• Member Since 7th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Sunday


I'm not a brony; just a guy who can appreciate good works when he sees them.


Sunset Shimmer is many things. Powerful, intelligent, arrogant. That last one got her banished from everything she ever wanted and cared for. In defiance, she vanished into a magic mirror that showed her destiny, traveling to a new world where she was certain she'd find the power she sought.

But this world is nothing like Equestria. Monsters prowl the lands searching for unready travelers, a Goddess of Light seeks to exterminate the unclean menace, and strange beings called 'humans' are caught in the middle. Now, after ten years of surviving, Sunset finds herself traveling with a boy-turned-hero named Luka and a strange lamia named Alice to end the dark threat that seeks to plunge the world in destruction (or just snack on everything that looks tasty).

Sunset Shimmer is many things. Is 'Hero' really one of them?

Alternate Universe: What if Sunset Shimmer had ended up in a much different world than Canterlot High?

*Monster Girl Quest and Paradox are owned by Torotoro Resistance (with credit to Rogue Translator for translating the VN from Japanese to English).*

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 42 )

This certainly looks interesting, definitely earned a like+fav from me.

I haven't seen another monmusu quest crossover on here, I'm happy that there finally is one. I am curious as to how you're going to work in the sex scenes though, I can't see sunset letting Alice feed of Luka in this universe.

My one critique however is that in the game, while Luka is naive and idealistic, he seems to act a bit more mature than you have him portrayed in here, but that's nitpicking. I'm looking froward to the next chapter, keep it up!

I'm not sure if it's clear, is Sunset a Unicorn who is only transformed into a human to fit in? Sounds like she got a Bad Welcome as a pony and so took to hiding as a human.

Also, do you intend to incorporate Equestria or any Equestrians into the story at all? Sunset went way beyond the canon time-frame, unless time doesn't flow at the same rate in both worlds. I wonder if Celestia would eventually send someone after her?

5964316 All shall be revealed in good time.

As for Equestrians...let's just say Sunset wasn't the first one who ended up in this world...or that even every race in Equestria was originally native to it. But more on that as the story goes on.

i just becag replaying the 3 chapters and noticed more info when i revisit everything
ohhh and.... CHI PA PA

"Luka, do you honestly think you would stand a chance outside of this village? There are monsters out there who are ready to kill you, eat you, rape you, or all three at once if you fight them.

....yup the spider queen/princess...she did it.......raped you for her own pleasure.....then ate you......and you died by being eaten....soooo YES

The monster's face suddenly went back to neutral. "...I might have had something to do with it."



Sincerely : Alma Elma

*gets no clop ...ehhh wooohooo?^*

Heh, to say MGQ is explicit is like saying the ocean is damp. Sunset's presence would change a lot.

You should watch that title, it's actually quite the spoiler.

5994582 He was too much of an idiot to realize he was attacked. Honestly Luka is a big idiot at that point.

Is that really how Luka reacted to seeing Alice's human form? Either that or he just isn't interested in her (yet).

Hmm, I really didn't think that they'd put that much of a fight against Granberia. By my observations, MGQ is a very powerful world, but I guess it's your story. I wonder what "level" Sunset would be by MGQ standards. Then again it might be unreliable, after all in part 3 a weakened Alice was able to fight against something that out-leveled her normal form.

I assume that's how you're gonna justify Alice's coming onto Luka in the following chapter? Sunset would probably never let Alice do that under normal conditions, and I don't think Alice is quite mean enough to threaten something important enough that would get her to back off otherwise.

6062063 It should be noted that Granberia is holding back quite a lot of her power right now. Keep in mind that throughout the fight she was never truly pressed until the very end, and at most she was just angry about the strikes they inflicted. Even her Vaporizing Rebellion Sword was used more as a method to end the fight quickly, and even then she was still holding back her full might. Had she been serious about that fight, it would have ended quite differently.

As in, Sunset's shield would have broke on the first, maybe second hit and then she would have taken the full brunt of the finisher, which would have killed her.

As for Alice and Luka...eh, you'll see.

*is browsing clop pics....okay i was browsing mlp pictures on a "clop" site..... but i found this buaty..... which i then proceeded to censor thanks to lightshot*

....we shall all await yourr return

...Promestein. What was in that drink?

Errr... Promestein? And Luka already broke the prohibition? Wasn't expecting that considering what he believed at the start of MGQ.
You know, even though Sunset is clearly being a spoiled brat in her intro stories, she does have a point. If Celestia treated her similar to how she treated Twilight, I don't blame Sunset for having no faith in Celestia. If Twilight didn't worship Celestia so much, I doubt she'd risk the lives of an entire empire because of a test.

Despite herself, Sunset couldn't help but let a chuckle escape her. For everything that had just happened to her, from being bed-ridden by a dragon to receiving a message from a Goddess, this monster had managed to raise her spirits like almost nothing else had.

Glad to see Sunny is well-adjusted enough over time in this world that hero worship helps her. Oh boy, there'll probably be a lot of that later...

...if Luka survives after he gets given a royal beatdown, that is, or else we'll suffer a bad end. I suppose there's our next deviation from canon.

I wonder what Promestein Dora Shelly is up to. More importantly, I wonder if she knows Sunset was actually a horse once, or just assumed her to be a human from another world.

Dammit... I want a cookie, BUT I DON'T KNOW WHO IT...


Dora Shelly
Shelly Dora
... Sweetie Drops?
Eh, whichever.

Anyway, it's clear that Ilias is like Celestia at this point, only a lot more filled with hatred and of course hiding a darker side, she see's everyone as pawns and pieces like Celestia, has the whole white wings and holy stuff, in a way I'm surprised Sunset didn't draw any immediate comparisons, especially with the 'little pony' name given at the start.

Right now, Sunset might be in trouble because of ms maid... and also, Luka IS going to be in trouble because...
Okay, I haven't had the pleasure in seeing the story of Monster Girl Quest, I only know the bare bones details, so can anybody tell me if it's canon that Luka actually had sex with the harpy queen?

6282549 No, that part is not canon, at least not without a bad end. However, this is an AU, even before Sunset got involved, so minor creative liberties like this are allowed. The major plot is the same, but I'm just sprucing up some of the events along the way.

As for the Ilias/Celestia comparison, I won't deny the similarities and Sunset will probably pick up even more on the uncanniness of them...but Sunset's gonna figure out the differences and find she liked Celestia even at her worst as much preferable a being to have watching over you. Part of what Sunset said was of course her own (obviously biased) interpretations, made in paranoia and anger, and while there might be some truth to them it's obviously blown out of proportion.

Even so, I wouldn't say Celestia (at least my interpretation) sees others as pawns or pieces, at least not intentionally and in a disposable way, but rather simply as a consequence of living and ruling for millennium by herself with her sister imprisoned and with no other creature alive ever able to understand her on that personal level (because how can you truly understand someone so long-lived and so powerful that she might as well be a goddess unless you're on a similar level?)

...Sorry if that got a little philosophical and headcanon. My writings have a habit of doing that.


No... go on, seriously, I've had a number of people I could talk to over such deep matters on a separate site, first time I've found one on fimfiction however.

Indeed, this could be a developing plotpoint for Sunset, maybe still bitter and resentful of Celestia, this similarity shown within the twisted goddess might awaken a few memories, after this journey a number of things could become clear for Sunset, shes matured, but has she truly made peace with her past?

A great concept, however I always find it puzzling when those things happen, when an immortal ruler, despite being kind and benevolent, loses appreciation for the life and values of mortals, maybe Celestia is more mortal than anything, and simply can't open up to anypony after so many years 'alone'.

... I also approve of the AU, of course Luka would be a little different under Sunset's sisterhood deal, so... he would certainly be a little, looser~ In terms of humans and monsters 'getting to know one another'... certainly, this is going to be quite an aventure on the horizon.

... Lucky bastard.

Can't believe their an actual MGQ crossover!

Might want to try a Rosario+Vampire Crossover with MGQ after Luka unites humans and monsters and has to do it again with Alice on another world. Just an idea, would be cool to see him beat Moka's Vampire Form by himself.

Anyway, the parts I want to see.

When luka has to get the bell from a pirates cave and falls asleep, unleashing his powers for the first time.

When he defeats two armies and their leaders single handedly thus ending the war and allowing a chance for peace.

When his ring breaks and he turns into his final form.

Because OP Luka is best Luka.

I like the idea though the beginning is a little slow like in the game. The really interesting and intense battles and secrets (The Zombie Mansion) happen later on and I can't wait to read your take on it.

I feel as if their is also potential in bringing MGQ to Equestria after the end of the series. I see multiple sceneries that can be done with Luka and Alice. Have you ever thought about it?

6368926 I have in fact a few times. Of course, that's a long way off.

Really enjoying this story so far. Can't wait for the next chapter. Not going to lie though, I was in bit surprised this is rated teen considering the subject matter.

Oh, wow. Just...wow.

I'll admit it: this is something I never thought I'd find: A MLP FIMxMGQ crossover. I mean, seriously, I wasn't surprised to find a story on here where Pony ears are actually edible and taste like cake, but this? I mean, granted, MGQ has an epic story line hidden beneath gratuitous amounts on hentai, but still-a crossover with Friendship is Magic? Furthermore, one that seems relatively well written if this first chapter side of things and supposedly doesn't focus on the porn side of things?

Okay, definitely going to read the rest of this. Even if it ends in a complete dead end, never to be updated, it should be...interesting, in a word.

Okay then. That was certainly a badass fight scene if I've ever read one. You really incorporated both Sunset and Luka very well into this fight, and I'd be interested to see how Granberia's... interest, so to speak, grows with the addition of Sunset to this story.

But really, excellent fight scene. I know how difficult fights can be to write properly, and this is one that I couldn't find any major flaw in. Fitting, considering Granberia had some of the absolute best fights in the entire game hands down.

Well, Sunset's having more of an effect than I thought if Promestein is already showing up (if that is actually her). Definitely want to see where that goes.

Not a terrible whole lot for me to say this chapter except that I like how you're pacing this story so far. It may be a slow buildup, but it'll make what comes later all the greater.

Part of what has me excited about this story is the potential here. MGQ had an excellent, epic story all on its own, but a retelling with Sunset Shimmer and all the waves of change she'd certainly have makes it all the more interesting to dive into this story once more.

Hope you continue this series, although it has been a while since it was updated. Regardless if it's continued so far, it's been fun.

Well, this is...EGG-cellent Chapter you have and great job...I'll just leave now.

I'm going to assume Luka's more flexible beliefs in this are probably due to growing up with Sunset. Being so close to someone who can actually think a bit goes a long way in a world like this.

7849177 Well, I'm just BURNING with embarrassment, now aren't I?

Ah, nice to see this updated. It looks like we're finally getting some Sunset time, and more proof that despite the many years she's spent in Ilias-land so far, she still has many, many lingering regrets.

Ive littereally gotten through paradox now..... time to replay

So, I just learned there's going to be a sequel to the Monster Girl Quest Triologie. I guess this story could be a chunk longer,

Glad to see this update, and hopefully it will continue to do so.
MGQ crossovers are all too rare, especially those done well like this one. :pinkiehappy:
(Playing Paradox, Sunset now kind of remind me of Sonya... Well, a more hot-headed Sonya.)

*Looks at the 'Rated Teen' rating*

...I don't see how thats going to work. Though if we're being honest a friend of mine had a serious if not hilarious discussion on the topic of fights in MGQ. He was like, 'How does that even work? What? Luka takes a swing with his sword and the monster just Matrix dodges under it, reaches a hand down to undo his belt before diving head first onto his perma-hard dick. Then you've got Luka with a thoroughly disgusted look on his face slaping her off his dick as if saying, 'UGH! REALLY? COME ON! Cut that shit out, we are trying to have a proper fight here you fucking slut!' Like the square cuck he is. God I'd have willingly lost to the first monster I came across-- bar anything that wants to eat me, kill me or stick things up my ass.

"this hentai VN actually has a story that works without the hentai, and boy is it epic."
That's where you're wrong. MGQ's story is full of cliches, contrivances, and bad dialogue. It's only good for justifying the porn.

Comment posted by Doll Maker Pony deleted Jun 10th, 2018

Really loved reading this, hope it's not dead. I'd love to see what happens next! (I never played much of the game)

2.5 years later, and I still love/miss reading this story.

I hope you decide to continue it at some point.

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