• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Just a short option-canon story centered around Tree Hugger getting a glimpse of her past lives. Set in the Pony POV Universe. Guest stars Flim and Flam. After all, Tree Hugger asked Discord if they met in a past life . . . and Tree Hugger has this strange habit of being right most of the time.

Art by Mysticalpha.


Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: that author's note


Hope the main story was fun too.

Cheap costume? We paid good money for-I mean these were passed down from a long line of pony sooth-sayers!


Now I see, I see, in your previous life you were a very very generous princess, trusting of others, and loved for never jumping to conclusions about ponies who were just trying to help you. You really should-AGH!!! WHAT! WHAT IS-! ACK! IN MY HEAD! THE TRIPLE QUEEN OF THE ENDLESS ROADS! I-

Triple Queen of the Endless Roads, Rota Fortuna?

And she enjoyed picnic lunches at the Rainbowberry Fountain . . . I think you'll find the last surviving Rainbow Berry Bushes are being cultivated by one mare named Pinkie Pie in Ponyville.

Huh, are the berrier any good?

She often had nature walks in the Breezies' garden and talked with them.  

Indeed? Also, remove the thing at the end.

At a beautiful fair once, she was  painted green once with pink and magenta hair, with flowers and butterflies painted all across her body. I believe you'd call it 'groovy.'


As her world ended, Autumn Skye met the Spirit of Night, and the Spirit of Chaos.

Luna and Discord, before he went nuts.

This new pony, was named Tree Hugger. And the world was remade, so all that had been, never was, and all that now was, had always been. This is the story of your former lives you wished to hear. Do as you will with this knowledge little pony.

Huh, interesting.

"Whoa...Haven't seen something that trippy since that spirit from another world visit the hut, I mean, I've never seen such a free spirit. Getting to experience a 2-D state of existence on the mural, and then getting to be one with the earth as a tree, and even getting to float around as a cotton candy cloud giving free chocolate milk to everypony . . . still don't know why he left in a huff and mumbled about erasing his own memory. Oh well, at least now I know that I've always been one with the earth in all my lives. I wonder if Princess Gaia's new news letter is out yet."

Ya know, I'm somehow not in the slightest bit surprised that Tree Hugger didn't react more to Discord, she looks and sounds like she's high half the time so whatever Discord does is tame compared to her hallucinations. (What? Someone had to make the joke.) Also, she knows and doesn't mind about Princess Gaia, shocker.


You realize that they're con artists. They don't HAVE souls to consume. You'd just get indigestion.

Flim: "Brother dear, the next time you get a great idea, put a horseshoe in it!"


Tree Hugger, "Like, this isn't 'Gaia Con'. Heey, Flim and Flam, spirit mediums, and the stallions who tried to sell my herd's farm to a developer . . . like, do you want help?"

Gaia Con. Not surprised.

Flam, "Don't be silly! We're professional!"


Flim, "If you would be so kind!"

Thank you for being reasonable.

*Tree Hugger starts that warbling whatever she does.*
*The Umbrum Gate starts to shudder.*
Tree Hugger, "Like, just let it in, feel the positive vibes realign your chalkra."
Gate of Shadowy Doom: "URRGH, FORGET IT. I'M OUTTA HERE." *Vanishes, collapsing on itself.*

OK, that's funny. Also, it's chakra.

Flam: "Ask for anything so long as it isn't money, and if we can scam -- I mean honestly acquire it, it's yours!"

Nice save.

*A while later had Flim and Flam pulling on those farm-till-the-soil-thingies*

Buffy Speak is something you have mastered I see.

Flim, "We can just use telekinesis for this! This is discrimination!"
Tree-Hugger, "You'll need to save that to churn the butter."
Flam: "Brother, next time let's take our chances with the demons."


(Well, this was shorter than expected, but entertaining. Interesting to see what you think of Tree Hugger. Looking forward to doing this with your Smooze thing, in the meantime, this is ShadowLDrago, signing off.)

6008458 It was, that's what made the A/N so funny


I imagined Tree Hugger as being able to take Equestria's strangeness like Maud Pie, but in a different direction from Maud Pie or Pinkie Pie.

Thanks for using my "contribution" there at the end. Poor Flim and Flam, how I love to make horrible things happen to them. Okay they deserve it but still.


I consider that comedy optional canon at BEST.

Flim and Flam got flanderized in their second appearance, where they went from twisting the laws into knots to outright FRAUD.

6011453 Flim and Flam got flanderized in their second appearance, where they went from twisting the laws into knots to outright FRAUD.

I wouldn't say they were Flanderized by much. They certainly had the feel of being con artists in their first appearance, and were at the very least reckless and careless about their product provided they got paid for it AND were downright gleeful over driving the Apples off of their own home.

So yeah, I write Tree Hugger as being technically mostly blind but having an aura vision that makes up for it... also Om is the syllable associated with the sixth chakra. The seventh chakra is supposed to be silence, but I guess horse-warbling is an instinctive sound so... sure.


What are the other five?


Flim and Flam are in many ways a cautionary tale about dishonesty. They are obsessed with the idea that they are cunning and by their own great cunning can succeed in tricking other Ponies out of wealth. The irony is that they are, in fact, highly-intelligent and could succeed in business by applying the same intelligence and effort they devote to their con games to honest production and sales. Their dishonesty is self-defeating.

As for the Apples, they seem to have a grudge against the Apples. Probably because they are very obviously black sheep of the clan, though as they don't have "Apple" in their names, the connection may be irregular. In their first episode they devoted a lot of effort to trying to trick the Apples off their land, when they could have made money marketing the technology incorporated in their mobile apple cider press.

If one takes the comics canon as even semi-valid, Granny Smith recently (within the last year or so) did them both a big favor, and this was after the second time they tried to trick her. They may have mellowed at least toward the Sweet Apple Acres Apples, in consequence. Or not -- they are obsessed with their concept of success, and the grudge may run deep. They might even consider her kindness foolish -- not realizing that it's part of the reason she's loved and respected bymost of a whole town.


My personal opinion is that Tree Hugger's life is very strange, and she's made a lot of very strange friends in its course. Among her list of friends in my fanon is Queen Hidden, the leader of Hive Hidden, a Changeling Hive buried deep in the northwest which deliberately and secretly tends a large section of wilderness for nature lovers, to feed off the positive emotions they feel for the forest. And they were doing this before the Reconciliation (after the Reconciliation, they do this more openly).

Tree Hugger rather often discovers and consorts with various mythological creatures. I think that her first reaction to Discord was a genuine desire to befriend him, and that despite the fact that she could tell rather quickly he was jealous of her friendship (and whatever else) with Fluttershy. The Smooze didn't scare her at all, because she noticed it was non-hostile. She only got frightened when Discord actually tried to expel her into another dimension, and even then, far less frightened than most other Ponies.

Whatever else she is, Tree Hugger is both brave, and kindly. I don't think she's oblivious to danger -- I doubt that she'd have survived if she were.


Interesting story, but as for the mexican sock puppet thing, maybe it was because she could tell that Discord was REALLY mad and in absolutely no mood for games, plus, imagine how weird something in live action must look to a Flash animated technicolor pony that's high half the time. Don't give me that look, if the show didn't want people making jokes like that, they wouldn't have made Tree Hugger.


When did I ever say that Tree Hugger isn't high? I like her, but I don't claim her to be a creature of pure virtue. Just an admirable Pony.


I was making a joke.

6113597 With Flim and Flam, they remind me of a story I was once told about a wrestling promoter that, if he had the choice between making $100 honestly and $20 dishonestly, he'd go for the $20 because that way he had the joy of proving himself superior to the person he cheated.

There's also a book, it might be hard to find (better try inter-library loan) titled Flim-Flam that goes into a lot of detail about various cons and con men. Suffice to say that most con artists thrive on acting like Flim and Flam, with a surface veneer of friendliness covering a sea trench deep pit of loathing and contempt for others. They disdain violence as a rule but delight in fleecing others. According to the author, many a con artist has been caught simply because after they'd cheated someone they simply had to contact their victim and let them know what kind of a fool they were.


I recently read a VERY interesting fanfic, (which was a shipping fic, but nothing's perfect), where it was shown Tree Hugger sees the universe VERY differently from others. She sees the universe in AURAS! She says the CMC work by one take one step forward and the other two steps back, they are "too much in sync" with each other, but without each other they spin off who knows where, and one day one will break the cycle and they'll become a spiral. Celestia is as golden and radiant as she imagined her. She sees the elite as vary shades and patterns of hubris, either spouting their own tune or just following the leader. She's SURPRISED when she finds out Fluttershy is a pegasus because her senses are so much in tuned to the spiritual (and given how Fluttershy acts and her talent with animals), and she is SHOCKED to find out Discord is a single creature because he's such a random mishmash of different auras. And she tells Discord law and chaos are BOTH sides of Harmony.

Script formats not allowed on FiMfiction, my big fat ass... :ajbemused:
Pretty neat incorporating how previous-gen pones are ancestors of G4 pones. Also:

*A while later had Flim and Flam pulling on those farm-till-the-soil-thingies*

I do believe they're called plows, just saying.


"Script formats not allowed on FiMfiction, my big fat ass... :ajbemused:"

The entire thing is being told as an interview, the notes from those who are doing the 'interview.'

"Pretty neat incorporating how previous-gen pones are ancestors of G4 pones. Also:"


"*A while later had Flim and Flam pulling on those farm-till-the-soil-thingies*
I do believe they're called plows, just saying."

Oh I know! But would the Flim Flams?


It's being told in the author's notes, so hopefully no one notices.

Pfwahaha! That'll learn em! Who would a thunk the Flim Flam bros had a legit talent for being spiritual mediums? Interesting past lives take. :)


This is based on a scene from a manga where a fake fortune teller is possessed by a real divine force to give the protagonist some actual cryptic advice.

That was a good story. That was a interesting origin story Tree Hugger must be happy she was so similar in all 3 lives. Flim and Flam will never learn their lesson will they their lives would be a lot happier if they didn't try scamming everyone.

They got more and more flat as the series went on. In their first appearance they didn't actually do anything actually illegal. By the end, they're out and out criminals.

Tree Hugger is like Zecora, unlike most ponies she can embrace her former selves and her loved and lost connections and move on.

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