• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


"To every corner of Equestria, I'll spread harmony and equality. And the evil of cutie marks and the misery and pain they've brought to ponies throughout history will end. Isn't that right, my Elements of Equality?"

An alternate ending to the Season 5 premiere. You can guess that the premise is Starlight Glimmer succeeds at indoctrinating the mane six, who are now eager and willing to bring the gift of Equality to everypony Ponyville, their friends, their families, no pony shall be left behind. All bow before Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Sameness.

Made to the Popular Story section!

Fanfic based on fanart by TheCheeseBurger and Cutie Markless. thecheeseburger.deviantart.com/art/Equality-is-Magic-525287479

Does not have to do with the Pony POV Series.


Song mod by Persona22

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 168 )
chuckg #1 · Apr 17th, 2015 · · 4 ·

'And then they were all eaten by griffons and died, none of them able to fight back any better than the worst fighter in Equestria.'

*Sugar Belle nods sadly while standing next to a platter of horrible muffins*


Very good ... though I don't know that their victory would be quite so easy, as their own powers would have been greatly reduced.

Twilight's plans to turn everypony into Alicorns seems like a smarter way to bring equality.

The part about Discord almost made me lose it in this story. Well done, I enjoyed this view on what would happen if Starlight Glimmer had won.

5874197 There aren't very many griffons.

They have reserves.

Quantity has a quality all its own.

For some reason reason, I cannot stop thinking in the Cybermen.

This is the scariest story I've yet read on Starlight Glimmer and her plan. The part that sealed it for me was the transmogrification of the show's theme from something peppy into something creepy. I imagine it being played at a slow pace and with instruments that most anybody can play and no better than anyone else e.g. grade-school recorder playing. That is, of course, assuming Pinkie's fourth-wall capabilities are canon. And assuming that the show's composer was watching.


Yes, but it also means they their competency level doesn't decrease with loss of numbers.

Hello, my name is Elder Dash, and I would like to share with you the most AMAZING town!

Hello, my name is Elder Shy, It's a town where everypony is equal, don't you see?

There are so many awesome benefits, you simply won't believe how much this town can help you out!

Hello! My name is Elder Pie, I would like to share with you this town of equal marks!

Hello, my name is Elder Sparkle (Hello!) Did you know that differences bring about disharmony?

You can learn all about it now, (hello!) Starlight Glimmer will show you when you come to our little town!

Hello! My name is Elder Jack, and can I take you to this town for you to just peruse!




I'll just take you there

we have a lot of information you could really use!



My name is- Celestia! You have a lovely home! (Hello)

It's an amazing town!


Ni hao!

Mi llamo Elder Spike!

Are these your foals?

This town gives you the secret to friendship if you're super nice! (sound good?)

Friendship is nice

and super fun


Ding Dong!

and if you let us take you there we can show you how it can be done

No thanks?

You Sure?

Oh well

That's fine


Have fun in hell! (hey now!)

You simply won\'t believe how much
This town will change your life,
This town will change your life,
This town will change your life!
This town will change your life,
This town will change your liiiife!



No, no, Elder Sentry! That's not how we do it! You're making things up again! Just stick to the approved dialogue! Elders, show him!



My name is


And we would like to share with you this town of equality!



Ding dong!

Heigh ho!

Just take a look!

It's free


You simply won't believe how much this town will change your life!


this town will change your life!
this town will change your life!


This town will change your life, so you won't burn in


You're gonna die some day

But if you just believe you'll see
That there's another way.
Share equality
With friends and family.
We can fully guarantee you that
This town will change your life!

This town will change your life!


This town will change your life!

The town of Glimmer




Princess of Sameness, "Equality is magic."


Indeed. Basically, the Equal Six are tackling the pragmatic side of Glimmer's way of thinking that she never considered due to the current scale of her herd. They've SURPASSED Starlight Glimmer, yes that not very equal, but neither was Glimmer secretly keeping her cutie mark.


Lose it as in sad, or lose it as in angry rant?

And thanks!


Not QUITE the same, but the same idea or removing all difference. I imagine them using magic cloning mirrors to produce foals a thousand years down the line, having eliminated the dividing line between mares and stallions.


I was worried I'd made this story too short to get the message across, but I'm happy to hear that you did indeed feel impacted by this what-if tale if the mane six were broken by Glimmer's indocturnation.


THAT IS SOMETHING ELSE! Is it a parody of something? :-D

5874505 It's a parody of the opening song of my favourite musical "The Book Of Mormon" -- Hello. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKkLV1zE8M0 there's the original song. :D.

5874478 Lose it as in sad. It was slightly heartwrenching.


Episode 8 of this season is taking us to the griffin kingdom, so, we'll find out!


Was it Naruto canon or fanfic that had someone responding to his clone swarm tactic with 'A million times zero is still zero. Learn how to fight!'?

The two friends nuzzled, and the The Princess of Sameness cast the spell.

That's one part that bothers me... how can she cast a spell that powerful with the = cutie mark?
Starlight made it clear that she couldn't cast the spell needed to do it if she gave up her own cutie mark. And Twilight was clearly de-powered without it.


I think Starlight Glimmer's dialogue of "I no longer need to carry the curse anymore" implies that Twilight Sparkle is taking on the 'burden' of being 'the one pony around here with a cutie mark' so that Starlight Glimmer can give hers up. After all, its not like Starlight can't just open the jar lid and give it back any time they feel like.

The fic could make that a bit plainer, yes.

Starlight Glimmer had, of course, been VERY suspicious of Our Town's Equal Six's request, after they had been broken of their false belief of cutie marks' chains being a gift, and been led into the light.

The place is called Our Town? That is actually pretty clever.

Glimmer wouldn't lie and say she didn't feel belittled and humiliated, but after calming down she understood, she had merely been the birth mother to Sameness, her duty had been to bring it into the world, and to baptize these six into the vision, the freedom. Cutie Marks had controlled ponies' lives for thousands of years, and now Ponies would be free of them.

I don't believe it, she honestly DOES believe her Equality/Sameness shtick.

And she had them repeat that half the day, then she began to showing in rather vivid detail of the cutie pox plague of the pre-classical era, and then having Applebloom stand in front of the whole class and talk about her time infected with the cutie pox.

Good Lord, it's worse than Sunnytown! At least with those guys it was a curse, but here, it's a whole new level of creepy.



Fluttershy again felt bad for luring in Discord, he trusted her so utterly, and felt so bad for what he did with Tirek...the six combined might of the Elements of Equality equalized the draconequus. He had resisted, as only Discord could. He'd overpower this cheap knock off of Harmony, he thought.
Then Fluttershy said, "Don't worry, you did much the same to me in the maze when we fist met." She said grinning looking him in the eyes.
Discord's resistance broke.

Ouch, poor guy.

As for Derpy, she now saw straight, she was Equal after all, nopony teased her, no pony called her names, nopony was better than her, nopony was worse than her, she was accepted, she was Equal.
Berry Punch no longer drank herself into irrationality towards her own foal, she was free of her sickness, and she praised Equality for freeing her.
Snips and Snails were easily the most well adjusted foals, their new cutie mark freeing them of the stigma they had before, and the termination of any sort of pecking order among the students that Cheerilee enforced with impunity.


Zecora...had been dragged kicking and screaming, she had broken more than a few pony's bones in her resistance, having escaped more than once. They forgave her of course, she couldn't help being so brainwashed. Her rhyming proved especially stubborn. Her mind putting up any number of blockades. She then apologized for the trouble she had caused everypony.

She tried.

Princess Twilight also brought up plans for after Equestria had been properly Equalized, schematics for mass Alicornification, they'd undo the inequality among the pony tribes, and with her transformation magic, even cure the inequality among the speaking, thinking species of creatures of Equestria. Glorious and truly Equal times were ahead.


"Princess Celestia and Princess Luna losing their cutie mark would result in them no longer being able to move the sun and the moon, we are devising a spell that will equally spread their magic among those of us who are equal, enabling us to continue to have night and day."

And here I thought you said you hated the idea of "lock the power in a box" or "spread it among the populace"

Instead, she laughed at herself. The Cause had become greater than her, it had gained a momentum all its own, a will all its own, an intent all its own, she could no longer control or direct it. The Equal Six were now spear heading the cause she had indoctrinated them into. She was no longer needed...she was...she was no better or worse than any of the other.

I suppose not.

"Yes . . . you've . . . you've all done so much for me . . . you've helped me more than I could have imagined." Starlight surprised herself at the emotion in her voice. "The Equal Ponies now look to you. I no longer need to carry the curse anymore."
The two friends nuzzled, and the The Princess of Sameness cast the spell.
Glimmer felt a piece of her soul that had directed and controlled her for years being ripped out of her, freeing her. The symbol on her flanks no longer being a product of make up. She actually waved her cutie mark 'bye-bye' as it was sealed away, and she experienced what she had done to many other others, stripped of what had given her uniqueness. She grinned identically to all others around her and she looked at her Equal Mark, now truly one with her herd. She was finally free.

I don't believe it. She really DOES believe her own stuff. Then again, as one guy pointed out, when the facade was up, then why bother to keep lying, she really did mean all that stuff.

My Little Pony, My Little Pony Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh...
(My Little Pony) I used to wonder what friendship could be
(My Little Pony) Until I discovered equality
No adventures
And no fun
An equal heart
The same as all
The same kindness
It's an easy feat
When we're equal we are all complete
You have my little ponies
Do you know you're all my equal friends?

And that is just creepy as all hell.


Also because Starlight, like John Lumic, ended assimilated by her own terrible creations.




Except here it was of her own free will.


There were some 'upgrades' made to the Equal Mark.


"I don't believe it, she honestly DOES believe her Equality/Sameness shtick."

What scares me for western society is that people can't grasp that a zealot does what they do for the cause, not for wealth or power.

5876228 What kinda upgrades? Because with the spell, everypony, EVERYpony should be the SAME. That means, Twilight shouldn't be smart, or gifted in magic, because then she wouldn't be the same. From the looks of it, it's not the weaker ones gets upgraded to match the higher 'ranked' ponies. It's everyone gets lowered down to the lowest rank. So everypony will be as healthy as the sickest, as smart as the dumbest, as physically active as much as the laziest, and as magically gifted as the weakest unicorn.

With how the spell works in the show, what is shown here shouldn't be possible. So what changes did you make?


"Dear Princess Celestia. Today I learned that its perfectly OK to call people 'jerks' when asking them not to do something, even if you have never raised the topic with them before and the alleged 'spoiler' was already all over EQ daily without a spoiler-block text, because it was in the episode summary that Hasbro just put out in the promo material. But hey, my preferences as to what I do and do not want to see reign supreme and trump even common courtesy, such as maybe using the word 'Please don't' instead of 'Hey, jerk!'. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle."

Seriously, if its a rule around here that even the promo trailers count as spoilers, then I sincerely apologize for inadvertently stepping on it. But the key word is inadvertently. It's not like there's a sticky thread at the top of a forum saying 'NO SPOILERS PLEASE' or something, and we have literally never talked on this topic before so I have no idea of your personal preferences. It was an accident. And I dunno about you, but if somebody does something accidentally wrong I don't yell in his face that he's a jerk. I save that for repeat offenders.

So, I guess we both made a poor first impression today. But tomorrow I will be a guy who knows that comment threads are no-spoiler territory. And you will hopefully be a politer dude when requesting someone to do something... but I don't control that. You do.

OH MY GOSH!!!! I'm so excited to read this!!!!!

Those manestyles are epic btw ;D



The idea is that once they've been indoctrinated, and yeah, Glimmer realizes she needs to send them back to Ponyville to avoid trouble she'd rather not face, the six begin to add pragmatic aspects to their new way of life (since they're the first of her herd that she isn't there to stamp out any deviations from the creed) and are eager to spread to every pony else. This makes them MORE dangerous since it means they can ADAPT. They were the first Glimmer had no CHOICE but HAD TO let 'leave the nest.'

5878051 Be sure to tell the artist that.


The music from 'Psycho' should be looped to this.

And that is just creepy as all hell.

Nope. Creepier.


Starlight Glimmer, "Fight as much as you want, in the end, all ponies desire to be free, and cutie marks are what chain us from within."


"Cutie Mark Crusader Equalists. Yay."


Yeah, and I'm Richard Nixon. :rainbowlaugh:

Still think that music should be looped to this.

5878245 That doesn't really explain it tho. The spell/cutie mark magically makes them the same, in the show. Whenever they try to be different, it forces them back to being the same. AJ couldn't speak 'countryism', and Pinkie couldn't be more happy than the others were, and they all ran/flu at the same speed.

It wasn't Glimmer that did that, it was the spell itself. She said she studied it for years, so she isn't even the creator of it.

So how did the Mane 6 going home change how the spell worked? especially enough to make Twilight 'Unique' enough to be able to cast the spell as well, when she should be 'Equal' to everypony else?

PS. To give an example of what I mean, it's like Casting the same spell over and over, say Fireball, and then suddenly one time the Fireball is 3 times bigger, blue, and homes onto Blueblood and lights him on fire. Spells don't just... suddenly change, because then it's not the same spell!


"It wasn't Glimmer that did that, it was the spell itself. She said she studied it for years, so she isn't even the creator of it."

She wasn't trying to remove the foursome's cutie marks again, she was trying to turn them to ashes.


Who's the artist? Where can I find the picture? 0.0

Wonderful fic. Made me kinda sad.


Any part in particular? Or just in general?

Where to begin. To be frank, I didn't like the idea of starlight's little cult. But, I thought I'd give this story a shot for the sake of being fair. And, I was pleasantly surprised. In my opinion, you could've probably made it longer, rather that a one shot. Decribed it in more detail. Put a chapter in for each group, culminating the same way. But its still good.


I was worried that I had made the story too short. But I wanted to get the point across. Happy that you were entertained still in spite of its length.


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