as Trixie reached her, standing tall before the princess.

“Well Trixie,” Luna began, “care to tell me what happened?”

“Nothing big,” Trixie replied, without hesitation. “Sunny and Trixie wanted to play in the garden, so we did. The Great and Powerful Trixie cannot help that the garden got messy.” Luna adopted a smile as Trixie looked her in the eyes, a confident grin on her face. Luna felt as though she could lose herself in those adorable eyes, but stayed strong, not daring to look away as she spoke up.

“Funny. That's not what Twilight told me.” Trixie's eyes moved just a little, caught off guard by Luna's reply.

“Twily, she was late. She may be...” Trixie's words faltered as she tried to find the word, “Confused. Twily was confused. Trixie and Sunny are friends.” Trixie then nodded to herself. “Friends don't fight.”

“Friends occasionally fight,” Luna amended, “Oh, and Trixie, I don't recall mentioning a fight.” Luna then adopted a contemplative look as she appraised her student. “How strange.” That made Trixie's confidence give way momentarily as the filly quickly sought a reply.

“Well, Tell Tale said that we did.” She then nodded to herself again, “So he must be confused too!”

“So, just to be clear,” Luna began, with a sly smile, “There was no fight. It was simply you and Sunset playing in the garden, and Sir Tell Tale and Twilight are confused?”

“Yep!” Trixie replied resolutely, giving Luna her brightest smile, making Luna adopt it in kind. “So you see! Nopony is in trouble! The Great and Powerful Trixie is sure~!”

Heh. Quite the little liar I have here. Despite the amusing thought, Luna couldn't help but feel a little proud, and impressed for the young filly. If she hadn't known better, Luna would have bought Trixie's story wholesale.

“Very well then. Trixie, could you send in Sunset for me?” Trixie gave an eager nod, radiating with happiness that the princess apparently bought her story. As she started to turn around, Luna added. “And Trixie, I would be terribly disappointed, if I caught any of my students lying to me.” That made Trixie stop in her tracks, looking to Luna from the corner of her eyes, worry on her face. “For that matter, I would be quite upset, if any of my students lied to hurt another pony.” Luna moved around Trixie, lowering her head to see her eye-to-eye, giving the filly her smile. “Understand?”

“Yes Luna,” she replied after a moment's pause, her voice lacking its bubbly enthusiasm, “Trixie promises, she won't hurt anypony.” She then nodded, a fire in her eyes. “Trixie will try her hardest.”

“Very good. I'm looking forward to seeing you keep that promise.” The filly nodded, readopting her confident smile, as she left to send in Sunset.

Luna had little doubt to whom started the fight. Twilight's skewed version of the events failed to hide that, and Luna was curious to see what story the oldest was going to give her. Just as Twilight had, Sunset entered the library with her ears low, but she wasn't carrying worry on her face as Twilight had. Instead, shame was written in her features, as Sunset looked to Luna apologetically.

“Luna. I'm sorry,” she began, taking charge of the conversation before Luna, to the princess's amusement, “I was suppose to set a good example, and instead, I got mad, and fought Trixie.”

“So that we're clear here, you fought Trixie, and she naturally defended herself. Twilight stepped in to stop the fight, and here we are.” Luna summed up, getting a small nod from the filly. “Well, Sunset Shimmer, what am I to do with the three of you?”

“Huh?” she asked, looking to the princess in confusion, “The three of us?” she clarified, looking alarmed, “No, it's just me. It's all my fault, Trixie and Twilight are … victims,” she finished weakly, eyeing the ground.

“I wonder about that,” Luna said in an amusing fashion. “Twilight says it's all her fault. Sunset says it's all her fault. Trixie says nopony is at fault. As far as I can tell, nopony really knows what happened in the front garden.” Sunset shook her head, looking to the princess with a determined look.

“Luna. I fought Trixie. I used magic, I got us muddy, I hurt her, and, I think I made Twilight cry, too.”

“So you say, and indeed, I imagine the front garden is a complete mess. Still, I can't put your perspective above the other two.” She then gave Sunset her best smile. “It's admirable that you'd take all the blame for yourself, and it makes me quite proud of you.” Those words caught Sunset off guard as she looked to Luna wide-eyed. “You may very well be the one at fault for it all, but as the Princess of Equestria, I cannot comfort a single outlook based on how admirable it is. So, it comes down to the fact that I have three conflicting stories on what occurred. So, that leaves me with quite the problem.” Luna let out an exaggerated sigh as she motioned to Sunset and the library door, “What am I to do with the three of you?” Luna asked again, sensing that Sunset would give her question serious consideration this time.

“P-Punish all of us?” she asked, looking alarmed at the prospect.

“Well, that's certainly an idea, but what for?” Luna looked lost in thought, making Sunset fidget on the spot as she waited on the Princess's verdict. “Well, all three stories do have one thing in common. The garden was destroyed. So, I want the three of you to help with putting it all back together.”

“But Twilight and Trixie-” Sunset began.

“Will be helping.” Luna then nodded to herself, “I can present this as a lesson in plant care, as well as getting your hooves dirty.” Luna then adopted a look of realization. “Ah! But it's Friday now. I guess the punishment will just have to wait till Monday.” She then looked to Sunset with a smile, who was now looking quite confused, “Sounds pretty fair to me.” Sunset looked lost in thought for several moments before readopting her determined look.

“Luna. I caused this, so why won't you let me take the blame?”

Goodness, she really is a stubborn one. It's truly a blessing that Trixie and Twilight are less so.

“Because you're still a foal,” Luna sternly replied, “And foals make plenty of mistakes. It's clear to me that you regret what you did, and that you aren't intending to repeat it.”

“But, why make Trixie and Twilight pay for my mistake?”

“What makes you think they'll be paying for it? They both wanted to protect you from what you did, in their own way. Looks like they want to protect their friend from some sort of misunderstanding.” Luna gave Sunset a hurt look, “Or are you saying that a lesson on gardening from me is some sort of terrible thing?”

“N-No, I didn't mean that. But, I feel that...”

“That you should still be held accountable,” Luna finished, considering the filly before her. “Very well, you can apologize to the gardening staff when they return on Monday.” Sunset was about to speak up, but Luna put her hoof up. “That's enough, Sunset. If you want to make your regret melt away, maybe you should approach your friends with it, instead of me.” Sunset blinked, appraising Luna, then looked to the front door of the library, picturing the others on the other side.

“Okay,” she finally replied, sounding unsure.

“Good, now run along to the others. The three of you can do as you please for the rest of the day, I won't hold you any longer.” Sunset nodded, and started to leave, but paused, and looked over her shoulder.

“Luna, if I wasn't a foal, and there was no doubt that I started the fight, what would have happened?” Luna took on a amused look as she added a dramatic tone to her voice.

“Well, since you'd be a full-grown mare, I'd have to throw you into the dungeon for several months.” Luna replied, not missing a beat a she gave Sunset a very serene grin.

“I-I see!” Sunset replied wide-eyed, “Eh heh heh, good thing I'm still a foal?”

“Indeed,” Luna stated, and Sunset left. Alone again, Luna let out a small, and happy sigh, as she returned to her desk, briefly looking to the mural of her sister.

So, does this mean the three of them are friends now? I certainly hope so... Luna thought contently as she briefly reflected on the last fight she had with her sister. She then distanced herself from the memory before a millennium's worth of heart-ache chose to assault her.

Her mind now free of that sadness, Luna found her eyes falling back to the list of excuses, and she paused once again as her eyes fell to the one excuse she's never used. 'Maternity Leave'. And for the first time in a great many years, Luna felt her cheeks flush as she took the words in. Quickly moving down the list, she spotted herself another distraction. 'Wildfire in the Dream Realm.'

A dubious excuse if there ever was one. There was no such thing as wildfires in the Dream Realm, but, nopony else knew that. Nodding to herself, she added another check to that item, dated the year, and smiled. Folding the list, she stashed it away, and let her mind wander wistfully as she waited for the report from her captain of the guard.

Her wistfully wandering mind landed on the pot of daffodils on her desk, guiding her to thinking over the implications of Twilight's cutie-mark.

Twilight's magic... I'm sure she's almost as strong as Sunset's, and yet...

“Would it be rude of me to ask what you're thinking?” Tell Tale questioned, catching Luna off guard as she quickly composed herself.

“O-Oh. Welcome back Sir Tell Tale,” she then frowned at her bookkeeper, “You could have spoken up sooner.”

“My apologies, Your Highness,” he said with a small smile, getting a sigh from Luna.

“Tell me, what do you think about Twilight's magic?” Luna asked, getting a contemplative look from Tell Tale.

“I think that there's more to it than is readily apparent.”

“You'd be right,” Luna quickly affirmed as she pointed to the very healthy and lively looking daffodils, the very same Twilight had used her magic on several weeks prior. “Nopony has watered these since Twilight gave them to me.” That prompted a look of surprise from the stallion as he appraised the flowers. A suspicion started to form in the Princess's head as she looked to him. “Let me guess. The Captain doesn't understand how there were no guards over-looking the garden when the fight happened. That it all seemed to be a matter of coincidence.” Her bookkeeper appraised the princess as he gave a nod.

“The two guards at the front gate were conversing with citizens outside when it happened, that and the rain made them oblivious to the fight. The two guards at the castle doors were both temporarily indisposed for separate reasons. All a matter of coincidence, as you said.” That made the Princess adopt a frown as she looked off beyond the walls of the castle, picturing an old foe cackling in the garden.

“Take this order,” Luna said firmly, dispelling the casual air around Sir Tell Tale as he stood at attention, “In the garden is a statue of a draconequus, I want it placed into the deepest cell in the dungeon, immediately.”

“Um, at once, Your Highness,” he replied, trying to hide his confusion as he bowed, and left her alone to fulfill the order.

Discord... In such a case, Luna didn't indulge in the potential of it being a coincidence, and couldn't help but wonder what her old foe sought to gain from letting the fillies fight it out. His prison is weakening, just as she predicted. Briefly reflecting on her old mentor, and all that she left behind, Luna occupied herself till it was time for sundown, reflecting on the past.


It was close to dawn as Luna returned to her domain inside the Realm of Dreams. Her watch over her citizens had been low-key tonight, her console only needed for a single orange filly trying to find her place in a large unfamiliar city.

Returning to the Palace of the Princess, she cast her gaze over the realm. All was covered in night, illuminated by moonlight, as bright as the sun in the waking world. The landscape was shifting, always changing with the dreams of each pony partaking. Nightmare was nowhere to be seen, but Luna knew it lurked out there, just beyond her vision, waiting for the perfect day to strike.

Looking to the palace, she could feel the dreams of those nearby in the waking world. She could sense her students, a small number of her servants- And a sleeping guard who was suppose to be awake. Luna let out a small sigh as she shook her head.

Entering the Palace, her eyes fell to the words etched into a stone mural in the center of the lobby, written there since Luna first heard them so many years ago. A message, a warning, a poem that led Luna to choosing her protégé. The final words recorded by her mentor:

'Six lights united, now divided. For between the Sun and Moon, Harmony's loss presided.'

'One light lost, Magic's might, destroyed in spite. Its crystal shattered, its essence scattered.'

'The loss cascaded, and three lights faded.'

'The Generous Spark, lost in the dark. Its giving nature bound, waiting to be found.'

'A Loyal Radiance, gone in defiance. Now basked in shame, wandering without aim.'

'And the Laughing Flare, banished by hatred's glare. Now waiting for a smile, hiding all the while.

'Two lights persisted, their glow untwisted.'

'Honest tears, to banish those fears.'

'And a Kind oath, to settle them both.'

'By Flare, Spark, and Radiance, ignited, the faded lights divided, must be united.'

'Or through Midnight's Radiance, the Sun extracts obedience.'

'By Shadow's Flare, dreams swallowed in nightmare.'

'And Chaos's Spark, shall herald those ends.'

'For Equestria's time, the last sunrise portends.'

'And the Moon's reign, shall come to an end.'

A message delving into the fate of the Elements of Harmony. A message stating, that if left broken, Equestria was in for a really, really rough time. A message Luna couldn't help but read every night, when she returned to greet the dawn.

A message, that filled her with hope.

It was one of many riddles, covering times now past, and just as before, she had done her part to protect Equestria. The alliance with the changelings, dissuading the dragons, befriending the griffins. This riddle, adorning the very lobby of her palace, was just another trial for her and her subjects to overcome.

And this time, she would have others close to her. And, just maybe, her sister will be standing by her as well.

Radiance, Flare, and the Spark. She saw each of them in her students, and now that Twilight's cutie-mark had appeared, there was no longer any doubt. A fire beating in Luna's breast, she closed her eyes, and laid her dreams to rest.


Luna took in a deep breath as her horn's glow died down, and let the breath out slowly as the sun broke the horizon. Her horn ached from the effort, a small discomfort she's had to live with every morning since banishing her older sister. Despite raising the sun for almost a thousand years, it still took some effort for the princess of the moon. Leaving her tower, she took her routine walk through the castle, towards the library, where a ready and warm breakfast would be waiting for her.

On her way, she stopped to give a particular guard a stern talking to. After she was quite certain the guard would never sleep during his shift again, she continued down the hall, passing the room her students slept in. She then paused, noticing that it wasn't the room they were given.

She could sense the three of them, sharing in a pleasant dream, sleeping in the room adjacent to their own. Spike's room. Letting her curiosity get the better of her, she quietly opened the door to peek inside-

The three of them were sleeping together, wrapped in a blanket on the floor. They lay next to the small pen Spike slept in, the young dragon sucking his thumb sleepily, his dreams abstract and happy.

There was evidence of some sort of game left about, O&O written on several books, and all three of her students were smiling. A shared smile that cemented Luna's belief that the three of them had become friends yesterday. A smile that cemented her faith in them. The sight of the four of them sleeping like that, made Luna's heart feel warm and content, to the point that she felt her face flush, her mind flying back to a particular unchecked mark on an old list. She then shook her head of the silly notion as she appraised her students, her protégées.

Looks like Sunset found a way to come to terms with what she did. Luna affirmed wistfully as she briefly glanced to Spike. So, the fate of Equestria is to be left to these three adorable fillies? Any image of what possible threats they'd have to face were dispelled by simply looking at them, making the princess's smile widen. Well then, I guess I have nothing to worry about. She thought serenely, silently leaving them alone, letting them enjoy what was left of their slumber. She continued to the library, her head held high, a welcoming fire beating in her breast, as she looked forward to the years to come...

Author's Note:

And that end's this leg of the story...
I hope you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:
This marks the start of The Trio-verse. If you'd like to keep an eye on it, feel free to join the group, or toss me a follow! :twilightblush:
If you want to continue where this story leaves off, I direct you to The Fillies of Canterlot Castle.
If you want to see Sunset and friends tackling Celestia's return, then you'll want to read Midnight's Radiance!
I hope you enjoy them as much as you did this one, and thanks for reading!
I also want to thank my best friend, OCisbestpony, and Bashington, for their aid through this story, it was fun guys!

Comments ( 104 )



You know you don't have to go 12 years forwards yet. You could write a story with Cadence foal sitting these. You could also make a story with Shining Armor that he's hosting an O&O part with him as game master. Or perhaps a roadtrip with the fillies and Luna that goes horrible wrong. You can do a lot before you go 12 years forwards. Just use your imagination. :raritywink:


5725890 I'm not abandoning this period of the story, I just want to write Celestia's return before doing those little fun bits. I definitely intend to do some side-stories in between this and the sequel. But, sequel first. :raritywink:

Yay! But will they all like Ponyville?




...Holy mother of Blueberry Fuck, this must be sequelized. NOW.

5725895 Except for when it explodes.

So, if I'm reading the prophecy right, Twilight is Chaos? :rainbowhuh:

Excuses for Skipping the G.G.G. and this proves why princess luna is best princess

5725973 You know, the darnedest thing about prophecies, is that they only really make sense in hindsight. :scootangel:

5726091 Edited. Thanks for pointing that out! :twilightsmile:

5726129 Thanks again! I was going to look for an editor now that it's finished, and I appreciate the help! :pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:


With Luna's love of propriety the G.G.G. always seemed up her alley.

Twilight continues to be boring.

So it seems
Twilight- Generosity
Laughter- Trixie
Loyalty- Sunset
Honesty&Kindness- Still connected to Luna after all this time
Magic- Broken, plot mending, shared between the three?

Interesting that sunset claims one of Luna's elements.

There are FOUR LIGHTS! :flutterrage: Right, now that that is out of the way. :twilightblush:

5726254 Yeah, it is starting to sound like all three wikl share the element of Mgaic. Still hard to tell if the five from Ponyville will have much to do with this all or not.

Twelve years latter everything has gone so wrong. Sunset Shimmer is a traitor. Trixie left to become a stage performer. Twilight is a recluse shut in who never wants to make friends.

5726555 Could you even imagine!?! :pinkiegasp::raritycry: wait a second...

5726573 Rules of star wars this was A New Hope the thing I've said would be Return of the Jedi and the story between that would be The Empire Strikes Back.

Can't wait for the sequel!:twilightsmile:

Luna seems sure that Twilight is Magic. (cause Friendship is Magic and Twilight's Friendship is the magic that glued all three of them together)
I still think that the elements will break up as two each.
Magic and Kindness for Twilight.
Loyalty and Honesty for Sunset.
Laughter and Generosity for Trixie.

i admit it is a little hard to nail down Kindness and Generosity at this point ... :scootangel:


The prophecy is interesting... I would have guessed that Twilight was Loyalty before reading it, but she does seem to be veering toward Generosity. Trixie as Laughter... there was never any doubt. She does make a good one.

It seems to imply that each will be challenged by their own Big Bad:

If Sunset = Radiance, she will be facing the Sun. Celestia.
Twilight as the Spark (which also makes sense because of her name) will face Chaos. Discord.
Trixie as the Flare will take on Shadow. Sombra.

I don't know if I like the idea of Luna keeping the other three Elements, but at the same time, who else would they go to? A twelve year time skip gives them plenty of time to make more friends... Peace with Griffons and Changelings also offers possibilities of non-pony Elements. Gustave le Grand for Kindness, anyone? :trollestia:

It was revealed in Princess twilight Sparkle Part 2 that Luna wielded Laughter, Loyalty, and Honesty, but that doesn't necessarily have any bearing on what she used in this AU, and even then it doesn't mean that "her" elements are the ones going to her pupils.

That was fun to read, I'll be one of many looking forward to the sequel. :pinkiesmile:

And it's always good to have fun with what you do.:pinkiehappy:


Orange filly in a new city..... I feel that this means AJ will not be in pony ville as Luna helped her adjust. I also wonder about dash as there no mention of the boom

That should be:

> “¿With whom would you 1stly like to speak?”

The inverted punctuation is an innovation from other languages which is not yet standard in English, but inverted punctuation is a worthy addition to English.

Numerals instead of words goes against the styleguides, but usability-studies clearly show that it is easier to extract numbers from paragraphs if the numbers are in the form of numerals. Usability trumps styleguides.

“What for” should be “Why”.

Well well, that was fun! I definitely can't wait to see what else comes from this AU. Going to have to keep an eye onnyou, don't want to miss a thing :twilightsmile:


when's the sequel?

Like, when is it coming out? As soon as I'm happy with the first chapter(days).
Like, when is it set? On the Winter Solstice, around Hearth's Warming Eve/Day. Or in other words, almost exactly six months after the show starts.

Or in other words, almost exactly six months after the show starts.

Intriguing. This is exactly when I chose to start the Lunaverse and Corona's return.


:trollestia: It's an obvious thing to do - Luna gets released during the longest day, so Celestia gets released during the longest night.

5726720 You've got Sunset and Trixie correct, but I think you have Trixie's trial wrong.

'Six lights united, now divided. For between the Sun and Moon, Harmony's loss presided.'

'One light lost, Magic's might, destroyed in spite. Its crystal shattered, its essence scattered.'

'The loss cascaded, and three lights faded.'

'The Generous Spark, lost in the dark. Its giving nature bound, waiting to be found.'

'A Loyal Radiance, gone in defiance. Now basked in shame, wandering without aim.'

'And the Laughing Flare, banished by hatred's glare. Now waiting for a smile, hiding all the while.

'Two lights persisted, their glow untwisted.'

'Honest tears, to banish those fears.'

'And a Kind oath, to settle them both.'

'By Flare, Spark, and Radiance, ignited, the faded lights divided, must be united.'

'Or through Midnight's Radiance, the Sun extracts obedience.'

'By Shadow's Flare, dreams swallowed in nightmare.'

'And Chaos's Spark, shall herald those ends.'

'For Equestria's time, the last sunrise portends.'

'And the Moon's reign, shall come to an end.'

"'By Shadow's Flare, dreams swallowed in nightmare.'" I think it's more she fights Nightmare Moon, not Sombra. Luna is the mistress of dreams, no one else has this unique ability.

Also magic is gone which makes Generosity, Laughter, and Loyalty break off into Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset. However, there are still 2 more. Honesty, and Kindness.

'Two lights persisted, their glow untwisted.'

'Honest tears, to banish those fears.'

'And a Kind oath, to settle them both.'

Kindness and Honesty still exist somewhere, but it might not be Luna. After all, "'Six lights united, now divided. For between the Sun and Moon, Harmony's loss presided.'" Luna and Celestia both lost control of the Elements, it's why Discord's seals are disspelling.


Nightmare Moon makes sense... the fact that Luna is currently the benevolent ruler doesn't matter if Discord is involved, as a Discorded Luna might as well be the Nightmare.

Canon!Twilight's spirit was broken a bit by the mere displeasure of Celestia in "A Canterlot Wedding" and "The Crystal Empire." It's something that most AUs avoid... Twilight might disobey Celestia, but the thought of actually having to fight her? Assuming that Luna has taken Celestia's role in the lives of Twilight, Trixie, and Sunset, can you imagine the horror they'd feel at having to face the corrupted form of their beloved teacher?

5734968 Wow. That pic is amazing! :pinkiegasp::twilightblush:
There's even a rolled parchment with Luna's mark on it!

Aww, over already? Bummer. I was looking forward to more lessons with the three and Luna. Can't wait for a sequel. And you can't say you won't this is to good a story for this to be the end!

When you make the sequel to this story, could you add a sort chapter or blog post, to alert the people who favourited this?

5737179 That is my intention. :twilightsmile:

her console only needed for a single orange filly trying to find her place in a large unfamiliar city.

Gee. Wonder who that could be.:ajsmug:

generous thoughts

I... believe I can help. :pinkiehappy: Honestly, you walked right into that one. Here is my generous, honest, and rather profane opinion:

Fuckin nailed it.

Well color me intrigued, I'm gonna be thinking about that riddle all day now!

This story is just adorable and heartwarming! I'm so looking forward to the sequel.

“Well, since you'd be a full-grown mare, I'd have to throw you into the dungeon for several months.” Luna replied, not missing a beat a she gave Sunset a very serene grin.
“I-I see!” Sunset replied wide-eyed, “Eh heh heh, good thing I'm still a foal?”


I read this in one go, and I have to say I was impressed; however, a couple of things have confused me throughout the story.
First, why do you use buck in place of stallion? Buck applies to deer, antelope, and a few other types of creatures, but not Equines. Or is Tell Tale not a pony?
The second thing is a suggestion. In your dialogue, try not to have the speaker's words followed by another's action in the same short paragraph. It gets rather confusing trying to figure out who is talking sometimes.

All in all, I really liked this story, and I look forward to seeing its continuation. Thanks for writing it. :twilightsmile:



First, why do you use buck in place of stallion? Buck applies to deer, antelope, and a few other types of creatures, but not Equines. Or is Tell Tale not a pony?

The very first bit of fanfic I read used 'buck' a lot for stallions, and it sort of stuck with me.
It is now fixed. There are ponies in this story, no deer or antelopes.

The second thing is a suggestion. In your dialogue, try not to have the speaker's words followed by another's action in the same short paragraph. It gets rather confusing trying to figure out who is talking sometimes.

Fun fact. I've failed half of the writing courses I've partaken in! So, on a personal level, the fact that I'm writing fiction is kind of ironic. I keep to the 'new speaker new paragraph' rule to the letter, and it kind of gets in the way of spacing actions between speakers. I'm still learning this thing, so sorry for that.

Still, I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you enjoy the sequel just as much! :twilightsmile:

5823707 Don't worry. I won't.

5823712 Good, because I've already read what he's got so far with the sequel. :pinkiehappy:

5823912 As have I. Now let the reading begin.

“Take this order.” Luna said firmly, dispelling the casual air around Sir Tell Tale as he stood at attention, “In the garden is a statue of a draconequus, I want it placed into the deepest cell in the dungeon, immediately.”

So, if you have the smallest hint that an archenemy to your reign is plotting to return, u dont leave him in a garden, u sent him to the dungeons at once!!!
Best proactive princess ever!!!:rainbowwild:

Can't remember it, hang on...

Aha! Here we go. Family Secrets. Unfortunately the fic appears to be dead - no update since January of 2013.

“It’s no use Twilight. I shall live the rest of my disfigured days in the laboratory beneath the library. I’ll build a network of tunnels to the main floor so I can organize the shelves without being seen. I shall become… The Phantom of the Library.”

“Trixie promises, she won't hurt anypony.”

I couldn't help but notice that Trixie did not promise not to lie anymore. I doubt that Luna missed that fact either, simply choosing not to say anything.

I must say that first, I feel that same way. I like to look around and see if there's any stories that have similar ideas to ones that I've got rolling around in my head. Most of the time, I just find stories that are LIKE mine, but different in the same breath.

As for the story itself. This was wonderful! I love the idea of the three of them being Luna's students. I have enjoyed this story and I look forward to reading the sequels, which are next on my docket.

I can't find a group to join or any other way to follow the Trioverse. Is there something I'm missing?

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