• Published 2nd Apr 2016
  • 3,682 Views, 60 Comments

My Little Dashie 2: Dash Harder - ROBCakeran53

When John McClane finds a filly Rainbow Dash in a box, can he protect her while fighting off terrorists and saving Christmas?

  • ...

Yippie Ki Yay

“Uh… you okay?”

I shook my head; I’d been briefly lost in thought. Looking down at Rainbow Dash, the apparently older than five years old yet physically five year old talking blue flying pony with rainbow hair, I licked my dry lips to respond.

“What? Yeah, I’m fine. Why?” I asked.

“Because you kinda whispered to yourself before just standing still for like, four years.”

Oh… had I zoned out? “That’s a bit of an exaggeration.”

She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, sure, whatever. You sure you’re used to this kinda thing?”

“Of course. I’ve fought off terrorists twice before. I mean, it’s not like I’m gonna be doing this three more times, right?” I laughed.

Again with the eye roll, but I ignored it and stepped by her. She was quick to follow, her little hooves clip clopping along the snow drifted road.

The road leading up to the small terminal was mostly barren, save for some banks of snow which had been made by a plow truck. The vehicle currently sat abandoned mid push, the glass splattered with blood.

“I wonder if they plowed the runways already?”

“Beats me,” Rainbow shrugged her tiny wings.

Ignoring the truck, we approached the main doors, and peering through the glass I could see no activity.

“This doesn’t look good.”

“What’s up?” Rainbow asked.

“The terminal is empty. There should have still been a good fifty people here.”

“Maybe they left?”

I shook my head. “No way. There wasn’t much available, so they were stuck here. I have a bad feeling about this…” I carefully opened the door, pushing it open to allow us entrance.

Once inside, I could tell right away there had been a mass panic. Furniture was askew, bedding abandoned, and there were a couple shell casings that Rainbow would absentmindedly kick with her hooves.

“Do… you think they killed them?”

“I’m afraid not, were they so lucky of a fate.”

I raised the machine pistol, pointing it at the single podium, a couple bullet holes visible on the front. Realisation hit me as I recognized the strained voice.

We walked around, and sure enough, there was… uh…

“Hubert,” he coughed up blood, his body propped against the wall.

“Oh shit,” I rushed over, setting the pistol on the ground to check his wounds.

“Oh, don’t mind me none sir. I’ll… well, I had friends in the war that came home from worse.”

I could literally see his insides. His friends who came back worse must have been in caskets..

Hubert laughed, wincing as he did so, “Although I might not be, since I see a little blue dog with rainbow hair.”

“Don’t forget the wings,” Rainbow fluttered her appendages.

“Of course not.” Another cough. “Those bad men, they’re takin’ all the people as hostages, insurance they called it. Do me a favor, and make sure to stop them?”

He raised a shaking hand towards a small wooden box on the ground, spilling small white cards.

“Also if you survive, leave a positive review of my services in the box.”

And like that, he was gone.

Sighing, I looked over to Rainbow, who was blankly staring at the now still body. “I should probably be traumatized by all the killing going on. This wasn't what I had in mind when I came back here,” Rainbow turned from the deceased Hubert.

“That’s what therapy is for. You just hope you get a hot one with big tits.”

“That’s messed up.”

“And this isn’t?”

Rainbow was silent, then looked out the windows facing the ramp. “I think we need to hurry. I see lots of flashing lights out there.”

I followed her gaze, and sure enough I could see red flashing lights.

“They’re starting up the plane? Shit.” Grabbing the pistol, we rushed for the ramp access doors.

Outside, I could see the now empty flatbed, along with other vehicles, one of which a still running plow truck.

“Come on, I have an idea.” I made my way for the truck with Rainbow following me.

And then the gunfire started.

Even with the blizzard still raging, someone must have spotted me, or the bright blue pony more likely, and started taking shots at us. We made it to the plow truck, and I quickly threw the pegasus inside before getting in myself.

“Okay, now what?”

“Now, we find a way to disable the airplane before they can take off.” I shifted the truck into reverse, the plow grinding on the pavement.

Fumbling with the knobs on the dash, I was able to raise the plow, and allowed us better driving conditions.

A bullet went through the windshield, and out the rear glass, leaving a small hole in the former, and shattering the later.

Okay, slightly better driving conditions.

I wasn’t sure how long we had, but what was apparent was that we needed to act fast. Shifting into drive, I floored it, weaving past several of the park military vehicles from earlier, however I had to hold back as visibility continued to get worse.

Another shot rang through the cab, this one shattering the passenger window and nearly hitting my left arm before punching through my door.


“You can say that again!” Rainbow said, ducking her head down. “What’s with these guys, anyway?”

“They’re terrorists! What would you expect, a picnic?”

“I’ve had picnic’s with a bear, trust me, it’s not all that great.”

I opened my mouth to respond, but then paused. “A bear?”

“Look out!”

Returning my attention to the front, I nearly ran into the empty semi trailer, however I still crashed into one of the Land Rovers.


I rubbed my slightly bloody forehead, and looked to the crumpled mess of blue pony on the floor.

“Hurry up, we gotta go now!

Hastily I opened my door, grabbing the pony by the nap of her neck (how was she this light now, when earlier she was so heavy?) and began to run for it.

“Uh oh!”

I brought the pony to my face. “Uh oh what?”

Then she proceeded to throw up liquid rainbow on my shirt. Before I realized what had happened, she suddenly became a lot heavier and I dropped her in shock.

Her vibrant rainbow hair was much longer now, she’d grown easily another foot, maybe two, her body more trim and streamline, and as she stood I could tell she wasn’t no kid anymore.

“You jackass, you dropped me!”

Although her voice still held a high pitch, cracky tone to it.

More gun fire, and we dove for cover behind the semi.

“Is that it? Are you done with the growth spurts now?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

Then she spread her rear legs and looked down between herself.

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“That was gross.”

“Oh get over yourself, you wear clothes because of shame. I’m naked because I know I’m that awesome.”

Before I could retort, there came the sound of jet engines spooling up.

“Oh crap, they’re starting up!” Rainbow launched into the air, her wings slowly flapping, yet keeping her airborne.

“Wait, the plane?”

“Yeah, you dingus! What else?”

“Well excuse me if I’m surprised an alien horse thing knows what jet engines sound like!”

“It’s literally the loudest thing right now, what else could it be!?”

“I don’t know!”

“John! Can we get a move on!?”

“How, it’s starting up. There’s no way we can board the thing!”

And then, through the raging snow, her rainbow hair billowing in her face, I saw her eyelids go low and a smirk that I’d only seen a few times before, and had always left me very sore in the morning.

“What are you-”

She took off into the air, not too high, but enough for a loop, random gunfire trying and failing to track her, and then she swept down towards me. Instinctively I shot up to avoid her, but she planned for it, and I felt two furry appendages wrap under my arms and then…

I nearly dropped the pistol when I looked down at the ground, moving by faster than I could ever run.

“What are you doing!?” I shouted.

“What else? We need to get to that plane before it takes off! We have to save them!”

“Them? Who’s them?”

“I… don’t know, just them, okay?”

“You mean the other passengers?”

A moment of hesitation. “Sure.”

There was something she wasn’t telling me, but I was too busy trying not to see where I might go splat if she decided to let go.

And then it was over in an instant, I saw the plane, and clearly so had she, taking us around to the nose as it began its taxi.

She nearly threw me at the front glass, the two pilots jumping in their seats at seeing me dangle from a small blue flying pony.

I aimed the pistol, and shouted as loud as I could, “STOP!”

The copilot began to retract the controls, but then I watched a splatter of blood as someone from behind shot, killing the man instantly. The pilot, however, kept his gaze forward and hands firmly forward as the engines turned faster.

“They’re hostages too! Rainbow, we have to get inside!”


“Left side! There’s a door!”

Sure enough, I called it correctly. Even better luck, some moron inside thinking they’d be the cool guy opened it to fire at us.

I was ready, and Rainbow had agility.

Two precise shots and he was gone, falling to the ground where the airplane jumped going over his body. Rainbow wasted no time in flying us in, and it went from cold and windy to warm and under gunfire within seconds.

The howling winds were replaced with cries and screams of the hostage passengers on board. I was quick to dive and take cover, however Rainbow was not, as gunfire nicked her left wing, and she went down.

“Damn it!”

I returned fire, not quite sure if I took him down or not, and reached for the pony’s leg, pulling her to me.

“Owch, man that hurts.”

“Yeah, you should try it about twenty more times, then you’ll know how I feel.”

“No thanks, I’m good.”

More gunfire overhead, more people screaming.

Then, a loud, authoritative voice shouted out, “QUIET!”

People quickly went quiet. Both Rainbow and I looked up over a row of seats, and saw Dimetre holding a gun to a lady’s head. Upon seeing them, Rainbow gasped, and I had to hold her down from jumping out.

“Hang on,” I whispered, “you’re my trump card. Can’t show you yet.”

“But that’s-”

“Oh Mister McClane, a word if you’d be so kind.”

“Not until you let the lady go, dipshit,” I called back.

“Such language, McClane. Now, if you’d go ahead and close that door so we can take off, that would be… wonderful.”

“Over my dead body you prick!”

“Yeah, you tell him!” Rainbow cheered.


“Oh, and you have company? I’d say I’m curious how you managed to get in here, but I’m not one to stall for too long. Now, show yourselves, or I shoot the woman. You have twenty seconds. Twenty. Nineteen…”

“We gotta go out there!” Rainbow hissed.

“Not yet! We need a distraction, then I can take the shot!”

“Dur, I am a distraction!”

“Yeah, I know, but not yet, we need-”

“Thirteen… twelve...”

“C’mon, John! She can’t die! Neither can her husband!”

I looked at the pony, questioningly. It was time for answers, and she knew she was out of time.

“They’re important to someone, my… a friend, okay? They can’t die, not here, not now.”

“Five… four…”


“Three… two…”

I suddenly stood, gun over my head, and I tossed it to the ground.

“Very good, now, close the door.”

“Alright. Rainbow, could you close the door please?”

It was a magical sight, seeing several people, some of which armed, look on in complete shock as a four foot tall blue pony with wings stepped out from behind the seats near me.

“What in the-”


She bolted, using some crazy force of movement I’d never imagined seeing, launching herself right at Dimetre’s chest, and knocking him to the ground. The woman was released, and also collapsed. I dove for my gun, and shot off the last of the clip into the three other armed men.

The door to the cockpit opened, another armed man stepping out.


I watched Rainbow take Dimetre’s gun in her mouth and toss it towards me. I caught it, and another two shots put the armed man down.

Then, all was silent, but I had to act fast. I jumped to my feet and made for Dimetre, but found an odd sight instead.

Rainbow was pummeling him with her hooves, although not very effectively, but enough to keep him down.

“Don’t. Ever. Threaten. Them. AGAIN!”


“Did… did her hoof just make a ‘donk’ sound on his head?”

At least… it was over.


It was a little over an hour when the authorities finally showed up. It was… strange, really, all the people thanking me and Rainbow, although some were off put by her, we made a grand show of taking all the praise and beaming like the winners we were. I was used to this kind of thing by now, and cared little. The blue pony seemed to beam and absorb every word like it was her essence.

Back on the ground and inside the much warmer terminal, I was having some wounds addressed, and Rainbow was having her wing looked at by a paramedic who couldn’t stop gushing about telling her daughter about “helping out a my little pony”.

Odd way to phrase it, but sure, whatever.

However, I constantly noticed Rainbow glancing over to a couple, who were hugging each other tightly, whispering to each other, and even glancing at Rainbow as well. The woman was the one held hostage by Dimetre, so maybe they were nervous about thanking her? Or… Rainbow’s previous words had come to mind.

“Hey, Rainbow… who are they?” I pointed to the couple.

Rainbow tried to hide the fact she’d been staring, but failed miserably, and I think realized that by my expression she’d failed, so she sighed.

“They’re… important. They have a kid, back home. He… helped me, and then I had to leave. I couldn’t stand the idea of him being alone, so I… might have done a lot of illegal things back home in order to come here and stop this.”

“Wait, so you knew!?

“I knew they were going to die on this day! I didn’t know how, or anything else. I just-”

She stopped, and her eyes went wide as the couple finally worked up their nerves to approach. They didn’t seem to have noticed our previous discussion, which was probably for the better.

“Thank you, both of you, for saving my wife,” said the man. He was tall and thin, but not frail.

His wife, as I’d imagine her being, was on the shorter side with long blonde hair. “Yes, I was so… frightened. You… both of you, just…”

She leaned over to hug me, and the man shook my hand once she let go. Then the two looked down to Rainbow, who wouldn’t look them in the eyes, instead rubbed a hoof against her leg as she stared at the floor.

“I have no clue who, or what, you are, but you saved my life. Thank you.”

“Eh, heh, yeah, hey, nothin’ to it, ya know?”

She was not expecting the two to kneel and hug her so fast, her wings shot out in a failed attempt to flee.

I could only laugh, yet I also couldn’t help but notice a few tears roll down the blue pony’s cheeks, and then she also wrapped her hooves around the two, returning the hug with a sniffle.

Sadly, it was short lived, for activity in the center of the room started to draw attention.

“Hey, what’s that?”

The chaos of the terminal began to go quiet as a bright light from above began to glow, and suddenly-


“Hey now!”

“My hair!”

“Oh no!”


Five more… ponies, it seemed, fell from the ceiling, landing in a pile in the center of the terminal, surrounded by passengers, medics, and police officers.

“Urg, I hate traveling to different dimensions,” stated a white… unicorn?

“Yeah, never get use’d ta it.” Was the orange one’s reply.

“Well, at least we weren’t guessing this time. Rainbow should be-” A purple one, with both wings and a horn, paused when she looked over to Rainbow and the couple, still hugging her.

“Rainbow Dash! You have a lot of explaining to do!” the purple one began marching over, and I quickly stepped between.

“Now, hang on there for just a second-”

“Naw, John, it’s alright. I’m in trouble, I know.” Rainbow broke the hug, and walked up to me.

“Hey, that was fun big guy, thanks.” She bumped her bandaged wing against my leg, only to wince as she realized the mistake.

“Just don’t make this a habit. I’ve had enough excitement in my lifetime.”

She laughed, and as more harsh words were exchanged between the six ponies, the couple approached me.

“Do you have any idea what she’s here for?”

Before I could respond, Rainbow shouted back to us, “Hey, wait!”

“Rainbow! Now what!?” protested the purple one.

The blue pony quickly rushed back to us, and using her teeth yanked out one of her feathers, giving it to the couple, the lady taking it curiously.

“Make sure he gets that, okay?”

“He? He who?” she asked.

Rainbow smiled. “Bryan, your son, duh.”

They blinked, and the man was quick to ask, “How did you…”

A dark red aura grabbed Rainbow by her tail, dragging her back.


And before anyone could say anything further, there was a bright light once more, and they were all gone.

Everyone looked on in stunned silence, but before too long, it was like normality had once again come, and people went about doing… whatever. The couple stood beside me for a little while longer, the wife holding the feather in her hand.

“How did she know we had a son back home?” she asked, then looked at me.

I could only shrug. “Well, I guess you got a gift for Christmas after all, eh?”

I laughed, they chuckled, and they walked away.

Making my way outside, I bummed a pack of smokes off an officer, as well as a match box, and stepped into the cold early morning.

I nearly dove for cover when I heard another gun shot, but laughed when I saw the battered yellow taxi come around the bend.

It slowly made its way to me, parking, and Morgan scooted along his seat so he could stick his head out the passenger window.

“Aye there, lad, wish to be shovin’ off? My sails are set, ‘nd I’m headin’ for the West!”

Dropping what was left of the smoke, I put it out with a quick step of my foot, and got inside. “You know what, that sounds like a Hell of an idea.”

“And what about the wee lass?”

“She went home, I think.”

“Smart o’ her.”

As Morgan began to drive, he hit a bump which sent the rear window down, the crank handle smacking my knee. He looked back to me, and all I could do was smile as I leaned back into the seat to finally get some rest.

“I fucking hate Christmas.”

The End.

Author's Note:

AHA HA HA HA, YOU ALL SAID HIS NAME WAS BRIAN, WELL GUESS WHO ALL WAS WRONG! IT WAS BRYAN ALL ALONG! IN YOUR FACE! (loljk happy April 1st I love you all please don’t hate me I’m just a drunk I can’t control my emotions very well anymore the darkness is always ever present, quoth the raven; nevermore.)

This was written with the same haste, lack of quality, and mind numbing, minimalistic sleep that was used for the original story, so I figured why even bother with making it pretty?

I’m just glad it’s all finally over… I need a drink.

Comments ( 12 )
Majin Syeekoh


After all these years, it's finally done! :pinkiehappy:

You say that, but it's not April 1st yet. Clearly, the joke is yet to actually be sprung! :trollestia:

Well worth the wait :heart:

A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

Of course, now i have to wonder whether Dashie's meddling with the timeline here will have any negative effect on the events of the original story. Not having dead parents is likely to put Bryan on a completely different path than the one he walked on the original timeline, meaning he may not be in the right place at the right time to find Dashie when he did. Probably best not to think too hard about it

The joke is that we're not expecting the next story in the series. A Good Day To Dash Hard.

This is the only cannon sequel to My Little Dashie

Author Interviewer

hell, son, you done did it to 'em

I’m going to do a drunk reading of this and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.

Soge #10 · Apr 26th, 2020 · · 1 ·

Ah, nothing like the smell of a sequel-prequel-soft reboot in the morning. My Little Dashie cinematic universe when?

Freakin' great, man!

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