• Member Since 31st Mar, 2013
  • offline last seen May 26th


Just some Touhou Brony who's become obsessed with Foxes and who wants to see you smile!


So then got thrown into Equstria, so thats always good. Right? Well not unless you get misaken by Celestia and Luna as Discord`s Ally,doesn`t help that my sanity been called into question more times then I can count. So let jump right in. PERPARE THE INSANITY I...... I am Boooooooorrred.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 140 )

I saw a Pokémon picture and came over.

You need an editor. Or at the very least, something to correct the spelling and grammatical errors.

6759217 Or a better, none picky auto correct would be nice... but yeah your right. I'm just paranoid that no one would bother (is it obvious I don't have that much of a self confidence level XD).

You might want to go through it and pull out any errors, I saw quite a few. For example, the name in the story is Crimsion Sun while your account name is Crimsoin Sun. I would also suggest not making stories which you don't have a plan for, its just leading towards failure. No offence to you of course.

6759638 I do have a plan, but not that far, this is just something based off of something I like to day dream about... also thanks for pointing out that error, I'll fix it. No offense taking, 'state your opinion in anyway you wish' that's what I say.:twilightsmile:

6759217 Any editor's you suggested? About a week ago or so I put up a editor request, but nothing so far, and I'm starting to get impatient...

Mm, I don't know why, but I like this story.

About the editor, maybe one will appear when your story gets longer? Some people tend to only take notice of longer stories. :applejackunsure:

Surprise SupriseKitty! I'm the new editor!!!!!! :yay:


Try the looking for edditors group.
Till then just use a edditing prossesor in word and have a english tuttor read over it.


6920996 so hows the next chapter?

It's pretty good. Filled with comedy as always, not gonna spoil anything else. Crimsoin PMed me that he's going to be unavailable for a while so I have some time before he needs the edited version. Just hang tight.

Oh wait, it says he was on 8 hours ago, never mind! I should probably start working on it. Recently got another chapter out for my story so haven't had the time to do it yet.


6941458 ...
double time soldier!

6941458 My grandparents got internet about two weeks ago, go figure right?

Holy shit. He is almost a replica of me! Almost.I would rather be a flareon.

6944522 WHY!!! I mean don't get me wrong, they look nice and all but the movepool the movepool....ugh.

I'll read the next 2 chapters and hope for the best.

Just letting you know, words that I (Falx) say, should be red, and words that Ictus says, should be green.
You kind of got them mixed up a bit. But it's just a small detail no one will really notice if you keep it like that.

Good work my friend! I am proud to lend my sub-par grammar skillz to someone with your creative comedy abilities.

True, but in all honesty, any of the eeveelutions could probably be replaced with a better pokemon of the same type, except for sylveon simply because there aren't that many fairy-types yet.

I will freely admit that Umbreon, while awesome, isn't exactly the best one that eevee can evolve into, possibly even the worst one to evolve into. But that's what level grinding is for!

Also, move pool isn't really relevant in this story due to the fact he's essentially got the same abilities as Discord.

Welp gave it a chance
I'll just drop a downer and leave now.


Any suggestions you can think of before you dislike this story. Any pointers would be appreciated for our improvement.

Well that happened.

A reason for half of this shit would be nice.

>Umbreon worst evolution?

>Despite the fact that Umbreon can be extremely tanky, can tank hits all day and heal with Moonlight.

>Doesn't have to care since it can use toxic on it's enemies and just wait until the target faints due to it's insane tankyness and heals.

>Coolest looking eeveelution.

>Jolteon is literally the worst.

>Flareon is up there with Jolteon. :trollestia:

>Useless? :rainbowhuh:

It's a displaced fic dude. This kind of stuff is common in these kinds of fics. The main reason any displaced does anything weird is usually for gits and shiggles.

Oh yeah, forgot about that tactic. I don't play pokemon that much anymore so be understanding with me if I make a few mistakes in terms of tactics for the games.

"They did it poorly so I should do it poorly too" is a shitty excuse... and a flat lie. You use the "Displaced" yet don't even fit the group as a whole, and even then they give some explanation on their character's power, either being the powers used by said character, powers from the world the character comes from or powers gained in the story itself.
This umbreon hasn't even been shown to HAVE umbreon abilities. Its just Discord lite in an umbreon fursuit

"Jolteon is literally the worst"
Competitively Glaceon is the record holder for worst eeveelution.

Dude, it's one of those fics someone writes for enjoyment. If crimsoin feels like making things random, he can make it random. If you want things to make 'sense' go read another fic that makes sense. We're not forcing you to read this. If MLP was meant to make sense all the time, they wouldn't have made added Pinkie and her 4th wall shattering capabilities. "Random with no explanation" is the way this fic looks like it's going, unless crimsoin decides to do otherwise. Your advice is noted though, and thank you for letting us know what you have a problem with. It's more than most other people who dislike stories do.

Fact of the matter is, you asked. I already figured it wasn't likely to change which is why I said I was done on the second comment I made on this fic.

Now I'm done with the fic and am moving onto you.
You asked a question and I answered. Almost everything you've said after the question has been worthless justification that doesn't even work.
The ONLY thing you've said that was correct is "The author can write this as randomly as he wants" Giving this a label it doesn't fit under is a fucking shitty way to try to get free traffic and attention, even the fact the main Character is an "Umbreon" is rather bad for the whole "doesn't fit" bit since the Umbreon is only skin deep. Minor chaos god in a fursuit if you will.

The moral of the story is, Don't use labels you don't know the meaning of. Don't call spilled milk a tragedy, don't call Griffin the Griffon Displaced, don't call "Cthulhu's anime adventure" fun for all ages. We don't need 4 year olds watching tentacle porn, label shit right.
Now I'm done with you.

6946417 First of all, this is NOT a displaced fic. That won't change unless people REALLY want it to be. ( Ignore this, at first I thought it would be a good argument, but now I doubt it, keeping it in though so others can go check them out.) Second of all, there is literally a Discord clone Displaced story that has pretty good ratings. Yes, he does go with the God of Balance route, but still. There is also the fanfic, Its A Screwed Up Life, not a displaced one. Third, the use and/or knowing of labels. Ok, that Anime Adventure 4 all ages made wonder what the writer was think making that label, but other then that I'm not sure I understand, can you explain it to me? Also, for the record, if you don't like it then you don't like. That's how it is, and I'm not going to deify that or make you change you mind.

Falx De Lume is the one saying its Displaced. Tell HIM its not.

Yeah the anime adventure his is just a made up example of mislabeling to show an extreme example so Lume would understand it easier.
A longer explanation would be Cthulhu is an Elder God with tentacles on his face, Anime+Tentacle=Lewd Things.

I know I don't like it, I'm not planning on reading anymore, I didn't ask you to change it. Lume asked why I dislike it. That is all. Everything else spiraled from there.

Oh, it's not a Displaced fic? Whoops, sorry, my bad. That's kinda embarrassing, especially considering I'm editing this fic. Some of them don't let you know until after the displaced is released from stone and made peace with the mane six.

Anyway, I was asking you on what could be done to improve the story mainly because there's a lot of people that seem to just dislike a story with no warning and no suggestions on how to improve the story. I just wanted to ask you since you were being considerate and letting us know you're disliking it. Thank you for letting us know!

And Crimsoin... eh heh heh heh... sorry about the misunderstanding that occurred over the course of however long this lasted. :twilightblush:

And I would prefer to be referred to as "Falx" or "Falx of Lume" Please. Calling me "Lume" just makes me think of the fictional planet I created in my mind.

This is just crazy.

You are Crazy.

I like Crazy!

I want more Crazy!
I give this story :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: / :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: Pinkies^^

hah i get the cliff hanger joke

"Welp, I got nothing else to say, sooooo toodles!" I say. I put on a size XXXL propeller beanie, give it a quick spin, and I am now flying through the air faster then the speed of sound...without breaking the sound barrier. Physics? What's that?

physics is your great great great not great great great grandpa mother

6991512 Isn't that what I said?

I jump off a cliff, yes a cliff, and land perfectly... on something squishy... that made a "Oof!" noise. Looking down, my eyes widen to see a------.

"Really? A cliffhanger dude?"

He landed on a cliffhanger?! :pinkiegasp: That's what I call an interesting ending! :yay:

I wonder how soft and fluffy a cliffhanger is. :pinkiesmile:

“WAH?!” I shouted in sho- “Crimsoin, you do know some people might groan at this?”

*Will they? I don’t think they will. Shut up and go with it!*

“Fine…” I grumbled.

The one who I landed on so rudely was a Sylveon!

Ooh! I groaned! :pinkiesmile:

‘Wait wasn’t he suppost to shout ‘NOOOOOOO!’?’ Oh whatever. A bright light shone and blinds me. Once my vision clears, I can see Discord's statue with his head turned toward me with a betrayed look. I actually cringed at that. There was something so sad about that. I felt bad… before pulling out a violin and playing a short sad note.

Discord just got betrayed by his first real friend. This is actually pretty sad. I mean, this will have a drastic effect on his reformation, 'cause how can he trust Fluttershy now, that his trust was already broken once? :fluttercry: :raritydespair: :raritycry: :pinkiesad2:

7024171 XD I never realized it would been interpreted like that, that is funny.

7024223 Oooooooo..... that's a good point. Well, I'll try to come up with a solution. Though, the way I see it, it was, or suppose to be, more of a accomplice relationship, not so much as friends, Or I guess the common enemy thing, but I guess I didn't think all the way through when writing it... thanks for pointing it out, I should have been more specific on how Discord sees Shiro as, which I didn't do at all really, just how Shiro sees Discord.


Accomplices? It's hard to imagine these two just as accomplices. They spend 1000 years in stone together and are at least STONED buddies! :rainbowlaugh:

But all seriouslessness (making up words is fun! :pinkiesmile:) aside, didn't Discord teach him his reality warping powers and wouldn't that act make them closer as accomplices? Discord wouldn't just teach anyone his tricks after all. But that only is of course the case if Shiro got his powers from him, it wasn't explained yet after all. It just struck me as plausible. He is befriended with Discord and has abilities that a Pokemon like him normally doesn't have? Yeah, plausible in a way. At least I couldn't think of another explanation other than 'The Author said he has these powers, so deal with it guys!' as a fourth wall breaker explanation. :trollestia:

7024299 Again, its what I wanted, but didn't properly address in the story, and I think its a little too late to fix that. The faults is my own, whoops. Details are important, just because you (in this case: me) know your characters, doesn't' mean your audience knows them, or relationships that may be present between, I gotta remember that. But, this good make a good conflict for Discord's Redemption, I just got to get to it in the first place. Again thank you for pointing out this blemish, I only hope I explain well enough. I'm not very at thinking ahead I guess.


I wanted, but didn't property


7040425 DAMA AUTO CORRECT!! XD I swear my computer's auto correct (Case in point as it just tired to correct it to connect....) is worse than my own spelling :derpytongue2: Though, I'll admit it does 'correct' in some amusing way, 'Shlifen (No idea how to spell, I used copy and paste at the time.) Plan? Did you mean Smurfing n Dam?' No XD :ajsmug: Thanks for pointing that out though.

7040449 lol.
Btw, Your last post started w/


XD GRAMMAR NAZI :rainbowlaugh:

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