• Published 24th Mar 2015
  • 1,742 Views, 72 Comments

Power Ponies: The Storm Unleashed - Darksonickiller

When Zapp mysteriously disappears after being grievously wounded while battling Mane-iac, the Power Ponies’ search for her eventually leads to a sinister plot that threatens all of Maretropolis.

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Power Ponies: The Storm Unleashed
Chapter 8: Sunder
By Darksonickiller and Izangi

“...which is how I came to be here, before you,” Zapp finished faintly, not breaking eye contact with the other Power Ponies.

“Gods!” Matter-Horn gasped, devastated. “All this time…”

“How are you even still breathing?” Mistress Mare-velous asked with a lingering air of disbelief. “How could anypony possibly survive such torture?”

Saddle Rager’s crying had been reduced to sniffles, and Hum Drum was attempting to comfort her by gently patting her shoulder.

“That freak’s storm is increasing in strength. We must get you out of here, Zapp! Now!” Fili-Second urged.

Radiance’s eyes studiously darted between her suspended comrade and the machine that was now the focal point of her powers, picking the storm-generating array apart in her mind. She shook her head, downcast. “Stormtrotter was not lying, I’m afraid. I’m absolutely certain this machine is the only thing keeping her alive, now, even as she powers it.”

“What are we going to do, then?” Hum Drum asked, visibly mortified.

“Somepony has to dissipate this storm before the spires amplify it so much that it destroys the city!” Saddle Rager suggested, her puffy eyes narrowed in frustration beneath her mask.

Withholding her response to any of the other Power Ponies, Zapp relaxed her body as much as she could, and she drew a deep breath. The metapony was preparing herself for the final thing she knew she must do.

All supervillains’ plans, whether successful or otherwise, had an end. And she would bring about that end on her terms.

Zapp looked down upon the remaining occupants of the great chamber. “Thou hath foolishly collaborated with a deluded mind,” she told the throngs of stupefied scientists and henchponies. “If thou wishes to escape the true fury of the storm, thou shalt flee this place.” With a pained expression, the mare turned to her fellow supers. “You must all do the same, I cannot guarantee your safety with the sundering of this infernal array.”

Preferring the covert entrances of the base close to the hurricane over the prospect of remaining in a chamber where a machine was primed to tear apart with unknown amounts of destruction in its wake, Stormtrotter’s staff began running out of the room like so many scattering cockroaches.

“What about you?” the Masked Matter-Horn questioned Zapp with a distraught frown. The pegasus looked down at the machine.

There was a brief flash from the weather machine as its spawned hurricane jumped to a Category Three magnitude in the sky above, reaching such a critical mass that Category Four and Five status was no doubt close behind, and a meteorological threshold would be catastrophically crossed for the first time in history.

Zapp shook her head in apology as she looked the leading Power Pony in the eyes. “I have long had time to study this machine. Stormtrotter left a weakness he had completely overlooked. The moment the artificial hurricane reaches Category Six, the spires will overload from the sheer power. There will be no control over the storm, after that. But I have control now. Time grows short, go! My death has already been mourned a thousand times over!”

Quickly, Matter-Horn waved the other Power Ponies over. “Zapp’s destroying this entire machine to quell the hurricane. We have no choice, we must evacuate!”

Water from the storm’s now torrential rainfall was beginning to seep little by little into the chamber from the chamber’s aperture in the reinforced concrete dome above, as if to prove a point.

“We should retreat to base’s dorms, which are just a few corridors down from here,” Radiance declared. “I studied the blueprints on a console on the way to this chamber. I don’t think my constructs are capable of resisting whatever energy Zapp will be putting out, and the living quarters are part of an older, original structure that was built to withstand a direct hit from a high yield rainbomb.”

Matter-Horn nodded. “That should work. Let’s go, Power Ponies!” Before heading off after her now galloping comrades, the goggled unicorn turned to regard Zapp for what she expected to be the final time. “Godspeed, Zapp.”

Straining with effort as she began to channel vast amounts of electricity and magical energy, Zapp looked up just enough to nod at her, before the Masked Matter-Horn darted away after the others.

For Zapp, it was now or never. Her connection to the machine had also enabled connection to its network of computers and diagnostic systems, which all faithfully reported to her that the artificial hurricane raging above their city was now a Category Five, which meant Category Six and true calamity lie just beyond the door.

Seconds away.

Not if she could help it.

With a strained roar, Zapp circulated as much energy back into her as she could physically manage, and using her own body as an amplifier, send a torrent of surging, destructive electricity right back into the storm-generating machine.

The central array was overloaded in milliseconds, pumping out thousands upon thousands of volts of electricity all throughout the chamber. Every electrical device was fried instantly, and the lights that illuminated the room surged with brightness, resisting short-circuiting thanks to their largely magical nature. Explosions began erupting around the frame of the weather machine’s central reactor as lesser components gave out from sheer stress they were never designed to withstand.

Secondary explosions rocked the chamber from above, as every amplification spire in the network overloaded and detonated itself all around Maretropolis. The vibrations of even the most distant spires’ impact with the surface, harbor, and surrounding rivers were easily enough to reach the base’s location, putting further stress on the architecture of the facility itself.

As Zapp gritted her teeth, she silently hoped that none of the vibrations were the result of toppling buildings. She shut her eyes. The machine’s reactor itself was nearly about to give out; and so it did.

In a final massive shockwave, the storm generator exploded. To Zapp’s surprise, the central structure of the domed chamber largely held save for sections of the dome that caved in, revealing a violent and churning black sky above. However, the combination of shockwave, explosions from failing subsystems, and the vibrations from above was finally too much for many of the base’s load-bearing columns.

Entire sections of the facility gave way to the old amusement park above it, creating further tremors and shooting dust into the central chamber from some of the exitways. The destroyed hulk of the machine came apart, dropping Zapp onto what remained of the catwalk beneath her, which was now bent and twisted into a ramp of sorts.

The pegasus felt herself slide down to the bottom floor of the crumbling chamber, and her movement ceased as tons of debris surrounded her and threatened to completely envelope her.

With one final earthquake-like vibration, the unfolding destruction ceased. Zapp found herself left with nothing but the shifting of rubble and the steady dripping of water to stimulate her senses and help keep her conscious, which was becoming increasingly difficult as sensations in general became faint. The concrete and metal around her was beginning to become hard to distinguish from the few drops of water that occasionally pattered onto her forehead from the now open roof above.
The white energy faded out from her eyes, like a lightbulb dying out.

“Zapp?” The yelling of her name brought Zapp back from the brink of near-oblivion. “Zapp!”

More rubble shifted, forcefully. Somepony must have been digging.

“Zapp, we’re gonna get you out of there, just hold on!” Mistress Mare-velous?

“There, I can just see her!” Another, most likely Hum Drum shouted. “Radiance, need an energy spade, please!”

A energetic crackle was followed by more shifting objects, before rays of light suddenly assaulted Zapp’s weary eyes. She tried to raise a hoof to shade them, her forelegs refused to respond. Zapp’s eyes were able to adjust however, and she inwardly smiled a bit as she was greeted by the sight of a rapidly clearing blue sky, and six familiar faces that gazed upon her with worry.

“Girls...Hum Drum,” Zapp greetly weakly.

“Hold on!” Mistress Mare-velous repeated. “Matter-Horn’s gonna float you out. You just saved over two millions lives today, Zapp.”

For the first time in ages, a genuine smile crossed Zapp’s lips as she was lifted out of the debris pile. Although the moment of victory was fleeting, she was finally at peace with herself.

Her friends closed around her, giving her just enough space to comfortably breath in her condition. One of them used the fabric of their costume to gently dab the stray rainwater off of Zapp’s head. Zapp couldn’t tell who, nor anything of what was being said, but she cared little. All that mattered was that she was surrounded by her friends at last.

Sapphire-blue irises moved about to carefully scan each of the ponies surrounding her, even as her field of vision began to narrow and grow blurry.

Part of Zapp’s mind wondered if anything should be said, but a larger, more vocal part asserted that she had already died many months ago, and only a single phrase was all that was in order for the circumstance. Her lips parted to speak it, with a final breath of life.

“Goodbye, my friends.”

The Power Ponies’ collective reaction was instantaneous. Every last one of them bowed their heads solemnly, and some shed tears as they gave their final respects to a comrade they had already mourned, what felt like centuries ago.

Radiance and the Masked Matter-Horn shared equally in holding the weight of Zapp in their telekinesis as they prepared to make their exit.

None of the superheroes were surprised when the distinct hum of a VTOL’s engines manifested above them, the silhouette of the sleek white-blue aircraft appearing around the massive opening that the chamber’s domed roof had become in the recent upheaval.

The aircraft’s tail fin and fuselage were decorated with a logo of sharp-pointed horn adorned with a pegasus’ wings. Text beneath the insignia read, H.O.R.N.A.C.

Several rappel lines emerged from the craft, and group of soldiers descended down, immediately greeting the Power Ponies with salutes. Their white armor was embossed in gold with the same insignia as the aircraft.

“Masked Matter-Horn?” the lead stallion inquired smartly, arching his brow questioningly and peering at the goggled hero through his one good eye. “General Ire, of H.O.R.N. Is that…”

“Zapp? Yes.” Matter-Horn interjected with a nod. Ire sighed a bit.

“Damn shame, but it was also a damn good thing she did today. That storm could have wiped out half the East Coast.” The General kicked at some loose rubble idly while giving a cursory glance at Zapp’s limp form. “Right, let’s get you heroes out of here. Don’t worry, we’ll handle this mess.”

On the surface, several minutes later, the Masked Matter-Horn was surveying what remained of the old theme park while discussing the aftermath of what was quickly being dubbed “The Stormtrotter Crisis” with Commissioner Golden Badge, General Ire, and Special Agent September.

Eager to get out before the news media could arrive, the rest of Matter-Horn’s colleagues had left with Zapp in tow towards city hall.

“We’ve scoured the whole damn chamber,” General Ire explained, sighing with exasperation. “That lunatic terrorist was the first thing we were looking for, and we’ve turned up nothing so far.”

“Which means that his death cannot yet be verified. My apologies, Madame Matter-Horn,” September added stolidly.

“Commissioner, can your forensics lend assistance?” Matter-Horn asked Golden Badge. The stallion nodded.

“We’ll offer whatever extra hooves we can spare. The city needs extra police power right now, what with the hurricane, and all.”

“I understand. Check for any possible sign of him, even ash piles for DNA analysis, please. If you gentlecolts will excuse me, I have a funeral to help arrange.”

“Will do,” General Ire nodded. “It’s the least we could do.”

“Some of my own team will be searching what remains of Stormtrotter’s base as well. The FIA is looking into all personal and professional ties that he had in addition.” Special Agent September said. “We cannot allow something like this to be replicated by anypony else.”

The Masked Matter-Horn nodded, and gave them all a light smile of appreciation, but her features quickly turned impassive again as she left the waterfront area, and entered further into the now weather-beaten and rain-drenched city.

In one week’s time, the streets had been cleaned of debris rapidly, and the final funeral for one of the city’s greatest protectors saw an unprecedented turnout of mourners that packed the streets all way from City Hall in the heart of downtown, to the neatly manicured boulevards that surrounded the Zapp Memorial Gardens on the east side of the city.

Despite a bevy of police cordons, crowding was still an issue, until Zapp’s procession itself entered a given area.

In a show of solidarity, the crowds of Power Pony supporters and curious onlookers readily parted way for the motorcade. This phenomena recurred all throughout the city, until the procession had well reached its destination.

With the work of the most masterful unicorn masons the nation had to offer, a mausoleum had been constructed for the deceased hero within the base of her statue, and another podium, smaller and humbler this time, stood before it. Lining it’s length were all six surviving Power Ponies, accompanied by a solemn Mayor Blossom, the Police Commissioner, and several other high-ranking members of Maretropolis’ city government all clad in their finest.

Having said their eulogies and parting words a few years prior, the Power Ponies left the Mayor to give her speech, which was broadcasted live.

Blossom cleared her throat as she took to the podium. She kept her features firm and carefully arranged as dozens of cameras flashed at her and the superheroes behind her.

“Citizens of Maretropolis. It is with a heavy heart that I address you all today, the second time on this hallowed ground of our city, to honor the memory of a true paragon.” Blossom’s voice was as firm as her stoicism from years of practice and public speaking. “A mare who not only possessed powers greater than that of the average pony, but used them to uphold virtues she believed in, and strived to better the world around her in the best ways she could.”

On Golden Badge’s signal, a perfect arranged line of dress uniform-clad MPD officers stood at attention on their haunches, and readied their rifles for a salute.

“For her steadfast devotion,” Mayor Blossom continued. “I, on behalf of the City Council of Maretropolis, and the state government of Albaneigh, hereby commence the Power Pony Zapp’s burial with the highest of honors.”

“Present, arms!” A police sergeant instructed.

The police officers arose in perfect synchronization, and fired off their salute to Zapp. It was a further cue for the Power Ponies, who likewise arose in a ceremonial fashion. The Masked Matter-Horn was at center, and was bearing Zapp’s golden lightning bolt pendant since she was the leader of the Power Ponies.

As the six superheroes made their way off the podium and towards the entrance to the Zapp Mausoleum, a small crowd of mourners offered their respects and condolences to the passing ponies.

The pendant was the final act of ceremony before Zapp was fully laid to rest.

As the funeral neared its completion, the crowd near the tomb entrance dispersed, and a pegasus stallion in a handsome black blazer and matching wool coat made his way out, eager to get home before a rainstorm was due to hit in roughly a half hour.

In his haste, the pegasus accidentally bumped into a fellow attendee.

“Whoops! Terribly sorry about that, Mister.” The stallion blushed at his accident.

“Oh, that’s quite alright, my good friend,” the other mourner replied with a warm, cheerful air as they finished something they had been eating. “Mmm, delectable sprinkles.”

The cheerfulness surprised the pegasus. “Oh uh, okay. Yeah...I’m a big klutz, sometimes.”

“They call you Klutz?” the stranger inquired, idly flexing his silver wings underneath his overcoat. “That’s quite unusual of a name for a pegasus, wouldn’t you think?”

“Oh, no,” the stallion let out a soft chuckle. “My actual name is Cumulus. And you are?”

The stranger chuckled as well at his new acquaintance. “Call me Stormtrotter. Storm for short, if you prefer.”

Comments ( 33 )


5801880 Did you honestly expect something different? :rainbowlaugh:

5801883 Can you write a story where RD DOESN'T bite the dust... it's getting old and boring honestly.

You did kill her. Agh. I had wished you would kill him instead.

5801885 I have two clopfics that Dash doesn't die in, and Dash didn't die in this fic either she's not even in this fic its the original Power Ponies. And If you are still here commenting after all the times i've killed off a character you obviously don't think it's that boring.:rainbowlaugh:

5801886 Well did you still enjoy this epic fic?

5801899 I did...but is there going to be a sequel? Or an alternate ending where Zapp survives? Or a sequel where Zapp survives and murders her brother?

5801914 Hmm. Though now I am imagining Zapp becoming part of the sky above and turning into a storm spirit.

5801899 ...fair enough. Kudos to you. I guess I just thought this one was different is all. Oh well. Maybe you'll off Fluttershy or Pinkie in one story. I doubt I'll cry tears at Pinkie's funeral. I like her but... she's a bit irritating.

Stormtrotters still out there?
So he didn't want his sister to die after all... 3 possibilities: He becomes good.
He finds another way to bring his family back up
He gives up his life as Supervillain and becomes a monk, because he likes to eat.

5802112 So did you enjoy the fic?

Omigosh! Omigosh! Omigosh! Omigosh! Omigosh!
We need a sequel!!!!!:rainbowkiss:

As the six superheroes made their way off the podium and towards the entrance to the Zapp Mausoleum, a small crowd of mourners offered their respects and condolences to the passing {ponies.

I think you know what's wrong here.

5813258 Fixed did you enjoy the story?

5813444 Loved it writing the review right now.

5813480 oh cool cant wait for it

5813484 Sup sorry bout the delay. Theis story has been officially reviewed by the FBI. :coolphoto: Please proceed this way.

She died a warrior's death; saving those she held dear, the ponies of her city.

Yes. Good Power Ponies' stories are surprisingly hard to come by.

HOW DID HE SURVIVE!? :pinkiegasp:

I'm not sure if I like this story or hate, either way, it held my attention to the end. I think the biggest weakness was the time gap and how many plots you just finish, too many bad guys just taken out. That said, overall, I enjoyed it as a one shot story, but I wish their was a power pony universe now, cause you had some cool lore I want expanded upon.

6068824 Then maybe we can do a collab, a squeal maybe.

So did Zapp/Rainbow died as a hero or she just very badly injured and wounded for 3 years? Also great story i just check on Devianart theres a comic and so far its now 3 Pages wow... Thats so brutal
Are you gonna make a Sequel?

Wow, this was incredible. A very well written, gripping story, and I love how Hum Drum grew up. The villains were great too. But honestly, I never cared for characters dying, this was sad and heart-wrenching to say the least. I understand it, and you did well, but the ending is a bit of a mixed bag for me.

Comment posted by PaulAsaran deleted Jan 27th, 2021

10618637 Oh, its you again...... :facehoof:
I think I'm just going to refrain from reading that review.

Brilliant story. Pure comic book fun. Although I am curious as to where the cover art came from.

Its the cover from the actual Power Ponies comic book slightly edit by me.

Neat! Love the villians in the background. Other than the Mane-aic, they really don't get a whole lot of focus.

Thanks Glad some one is still reading this after all these years.

It's a great genera that's largely untapped even after all this time.

Yours is a delightful take, primary concerned with being a enjoyable superhero story. It's still worth the read, years later.

It's arguably the most interesting and unique take on the heroes in this site. It also isn't content to depend on the Main Six for characterization cues.

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