• Member Since 17th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago




What does it mean to be a pony? Thesis is the Prince of Equestria, the only son of Princess Celestia. But he is a homunculus, born from magic and technology brought to their world by an ominous benefactor. And as a war grows between Equestria and the griffin nation, he will be forced to understand the true meaning of loss and sacrifice to protect his country and his family.

Chapters (14)
Comments ( 39 )

This looks promising, it'll be nice to get some more thesis back-story.

Wow, I can almost hear the generic orchestral chord of evillness no.5 as Valthrudinir walks in, call it learned response or not.


Thankee. I hope it proves to be a good read. It's a story I actually wanted to do for quite a while. Thesis has always been a character I've always wanted to get more into, but never really got the chance to.

Wouldn't put it past him to actually have some sort of machine to play that every time he enters a room.

he would never be broken, he would never be unhappy.

Ha. Ahahaha. Aha.

Thesis seems like he had the potential for good at this point, but you can still see the cracks that led to his shattered personality in the future.

Thesis seems to have a similar personality to how Shining Armor is often portrayed. I doubt that's a coincidence.
I wonder what happened with this world's Luna and the moon of the soon to be Clockwork world? I don't remember any mention of what happened to them.
Meanwhile, a rainbow horse has more willpower than a manipulative dragon god.

It's interesting how many of your villains are just victims of their own instincts and pasts.


This is definitely a very sad story for Thesis, yeah. It tells a lot about him and... I always wanted to portray the way he used to be. But it all really fell apart for him.
And yeah, that story will definitely emphasize that, too. What really created Thesis, and really helped shape several other rather important characters to the series.


Ha. It's more apt than you might imagine, too.
Thank you very kindly for the watch and the fave as well. I hope you enjoy my crazy stories.


Thanks very much. Just getting started, too: Thesis has some much more difficult fights coming up.

Makes you wonder how much of Valthrudnir's victory over the Aesir, and the other Jötnar was luck or help from hel, or the norns or some other power. His plans really do suck and everything he has ever made failed him, and I cant think of one of his schemes that worked out for him...

Great story I knew I would feel bad for Hecate and Thesis, but I had no idea you would make me feel sorry for Valthrudnir. Love a good tragedy and this did not disappoint. Always did feel sorry for Thesis but after finding out how great a person he was It really hit me in the feels. And that last talk Valthrudnir and Hecate have on that hill not going to lie teared up a bit. I found that the most interesting part of the story was Valthrudnir and Hecate's relationship and how genuine it was. Makes you wonder if everything did not go so wrong if Hecate would of been able to fix Valthrudnir make him really see that he was wrong about everything.

Anyway... fantastic story can't wait to see what comes next.


Yeah. Valthrudnir has developed into a very... tragic character over time. You both feel sorry for him and... want to see him suffer for what he's done.
But it is certainly a tragedy, for everyone, and I'm glad it had that impact. I never knew that it would myself when I first started writing this, but sometimes things just... develop on their own, you know? And it does bring up a lot of questions, yeah, about what they felt, what they were doing and... what could have been.
Thanks again, though, and I just hope my stories continue to entertain. There's lots coming, after all, in terms of ponies and other stories, too.

You know, I just found this buried in my "read later" list. I can't believe I forgot about it, especially considering how much I enjoyed your other stories. Looks like it's time to start reading.


Thanks. It'll definitely fill in a few blanks and questions that might still be lingering about Thesis. I hope you enjoy it.

Well, just finished reading it. Once again, an excellent story, even if it was quite tragic. It was interesting to see how thesis went downhill, and seeing valthrudnir in a different light was quite excellent as well. As always, I look forward to whatever you decide to write next.


Thanks very much. It was... a very interesting story to write, and ended up going a lot deeper than I expected it to. I thought the whole focus would be on Thesis, but then it kind of turned into... something a little different than I'd anticipated. Ever since Synthesis, though, I wanted to write something about Thesis, show why he was so deranged and delusional, so I was glad to get into this. I've got a lot of backstories in my head, so... it's always hard to pick and choose.
But thanks again, and I much appreciate the fave too. There'll certainly be more coming: a silly charity story chapter, and then after that I'll finally be able to get started on the big story I keep talking about and never doing. But it'll be nice to finally get to revisit some old friends.

Valthrudnir seems to like to lie to even himself about actually having emotions. He's always like "The sole purpose for myself to display such faux weakness was to deceive you into thinking yourself safe from me." When he does actually care in his egotistical "You're not an ant. Maybe a dragonfly or something" way. He's just too stubborn to stop going through with a plan even if he eventually comes to resent the plan. His pride was his downfall, although not in the way that's most apparent. That's my take on some aspects of his character, at least. I'm definitely no psychologist.

Of course, that doesn't change the fact that he's a petulant, psychopathic bastard.

In which Valthrudnir displays as much humanity (equinity?) as a tyrannical, pedantic frost giant with tremendous powers in the shape of a bipedal dragon in a white suit can.


This story ended up being way more about Valthrudnir and his own... difficulties than I thought it would be, admittedly. I figured it would just be Thesis, but... I suppose I underestimated just how important the people in Thesis' life were to him, and how much the roles they played affected him. It's... definitely a very different side of Val that we see here. And yet very much the same, since you're right. All he ever does is run away.
Thank you kindly for the fave as well. I hope it continues to be a pleasure to read.

It would be interesting to see an offshoot story of what would happen if Valthrudnir hadn't betrayed our protagonist trinity at the end of SotA. We got a story on damnation in BLCA, why not a redemption story to pair with it?

Also, Valth sure likes denying responsibility for his actions.

Does Kindynas happen to become Hel's pet, Teddy, or just some freakish wrath demon?


That is an interesting idea, about Val, and what could have been. It's something I've toyed with in the past, I'll admit. And it would still be interesting, in a way, since... a lot of what kept him going all those years was trying to escape those demons instead of facing them.
Kindynas, though... I'm not entirely sure what happens to him. Who knows, he might pop up again: stranger things have certainly happened in my stories.

I just looked at the top 20 list of authors by words. 3 I recognize and like, 2 I knew but are just OK, and I looked through the rest and they all seemed awful in taste or quality of actual writing. You, however, seem to be a hidden gem. Just to make sure, this looks like it shares some themes of your other stories, but is totally separate, right? There's no prequel to read first?


Thanks. I hope you're right, although my stories do go off on some odd tangents now and then.
But yeah. Chronologically-speaking, Gjallarsong is one of the first in the timeline for my stories, and only Synthesis is directly connected to it, but that's a far sequel. A lot of the characters of this story appear later on in other stories, but this mainly sticks to Thesis and the events of his rather difficult life. It can definitely be read completely on its own.
Thanks for the interest, and for the watch as well. I hope you enjoy my stories.

That's quite an about-face for celestia to go from no-augmentation to kidnapping and brainwashing undesirables. It might have made more sense for them to be POWS, considering their treatment has come up before and it would be a smaller ideal for celestia to sacrafice.

Also, those intro poems are sweet, particularly this one.

Very interesting. I wonder if the dogmatists are displaying more emotion because of Thesis' influence, their time in the pony world, the weariness of war, or the promise of victory.


Things do change pretty quickly. I'm not quite sure why I didn't think of POWs. But Celestia and Valthrudnir have... interesting effects on each other.
And thank you very much. The sonnets for each chapter honestly took me as long as the chapters themselves to write. Utterly hate writing to form and meter, but it felt... important for the story, so to speak.

Oohhhh this looks interesting! Putting to read later bookmark, shall get to this sometime this week!


I hope it proves an enjoyable read for you when you get a chance to dig in, then. It definitely has its ups and downs.

Between This Story, Thorn of the Rose, and I'd imagine to some extent the Upcoming Hecate's Orphanage is there any other stories that involve Celestia/Hecate, Thesis, etc? Really loved these stories. It's also refueled my interest to finish the Chronicles, as I stopped at the 6th book.


Thanks very much, I'm really glad to hear that, and I hope you enjoy from Decretum onwards.
But yes: uh... Hecate actually comes into play in Synthesis of the Atheist, at the very, very end of the story, and then she plays a big role in Glory Be. But I'm glad she caught your eye. She's got a huge, integral role in the second series, so to speak, and it's always rewarding to hear when my particularly uh... strange, characters, end up being more interesting to people.

You just had to make me like thesis didn't you? Damnit, now I feel sorry for him dying.

“I have never considered you a game.” Valthrudnir said quietly,
But- everything is a game to him he has even said that to scrivener blooms.

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