• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,701 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 13

Chapter 13
A Dark Chaotic Battle (Part 1)

(After School)
(Group POV)

Our friends walked out of the school, after a tiring and confusing day.

"Wow. Today has been, well, rough." Rainbow said.

"I know right? Amy… I mean, Night Rose has been acting stranger and stranger by the second." Sonic said, "And so have the school activities ever since she became Night Rose."

"What are you talking about me for?" A familiar voice said.

The group turned and saw Night Rose glaring at them.

"What do you want Night Rose?" Silver asked.

She smirked, "Do I really have to answer that question?"

"Well you already know the answer." Rainbow said, "Sonic isn't yours. So lay off."

Night Rose laughed, "So you think I want Sonic the most? Wrong. What I want more than Sonic, is yours and Twilight Sparkle's lives dead." Two dark blue orbs appeared in her hands.

The group was shocked by what Night Rose just said. Twilight and Rainbow backed up a little.

Knowing there was no way in talking this out, they had no choice but to fight. Sonic and Tails stepped in front of the two girls and blocked them from Night Rose.

"If you want to harm Twilight or Rainbow, you'll have to go through us." Tails said.

"Fine by me." Night Rose said. She threw one of the orbs at Tails.

Tails pushed a button on his watch and a yellow energy shield formed in front of the group. The orb hit the shield and then spread across it, eating the shield away.

"Your tech is useless against my magic, Miles." Night Rose said throwing the other orb at the group.

The group stood helpless as the attack was getting closer to them. But then...

"CHAOS DAGGER!" A blue energy dagger came out of nowhere and made contact with the orb, destroying it in the process.

"WHAT! Who did that!?" Night Rose yelled in anger.

"That would be me." Answered a voice. Suddenly, two boys Rainbow and Sonic knew from gym class appeared in front of the group. It was Ace and Dark.

"What the!?" Sonic asked surprised by their sudden appearance.

"If you can think you can waltz in and try to kill anyone you please, you have another thing coming. Especially if I'm here and alive." Dark said as the two got ready for battle.

Dark looked at the group behind them, "All of you need to get a safe place now. Ace and I got this under control."

"And just who the hell do you think you are telling us what to do? Who are you two really?" Shadow asked suspiciously while crossing his arms.

"We'll explain later, get outta here now!" Dark ordered.

Knowing that they knew what they were doing, they nodded, but then Sonic turned to the group and said, "It would be best you all leave. Me, Shadow and Silver will stay behind and help these two."

"But Sonic-" Rainbow began but Sonic cut her off.

"No buts, I know why Night Rose wants you dead, but I don't know why she want Twilight dead, but I have a haunch it's for a dark reason. Don't worry, we'll be fine. Trust me." Sonic said.

"A...alright, but be careful and please come back to me." Rainbow said shedding a single tear.

Sonic smiled and gave her a quick kiss on the head, "I promise."

"I'm staying as well. You three might need extra muscles for this. Beside, I need to smash something." Knuckles said pounding his fists.

Sonic nodded, "Alright. The rest of you, get to safety." Sonic ordered the rest of his friends.

They nodded and they all went off to a good distance, away from the fight. Only Sonic, Silver, Shadow, and Knuckles stayed with Ace and Dark. The two brothers nodded at each other, giving the okay that they can help them. They looked back at Night Rose.

"It's six to one Night Rose. Give it up already." Ace said smirking.

"Make that six to three." A familiar robotic voice said.

Neo Metal landed next to Night Rose, cracking the stone floor below his feet. Then Mephiles rose out of the a shadow on the ground.

'Since when did Night Rose get acquainted with those two?' Sonic thought in surprise.

"You were saying?" Night Rose said smirking darkly.

"And just who are you two newbies?" Mephiles asked looking at Dark and Ace.

"Your darkest fear." Dark said glaring at Mephiles

"Pah. I fear nothing." Mephiles said.

(Play Boss - Solaris Phase 2 - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) Music Extended)

"You will when we're done with you." Dark said as he formed a small dark ball in his hands, "Dark Burst!" Dark threw the orb and it slowly flew towards the three villains.

"What is this? Is that small ball supposed to harm us? Ha! I think your attacks are pathetic." Mephiles said laughing.

But Neo and Night Rose knew the ball was probably more than it looked.

The ball was three feet away from them, and Night Rose and Neo jumped away, just in time.

Dark smirked, "That's what you think." Suddenly the ball exploded into a medium sized black hole.

"Gah!" Mephiles said as his life energy was slowly sucked into the dark dimensional portal.

The black hole disappeared and Mephiles got up, a lot of his life energy depleted.

He looked up at Dark, who was also breathing hard due to the attack using up a lot of energy to use it.

"Why you little brat!" Mephiles shouted. He got up and leaped at Dark, but received a kick from Ace. He fell to the ground once more.

"You mess with my brother, you mess with me!" Ace declared as he held his hand out, "Chaos Blade!"

A blue blade of energy shot out from the top of his hand and it crackled with blue energy. He was about to jump in, but Dark placed a hand on his shoulder, "Let me handle this one Ace. You deal with the girl."

(Night Rose Battle)
(Ace, Sonic, Shadow, and Night Rose POV)

Ace nodded and helped his brother up. He then focused on Night Rose, "You seriously believe you have a chance against me?" Night Rose taunted.

"I'll do whatever it takes to defeat you, whoever you are possessing this innocent girl. Your reign of terror ends here and now!" Ace shouted as he leaped at Night Rose.

He swung his blade at Night Rose, but she vanished into thin air. She appeared behind him and her nails were coated with dark magic. Ace saw this coming and quickly dived into the shadows.

Night Rose went wide eyed by this, "What!? He has the power of the darkness as well?" Night Rose asked in shock.

Ace reappeared from behind and put his hands together. A blue ball of energy formed, "Wrong. My brother is the dark and shadow master. I know a few of his tricks, but I'm known as the Chaos Master. CHAOS FLASH!"

He let out a beam of blue energy and the attack made contact with Night Rose. She screamed in pain when the attack made contact with her. The beam died down and Night Rose was on the ground, completely wounded. Ace smirked knowing he might have a chance to save the girl.

His smirk quickly faded when she blew up in a puff of blue smoke, 'What!? That was a clone?' Ace thought in surprise.

Suddenly, Night Rose appeared in front of him and slashed his face, with her nails, coated with dark magic. Ace yelped in pain as he flew into the wall and crashed. Some of the bricks chipped off and landed on him. Ace struggled to get up from the collision with the wall and from the wound he received from Night Rose. The wound on his cheek was bleeding out. Night Rose appeared in front of him once more and she had a dark ball of magic in her hand.

"Try to hide in the shadows now fool." She said smirking.

She held the ball of magic up, ready to finish Ace off. He closed his eyes, not wanting to see what was going to happen. But then…

"CHAOS LANCE!" A blue spear of energy collided with Night Rose and she smashed into the wall. Ace opened his eyes and saw Sonic and Shadow standing in front of him. Sonic looked down at him and offered his hand, "You okay?"

Ace nodded and gladly took his hand, "Thanks for the save." Ace thanked.

Sonic smiled and nodded.

The three then looked at Night Rose, who was up, and part of her hair was ruined a little from Shadow's Chaos Lance attack.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT YOU FOOLS!" Night Rose screamed as she charged at the three teens.

Sonic, Shadow and Ace got into their battle positions and charged as well, 'I'll do whatever it takes to save this girl and destroy this darkness once and for all.' Ace thought.

Night Rose glowed dark blue and then suddenly split into 5 clones.

"Oh come on. Is there any bad guy that doesn't have cloning abilities?" Sonic whined, "I've got the left two."

"I'll take the right two." Shadow said forming a green Chaos Spear.

"And I'll take the middle one." Ace said while he formed Chaos Blade again, "We'll take on the real one together."

The three teens nodded in agreement went at their Night Rose clones.

Sonic defeated his easy by homing attack, while Shadow used his Chaos Spears. Ace sliced the clone in half with great ease, 'Guess she's not good when it comes to creating clones.' Ace thought smirking.

'At least her clones were easier to destroy than the time when we were fight the clones Fleetfoot made.' Shadow thought.

Night Rose growled in pure anger that her clones were destroyed so easily by these three teens, "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU THREE! THIS HAS GONE FAR ENOUGH!" Night Rose screamed as dark blue aura began to thicken around her. She held her hand out and the three were then covered in black aura and frozen in place.

"What the? I can't move!" Sonic shouted as he tried to break free from his frozen state.

"Dammit!" Shadow said trying to break free.

"GRRR!" Ace grunted as he tried to break free as well.

Night Rose smirked, "With you three now in place, I can finally have a little fun." She said turning to Sonic, "And I'll start with you Soniku."

'Oh boy.' Sonic thought, not liking where this was going.

Night Rose slowly walked toward him with a smile on her face. Ace stopped struggling and looked at her, not knowing why she was acting differently than before, 'What's up with her sudden change in attitude?' Ace thought.

He then saw her lips being coated with dark blue magic, adding more confusion to the blue/red haired teen, 'What the hell is she planning?' He thought.

Night Rose grinned and placed both of her hands on Sonic's cheeks, "You're mine now Soniku." She whispered seductively.

She then started leaning forward slowly with her lips puckered and her eyes closed. Sonic went wide eyed and started struggling like a mad dog, not wanting for her to kiss him. Ace went wide eyed as well, now know what she was planning. He then gave her a hard glare, 'Oh no you don't!' Ace thought.

Ace grunted as he focused as much of his Chaos energy with all his might, trying to break free from his prison. Shadow looked at him with little surprise, sensing his rise of Chaos energy and seeing him glow gold, 'How can he have so much Chaos energy? Who is he?' Shadow thought.

Ace shouted and threw his arms out, breaking free from his paralyzed state. He quickly turned and saw Night Rose's lips just inches from Sonic's, not know he broke free from his paralyzed state.

"CHAOS JAVELIN!" He quickly threw a blue Chaos Javelin at her, making her scream in pain and surprise and crash into the wall. The black aura around the two vanished and the boys were freed. Sonic breathed heavily while kneeling to the ground while holding his head.

"You alright?" Ace asked offering his hand to the blue haired teen. Sonic was a little shaky, but he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for the save." Sonic thanked while taking his hand.

'That was way too close. If her lips made contact with his, he would be under her full control for life.' Ace thought, "Anytime."

'Whew, damn that was way too close for comfort. If Night Rose kissed me, Rainbow will put all hell on me.' Sonic thought, still trying to shake off Night Rose almost kissing him.

Night Rose was seen laying unconscious in the rubble.

'Now's my chance to try and free the girl.' Ace thought as he walked over to Night Rose.

He put his hands on the sides of her head, closed his eyes, and focused his dark powers. But due to Ace not being a dark master, he couldn't seem to remove the dark energy in her.

"Come on. Come on." Ace said focusing harder.

Suddenly Night Rose's eyes flashed open and she kicked Ace's sternum.

Ace was shocked and stopped breathing for a minute as he fell back.

"Good try. But your dark powers are too weak compared to my own. You'll never succeed." Night Rose said, "And next time you try, you might want to guard your chest. I know of many pressure points that could have killed you. Consider yourself lucky I choose not to kill you." Night Rose then teleported and disappeared.

Ace tried to get up, but then blacked out.

(Dark and Mephiles' Battle)

Dark and Mephiles were jumping in and out of shadows attacking at one another.

"How do you know how to use shadow energy?" Mephiles asked throwing a shadow spear at Dark.

Dark blocked the attack, "Back where I'm from, I'm known as Dark the Master of Darkness and Shadows. Dark Missiles!" Five dark missiles shot out and homed in on Mephiles.

The missiles made contact with Mephiles and exploded. When the smoke cleared, Mephiles wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Dark looked around for Mephiles knowing he wasn't gone, "Where are you?"

"Behind you." Mephiles spoke.

Dark turned and saw Mephiles charging a dark blue orb between his hands, "Goodbye Dark."

He then shot a large beam of dark chaos energy.

Dark quickly charged his own beam and fired a beam of dark shadow energy.

The two beams collided and pushed against each other.

Dark and Mephiles pushed their beams' power further and further.

"You won't win Mephiles. I will not allow you and your friends to corrupt this world anymore!" Dark shouted increasing his power.

"Haha. You think you and your pathetic little brother can stop us? Don't make me laugh." Mephiles laughed.

Upon hearing him say 'pathetic little brother', Dark's rage and power increased tremendously, "You dare speak that way about my brother!?"

"Yes I do. And just what are you going to do about it?" Mephiles said.


His beam increased in size and strength, plowing through Mephiles' beam and smashing into Mephiles himself.

"Gah!" Mephiles shout in pain.

When the beam disappeared, Mephiles was seen on the ground unconscious.

Dark panted hard, his heart pounding. He was about to walk over to Mephiles, but Neo suddenly appeared and punched Dark into a wall, knocking him unconscious.

Neo grabbed Mephiles and spoke into a com-link to Eggman's flagship, "Dr. Get us back to your flagship. We're done here for now."

Neo and Mephiles then disappeared in a green beam.

(Stop playing music)

(Time Traveling 5 hours later)
(Dark and Ace POV)

Ace groaned as he woke up, 'Ugh, fuck. Everything hurts.' he thought feeling severe pain through his body.

He finally managed to lift himself up and placed his hand on his throbbing head. He opened his eyes and saw he was covered in bandages, 'Guess that battle took a lot outta me.' He thought.

He looked around and saw he was in the hospital.

A groan came from his right and he turned and saw his brother Dark waking up as well, "Goddammit my head hurts." He muttered.

"Dark!" Ace said. Dark looked to his right and saw his brother. He couldn't help but smile a little.

"Hey little bro. How are you holding up?" Dark asked in a weak voice.

Ace chuckled, "Doing well." He then frowned a little, "Dark... I'm sorry...I failed to save the girl from that dark creature possessing her."

Dark placed his hand on Ace's and smiled, "Don't worry. It wasn't your fault. You did all you could to help her as best as you can."

Ace smiled back and squeezed Dark's hand, "I'm just glad I didn't lose you." He said as a lone tear escaped his eye.

"Neither did I." Dark replied.

Suddenly, the door opened and a nurse walked in, "Oh, thank goodness you two are awake. We were wondering if you two would never wake up."

Dark looked at the nurse, "Don't worry about us. We've been through a lot worse as it is."

"How long were we out for?" Ace asked.

"5 hours." The nurse replied.

"Oh, umm, how did we get here?" Ace asked.

"Your friends brought you two here after you two were knocked out. I'll tell you, you two were in really bad shape when you guys came in." The nurse explained.

Dark couldn't help but chuckle a little, "This is nothing compared to what we've experienced. Believe us, we've been through a lot worse."

The nurse smiled a little, "Alright. Also, the group wants to see you when they get the word when you two wake up. You two want them to see you now?" The nurse asked.

The brothers looked at one another and nodded in response, "Sure, bring them in." Ace said.

She nodded and left, leaving them alone. Ace slowly got out of bed and focused some of his Chaos energy on his serious wounds. He sighed in relief and took the bandages off. He slowly walked toward his brother and healed him as well.

Dark sighed in relief and slowly got up as well, "Thanks, but I've got myself."

Ace nodded as Dark got up, he focused his shadow energy and his wounds sealed back up. He sighed in relief, "Ahh. That's better."

Ace couldn't help but chuckle a little, "I know what you mean. We would be thrown and beaten up like a toy by those goons if not for our natural healing powers."

The door once again opened and the brothers looked up and saw the Mobians and the girls walk in.

Shadow was the first to speak, "Alright. First off, who are you two really? Are you really brothers?"

"Yes we really are brothers. But like you, we're from the Mobian dimension. But not your planet." Ace said.

"Wait what? How did you two get here then?" Sonic asked, "I'm sure you didn't use the Chaos Emeralds. We had those."

"We came here using our own emerald set called the Dark Emeralds." Dark said. Seven emeralds similar to the Chaos Emeralds appeared floating around Dark and Ace. These emeralds were colored the same colors of the chaos emeralds, but more darker.

"These emeralds can enhance our abilities, allow us to enter different forms, heal ourselves or others, etc." Ace explained, "Basically the same thing as your Chaos Emeralds."

Dark put the emeralds away, "Depending on which of us is using them will determine how their powers will affect us. Me, they enhance my dark and shadow powers tremendously. Ace, they enhance his chaos and shadow powers."

"So let me get this straight. Dark, you're a dark master, but you use your powers for good?" Silver asked.

"Indeed I do." Dark said.

"And Ace is a chaos master?" Silver said.

"Yes. I was gifted by the power of the Chaos force and it granted me unbelievable strength. Due to that, I also know some lost art Chaos moves that have been long forgotten since the time when the Chaos Emeralds existed." Ace explained.

"But I was not born with my powers like Ace was…" Dark began clenching his fists tightly, "I was… corrupted... by dark forces. So were my friends… But I was the only one who managed to remain in control of my own mind."

Ace placed a hand on his shoulder to try to calm him down.

Dark sighed and relaxed, "Ace and I have vowed to destroy any and all evil dark force that exists in the universe. No matter the cost. Even if it means death to the innocent possessed person."

"You can't hurt Amy! We don't understand why she's acting like this. All we do know is she is still Amy deep inside of her." Tails said.

"We know why she is like this. And if she shows too much resistance, and no one is willing to deal with it, then I will end it myself." Dark growled.

"NO! You can't kill Amy! She's our friend!" Knuckles shouted running up to throw a punch at Dark.

"No Knuckles don't do it!" Ace shouted.

Too late, Knuckles threw his fist at Dark's head.

Dark's eyes flashed from dark blue, to blood red. He caught Knuckles' fist and held it, "Try that again." He began to crush his hand.

Knuckles began to yell in pain as Dark continued to crush his hand.

"DARK! Stop this right now! This is not you brother. Stop!" Ace shouted at Dark.

Dark's eyes returned to normal and he let Knuckles go, "Let that be a warning as to what happens to those who try to harm me or my friends and family."

"Now ah don't know if we shud trust you two." Applejack said helping Knuckles back up.

"If you want your friend back, you're going to need to trust us. I'm sorry about what Dark just did. And I'm sure he is too." Ace said glaring at his older brother.

"Hmph. Next time, don't tempt me." Dark growled as he walked over to the room's window and stared out of it.

"*Sigh*, Dark." Ace muttered as he looked at his brother.

"He has the same temper like Shadow." Rainbow said.

"I'm really sorry. Dark wasn't always like this. He used to be cheerful, but ever since he was corrupted by the dark forces, he's been like this. And also, Shadow's temper is equally compared to Dark's angered temper." Ace explained, "No one seems to ever be able to cheer him up a lot. Sorry Pinkie Pie, but not even you could make Dark happy."

Pinkie's eyes widened, "Yeah right. I'll prove you wrong right now."

"I wouldn't try if I were you." Ace said.

Pinkie walked up behind Dark and tapped his shoulder, "Hey Darky?"

Dark turned his head and his eyes' color had changed again, now they had dark blue flames in them.

Pinkie instantly yelped and ran behind Shadow, "Nevermind. He's impossible."

"I warned you." Ace said.

"Why is he like this? Is there more to you two than what you've told us?" Sonic asked.

Ace frowned a little and looked away sadly, "I can't...it's too painful to tell you all." He said as a tear escaped his eye.

Fluttershy walked up to him and gently placed her hand on his shoulder, which made him look up.

"Please tell us. We just want to help you and your brother." She pleaded in a soft sweet voice.

"Well, It was because of…" Ace began but was cut off by Dark's voice.

"Because I lost all my friends and family other than Ace… And it was me who killed them." Dark said.

The group gasped by the news.

"WHAT!? You killed your own friends?!" Silver shouted, "Why did you do that!?"

Dark glared at Silver, "I DIDN'T DO IT WILLINGLY! I HAD NO OTHER CHOICE! IT WAS EITHER THEM, OR EVERYONE!" Dark shouted. He then pushed everyone out of the way and left the hospital.

"Dark wait!" Ace shouted to his brother.

But Dark just ignored him and sank into his shadow.

"Whoa. Where did he just go? How did he do that?" Twilight asked looking at the spot where Dark disappeared.

"Dark is a shadow and dark master. He can manipulate shadows and darkness. Even become them too. He just sank into his shadow and rose out of another one somewhere else. And I don't know where." Ace said, "But he'll show again soon."

Ace sighed, but then felt a hand on his shoulder again. He turned and saw Fluttershy.

"What really happened with you and your brother?" She asked.

"*Sigh*, Like I said from before, Dark was never like this. But when he was corrupted by the dark forces, he changed. One by one, our friends were corrupted by the dark force as well. We tried to save them, but it was impossible, and they never showed us any mercy. We had no choice but to end them. It was really hard for me and Dark to end their lives, but we had no other choice." Ace explained.

Soon, tears then fell from his eyes, "And then...our mother...was corrupted by a dark force as well. We did everything in our power to save her, but we couldn't. Dark...had to swallow so much pride to end her, and he became more angered at darkness when he had to kill her." Ace sobbed clenching his fists.

Fluttershy was in tears as well by hearing his sad story. She then pulled him into a warm, strong hug, "I'm...i'm s-s-so sorry you and Dark… had to go through so much."

Ace blushed a little and felt butterflies in his stomach, 'What the? What is this?'

Sunset Shimmer then spoke, "Shouldn't we go find Dark? What if Metal, Mephiles, and/or Night Rose show up and attack him?"

"Dark should be fine. Knowing my dark brother, he'll be fine." Ace said.

Suddenly Tails' wrist watch began beeping loudly. He pushed the blue button and a holographic screen appeared. It was a news alert.

The screen showed live footage of Eggman's ship flying near a house on the outskirts of the city.

"Hey! That's mine and Dark's house! What is Eggman doing there?" Ace said looking at the footage.

"We're here live with the mysterious evil Dr. Eggman's flagship on the outskirts of the city. It appears the Dr. is about to tell us something." The news reporter said.

The camera man then pointed the camera towards Eggman's ship.

"I, Dr. Eggman, am here to give a warning to the citizens of this city. Especially Sonic and his friends. I now possess a new ultimate weapon that is powered by the Chaos Emeralds' power. I will now demonstrate its power on this house that belongs to the two brothers named Dark Steele and Ace." Eggman's voice boomed.

Suddenly the bottom of Eggman's ship opened up and a large cannon that looked very familiar to Tails.

"Hey! That cannon is the same designs as the Blue Typhoon's Sonic Power Cannon! Eggman stole my techs' designs and modified them!"

"Behold. The Alpha Egg-Cannon!" Eggman said, "And now to test its power."

The cannon began to glow chaos blue and charged.

"Fire!" Eggman shouted.

The Alpha Cannon fired a large blue chaos beam at the house.

"NO!" Ace yelled.

When the beam made contact, the house exploded and left a large crater.

"This is my warning to you now Sonic and friends. Stop your efforts or perish to the Alpha Cannon." Eggman said.

Suddenly Dark rose out of a dark shadow in front of the crater.

"Dark? What is he doing?" Sonic asked.

(Blast Crater)
(Dark's POV)

Dark looked at the crater where his house once stood. Now only ash and rubble remained.

Dark's aura grew larger as his anger built, until it looked like a black flame.

"First a girl is possessed by a dark creature; next me and my brother are defeated in battle; and now our home is destroyed!? I have had enough of this! I'm letting go for once." Dark said looking at Eggman's ship.

Suddenly Mephiles, Neo, and Night Rose appeared in front of Dark.

"Oh look. It's Dark the Master of Darkness and Shadows. All alone without anyone to hide behind." Night Rose teased.

"I don't need anyone's help. I'll take you on any day by myself. I'll take you all on!"Dark said forming two dark swords in his hands.

"Find by us." Mephiles said.

"I think I'll stand and watch the battle." Night Rose said, 'I'll just wait for the right time to strike.'

Neo scanned Dark's swords and copied them. He formed two metallic blue swords in his hands.

(Play Monster - Skillet)

The two villains charged at Dark, "Rah!"

Dark parried Neo's swords and then tripped him.

Mephiles kicked Dark from behind and knocked him down.

Neo went to stab Dark from behind, but Dark sank into the ground's shadows.

"Where did he go!?" Neo said looking for Dark.

Dark rose out of a shadow and formed five shadow electric missiles. He fired them at Neo and they seeked onto him.

Direct hit, Neo's systems were filled with thousands of volts of electricity and fried his circuits, "BZZZT!" Neo shut down and collapsed.

Dark looked for Mephiles, but couldn't find him.

Unaware. Mephiles was behind Dark and about to stab him from behind.

"CHAOS JAVELIN!" Someone shouted.

A blue chaos javelins hit Mephiles' chest, sending him to the ground.

Dark then punched Mephiles' face and knocked him out.

Dark turned and smiled when he saw his friends standing a few yards from him.

(Stop Playing Monster)

He was about to walk over to them, but he gasped when he suddenly felt something stab his back and hit his heart. His dark swords disappeared and he slowly turned and saw Night Rose with a dark energy gun.

"Hehe. Don't fight it Dark. It will only hurt more if you resist." Night Rose said smirking.

Dark felt pure dark energy corrupt his body. Dark tried to fight it, but it was too much for him at handle.

"NO! Dark!" Ace yelled.

"No. Run Ace. Run! GAH!" Dark yelled as black liquid began to cover his body from his back. Tears formed in his eyes.

The liquid covered Dark's entire body and formed a shell that hardened around Dark.

"NO! Dark!" Ace yelled.

Suddenly the shell shattered open and a new creature appeared. It looked a lot like Dark, but with crystal like armor. Bulky black crystal armor covered most of his body, along with a crystal arm cannon on his left arm and a crystal claw on his right arm.

"Dark? Is that you?" Sonic asked.

The creature looked up and roared and snarled.

"Dark is no more. He is my new pet, the Shadow Beast! Hahahaha! NAHAHAHAHAHA!" Night rose laughed evilly.

Author's Note:

DarkMaster0224: Aaaaand that's chapter 13 for you. Bro, would you explain this chapter for us please?

ShadicBro B: Sure thing bro. Night Rose attacked Sonic and the others, but were saved by Dark Steele and Ace. Through a tough battle, both brothers underestimated their opponents and were knocked out. When they woke up in the hospital, they explained to the group that they're from another world in the Mobian dimension and are here to destroy any possible dark force. Then, Eggman came and destroyed Ace and Dark's house. Dark faced off against Mephiles and Neo and defeated the two, but then got corrupted by Night Rose and then became known as the Shadow Beast. Can Ace, Sonic, and their friends save Dark from the dark forces of Night Rose, or has he fallen victim to the dark force forever? Find out next time on the second part of the amazing battle!

DarkMaster0224 and ShadicBro B: PEACEOUT EVERYBODY! Darksteele0224 and sonic3461 OUT! Until next time.