• Published 20th May 2012
  • 9,249 Views, 135 Comments

Ms Sparkle's History Class - TAW

Cadence goes to visit her former sitee one last time.

  • ...

Chapter 2

Ms Sparkle's History Class

Cadence stood back, releasing Twilight from their embrace. She stood a little shakily, but surrounded by all of her friends. Twilight knew there was nothing to worry about, not now.

"Why did you never tell me, Celestia?" she asked after a few moments. Not accusing, just asking.

"Oh, Twilight. Would it have made a difference if I had?"

"I wouldn't have had to sit and wait, hoping Cadence would return again."

"Yes, you would. I'm sorry, Twilight. I couldn't tell you then for the same reason I couldn't tell you about Princess Luna's return, and by the time I could have, it would have simply been opening old wounds," Celestia explained.

"But... but after that, why couldn't she just come back? Cadence, why didn't you just come back?" Twilight asked, sniffing as she struggled to understand. Once the elements of harmony had been revealed, surely Cadence's task would have been complete.

"Actually," Celestia interrupted, shuffling awkwardly on her hooves, "that one was my fault too."

"Yes," Cadence continued, "Celestia advised me to not interrupt your socialisation. I wanted to come and see you, Twilight, but... well, me and you making friends again isn't important for the security of the kingdom. Sometimes we have to sacrifice things for the greater good."

Twilight was silent. Their logic was airtight and Twilight couldn't argue against it, but that didn't make it hurt less. Many moments later, she asked "You won't go away this time, right?"

"Right," Cadence agreed, smiling and nodding her head.

Rainbow Dash pretended to gag on her own hoof while she thought nobody was looking, but caught Shining Armor's gaze, prompting a quiet chuckle.

"You!" Cadence accused, spinning around and brandishing her hoof. "I'm still not done with you!"

"Cadence, come on!" he protested. "If anything, I think I should be mad at you, for being indistinguishable from an evil love beast!"

Shining Armor immediately regretted that sentence.

"ENOUGH!!" Twilight yelled, throwing her forehooves up in the air and slamming them down on the floor to get everybody's attention. "This is your wedding day! Stop arguing! Cadence, he couldn't tell it was you because he was enchanted, and as for you, brother, Cadence is nothing like an 'evil love beast'. She's very nice."

The room was silent as nobody dared to oppose Twilight's ruling.

"Good! Now, unless anybody has any questions, we have a wedding to get to."

"Ah," Rarity interrupted. "I do actually have a question, dear. Now, I realise that nobody has mentioned this, but I feel it needs to be said. Princesses, you were spying on us?"

Cadence raised her hoof to the back of her neck and awkwardly scratched while trying her best to look innocent. "Not spying, per-se, more like... guarding."

"Without our knowledge. Secretly," Rarity accused.

"Well... yes, but-"

"Cadence, I'll handle this," Celestia interrupted. "Yes, dear Rarity, we were. You must understand that without your aid, the kingdom would have been lost to Nightmare Moon. Your safety had to be assured, but had you known... well, you know how Twilight was when you first met her. Had your attempts at making friends not been honest, I fear it would all have been for naught."


"I assure you, Rarity, I never meant any harm," Cadence assured. "Nor did I interfere in any way, not with you."

"'Not with you'?" Dash echoed. Celestia's hoof slowly raised up to her face while Cadence's face slowly flushed red in embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm terrible at keeping secrets." She scolded herself, before turning to face Dash. "Yes, I interfered a little," she admitted, "in some of your lives. Never much, just enough to steer you in the right direction."

"Such as?" Dash asked, flaring her wings.

"That opening in Ponyville's weather team," Cadence admitted.

"But Fluttershy told me about that."

"I knew she would," Cadence whimpered, as if fearing that Rainbow Dash would take offence and attack. Luckily for her, Dash just nodded and accepted it.

"Yeah, makes sense. Always thought it was weird, was gonna go for something in Manehatten before that. Would've paid better, anyway. Anything else, Princess?"

"No, no that's all, I promise."

Applejack had spent the last few minutes thinking hard about how her friends had all come to live nearby. Rarity had always lived in town, Fluttershy moved from Cloudsdale as it passed overhead, Dash had moved in later, Twilight moved in for obvious reasons, but Pinkie? None of them had ever gotten an answer as to why Pinkie Pie chose Ponyville as her home. She could have gone anywhere at all.

"What about Pinkie, princess? How'd you get her to move?" Applejack asked.

Cadence coughed and her cheeks reddened a little further. "I didn't. She just appeared one day. I had no idea where she was before that."

The other gathered ponies simply nodded. That was Pinkie Pie, alright.

"So," Twilight interjected. "Wedding?"

Author's Note: I consider this second chapter somewhat beside the point. The story was meant to centre around Cadence's role in Twilight's life--how she came into it, what part she played, and ultimately how she left it. The specifics of the aftermath to those things was never particularly meant to be explored by this piece, but people seem to have taken offence to not touching on them, so here you go.

Comments ( 40 )

Wraps them up... but I still feel the story is rather... shall we say, silted.

i actually liked the way it ended last chapter.
though the others (RD, Rarity, ect...) would have wanted to know what Candace did while 'guarding' them.

ok i'll crack. why is Cadence mad at shining?


Filled with silt? I think that's your computer
Yeah, me too.
For not noticing she'd been kidnapped and replaced with an evil love monster.

I guess you didn't understand the true meaning of what I said then.

thats every marriage given a few years of bad decisions.


Witches... Hmm.. CELESTIA. NANNY OGG. :rainbowderp: maybe not so much how about Magrat (yes its spelled that way you non Discworld initiated) .... not so much. Granny Weatherwax?? Not really... Granny is definitively an example of Dark is not Evil and Good is not Nice. Witches Aborad says it better than I ever could. But I get what you mean - their very controlling in their own way and give people what they need, regardless of people's opinions on the matter. The witches take charge cause they know what they're doing.. But seriously... Nanny Celestia By all the gods... :twilightoops:
Actually, to think of it, the sort of grudingly accepted self sacrifice is quite like Mistress Weatherwax come to think of it, though they approach it from different directions.


It was a joke, I still agree with you. Taking the story on things it wasn't written to be taken on leaves it very much lacking.

Ah okay. Sorry about not getting it was a joke ^-^'
And yeah, you do have a point... I don't think everyone is ever going to be completely satisfied with this story. Guess its just how it is.

TOO SHORT!!! :flutterrage:

"If anything, I think I should be mad at you, for being indistinguishable from an evil love beast!" :pinkiegasp:

This 'beside the point' chapter was completely worth it, if just for this line:

"Cadence, come on!" he protested. "If anything, I think I should be mad at you, for being indistinguishable from an evil love beast!"

... xD xD xD


I've actually written about that concept!

...didn't go well. For anybody. Let's not go there.

I wanna tag too!

Something about this story. I can't quite put my finger on it. It seems a bit... incomplete? Don't get me wrong, it's well written; just leaves something to be desired. Er... I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm not getting that "completed" feeling from this story.
Maybe it's just the fatigue getting to me :twilightsheepish:

Excellent work as always TAW. To now have this story to go with the original image I commissioned from Jr is simply wonderful. Keep on writing, I'll always be here reading (and attempting to >write). Thanks for sharing your talent. :twilightsmile:

I was a like pretty good:ajsmug:

Gotta say you painted a pretty dark Celestia there. While yes, something as long-lived as an alicorn can certainly play a much larger chess game with life, its very infuriating when they actually tip their hooves. Makes me shudder, and if I were one of the ponies affected I would wonder how much of my life was just Celestia playing me like a pawn.

*Goes over to user page*
Nothing here labelled sex, hmm...
*turns off mature*

Can this intro/summary thing not be used anymore? I swear this is like the sixth time I've seen it, and it is awful. Yeah, a great intro with attention grabbers and reiterating 'sometimes' for effect, but seriously, this is just a means to get rid of creativity. Because sometimes people need to write their own hooks. Sometimes they should be treated like a condom, and not used over and over until nothing but putrid liquids and the stench of failure remain. Sometimes the writer has to actually write. :twilightangry2:

I did not care for this one as much as the first one. :pinkiesad2:


yeah I clearly don't actually write
the 5236 words in the two chapters above are completely invalidated by the description because it follows a format you don't like
what a shame

well, I think it's important to bear in mind that this story was from a person's perspective, it's not necessarily an unbiased or completely truthful representation. Cadence is one of the few people who Celestia actually trusts enough to let see some of the strings, and if she doesn't like her methods she's not going to portray them very nicely, even though Celestia probably is doing it for all the altruistic reasons she says she is

I wonder if my intense personal dislike for Cadence will keep me from being able to enjoy this...

630314 Im not judging your actual story content, Im just ranting about the continued re-use of this description. It gets boring after a while, and Im hardly left with anything to tell me about the content. This isnt just a rant on you, though. Ive seen others recycling this now-vanilla intro and passing it off as a clever show of creativity.


...but it's mine, it's what I've always done, since the very start. I can't be held responsible if other people are doing it too, that is not my concern.
"over and over until nothing but putrid liquids and the stench of failure remain. Sometimes the writer has to actually write." is not a very nice sentence, nor is it one that's going to make me very likely to listen to you. I appreciate that you don't like something I do, but please don't presume that I'm doing this through lack of creativity or through apathy.


Replying on epic comment XP


I don't know about love, but that is some serious tolerance right there.

Because sometimes all you need is a one-shot that explains someone's headcanon.

I still have a hard time know that TAW wrote this... I have seen TAW's other works. Good job. :twilightsmile:

Uh... is there going to be more flashbacks? ike in the previous chapter

I loved those sequnces

It was a very enjoyable read. I wouldn't say it was sad, but a very solid fic, nonetheless. :twilightsmile:

Pinkie ex nihilo? Seems legit. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if she's another one of Celestia's agents.

:trollestia: "Princess Pinkamena, double secret inverse alicorn of shenanigans, you are to accept the mantle of Bearer of Laughter."
:pinkiesmile: "Will there be cake?"
:trollestia: "More than you could imagine."
:pinkiehappy: "Sign me up!"

I see that I hate Cadence too much to like this.

It's written nice enough, but I couldn't stand more than a taste of that awful pony.

Oh, well. Kudos for your writing.


Man, tell me about it. This was my attempt to try and give her a little more depth than "pretty pink princess", and it was *hard* to not just hate on her.

I see, totally!

But it's good at least that you try to do more things and experiment, meaning that you really care about your readers. :twilightsmile:

This was beautiful.....I seriously cried a bunch....and not in a sad way....I just thought this was beautiful.

Very well written, wonderful story.

Kudos, and internets, and whatever else needs to be awarded to you.

I am.....SO....happy that I read this....


And I just now realized this is TAW.....and as far as your reputation holds, this was very un-sexed.....also now I think I've read two of your non-sex fics....and to be honest, if your writing is this good.....I will probably check out the sex ones. It's not really my bag (sorry for the very out dated Austin Powers reference there), but I don't mind the sex stories if the writing is good.....

But I will say, I hope you don't get pigeonholed into writing sex-fics....because you have talent. Talent beyond just clops.....not that they don't take talent, but you could definitely reach a wider audience.

Alright....I feel like I'm digging a hole.....what I'm really trying to say, is that you are obviously a talented writer, and I think it's sad that you are "type casted" into a genera....which is now obvious to me that you can do more than that. I don't know....I'm hoping (if you read this) that you don't take offense....but that you see a fan of your writing from someone outside of your regular audience.....

And once again.....I can't tell you how much I loved this story.........I......I just loved this.......so so so much.....


I actually started out on the sex, and have been slowly moving towards telling more of a story, either by the side of sex or completely without it. I'm really glad you like this, because I do want to try and tell more traditional stories <3


I loved it. And I'm glad you could make sense of my ramblings. It's hard to put into writing, rather than actually getting to talk.....but maybe you don't have the same problem since you are a writer haha.

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