• Published 29th Jul 2015
  • 1,684 Views, 13 Comments

The Struggle is for Realzies - Azure_Shadow

You know a girl likes a guy when she can't stop looking at him. But how does said girl approach him?

  • ...

The only way to get a guy's attention

“Umm...Sonata?” Aria asked her former Siren sibling as the two stood in the middle of Canterlot High’s gymnasium. The two were clad in their normal gym clothes; Aria wearing a plain red t-shirt and black shorts while Sonata wore a bright fuschia tank top with matching shorts. Many students were standing around the gym talking amongst one another while waiting for their teacher to come back from putting attendance into the computer. Aria stared curiously at her sister, who currently had a weird look on her face, like, even for Sonata. The blue skinned girl had a sort of dreamy look in her eyes, with them being half shut in addition to having one of the cheekiest smiles Aria ever saw her with. She knew Sonata didn’t have dimples, but it looked as though they could pop up on her cheeks at any point. As if that weren’t enough, she also had her hands crudely wrapped around one another as she moved them around slightly. Yup, it looked weird to Aria.

“Hey Sonata, you there?” Aria asked as she gave the side of Sonata’s head a slight tap. Sonata didn’t seem to be affected as she stayed motionless. Aria furrowed her brow. “Hey, earth to Sonata! Come in!” she said as she gave Sonata a hard smack upside the head. Sonata stayed still like a statue, continuing her odd gaze away from Aria. “Ugh, what the hell is up with you?” she groaned.

“Aria darling, what’s the matter?” an elegant voice asked from behind the purple haired girl. Aria turned around to see the Rainboom’s keytarist Rarity approaching her, wearing black shorts, a white top, and having her hair in a ponytail.

“Oh, hey Rarity,” Aria greeted the fashionista. “The matter is that Sonata here has been acting even weirder than usual! Just look at her!” she ordered as she pointed a finger at her sister. Rarity stepped in front of Sonata and waved her hand in front of the Siren’s face.

“Odd...that’s the same look Pinkie Pie makes whenever she sees that the sweets shoppe by our houses is having a sale on pixie sticks.” Rarity stated plainly as she continued to stare at Sonata. “Sonata darling, yoo hoo! Can you hear me?”

“Don’t bother Rarity, she’s been like that since first period, she won’t respond to a thing you do. I threw a stapler at her in English class and she didn’t even bat an eye.” Aria explained, to which Rarity gave her a shocked look.

“You threw a stapler at your own sister!? Aria darling, that’s absolutely horrid!” Rarity exclaimed.

Aria rolled her eyes. “It wasn’t one of those metal staplers the school has, someone else was using that unfortunately. I threw one of those small plastic staplers you get at the dollar store at her.”

“Oh...well it still isn’t right to throw things at your sibling!” Rarity stated matter of factly. “But back to the matter at hand, we need to find a way to get Sonata out of this funk…”

“Feel free to try, I’ve been dealing with this for the past four periods. I’m fresh out of ideas.” Aria stated with a shrug. Rarity continued to look at Sonata in a curious manner until her eyes suddenly widened.

“Hmm....I have an idea,” Rarity said before darting in the direction of the girl’s locker room. After a few seconds, she came back running with a small purse in her hand that she was digging through. “Sonata...just happened to have left something at my house that I think we can use-AHA!” the fashionista exclaimed as she pulled a small tube out of her purse.

“Chapstick?” Aria asked while raising an eyebrow.

“Not just any chap stick darling, but Sonata’s favorite flavor! Fiesta Taco!” Rarity stated happily.

“Of course.” Aria groaned as she rolled her eyes. With that, Rarity unscrewed the cap off of the stick and waved it around just under Sonata’s nostrils. After a few seconds, Sonata’s dreamily vacant eyes suddenly widened, apparently registering the smell of taco coming from the stick.

“Huh? Do I smell tacos? Is it lunch time already?” Sonata asked ask she glanced around the gymnasium until her eyes came upon her chap stick. “Ooh! My chap stick! I thought I lost this!” she said excitedly as she grabbed the stick out of Rarity’s hand and rubbed the chap part against her lips.

“Nice of you to finally join us.” Aria said with a sarcastic tone.

“Oh hi Ari! Oh! Hi to you too Rares! What’s up?” Sonata questioned cheerfully as she put her chap stick in her pocket.

“Well darling, we were recently attempting to coax you out of your trance. You’ve been quiet for the entire morning, like you were in some form of daze.” Rarity explained.

“Wait...really?” Sonata asked in a surprised tone.

“Yeah, you’ve been acting more brain dead than usual.” Aria deadpanned, which earned her a scornful glance from Rarity.

“What Aria means is, you seem to have had your head in the clouds for a while today, any idea why?” Rarity asked as she turned back to her blue haired friend, who was suddenly back in her dazed appearance again. “SONATA!” Rarity called out as she snapped her fingers in front of her friend. This seemed to have worked as Sonata shook her head.

“Huh? Oh I’m sorry Rares...it happened again didn’t it?” Sonata asked sadly.

“Umm...yes it did darling, do you think you know the reason why?” Rarity questioned. Sonata looked into Rarity’s eyes before looking down to her tennis shoes.

“It’s nothing important, for realzies, i-it’s just me being silly as all…” Sonata answered quietly.

“It certainly doesn’t seem like nothing,” Rarity deadpanned. “Come now, it’s alright Sonata, you can tell us! We’re you’re friends! Please, tell us what’s on your mind.”

“You sure?” Sonata asked weakly, to which Rarity nodded.

“Of course darling! Please, tell us what’s on your mind! We’re dying to know!” Rarity encouraged, Aria simply shrugged and rolled her eyes. “Well...I’m dying to know anyways.”

Sonata looked down at her feet for a few more seconds before looking at Rarity again. “Well...umm...you see, umm...ever since Sunny and Dagi started dating each other, I was starting to think that maybe I could somehow…” Sonata’s explanation was cut short by a gasp from Rarity.

GASP!! Wait a moment! Is it!? Could it be!? Sonata! Is it possible...that you have...a crush on somebody!?” Rarity asked excitedly.

“Umm...kind of...sort of...maybe...yes...very yes…” Sonata admitted sheepishly.

“EEEE!!!” Rarity squeed. “Oh that’s wonderful darling! Who is it? Is it someone we know!?”

“Umm...I don’t know if you know him or not, he’s a really nice guy...I think...and he’s super cool...I think. I just think he’s really cute.” Sonata answered simply.

“That doesn’t really tell us who he is Sonata.” Aria groaned.

“Oh, umm...well I don’t know his name, but he’s the guy standing over there.” Sonata said as she pointed over to a young man across the gym floor. This young man seemed to have a muscular build, he had light teal hair and pale yellow skin. He was wearing an orange t shirt and bright blue shorts. Rarity’s eyes lit up as she saw who Sonata was talking about.

“Oh! Brawly Beats? I know him! He’s the drummer in Flash Sentry’s band! I’ve never spoken to him personally, but from what I’ve heard, he’s friendly, loves music, and surfing! He’s a very easygoing type of young man, but that’s about it.” Rarity stated.

GASP!! I love music too! I can’t really sing anymore, but I still love listening to music!” Sonata pointed out excitedly.

“Do you know something about everybody in this whole dang school Rarity?” Aria asked in a semi curious tone.

“Well...I’m not on the same level as our dear friend Pinkie Pie, but I do like to think of myself as quite the social butterfly.” Rarity said proudly as she flipped her hair.

“Wait...I just realized something…” Sonata brought up. “I don’t really know how to talk to boys...or really get one to notice me in a romantic way.”

“That’s quite alright darling, it’s as easy as walking up to him and saying hello!” Rarity stated matter of factly. “Just go on, go say hi!” she said as she gave Sonata a gentle push in Brawly's direction. Sonata walked forward a couple of steps before looking back at Rarity, who gave her a ‘go on’ motion with her hands. Sonata took a deep breath and continued her walk over to Brawny. She got a few steps closer to him, but before she could get close…


A loud noise protruded from Sonata’s right, she looked over there to see a rather large and muscular tan skinned man wearing a dark blue track suit and baseball hat had a whistle in his mouth. The man looked around the room as he spat the whistle out.

“ALRIGHT LADIES!” the large man shouted at the top of his lungs. “Coach Iron Will is in control here for the next forty five minutes of your pathetic lives!” Iron Will continued, now with every student to give him their full undivided attention, not wanting to invoke his wrath. “Now, we were supposed to run three miles on the track today, but apparently Mother Nature decided to have a mental break down, and it’s now raining cats and dogs out! Because of that unfortunate incident, and the school board not allowing us to have class in the rain due to it being ‘potentially dangerous to a student’s health’,” he said with air quotes. “We will not be having our three mile run today.” he said with disdain, to which a collective sigh was heard around the gym, as well as a few sarcastic ‘oh no’s.

“Yes, Iron Will understands your disappointment,” Coach Iron Will said while nodding his head, clearly unaware of sarcasm. “But chin up ladies! Today instead of running, we’re going to be playing an old recess favorite!” he said happily as he brought one of his massive hands out from behind his body, which carried a red rubber ball. As the students saw this, there were a few oohs and oh yeahs to be heard all around. Iron Will grinned. “That’s right! We’re playing old fashioned American dodgeball! My favorite game in school! I’m sure all of you know how to play, get hit, you’re out, catch a ball, you’re in and the person who threw it is out and you get to bring back a teammate, yadda yadda yadda, let’s have this side of the gym.” Iron Will said as he pointed to Sonata and everyone behind her. “Go up against this side of the gym!” he continued as he pointed to Brawly Beats and all of the students behind him. “Alright, everyone good? Alright, I’ll go get the red rubber balls of death!” he said cheerfully as he walked over to the gym storeroom. Sonata looked over at Brawly to see that he was walking over to a group of guys and began talking with them. Not knowing what to do, Sonata hurried herself back to Aria and Rarity.

“Uh oh girls, that doesn’t sound good for me.” Sonata said worryingly.

“What are you talking about Sonata? This is my kind of game!” Aria stated happily as she cracked her knuckles.

“I’m serious Aria!” Sonata whined. “We gotta do stupid gym stuff now, and I was just about to talk to Brawly! This is the worst!”

“Never fear darling, it’s just gym class, you can definitely try winning him over after class, though then again, talking during the only class you share does seem like a smoother way to approach him.” Rarity thought aloud.

“Umm...Rarity, if you don’t mind me asking, what does it take for a guy to notice you?” Sonata asked curiously.

“Well Sonata, boys are attracted to a number of things that can lead them to notice you! Things such as achievements,”

“Ooh! My sisters and I beat his band’s butt during the Battle of the Bands, and we almost mind controlled everyone!” Sonata chirped as she jumped up and down happily. “That’s something right?”

Rarity made a sour face. “Eeehh...while that is true, I suggest that you avoid any sort of remarks about that...incident. He may not like it.”

“Oh...well okay, what else attracts a boy then?”

“Short shorts, tube tops, bikinis, schoolgirl uniforms, legs, tits, asses,” Aria cut in nonchalantly as she gazed at her fingernails in boredom.

“Umm...well while put like that, Aria does make a good point. Appearance is one of the first ways in which a boy notices a girl anywhere. Seeing her beauty and wishing to be close to it, or have it as theirs.” Rarity went on to explain. “Ooh! Sonata! If you stop by the boutiqe later today, I can make sure to give you a look that will draw the eyes of any boy in a mile radiu-”

“ALRIGHT LADIES!!” Coach Iron Will suddenly yelled as he came out of the store room. “IT’S TIME FOR A GAME OF DEATH BA-I MEAN, DODGEBALL!” he bellowed as he ran through the middle of the playing field, dropping dodgeballs at the middle of the line as he went on. When he reached the opposite side of the gym, he turned around. “Now, when I blow the whistle, you’re going to start the game! And before we begin, remember the five D’s of dodgeball; dodge, duck, dip, dive, and...uhh...umm...dodge!” he said confidently, and before anyone could tell him he repeated dodge, Iron Will put his whistle in his mouth, and allowed the small metal instrument to shriek.

At the sound of the whistle, several blood hungry boys from both sides of the field made a mad dash for the balls of rubber in the corner, while a number of students huddled closer to the back of their sides to avoid getting hit. Few of the boys were able to grab the balls, ones that couldn’t were very quick to back away from the players who had them. Several balls were thrown, most missing their marks on either side while a few got their targets. Friends shielded other friends from thrown balls with balls of their own, and some managed to catch stray ones to feed them to the better players on the team. Sonata and Rarity stood close to the back end of their side of the court.

“Ugh, I can’t say that this is any better than running until our legs turn to mush,” Rarity groaned as she sidestepped a ball that was going for her torso. “I don’t see how anyone can find pleasure in a game that’s so barbaric!”

“Well, Aria looks like she’s having a blast.” Sonata said as she pointing at her sister, running around the front lines of the field. Aria was sprinting from side to side, grabbing anything she could possibly use to hit one of her opponents with.

“Give me that!” Aria ordered as a sheepish looking brown haired boy gave her a ball. She gripped the ball so hard that if she pulled any harder, the ball would have been popped by her fingernails. Feverishly, she surveyed the field and found her target, a well built young man with green dreads. Aria locked her lips as she chucked the ball with all of her might, hitting the boy in the chest with a loud pang before hitting the floor.

“GREEN CYCLE! YOUUUUUUUU’RE OUT!” Iron Will bellowed as he pointed at the bench next to him, the dejected Green Cycle looked at Aria to see her giving him a slight wave with one hand, and catching a ball that was heading for her with the other, effectively getting another player out.

“Ugh, I’m glad I’m on Aria’s team, otherwise I’d have to worry about my own good looks being in danger.” Rarity stated as she watched Aria pelt a guy’s face with red rubber death. After she said that, her and Sonata spent a few minutes dodging oncoming dodgeballs. As the game went on, Sonata noticed that Brawly was right front and center during the game, holding his own against Aria and some of the other players that were against him. Sonata thought back on what Aria and Rarity said about using appearance to attract a boy, perhaps that could be the way in which she gets Brawly to notice her. Maybe she could somehow get his attention now? But how could she do such a thing? She wasn’t wearing much aside from her hoodie, short shorts, and...wait….

A thought occurred to Sonata as she glanced down to her chest. Whilst standing near the back of the gym, a safe distance away from any dodgeballs that would hit her, Sonata unzipped her hoodie to reveal the bright pink tank top she was wearing underneath. Sonata continued staring at her rather...ample...assets for a few seconds while she was thinking.

Hmmm...I wonder...guys in the japanese animes I watch seem to like boobs like Aria said, could it be the same for real life? Sonata thought to herself as she gently poked one of her *ahem* dazzlings as Adagio called them. After thinking this, she glanced over to her left to see that a boy was looking at her wide eyed; a totally unremarkable young man whose name Sonata could not recall. As he stared at Sonata, she stared back at him for a few seconds before realizing he was looking at her dazzlings. Curious to see how he’d react, Sonata brought her finger to touch where her top cut off and started pulling it down gently, the more she did so, the redder the normal looking guy’s face got. She brought it down until the boy’s face turned tomato red, and right as it looked like he was going to faint…


He got nailed in the face with a dodgeball, right in the nose.The young man was hit with enough force so that he fell down to the cold gym floor. As she looked at the clearly injured young man, Sonata gasped.

Oh my gosh…it IS just like one of my japanese animes!! Sonata thought in excitement. If using her dazzlings worked on a completely average guy, then it should totally work on Brawly! With her admittedly half baked plan thought out, Sonata quickly found the object of her affections playing the game on the front lines of the field. Full of vim and vigor, Sonata ran forward to the middle of the court.

“HEY BRAWLY!!” Sonata yelled out towards the other side of the court. Brawny glanced over at the young blue skinned girl in confusion. Aria was close to Sonata, throwing more balls into the other side of the field as she glanced back at her sister, her eyes widening as she saw that Sonata was starting to lift her tank top up over her naval.

“WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH! Sonata! The hell are you doing!?” Aria yelled in astonishment as she dashed over to her sister and tried yanking down her top. Sonata offered resistance, but Rarity was also quick to run in and aid Aria.

“I second that statement, what in god’s name are you thinking!?” Rarity asked in equal amounts of shock, only for Sonata to roll her eyes at her friends.

“Uhh hello, I’m doing what you said! I’m using my appearance to get the attention of the guy I like! Now stop pulling my top down, I gotta show the boy the girls.” Sonata stated as she tried pulling her top up.

“I certainly didn’t mean it like this!” Rarity argued. “This is not the proper way to get a boy to notice you!”

“But it worked for my sisters and I before!” Sonata argued. “We showed boys our dazzlings and we got free stuff.”

“That’s because it was Mardi Gras dumbo!!” Aria grunted. “And besides, if Coach Bullhorn over there sees this, he’ll kick your ass to the principal’s office faster than you can say goddam.” she said as she looked towards her teacher to see that he had his back to his students while talking on a cellphone.

“Come on! This is the quickest way for Brawly to notice me! And I wanna go for it!” Sonata stated as she tried pulling up on her top harder.

“Sonata darling, be reasonable! This certainly isn’t the time or the place for this sort of thi-”

“RARITY! LOOK OUT!” Aria yelled suddenly, though not quick enough as Rarity turned her attention away from Sonata to see a dodgeball slam into her forehead.

‘Ow!!” Rarity cried out as the force from the throw knocked her on her bottom.

GASP! Are you okay Rares!?” Sonata asked in a concerned tone.

“Oooh...aside from that moment of sharp pain on my forehead and my posterior, I’m alright...” Rarity assured Aria as she rubbed her forehead while getting up from the ground. “Now since I got assaulted with rubber, I suppose that means that I need to go sit on the sidelines. Sonata darling, please don’t flash your umm...goodie bags, it’ll make things ugly for everyone, or at least get someone else injured.”

“Okay...I’m sorry Rares.” Sonata said sorrowfully as Rarity walked over to the sidelines of the gym. Not two seconds after, Aria grabbed Sonata forcefully by the arm and yanked her out of the way of more incoming volleys.

“Ugh, this is just great, now the other team is doing nothing but throwing their balls at us!!” Aria grunted as she ducked under a few incoming attacks from the opposite team.

“Well to be fair, you did kind of wipe out half of their team.” Sonata pointed out as she pointed at a multitude of the students sitting on the bench at the opposite side of the gym.

“Whatever, just go get me those dodgeballs by the back of the room.” Aria ordered as she pointed back towards the few stray balls by the end of the court. Sonata did as she was told and fetched the balls for her sister, and returned a few seconds later and began giving them to her.

“Say umm...Aria?”

“Uuuugh, what is it now?” Aria spat as she threw a dodgeball at Trixie Lulamoon’s midsection.

“Would you mind telling me how you get guys to notice you?” Sonata asked sheepishly as she handed her sister another dodgeball. Aria glanced back at her with a look of disgust shock.

“Wha-....are you freaking serious!? You’re still on this!? Arrrggghhh….fine. You want to know how I get guys to notice me? Well look closely.” Aria explained as she held a dodgeball to her sister’s face. “First, you find a dodgeball,” she said as her eyes glanced around the opposite side of the court until her eyes rested on a cyan skinned young man with jet black hair. “Second, you find the boy you want to notice you, and then…” she continued as she started winding up her throw. “You make sure they know you’re the girl who threw the ball at him!”

And with that, Aria threw the dodgeball like a baseball, sending it towards the unknowing young man at incredibly high speeds. Unfortunately for the young man, he took notice of where the ball was going too late and panicked.


Oooh…” the entirety of the gym class said as they watched the school’s fastest dodgeball nail the poor black haired young man in the hoo-haw. The young man in question quickly started going down, but not before he glanced up and met Aria’s eyes before finally crumbling to the ground in agony.

“And that’s how you get a boy to notice you Sonata.” Aria said plainly as she gave her sister a dodgeball. “Now it’s your turn.”

Sonata glanced at the ball before glancing at the boy who was still on the floor by her. “Umm….are you sure that this is a good way to do this?”

“It’s the only legit way you got right now, only maybe you should try aiming a little higher than I did.” Aria said with a sadistic chuckle. “Don’t worry, I’ll even draw away the attention of the other players!” she promised as she ran off to the opposite side of the gym and began dodging attacks made on her. Sonata looked back towards where Brawly was, focusing entirely on getting her sister out of the game. Sonata took one more look at the ball before taking a deep breath.

“Well...I guess I can give this way a try!” Sonata said with gusto. With that, she began winding up her throw much like Aria did before her, only she was readying her throw much harder than her sister before her, she really wanted Brawly to notice her. She squinted as hard as she could at her target before making motions to throw the ball like a baseball pitcher. “Okay, here….I….GO!” she yelled out as she finally let go of the ball. The object came speeding at Brawny much faster than Sonata intended for it to be, travelling at who knows how many miles per hour. Brawly himself didn’t get much time to react, as when he saw the ball coming for him out of the corner of his eye, he tried to back up, which didn’t really help him considering
the trajectory of the ball going in a diagonal direction. The ball was quick to collide with his face , striking him forcefully in the cheek. The force of the ball was so great on the young man, that he was sent backwards a few feet, sending him head first into the wall next to him. He fell to the floor and didn’t move for a few seconds. All in the gym were quiet as they stared at the injured boy, until they then looked back at Sonata, who currently had her hand up to her mouth. She glanced around the room awkwardly before shrugging.

“Uhh...did I throw that too hard?”


A few days later…

Sonata, Aria, Adagio, and Sunset were walking through the halls of the school. It was currently the end of the Friday school day, so multiple students were heading out the doors in excitement for the weekend.

“MMhh...the weekend is here! What to do, what to do?” Adagio asked as she put her arm around Sunset’s shoulder and leaned into her.

“Heh, I’m sure you have lots of ideas Dagi.” Sunset said with a blush on her face.

“I just don’t know, Hmm...Aria, Sonata? Any ideas?” Adagio questioned her sisters on either side of her and Sunset. Aria rolled her eyes.

“I don’t know, go to the movies maybe? Anything you two do together, you’re going to end up making out anyways, so the movies would probably be best so we wouldn’t have to watch you two go at it.” Aria answered with a groan.

“Hmm...that’s definitely a good idea.” Adagio agreed. “Sonata, do you have any ideas?” Sonata was standing next to Sunset, and was the furthest away from Aria. She currently had her eyes closed and her arms crossed.

“I don’t care what, as long as Aria doesn’t come!” she stated matter of factly, earning another groan from Aria.

“You’re still on that whole gym class thing Sonata? Jeez..” Aria said to which Sonata glared at her.

“Yes I’m still on that! Thanks to you, Brawly hasn’t been in school for the past few days!”

“And that’s my fault!? You’re the one who knocked him unconscious, you aimed too high, not to mention threw the ball way too hard, it’s more your fault than mine.” Aria explained plainly.

“Still...I really liked Brawly, and now my chances with him are probably done for…” Sonata stated with a touch of sadness in her voice.

“Don’t worry Sonata, it’ll be okay. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, I’m sure that you’ll find a guy who will want to ask you out someday.” Sunset said in an attempt to comfort Sonata.

“Maybe...if I’m lucky…” Sonata said sadly as she hung her head low.

“Umm....excuse me?” a voice asked from behind the group of girls, all of them turned around to see that a young man with pale yellow skin and pale blue hair was behind them. Sonata gasped in surprised.

“B-BRAWLY!?” She blurted out in a mix of surprise and fear. The young man nodded his head.

“Yeah, that’s my name. Hey, uhhh...you’re Sonata Dusk right?” Brawly asked rather nervously.

“Y-Yes...I am…” Sonata answered just as nervously as Brawly.”Just to let you know though, I’m really really really really really really really really really REALLY sorry that I knocked you out in gym class, I didn’t mean to knock you out, I really didn’t!” Sonata explained incredibly quickly.

“Oh that. Umm...well that’s kind of the reason I wanted to talk to you, I really wanted to thank you for knocking me unconscious!” Brawly stated with a smile on this face. This response prompted a look of utter bewilderment from each of the girls in front of him.


“Beg pardon?”


“.....For realzies?”

The young drummed grinned sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, I know that sounds totally crazy and weird.”

“I’ll say, that ball give you brain damage?” Aria asked out loud.

“Heh, no, not according to the doctors. But I do have a good reason, you see I had like, an oral report type thing I needed to do for Mrs.Harshwhinny’s class that I totally didn’t have finished for the period after gym. Because you knocked me out, it gave me like a mild concussion type thing, and I had to be absent from school for a few days, and because of that once I recovered I was able to finish the report! You totally helped me not flunk that class!” Brawly explained happily.

“Oh...umm...well then I guess you’re welcome…” Sonata said as a slow blush crept across her face.

“So uhh anyways...as like, thanks or something, I wanted to know if you’d like to go grab a bite to eat or something? There’s like this awesome Mexican place that opened up last week and it’s wicked awesome. I mean, if you want to that i-”

GASP! Mexican? Like tacos!? I freaking love tacos!!” Sonata interrupted as she jumped at the thought of her favorite food.

“Really? That’s awesome! Tacos are like, my favorite food ever! So, is that a yes?”

“Heck yeah it is!! Let’s go now!!” Sonata answered giddily.

“Gnarly! Let’s get going!” Brawley said happily. And with that, Sonata grabbed onto his arm as the two began to run off to the school’s front door, leaving the other three girls standing around in astonishment.

“Well...that escalated quickly.” Adagio thought out loud.

“Yeah...that was...something.” Sunset agreed.

“What...the...hell?” Aria asked.

“All’s well that ends well I guess.” Sunset stated in an attempt to figure out something that would fit the situation.

“Yeah...well, good job Aria. Who knew that you’d be the one to help Sonata get a date?” Adagio congratulated her moody sister.

“Eh, well if it keeps her out of my hair, then it’s fi-OOF!!” Aria was interrupted as she suddenly got glomped from behind. She looked over she shoulder to see that it was Sonata that was giving her the hug.

“Thanks a bunch Ari! I’m sorry I didn’t trust you! Thanks a ton for helping me get a date with Brawly!!”

“Yeah Yeah, whatever, you better not keep him waiting.” Aria said nonchalantly, feeling slightly embarrassed for being shown affection in public.

“Oh! Right! Well I’ll see you later! I’ll tell you all about the date bye!!” Sonata said as she ran off to rejoin Brawly.

“Aaawww, you’re such a good sister Ari.” Adagio squeezed sarcastically, which got her the stink eye from Aria.

“Shut up, I’m really not. I told her to do it so she’d shut up about the thing during gym class. I never intended for it to actually work.” Aria said with a pout.

“So wait, I’m curious Aria. If Sonata likes guys and Dagi here likes girls, then what about you?” Sunset asked curiously. Aria glanced over at her and shrugged.

“I like ‘em both.”

Comments ( 13 )

Im so happy that sonata find love :pinkiehappy:
I did not expect the latest of Aria :rainbowderp:
and I also liked that sunset and adagio began dating :heart:
very good sequel, seriously :twilightsmile:

OMG this is awesome, the characters are perfectly written and the humor is spot on. Your really good at writing eqg fics

6261036 Heh, why thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.:twilightsmile:

6261070 Heh, I'm alright, I just like writing the Dazzlings.

This book is a 7/10

Cuties~ New ship for Sonata!

Funny but cute story! :twilightsmile:

Dazzling! Absolutely Dazzling! Oh, and this, too. derpicdn.net/img/2013/8/4/391330/medium.png Fav!

I really regret not reading this sooner, because it is awesome! :pinkiehappy:

Ugh, this is just great, now the other team is doing nothing but throwing their balls at us!!

Hey i love the story and i think you try to make a story where Aria does get both a boy and a girl to be hers and explain why she like them in different thing or ways. let me know if you like my idea or not:raritywink:


IT’S TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLE!!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Yeah, that is my favorite YouTube series EVER!!!

Also, reading this story’s definition; this couldn’t help but remind me of my Sonata Dusk story I’m working on.

A Song Worth Singing

I hope you like it.

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