• Published 11th Jun 2015
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Celestia's Rocket Adventures - Snake Staff

Celestia winds up in the Pokemon universe. And captured by Team Rocket. Oh dear.

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Heart to Heart

Sleep came fitfully to Team Rocket and Ash’s friends alike that night, to the extent that it came at all. Despite their injuries and grueling battle, few of them could shake the image of the hysterical Mable laughing at the thought of the world’s death. The fact that even unconscious her own lackeys were so afraid of her they simply clammed up only made things worse. Though everyone laid down soon after the sun set, few did more than toss and turn until orange rays were peeking through the clouds once more.

Meowth was the first one up, surprisingly enough. He was sitting back against a tree, nibbling on some sort of breakfast bar, when Pikachu found him.

“Hey,” said the yellow Pokémon softly, “Mind if I join you?”

“Hmm?” Meowth looked up, bags visible beneath his eyes. “Yeah sure, I guess.”

Pikachu promptly sat down amidst the trees’ roots. He looked at Meowth, but the white cat Pokémon was just staring up into the sky. After a moment, his black eyes shifted that way as well. Together, the two watched in silence as the faint orange sun crept slowly up and over the horizon. Normally it would have been pretty, even relaxing, but today the orange and red light and faint overcast brought the mind to something else altogether.

“Do ya think she meant it?” Meowth eventually asked. “Was she just trying to freak us out, or…”

“She meant it,” Pikachu answered softly. “It isn’t the first threat I’ve gotten, but never one quite like that.”

“I was afraid you’d say dat,” the other Pokémon sighed. “Makes ya wonder, don’t it? If she meant it, is today gonna be da last day for us and our pals?”

“No,” Pikachu shook his head emphatically. “It won’t be.”

“And how do ya know dat? Dere could be more of ‘em on da way if even ‘dis big scheme a ‘dere’s ain’t ready.”

“Since when do any of you give up? You three idiots have spent years of your lives chasing me when it’s long been evident that it’s hopeless. Now some crazy lady rambles a death threat and you’re talking like they’ve already won?” Pikachu pointed. “Earth to Meowth, they’re the ones tied to a tree, not us. They can be beaten, and that’s what we’re gonna do.”

“I guess ya got a point dere,” Meowth took a bite of breakfast bar. “Maybe I just didn’t get enough sleep or something.”

“That’s the spirit!” Pikachu clapped him on the back. “Team Rocket never gives up, does it?”

“Well, no,” Meowth admitted.

“And neither do we!” he pumped his little yellow fist. “It doesn’t matter what these people throw at us, we aren’t going to let them win! Am I right?”

“Well ‘dere’s still-”

“I said,” Pikachu’s red cheeks began to spark. “Am. I. Right.”

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Meowth waved his paws hastily. “Of course you’re right! ‘Dere’s nothing ta worry about with so much electrical firepower with us!”

“And you’re not gonna forget that, are you?”

“Course not!” he nodded hastily. “You can count on me, good buddy!”

Pikachu gave a satisfied nod. “That’s what I thought.”

Many miles to the north, a four-legged blue and yellow Pokémon was likewise awake bright and early. It had its nose pressed almost into the dirt, wetting it obliviously with the morning dew as it sniffed through the grass and foliage. It paid little attention to the world around it, shifting its pace this way and that seemingly at random. Finally, it paused over one spot, took a long whiff of the damp earth, and growled in a deep tone.

“Find something, Manectric?” Celosia of Team Flare asked.

“Tric!” her Pokémon answered.

The purple-haired scientist hopped off her vehicle, yawned once and stretched, and then walked carefully over to where her companion stood. Her visor was already sifting through the visual where it stood, rapidly zeroing in on a half-faded footprint in the dirt. Celosia got to one knee beside her companion, running a finger through the air around the vague hoof shape.

“It matches the profile we have for our quarry,” she announced to the grunts supporting her after a minute’s examination. “But it’s older. Perhaps two or three days. And there are other tracks not far from it. Houndour, I believe.”

“Does it look like she went with them?” one of the minions asked hopefully.

“No,” Celosia shook her head to universal groans. “There’s little in the way of a trail for her. I wouldn’t say our princess did more than touch down for a minute or two. Add it to the map.”

One of the red-suited men did as instructed, adding a reference point to a holographic map with a single finger. It joined more than a dozen others scattered throughout the forest. A bit of typing added the date and time of the track’s discovery, along with estimated age and other tracks in the vicinity. All would be sent back to headquarters as well, for further analysis.

“Done, ma’am,” he said after just a moment. “Data collected.”

“Good,” she nodded, then returned her gaze to her Pokémon. “Manectric, can you smell any kind of trail from here?”

Her faithful creature held its head high, sniffing the air this way and that. It took another whiff of the hoofprint and repeated the process, then grimaced a bit and shook its head.

“I see…” Celosia frowned. “Alright grunts, move out! We’re returning to base camp for now.”

“Yes ma’am!” they all saluted in unison, this time with genuine cheer.

After recalling Manectric to its Poke Ball and resuming her seat, Celosia considered the situation. They’d been after this “Princess Luna” for some days now, and while it hadn’t taken long for her electric hound to pick out her unique scent, that had been about the extent of the progress. The map of her confirmed locations showed no clear pattern or central point, and they’d yet to come within actual sight of their quarry. She was clearly on a constant move, traveling from place to place and only rarely touching down on the earth.

More worrying was the consistent pattern of other Pokémon tracks near hers. Some were readily identifiable as Spearow and Fearow, but others belonged to more ground-bound local species. It suggested that Lysandre, as usual, was right. She was meeting with other wild Pokémon in the vicinity of Geosenge base, and this close to realizing Team Flare’s ambitions a threat close to home was far too much risk. It was possible however unlikely that this dimensional traveler would actually be able to rally other groups of Pokémon to her side as she apparently had the birds, and if that happened they could be in for a serious fight far too close to the ultimate weapon. The irreplaceable machine could conceivably be damaged in such a fight, potentially setting the plan back years.


Something had to be done to turn aside this potential attack before it came, but so far Celosia was having little luck. Team Flare didn’t have much of an air fleet in the vicinity of Geosenge and didn’t want attention, so she was stuck combing the ground while her quarry could fly. There was little hope of catching up amidst the dense forests if Luna didn’t wish to be found, apart from sheer chance. But she had to force some sort of confrontation before this so-called “alicorn” was able to build a sufficiently-sized force to be a real threat. The solution was obvious.

If she could not find Luna, then she simply must force Luna to come to her.

“Fearow is still breathing,” Twilight said, looking over the sprawled bird and shaking her head, “but I don’t think it’s going to be talking right now.”

“Mmm, I was afraid of that,” Celestia said. “But I can’t say I didn’t expect it. Poor creature, what did that machine do to it?”

“Likely it exerts some form of artificial suppression of the primary behavioral control sections of the frontal lobe,” Twilight answered. “While at the same time substantially increasing production of epinephrine in the adrenal gland to boost performance levels in combat to potentially unsustainable levels.” She looked down at the five still-unconscious Pokemon. “I doubt they cared, though.”

“No,” the white alicorn shook her head sadly. “They did not.”

“It reminds me of Sombra,” Twilight said. “I’m sure if given enough time, he’d have come up with something similar. Mind control helmets or something like that.”

“I think he would have,” Celestia nodded. “We’re fortunate he never got the chance. Thanks to all of you.”

Twilight scratched the back of her head, a little bit embarrassed. That feeling dropped when her still-bandaged elder sighed, turned around, and began walking away from the unconscious Pokémon. The purple alicorn quickly scrambled after her, walking right beside her mentor as the two neared the rather subdued-looking humans.

“Now, there is something I need to do with Team Rocket,” Celestia told her student. “If you wish to accompany me you may.”

“Of course I will!” Twilight declared immediately. “I wouldn’t leave you alone with those criminals, especially not while you’re still injured!”

“An injury that they treated,” she grinned faintly. “But I appreciate your concern all the same. Come along then.”

Celestia and Twilight walked almost straight up to where Jessie, James, and Meowth were sitting. The trio were taking the time to relax out in the warm morning sun, whether propped up against a tree or simply laid out on the grass. None was wearing a particularly happy expression. Still, they weren’t far from their three Pokémon still lying on the mats and blankets – they would easily hear if they needed anything.

“Meowth?” Celestia asked as they approached.

“Hmmm?” Meowth looked up from his position flat on his back. “Yeah what is it?”

“Would you mind translating for me for just a moment? I have something I need to ask all three of you.”

“Sure I guess,” he shrugged. “Beats sittin’ around and waitin’ for da boss ta call or something bad ta happen.”

“Thank you,” the white alicorn nodded politely, before addressing Jessie and James. “Have I been a good companion to you?”

“Of course, what would give you reason to think otherwise?” James said, immediately after the translation.

“Can’t say too much bad about you,” Jessie said.

“Cept you eat too many s’mores,” Meowth added.

“I suppose I’ll take that as a yes,” Celestia cracked a faint smile. “And have I dealt honestly with you all the time we’ve been together?”

“As far as I can tell,” Jessie shrugged. “Purple horse there seems to suggest you weren’t entirely making the whole alien princess thing up.”

“My name is Twilight Sparkle!” Twilight interjected.

“And you spotted the Dark Balls in the first place,” James nodded. “You told us the truth even when we didn’t believe you.”

“I’m glad you think so,” the princess nodded back. “So, will you please do me the kindness of dealing honestly with me? I have something I wish to ask.”

“Of course we will, after you fought so hard with us!” James agreed immediately.

“Don’t see why not, I guess you’ve earned it,” Jessie added.

“So long as ya ain’t askin’ about my credit history.”

“Thank you.” Celestia sat down next to them. “Can you then please tell me the truth? Is Team Rocket, your organization, actually a band of criminals?”

The trio actually paused at the question, rather startled looks on their faces. A moment of silence ensued as all three looked at one another a little uneasily, then back at Celestia, then again at each other. As if reaching some silent consensus, they slowly turned their heads back to the princess. James was the one who answered for the group, one hand behind his head and eyes a little downcast.

“Well, you see…” he began. “The truth is… kinda… sorta… maybe… yes.”

“I knew it!” Twilight declared immediately, leaping to her hooves.

“Please be seated if you choose to observe, Princess Twilight,” Celestia said softly, before turning back towards the trio. “So, it’s true then, what my old student tells me? You really have wasted years of your lives chasing after a child and Pikachu in a vain attempt to impress your leader, committing countless petty crimes and attempting other kidnappings along the way?”

“Well when ya put it like dat it sounds kinda bad, don’t it?” Meowth replied. “But I guess ya could if ya wanted to.”

“I see.” Celestia’s tone remained soft, though a note of sadness now appeared. “May I ask why you have done this? It is clear to me that you understand the importance of friendship, that you care greatly for your own companions and Pokémon. You would be greatly distressed if someone were to steal Wobbuffet, Inkay, or Pumpkaboo, would you not?”

“Of course we would!” Jessie snapped immediately. “What kind of soulless savages do you take us for?!”

“Just because we’re crooks doesn’t mean we’re that bad!” James defended them.

“Ya can ask Arbok, Weezing, or Dustox if dese guys were sad ta see ‘em go,” Meowth said. “Cacnea and Chimecho left too, and dey sure as heck were sad about it. Ask all da other Pokémon back at Rocket HQ if ya don’t believe us.”

“I thought as much. Why, then, would you waste so much precious, irreplaceable time attempting to inflict the same suffering on another?”

“Because Team Rocket is the only good thing that ever happened to any of us,” James admitted.

“Oh?” Celestia cocked her head. “Can you elaborate?”

“I grew up wealthy,” James told her. “I had wonderful friends, it’s true, like Growlie and Carnivine. But my parents… they wanted to control absolutely everything I did. They picked out my life ahead of time, down to my fiancé.” He shuddered. “Jessebelle. A horrible, shrieking harridan who wanted nothing more than to control everything I did.” He looked Celestia in the eye. “I’m not exaggerating when I say she chased me around with a whip. She wanted to get rid of Growlie for a Skitty! But my parents thought she was the perfect daughter-in-law, and they were so set on marrying me off to her that I… I…” he looked down. “I ran away from home. But where could I hide from a family with so many friends in high places? With criminals, where else? When Team Rocket accepted me, it was the first time in my life I had any freedom at all.”

“I grew up on da streets,” Meowth said. “Didn’t have much, not even parents. Spent some time with otha Meowth in a gang, stole ta eat. Dere was dis girl… real fancy upper class type Meowth. I had a big time crush on her, but she liked humans betta. So…” he sighed. “I taught myself ta speak an’ walk like a human. Only, didn’t work. She thought I was a freak and wanted nothin’ ta do with me. So I said ta myself dat I’m gonna be da richest ‘freak’ of all time and prove I’m worth somethin’.” The cat sighed again. “Team Rocket was da first place I found real friends. ‘Dese two idiots have been with me through thick an’ thin, don’t really think I could leave ‘em now. What would dey do without me?”

“If you’re looking for a sob story from me,” Jessie sniffed disdainfully, “then you’ll have to look elsewhere. Just because I went into a foster home at the age of five and grew up poor doesn’t mean I’m going to join the self-pity parade.”

“What about da time ya tried ta graduate Pokémon nursin’ school with dat Chansey but couldn’t do it ‘cause ya weren’t a Pokémon? I thought dat was pretty sad.”

“The past is past, and that’s where it stays,” the woman replied. “I’m with Team Rocket because I like it, not because of some tragic backstory or because I like you guys or anything. Idiot.”

“Well whatever the case, Team Rocket did a lot for all of us,” James continued speaking for them. “So the boss deserves our loyalty and our 110% in everything!”

“That’s right!” Jessie and Meowth immediately nodded.

That’s sad. Celestia thought.

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