• Published 11th May 2015
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Secrets of a Royal Guard - Anzel

Life has never been better for Silent Knight, but he finds himself shackled to the past by guilt, anger, and regret. Even though he tries to hide his true feelings from those he loves, he knows that the secrets he keeps will come at a cost.

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25. All That Glimmers - Part 3

Crystal stared at me in stunned silence. I couldn’t blame her. This was intended to be a surprise, after all.

However, I could tell what she was thinking: was this too fast? Probably for most ponies, yes. But not for me.

Everything else in my life was uncertain and dark. Every day, Alastair loomed over me like a great shadow. He’d already taken so much from me, and I feared he could still take more if I wasn’t careful.

And then there was Crystal Wishes. She had stayed by me when I was in a coma. I’d later learned from Winterspear that Crystal had spent the most time of anypony at my bedside. It takes a special kind of mare to do that for a stallion who hadn’t even been aware of her affection.

I was aware of it now, though, and it was definitely returned. More than that, I never wanted to let it go. Crystal was my guiding light.

She was also still not saying anything. My heart stopped with the sudden worry that it was too soon to propose.

My fear must have shown because she finally gasped and threw her hooves around me in a tight hug. “Yes! Of course! Yes!”

I pulled her close with one hoof, the ring nestled between us. We lingered like that, holding onto each other tightly until I felt warm tears on my shoulder.

“Are you alright?” I asked softly.

“I am. It…” She sniffled. “This was just so beautiful. You went to so much trouble, I wasn’t expecting this at all.”

Softly, I pulled back to look down at her. “Well, I wanted to surprise you.”

She wiped her eyes and nodded. “You did.”

“Would you like to try the ring on?”

“Yes, please,” she whispered, lowering her head.

I carefully took it out of the box and slipped it onto her horn. It was exactly the right size, fitting snuggly halfway down. Runic had somehow known how big to make it. I didn’t dare ask how.

“Is it right?” she asked, going cross-eyed for a moment to try to look for herself.

“Couldn’t be any better. Runic and I made this ring together. It had to be unique, just like you.”

Crystal softly sighed and looped her hooves around me once more. She squeezed me tight. “And to think, I just got done planning two weddings. Now I’ve got to plan another.”

I chuckled and nuzzled her. “Perhaps, at least for this week, you should just worry about having a good time.”

“I can do that,” she replied.

The park was fairly still and quiet around us. I nosed her cheek once more. “We should probably go. We can celebrate back at the resort.”

“Okay. It is a shame today has to end, though.”

“It is, but now we get to start fresh tomorrow.” I stood and helped her do the same.

She took my hoof in hers and we headed down the stairs. Relief washed over me. Now I could really enjoy the vacation with the pressure of a proposal off my shoulders.

Crystal and I were enjoying ourselves so much in Glimmer World that we hardly noticed when a whole week had passed us by. We had spent four fun-filled days exploring the different sections within Glimmer World. Our favorite had been Tomorrow World. It was all based around science and technology. It was highly earth-pony-centric and quite fascinating.

“Do you want to ride Living with the Earth again?” Crystal asked as we ate lunch.

I nodded. “I think so. It will be a nice easy ride after we eat. Plus, I just love the idea that they grow a lot of this food right there in those small greenhouses. I never knew earth ponies were so… resourceful.”

“I know! I think I take for granted how much of a crutch magic is for me. They’re so inventive.” Crystal giggled. “We’d all be in trouble if we relied on me for farming.”

With a chuckle, I replied, “Same here. I guess the physical part would be fine, but I just didn’t realize how much work goes into farming.”

Crystal smiled across the table at me. It was a look. Mares had many, and I still didn’t know how to decipher any of them.

I raised my brow. “What?”

“You look good,” she replied.

“Oh, well, thank you. You look good, too.”

The mare shook her head. “No, I mean… You look genuinely happy and… unconcerned. You’ve had a lot on your shoulders lately, and I was worried it was too much. I’m happy to see you happy.”

I shrugged. “I guess I just needed this vacation. I have had a lot going on.”

“Maybe when we get back you can reduce that?” Crystal asked softly and hopefully.

I looked down at my meal, not meeting her gaze. If only that were true. “We’ll see. We’ll worry about that when we get home. Are you excited to go to the palace tomorrow?”

Crystal stared at me a moment. I could feel it even if I didn’t see it. She finally answered, “I am. I’m looking forwards to spending some time with Lady Cadence and I know you’re excited to see Shining Armor.”

“I am. I’ve missed his guidance.”

“He is an amazing pony for sure. I think seeing him will do you some good.”

I nodded and then looked up. “All finished with lunch? I’m ready to get on that ride again. It might be our last one before we leave.”

Crystal smiled. “Okay, let’s go see the farm ponies again.”

Crystal and I walked through the Crystal Empire, enjoying the scenery. The city was laid out in a perfect circle, with all of the streets funneling into the central plaza. There stood the Crystal Palace, which towered above the city in brilliant, glimmering majesty.

“I think we’re so lucky that this city reappeared in our lifetime,” Crystal commented in awe. “I can’t believe that all of these ponies had just been… been… what were they?”

I blinked. That was a good question. “Disappeared? Suspended in time? Lost? I’m not sure to be honest.”

“Well… whatever it was, I’m glad they’re back. These views are just full of inspiration for me. I’ll be sitting down to write as soon as we get home.”

My brow raised and I grinned. “So you want to rush home?”

“No!” she squeaked. “Not until we have lunch at the palace, at least.”

“Alright, well we’ll have our lunch, then,” I teased as we reached the palace.

It was a strange piece of architecture, much more decorative than defensible. Each side of its base was a wide-open arch, with doors set against the inside of the pillars where it touched the ground. At the very center floated the Crystal Heart. Supposedly, it’s an artifact of great power, but it just looked pretty to me.

When we got to the nearest of the four entrances, I addressed the guards posted outside. “Silent Knight and Crystal Wishes to see Shining Armor and Lady Cadence.”

The guard nodded and pulled one of the doors open. “Yes, sir. They’re expecting you.”

We headed inside to find the interior was just as stunning as the exterior. The main lobby extended all the way to the top, just like our resort. This one, of course, went far higher… despite the front desk pony’s claim of tallest lobby. Although, perhaps in a palace, you don’t call it a lobby. I guess front desk pony won that round.

“I want to live in a palace like this,” Crystal whispered next to me.

I looked over at her. “You may want to consider a different husband.”

She giggled and waved a hoof. “Oh, you. I’m just saying. Let a filly dream.”

“Alright, well, you keep dreaming. You can buy any crystal palace that you can afford. We’ll use my salary to make sure we can eat,” I teased.

“I’ll remember that,” Crystal replied, her head tilted back as she looked up and around. “Look at all of these beautiful statues.”

I did so. The main lobby was surrounded by them, all ancient ponies whose names had long been forgotten in the rest of Equestria. Each was cut from crystal and seemed flawless. If we’d stopped to look at the plaques, I’m sure I’d have recognized some of them from my research into Crystal Empire history.

We wandered towards the door opposite the one we’d entered, taking in all the sights. There were several royal guards posted around. Most were ‘southern ponies,’ as they said up here. Reintegrating crystal pony guards was going to take a little time.

Two guards opened the doors for us and we found ourselves staring down a long hallway. A statue was situated right in the middle of it at a cross hall. It stood on a raised dais and featured an armored unicorn. He had been carved out of a dark-colored crystal and looked slightly out of place among the bright, glimmering architecture.

Crystal looked up and said, “I wonder who that is.”

“That is Sombra, the unicorn king,” came a voice that was sweet and soft as it drifted from behind us. “He was… or potentially is a distant relative of mine. Nopony has seen him since the Crystal Empire reappeared.”

We turned to find Lady Cadence smiling. At least, until she took one look at Crystal and gasped. “Is that what I think it is?”

Crystal squealed and rushed closer. “It is! He proposed the night after we got here!”

There was more squealing, a hug, and some bouncing. “How wonderful!” Lady Cadence cheered. “Well, this changes everything! We can’t just have lunch. Now we have to have Lunch!”

“We don’t want to be a bother,” I put in.

Lady Cadence shook her head. “You’re no bother. Come along! Shining Armor is just handling some business. In fact…” She took Crystal by the hoof. “Silent Knight, why don’t you go retrieve him so that I can talk to Crystal behind your back?”

My ears wiggled. “Alright.”

“Great! His office is that way!” Lady Cadence gestured vaguely off in the distance. Then she hurried off, dragging Crystal with her and speaking so fast I couldn’t understand any of it.

It only took me ten minutes to find the office. The Crystal Palace was laid out very logically. Plus, every guard knew exactly where to point me. The door was open, so I stuck my head in and knocked.

Shining Armor was behind his desk, going over something. He looked up and smiled. “Silent Knight, am I late for lunch already?”

“No, sir, I don’t think so. Your wife abducted Crystal and sent me to find you.”

He chuckled and took his helmet off. “Don’t call me sir. You’re off duty and my wife is wont to do that. What was the occasion?”

I came into the office and stood in front of his desk. “She noticed the engagement ring.”

His brow lifted. “Engagement ring? Then congratulations are in order!” He reached across and offered me a hoof which I took. “When did that happen?”

“The beginning of the week, actually. This whole trip was sort of a ruse so I could surprise her. Although I was looking forwards to seeing you and Lady Cadence, too.”

He nodded and smiled. “Well, I appreciate you sharing something so special with us. I was going to ask how you were doing, but I’m guessing you’re doing well.”

“No complaints here. How are you?”

“About the same. Busy, of course, but not in a bad way. There is a lot to do here. We have to reintegrate the Crystal Empire’s royal guard, get all of the citizens caught up on modern life, and things of that nature. At this point, it’s almost all paperwork, but I do occasionally get out there and do some real work. I heard about your actions during the attack on Canterlot. It seems like you’ve put together quite a unit.”

I shrugged. “We did our part. It isn’t every day you get to go up against giant cockatrices. Still, we have a good unit. Orchid retired, though, if you haven’t heard.”

Shining Armor chuckled. “Oh, she wrote and invited us to the foal shower. I offered to write her a letter of recommendation for warrant officer school. She said she already had one from you, Sunny, and Princess Celestia and that if I wanted to write one, she’d have it framed.”

I chuckled at that and just shook my head. “She’s a special pony for sure.”

He nodded and stood up. “By the way, I’m sorry I never got back to you on the frost ponies. I keep meaning to, but it seemed like an idle curiosity and things around here have been crazy. Especially trying to get them reintegrated, too.”

“Not a problem at all. Believe me, I know how busy command is.”

His expression shifted and he replied, “So you said in your last letter. I didn’t know that about your father. I guess that happens, sometimes: who we are at home versus who we are at work. He was well-liked in royal guard circles. Have you found any peace yet?”

Keeping my expression even was important. Of course, I would also not willfully lie to Shining Armor of all ponies. “I’m still struggling with it. Mostly, I just put it out of mind and focus on what is good and what needs to be done.”

He came around the desk to put a hoof on my shoulder. “Well, you can write me about it any time you like. Nopony else sees your letters. Of course, if you prefer, you could also talk to me about it face-to-face.”

My head tilted. “Oh?”

“There is a lot to do here, Silent Knight. It isn’t glamorous work, but it is work. I’ve finally decided to listen to my wife and take on an aide. If you want the position, it’s yours. It will even come with a promotion to captain.”

I blinked and looked at him in open surprise. “You want me to be your aide-de-camp?”

“Don’t give me that look, Silent Knight. I’ve known a lot of good officers, but when it comes to ponies who know the job, the regulations, and the Guard, there are few like you. We have a good working relationship and you know how important that is.”

“I don’t know what to say,” I replied in all honesty.

He chuckled. “I hope you’ll say yes but I understand if you want to think it over… and I suppose now you have to run it by your bride to be.”

“Yeah…” I said dumbly, a whole lot of ideas popping into my head at once. To serve with the colonel again would be amazing. Crystal would be able to live in the Crystal Empire. She did just say she wanted to live in the palace. What about Princess Luna, though? I couldn’t leave her. That wouldn’t do. Could I do both?

“Silent Knight?”

“Sir!” I responded as he waved a hoof in front of my face.

“You can think it over. Why don’t we go make certain my wife hasn’t done any damage by filling Crystal’s head with ideas about the wedding?”

I nodded, trying to clear my own head from all the ideas he’d filled it with. “Before we do… Sunny and I miss you. The palace doesn’t run the same without you. We were hoping there was some chance you might come back. I guess since you’re offering that job to me there isn’t any, is there?”

He shook his head. “I’m afraid not. I was going to let Cadence tell you both, but things have gotten interesting here. Nopony can locate King Sombra. When the Empire disappeared, he was responsible for this part of the kingdom. Princess Celestia had asked Cadence to fill in for him until he could be located or a governor can be lawfully elected.”

King Sombra. Cadence had mentioned him, too, but I knew that name. Why did I know that name? I shook my head. “Right, the Empire would get a governor and delegates just like any other province, I suppose.”

Shining Armor nodded and started down the hall as I fell into step beside him. “Exactly! So, with the king missing and Princess Celestia preferring to have provinces run by governors these days, an election was held. Almost every single crystal pony wrote Cadence’s name in.”

“She was elected governor?” I blinked.

“Yes, which means I’m far less inclined to ask for a transfer. I’m pretty attached to my wife.”

“How about that,” I said. Lady Cadence was one of those ponies that got along with anypony she met. The turn of events wasn’t surprising in the least.

“I suppose it isn’t that big of a surprise,” he said, falling silent a minute. Shining Armor looked over at me with a serious expression. “I understand you have been removed from your advisory role on the assassination investigation?”

That is how he’d pitched me? An advisor? It made sense. “Yes, sir. I was too close to it,” I lied.

Shining Armor’s brow arched. “I heard you lost your cool in a meeting. I’ve never seen Silent Knight truly do that.”

My lips pressed tightly together. What could I say? He knew me well. “I—” I was cut off as a pink blur ambushed me from the side, wrapping her hooves around my neck.

“Don’t you think it is incredibly sweet, Shining?” Cadence asked as she squeezed me against her. “All of this to propose to Crystal? Oh, it’s like a fairytale!”

I did my best to struggle out of the headlock of a hug she was giving me.

“Yes, dear, it was very sweet. Now let him go,” Shining Armor replied.

“Hmm?” Cadence replied before looking down to see how she was holding me. She let go and giggled. “Sorry! I just think it’s so romantic. I feel so personally invested, especially after Crystal and I talked at the hospital. I just knew you two were right for each other!”

Crystal giggled softly and replied, “Well I’m glad you were sure. I was really scared.”

“Love conquers all!” Cadence beamed.

Shining Armor laughed and just smiled. “Now, dear, you’re embarrassing them. Why don’t we sit down for lunch and then we can talk about a more appropriate subject? Something like politics?”

Crystal’s ears shot up at that and a look of uncertainty washed over her features just before she schooled her composure.

Cadence happily clapped her hooves together. “Oh, yes, politics! Come along, everypony!” She squealed happily as she led us to a small balcony that had been set up for lunch. Several serving ponies were there, waiting.

I smiled at her before saying, “I think we should discuss politics for sure. We’re all friends after all.” Lady Cadence didn’t know it but she’d saved me. The least I could do is play into her news.

“Well, I don’t know if you’ve heard, but the crystal ponies recently held an election to decide who the new governor would be,” Cadence explained.

“I had not heard that,” Crystal replied cautiously.

“And who did they pick, dear?” Shining Armor asked.

“Me!” Cadence cheered.

Crystal’s hoof came to her chest as she looked relieved. “Oh my! Congratulations, that’s wonderful news! I didn’t even know you were running.”

Cadence giggled and shook her head. “I wasn’t! They wrote my name in. It was a huge surprise, but I’m extremely honored. So it looks like we won’t be going back to Canterlot soon. I’m going to be sworn in two weeks from Monday! And Shining is going to stay on as the Crystal Empire’s Provincial Guard Commander.”

Shining Armor hadn’t specified that he was setting up a provincial command. I’d assumed he’d meant only the castle and city when he offered me the position. “I imagine you’d make brigadier soon, then?”

“The selection list isn’t out yet, but I’ve been told my name is on it,” he replied matter-of-factly.

My name wouldn’t be on it for sure. I hadn’t made time for captain’s training. Nor had I completed any of the other steps necessary for a promotion. Which was fine, of course. It wasn’t a priority for me.

The aide to the Commander of the Crystal Empire’s Provincial Guard. That was starting to sound like an even bigger title. I put on a smile. “It seems like everypony deserves congratulations, then.”

Cadence nodded. “Yes! I think this all calls for a toast!”

We all raised our glasses: three with magic, and me with my hoof.

“To the happy couple,” Cadence said.

“To new adventures,” Crystal put in.

“To fresh beginnings,” Shining replied.

Then they all turned to me. Surely these of all ponies knew I wasn’t the sort to just come up with something. They just waited expectantly. My mind was blank. It wasn’t meant for this. I could recite every line of any Royal Guard manual I’d memorized, but I didn’t think any of that was what they were waiting for.

Silence lingered for a second too long and I smiled. “To remembering old friends regardless of where we go?”

“Yes!” Cadence cheered before we tilted our glasses back.

The rest of lunch was light-hearted and casual conversation. Crystal was practically glowing with happiness as she told stories about our time at Glimmer World. Even though she probably knew everything there was to know about the place, Cadence either was interested in listening or very good at pretending.

Midway through Crystal’s retelling of the PonyPult, Shining Armor stood and nodded at me to follow suit. He walked to the opposite side of the balcony and looked out at the city below. When I approached, he looked over at me.

“You’ll think about the position, right? It would be good for you… and your career,” Shining Armor said with emphasis that didn’t go unnoticed.

“I will, sir.”

His ear flicked and he pressed, “I mean really think about it. I know how you feel about Princess Luna, but this is a big opportunity.”

I nodded. “Yes, sir, I realize that more than you might guess. If I had any other job, I wouldn’t hesitate for an instant. I just…” How could I explain this? “Princess Luna and I. We’re…”

“You have a bond.” The way he said it told me he understood.

A small sigh of relief escaped me. “Yes, sir, exactly.”

With a chuckle, he patted me on the back. “I won’t take it personally if you turn me down. I’ll keep the slot open for a little while, but I can’t wait forever. You understand, right?”

“Absolutely, sir, I would never hold it against you.”

“Good stallion. When you get back, tell Sunny to come visit sometime. Maybe she’d like a change of pace.”

“By the time I get back, I have a feeling you might be right. She’s pretty close to Princess Celestia, though, so good luck with her.”

Shining Armor nodded and his expression shifted slightly. “Yeah, that is kind of why you two got those jobs despite being so new. Not to downplay your qualifications; you’re both excellent guards. It was just… something about you two and how you fit your respective princesses. It was like it was meant to be.”

That was something I’d heard before from Princess Luna. “I’m not sure I believe in destiny.”

He shrugged. “Me neither but, still. You two are different than the previous bunch. At any rate, keep it in mind and have a safe trip back.” He winked. “You take care of that mare. She’s too good for you.”

“Aren’t they all, sir?”

He grinned. “I know mine is too good for me. That is why we get along so well. You keep that in mind, too.”

“Will do. Thank you for seeing us, sir. We’ll be in touch.”

He waved me off and I returned to retrieve Crystal from Lady Cadence so that we could make our train. And so she didn’t get too attached to the palace… at least not until I’d made a decision.

When we returned to Canterlot, I saw Crystal to her door and left her with a kiss before hurrying to the palace. To my relief, I found it still in one piece. Not that I thought Sunny would have a problem running it a few days until Major Aegis or Captain Dancer returned. Things can happen to even the best of ponies.

Coming home from vacation was hard. I was only a few paces through the doors and already missing my days of leisure and luxury. Don’t get me wrong, though. I love the palace and my job, but it’s hard to go straight from lounging in a suite with my fiancée to, well, work.

My first duty was checking in with Sunny. I rounded a corner and knocked on her door, which slowly creaked open. The inside was pure chaos. Sunny’s desk was covered in stacks of paper, reports, and discarded take-out containers. So was her floor, actually.

Storm Rider was on the couch with a report in each hoof, his helmet off, and looking red-eyed. Sunny’s head was down, also with no helmet, and her mane was a wreck. She finally looked up and then smiled brightly… or maniacally. It was hard to know.

“Silent Knight! Thank the stars you’re back. I need you right now,” she said, coming out from behind her desk.

That was certainly not the greeting I expected. It would have been better received if it was from Crystal. “Hello to you, too…”

The mare hugged me and leaned in close to whisper, “It’s a conspiracy, you see. It is all a conspiracy to drive us crazy.”

Storm Rider nodded sagely at that.

“What is?” I asked.

“Major Aegis? Still sick! Took a turn for the worst, they say. Months of recovery. So they handed the palace over to Captain Dancer.”

Storm Rider snorted.

Sunny continued, “Captain Dancer, on his first day back, tripped and fell down the stairs. He broke two legs.”

“Allegedly!” Storm Rider chimed in.

“Allegedly!” Sunny repeated.

“He allegedly fell and broke his legs?” I asked in disbelief.

Sunny said, “I think they don’t WANT to come back. No, they just want me to handle it all.”

I peered into Sunny’s eyes. She looked a bit unhinged. “Why don’t you go talk to Vice Colo—”

“Vice Colonel Glamour?” she cut me off. “She says we’re doing a wonderful job and that this is how to make captain! Who wants to make captain?! I’m so glad you’re back. I have things for you to do. So many things.”

“So many things,” Storm Rider parroted.

I peered between the two crazy ponies but nodded. This was definitely the wrong time to mention I might be taking a new job. “Alright… well, I’m free until I have to pick up Princess Luna. What do you want done first?”

Sunny rushed back to the desk, grabbed a report, and then threw it to me. “Dragons!”

“Dragons?” I asked.

The mare rolled her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Yes, dragons. Get rid of them. The locals won’t leave me alone about them. Get rid of the dragons, Silent Knight!”

“Get rid of dragons? Are you serious?”

The look on her face said she was. She was also twitching a lot.

I held onto the report and took two steps towards the door. “Okay, Sunny… I’ll go get rid of the dragons. Bye-bye.”

I could always tell her I was getting married later… much later. Possibly after she’d been committed.

Author's Note:

Companion Crystal's Wishes Chapter: A Glimmering Stone

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