• Published 22nd Jun 2015
  • 6,048 Views, 192 Comments

Arrival at Dusk - Vohira

In the magical land of Equestria there is a place for everypony. Even if that somepony was not a pony to begin with.

  • ...

The Mark 1: Dear Diary...

Entry 1, last day of 982 YC (Year of Celestia)

Here goes, I’m going to try writing in this diary. It’s been a bit more than 3 months since I found myself in Canterlot Orphanage. The awe factor is still somewhat high, I think it took me the better part of the first month to get used to everything to the point that I could walk without consciously having to stop myself from twisting my neck as I took everything in. Especially when one considers how many interesting things happened in that first month. I’m still impressed with myself, that I managed to NOT walk into a wall, a post or anypony for that matter during that time. But monotony and normality (well Equestrian kind of it anyway) are setting in, largely due to school… urgh. I think I’ll end here, we’re going out to watch the fireworks. Midnight, out.

#2, 4th January 983

Got my birthday cake! Chocolate on a crunchy bottom, I think I ate too much…

#3, 5th

It’s Monday and the first day of school after the break, but I'm staying in the orphanage. Got a bit sick after yesterday. It’s worth noting thought, that apparently equestrian ponies really can vomit and it's not pretty. Note to self, eating more than half of a cake is not a good idea, also a reminder for later: kill Dandelion. Why or how did he manage to goad me into it I still can't quite grasp. Well alright, I do see him shoving - not eating, shoving - food into himself everyday so I thought I can eat that puny half of cake, but no… must be an earth pony thing.

#4, 25th January 983

Been some time now since I wrote in this thing. Admittedly nothing really exciting happened during that time. Well maybe there was one thing, Silent Flight dropped by and took Trixie and me on an outing. It’s still the middle of winter so we just went to a couple of stores and a bakery…

Might as well write it down, I think Trixie is either crushing on me or is becoming jealous or something. She can become awkward in my company at the strangest of times. Time to investigate!

#5, 1st February

Finally! Hearthfire taught me a basic heating spell and then we began working on a cooling one. Funny thing, for me cooling is waaay more efficient - not stronger, just more cost effective - than warming something up. Hearthfire quickly caught onto that and promised to borrow me a book on basic ice magic. However something is still missing I can feel it but explaining that to the magister is a struggle, good thing he understands that. Magic is at its roots a highly personal, private experience… he told me that enough times.

#6 2nd February

I’ve managed to subtly prod Trixie about her behavior during one of our own magic lessons, at least I think I was subtle. I’ve got the standard “Trixie has no idea what you’re talking about.”, that’s promising…

It was Sunday afternoon, a month after his last magic lesson with magister Hearthfire and a few days more than that from his last diary entry, as Midnight held the quill above his journal in his blue-black aura. The ink already managed to drip down making two small splotchy marks on the blank page. After the few initial entries he put in it, it was getting easier to express himself on paper. It was also surprisingly… refreshing. But how does one write down what had happened lately?

“Right then, let's just start with ‘Dear Diary my life turned on its head…’”, he muttered writing it down.

The lesson started normally, Hearthfire would quiz him on a few runes old and newly learned. Then they would exercise his magic using telekinesis, the newly added cooling and heating spells. After that thought…

“Midnight I’ve had some discussion with other magisters and masters in the guild about what we discussed. The incomplete feeling of your magic?”

This managed to pull him out of his reading, the introductory chapter in the ice magic book looked too interesting to resist diving right into it.

“It is rather bothering…”, the young unicorn answered as he closed the borrowed book.

“You have discovered and I’ve confirmed that you’re attuned to the ice element. However I’ve been made to rethink it by my peers,” Hearthfire started to walk back and forth inside their assigned classroom while Midnight just frowned, deep in thought after hearing that.

“How come? I mean it’s obvious to me, my magic feels cold. The one spell with affinity for cold I can do, I do with almost no mana wasted…”, the ex-human jerked back when the older unicorn twirled and jabbed his hoof at him.

“That right there! Cold, not ice!”

“Uhm… you lost me magister?”, right now Midnight missed hands, because he would gladly scratch his head in confusion.

“Lets try something then,” Hearthfire sat down. “Close your eyes and imagine the coldest place or thing you can and let your magic flow just as you would do it for the spells you know.”

Midnight did so with a small sigh and muttered ‘whatever’. His curiosity was piqued but his official lesson could be used for something better than, what he was suspecting was simple meditation. He had to imagine the coldest place or thing he could? He could do that and more, a small smirk formed on his muzzle. With an image firmly in mind, he pulled from his mana pool.

Instantly he could feel his teachers magic flare as he was forced to warm himself as the air in the classroom began to cool.

“Good, what we’re going to do is try forcing your full aura to manifest. The risk should be minimal and I’ll contain any wild discharges,” saying this Hearthfire was so sure of himself only because he had five of his friends from the guild concealed and waiting behind the doors. This was a reckless move, but as his old teacher said ‘Sometimes you just need a push…’

“Now, just like when you were trying to reach your magic for the first time search for the… missing part, concentrate on melding the two together and do not think about anything else. When you achieve this, imagine yourself diving into your mana pool.”

Midnight heard him, but his brows twitched in concern. In almost every beginner book he read the author said not to do what his teacher wanted him to do. From what he gathered if he did this, he would burn the majority of his mana in an instant and if not stopped run the risk of borderline exhaustion.

“Leap of faith, huh?”, Midnight muttered before taking a deep breath.

It took him almost no time to recall the nameless heavines. The harder part was superimposing that feeling on the image and feeling of coldness. His science oriented human mind unintentionally came up with a very specific image. Something clicked inside him and as if a signal was given he plunged into his above average - for a now 7 year old - mana pool.

In that moment a lot of things happened simultaneously.

Ponies shouted, the air was filled with the sound of breaking glass, tearing wood and collapsing walls. Midnight opened his eyes, that for everypony else looked like pools of dark blue light. The young unicorn felt himself float, suspended in the collapsing building by his own magic. His eyes crossed to look up, seeing the moderately sized black orb of… nothinges. Frozen debris orbited him, before being swallowed by the blackness as the orb was slowly growing.

A hexagonal wall of mixed colours suddenly sprang around him and the collapsing building.

A puls of warm energy passed his body accompanied by the sound of a chime almost too silent to be heard among the roar of magic around him.

In a blink of golden light a shining figure appeared before him, her aura smothering his in a blink of an eye. Celestia has arrived and broke his hold on the energy.

The black orb detonated in a final act of defiance and self defence flattening, cratering the area inside the barrier.

His magic no longer supporting him, Midnight began to fall. He didn't even mind, at this point he felt like sleeping for the next whole week was a great idea, he fell bonelessly not having the energy to move at all.

Golden energy surrounded him, catching him.

Before he passed out, the last thing he saw was Celestia's rage filled eyes and a snarl on her lips.

“You foals! How could you even...” the rest of the earth shaking rant went unheard by Midnight as he finally gave up on staying awake.

When he woke up, just before he opened his eyes his nostrils flared as his nose was assaulted with the stench of disinfectant. The ex-human groaned and opened his eyes.

Turning slightly his head he quickly confirmed his suspicion he was in a hospital room. Painted in warm colours, with a comfy bed and stocked with stuffed toys and books but it was a hospital nonetheless.

“Great…”, Midnight muttered trying to recall how he ended up here. Oh, yeah… he did what he dubbed the ‘mana dive’. “Minimal risk my ass…”

Whatever he wanted to say, he had to stop as the doors opened. A pony doctor stepped in followed closely by Celestia. The former all profesional, the later with a strained smile. Both stopped when they saw him watching them.

“Oh, you’re awake! That’s good, that’s very good!” The doctor levitated a small flipchart and began scribbling something in it quickly even as he moved closer.

“Hello Midnight. I must say I’m deeply sorry for what mage Hearthfire did,” Celestia moved to sit by Midnight’s bedside as the doctor began to prod him with dark green magic. Midnight had to fight himself not to squirm, whatever the doctor was doing was slightly ticklish. “He won’t be teaching you any longer.”

“What? Why?”, Midnight blinked as he processed what has escaped his mouth. “Ok, I can see why. But what about my magic lessons?”

“You will be switching schools, to my School for Gifted Unicorns,” the Princess said and her smile turned more genuine when she saw the starstruck young orphan.

“But, but... isn't that like super expensive and you need to pass the entrance exams?”, it was Canterlot’s worst kept secret just how high the tuition fee was in Celestia’s school. To attend there you had to be both rich and talented. The other worst kept secret was how it was like that because of unicorn nobles. When he heard that Midnight wondered how much real power Celestia had as the Princess. He got dragged out of his impromptu musings by said alicorn’s sigh.

“True, but it was taken care of don’t worry about it.”

“Allright, everything seems to be quickly returning to normal. However I would recommend keeping our young patient in the hospital to the end of the week. I’ll be in my office Princess, if you feel the need to discuss anything,” with a small bow the doctor swiftly left the room.

For a moment the two occupants of the room were silent.

“Midnight,” Celestia called gently seeing his attention wandering. “There are also a few other things we need to discuss.”

That got his attention quickly, he just nodded.

“After what happened it was decided that you will be moving out of the orphanage,” his jaw dropped and he was opening his mouth to speak. “Silent Flight will be adopting you.”

“Wait, what?!”, Midnight jumped up, throwing off the thin blanket to stand on his bed. He was shocked speechless, he felt his jaw move but no sound came.

“He asked for this personally and I granted him the right for a prolonged leave, at least until you two settle in. Silent will be here today afternoon to talk with you about it in detail.”

His back legs gave out and he plopped down still not being able to process what was said, he felt a suspicious moisture in his eyes. Quickly the young unicorn wiped his eyes with his fetlocks.

“Something got into my eye…”, he muttered causing the white alicorn to giggle quietly.

“Stallions… There is still one more very important thing to discuss though,” Celestia’s voice turned serious again and was that a hint of worry? “Look at your flank Midnight.”

His eyes widened, she couldn’t mean?! The ex-human looked down on himself. She did!

“Buck yes!”, he couldn't contain his excitement as he jumped on the bed.

“Language!”, Celestia’s sharp admonishment made him sit down with ears folded.

“Sorry,” when he sat down it struck him just exactly what caused his cutie mark to appear. He gulped as the excitement was disappearing just as fast as it appeared. “So… I'm good at destroying things?”, he asked in a half joking matter.

“That’s not quite it I believe, although I would have preferred that you found your special talent in a less spectacular way.”

Midnight didn’t believe it quite either. The shape of his mark was telling when he thought about what his unrestrained magic did.

“But with what I saw, I will be honest. This is quite the dangerous mark,” Celestia’s serious tone and hard gaze immediately stopped any words of protest. Then she closed her eyes with another deep sigh. Gracefully she stepped onto the bed, sat down and hugged the young unicorn to her right side with her majestic wing. “This is why a lot of things are being arranged Midnight.”

He was silent for now, basking in the comforting warmth that was Celestia and trying to sort and process what was said. “And just as I was getting comfortable in my routine, this happens…”

“We, that is Silent Flight and I still have a few thing to go over regarding you. Mostly due to the fact that as of four days ago your magical surge has become the best gossip material in Canterlot,” the white alicorn stroked his mane calmingly. “A lot of ponies will be truly interested in you now.”

“That doesn't sound encouraging, you know,” Midnight answered with a weak smile as he looked up.

“You will manage, I have faith in you,” Celestia said as she began to get up, once on the floor she turned towards him and leaned forward to lay a motherly kiss on his forehead. “The Sun will guide you Midnight, but I think I saw other ponies wanting to see you. Until we meet again.”

Two thing struck Midnight during that moment, one was the warmth spreading through him again as Celestia give her strange blessing. Second was the certainty her voice held when she said they would meet again. Still, by far it was the first feeling that jump started his memory and lead to some wild speculations.

“Is this some kind of tracking spell?”, he blurted the first thing that popped into his mind.

Celestia froze mid step, with eyes slightly widened and… was that a delicate blush? It was as if he was looking at a kid with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. The white alicorn coughed silently and cleared her throat before she turned once more to face him.

“It is a one time monitoring spell. It activates when a vast amount of magic is being channeled. It is commonly used by unicorn parents on infants as they can experience quite volatile accidental magic, if they are powerful enough. Mine is a bit different and more complex as it also establishes a teleport anchor, but basically does the same.”

Honestly Midnight didn't know what to think. It was strangely touching that she would care so much, but it also irked something in him about personal space. Seeing Celestia was waiting for his reaction… he shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s alright I think. I mean, it means you care,” he smiled although his tone was more thoughtful than cheerful, but it was enough for the Princess.

“That I do,” with that and a smile she finally left the room.

The doors didn’t even have time to close before they were thrown open by an excited trio of young colts. Dandelion and the twin Rumble and Bumble skidded to a halt and bowed before him, repeatedly.

“Our hero!”, they all said loudly. “We have the next two weeks free!”

“Until the school repairs the damaged wing!”, his roommate said as he finally sat down.

“Would ya three finall ‘top thah,” said the next pony in, Cherry Blossom. She held a few balloon strings in her mouth and she move to tie them down to his bed.

It stirred something warm in him seeing everypony from the orphanage coming in. Then he remembered Celestia’s words, he would be leaving them soon. By the happy-sad look on Mrs. Rose’s muzzle, she also knew. He decided there and then not to broach the subject, if it was not brought up by somepony else.

What surprised him was the blue colored missile that launched at him and proceeded to try and hug the living daylights out of him.

“Trixie… air!”, he managed to gasp out to the amusement of everypony present.

When he looked at her after she abruptly released him, she sported the brightest blush he had ever seen on a pony.

“Trixie… I’m glad you're ok,” she said quietly.

“Aww they're so cute!”, only after Cherry’s squeal did the both of them realize that everypony was silently watching them, so they did the only logical thing… jumped apart as if burned. Which made every filly and one mare giggle - besides Trixie who just scowled - and colts to roll their eyes or in the case of Dandelion make gagging noises.

What their little jump also made possible, was for everypony to see his new cutie mark.

“You got a cutie mark!”, Trixie was closest and on the bed, so it was her that first spotted it. Her exclamation made everypony move closer with curiosity.

“Nice, but what does it mean?”, Rumble asked before anypony else as he too jumped on the bed. His question was echoed by a Dandelion.

“It’s kind of hard to explain…” Midnight started as he thought about it, as in really thought about it for the first time. He was not given enough time though, as a hard punch to his shoulder almost toppled him.

“Whatever! It’s still wicked you got one!” Dandelion was jumping excitedly now on the hospital bed. “You do know what that means, right? Cute-ceañera!”

That instantly changed the topic of their talk to the upcoming party. In the time they planned the party, nopony commented on how close Trixie and Midnight sat, with their shoulders almost touching.

Later that day Silent Flight came as Celestia said he would.

Midnight was reading the book on ice magic that was given to him by Hearthfire. He now knew that ice magic was not exactly his type of magic, but it was something to kill the time with. A soft knock, before the doors opened pulled him out of that lecture.

“Hi, Midnight. How are you feeling?”, the pale blue pegasus asked as he walked in and closed the doors behind him, before sitting just by the bed.

“Right now, bored mostly,” Midnight answered while looking up from the book. He wasn't supposed to be using magic right now so he laid stretched on the bed with his head propped on his forelegs, with the book leaning on the pillow.

“I remember that part of being in hospital quite well, landed in it with sprained wings a few times,” the adult stallion took in a deep breath. “So, Princess Celestia talked to you about everything going on?”

“Yeah,” the young colt said as he sat up. “But why? Why now?”

“I found you on the plains, I feel responsible. You’ve grown on me,” Silent massaged his temple with a wing tip and closed his eyes briefly. “However… my family is a bit fixated on Guard duty. For generations we served the Princess and Equestria. My father is a senior officer, you know? I’m still in my early service years and I’ve been pushed through a lot of additional training for future officers, rotated through a few garrisons. Those are less than ideal circumstances to think about family of any sort. But, with Celestia’s personally getting involved nopony can say no to this,” he finished with a wide smile.

“So… what now?”, the ex-human asked. He could kind of see Silent’s point of view, but that still left the matter of what was going to happen moving forward.

“Well, to be honest I’m probably not the best father material, so let’s settle on a big brother?” the pegasus asked with a brilliant smile, Midnight didn't know ponies could smile that wide. “Sure, you will have to deal with my family, but I would like to think I’m well worth it!”, the guard pony finished puffing up his chest.

“Don't flatter yourself, you’re not that special,” Midnight answered with a deadpan stare, but the wide smile kind of give everything away.

“So cold... “, the deflated pegasus answered dejectedly. Seconds later he was brimming with pride and happiness. “Anyway I’ll get everything arranged in my house, so in a few days it’ll all be ready. I got an extended leave so we can settle in. Meaning we have a few months of relative peace ahead of us. Sounds good?”

“Yeah, that’s sound really good,” and it did. Midnight was forward to this newest change in his life.

After that the two of them talked mostly about less important things, with Silent butting in here and there a piece of information on his family and Midnight’s new cutie mark being briefly discussed.

When the sun was setting, Midnight found himself oddly exhausted after that day. Unable to concentrate on his reading he put away the book on ice magic and decided to turn in early.

Author's Note:

Huzzah, it's here! With this we're moving into the next arc of Midnight's story. I hope you enjoyed it. R&R!

Also, the image for the cutie mark has been sitting on my PC from the moment I wrote the very first chapter. Done by me of course in paint :pinkiecrazy:

Comments ( 58 )

Always fun to see this update.

“Is this some kind of tracking spell?”, he blurted the first thing that popped into his mind.

Celestia froze mid step, with eyes slightly widened and… was that a delicate blush? It was as if he was looking at a kid with his hand in the proverbial cookie jar. The white alicorn coughed silently and cleared her throat before she turned once more to face him.

Oh, he gotcha red hoofed, Celly! :rainbowlaugh::ajsmug:
Or since she's using magic, would that be red horned? :unsuresweetie:

Two errors I found

"“Right now, bored mostly,” Midnight answered while looking up from the book. He wasn't supposed to be using magic right now soe he laid stretched on the bed with his head propped on his forelegs, with the book leaning on the pillow."

Typo, it should just be "so"

"It’s Monday and the first day of school after the brake,"
You used the wrong kind of break. "Brake" is the version for stopping vehicles, "Break" is used for most other things. This one should be break.

Otherwise, another great chapter, can't wait for more.

Ponies shouted, the air was filled with the sound of breaking glass, tearing wood and collapsing walls. Midnight opened his eyes, that for everypony else looked like pools of dark blue light. The young unicorn felt himself float, suspended in the collapsing building by his own magic. His eyes crossed to look up, seeing the moderately sized black orb of nothinges. Frozen debris orbited him, before being swallowed by the blackness as the orb was slowly growing.

The black orb detonated in a final act of defiance and self defence flattening, cratering the area inside the barrier.

Well, only one appropriate reference to use here.

I though he already go was admitted in CSGU with the test?

Good spots, thanks.

Eeee nope :eeyup: But now he is, apparently the quickest way in is to demolish a building, if you know what I mean :pinkiecrazy:

Just found this story today. There are a few spelling errors but the story is really good, I highly enjoy the read. The progress the Main Character goes through has a nice progression I think. So please do keep writing as its highly amusing to me. :pinkiehappy:

Really cool story I hope you keep up with the awesome work

“So… I'm good at destroying things?”, he asked in a half joking matter.

“That’s not quite it I believe, although I would have preferred that you found your special talent in a less spectacular way.”

Gravity manipulation specialty! Or at least I hope so. That could have so many applications! :rainbowkiss:

Step 1. Create artificial black-hole.
Step 2. Earn gravity cutie mark.
Step 3. Get adopted by a pegasus.
Step 4. Go on airship trip with new dad.
Step 5. Learn to fly with gravity manipulation and from your new dad.
Step 6. Save damaged airship from crashing in a contrived-but-totally-awesome-event using your anti-gravity skillz.
Step 7. ?????
Step 8. Become a badass.
Step 9. ?????
Step 10. PROFIT!!!

:trollestia: Who knows...


Huh, I can imagine all sorts of shenanigans if gravity becomes your toolset. Forget that schmuck Archimedes and his lever, Midnight will just adjust the gravitational constant and move the World himself, tada! ...Or accidently reduce it to a singularity. Whoops. Oh! I wonder if in his later years he comes up with some new, more efficient, levitation enchantments for the flying unicorn ship he was geeking out over way back at the start of this story?

I do wonder when, or ever, he's going to catch on that he's become a pawn and a rather destructive one at that between Celestia and Nightmare Moon? Kinda surprised neither of them have tried getting a better look at his memories when he's not aware of it, like dreaming. If those two are so evenly matched, having his alien knowledge of a different view of the universe could be an overwhelming advantage.

In the not too distant future there's still the drama of leaving Trixie behind. Ugh. He needs to plant those seeds so Trixie learns "practical magic" (sleight of hoof?) to augment her own innate magic.

You forgot about said airship trip including a certain blue mare.

At the risk of gaining greasy hair... the mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure. :twilightsmile: Also dreams are far less informative as they lean more towards the abstract.


Oh! I wonder if in his later years he comes up with some new, more efficient, levitation enchantments for the flying unicorn ship he was geeking out over way back at the start of this story?

This is literally exactly what I was picturing as I wrote my comment. Unfortunately, the rules of that meme say you aren't supposed to know how you make the profit... :raritycry:

As for the rest of your comment:
I think that Midnight recognizes that he is being manipulated, to a degree. He just seems to have a 'go with the flow' and 'do my best without becoming arrogant' mentality. To continue to the chess analogy: he pictures himself as a pawn, when in reality he is more like a knight. Midnight is more important than he realizes.

With Trixie, I'm actually hoping that Midnight's influence will push her into pursuing 'real' magic.
Her magic show persona seems to stem from her failure to be naturally 'great and amazing' and live up to her deceased parents' (perceived) expectations, forcing her to compensate. It's a mask she wears, which is why she unconsciously refers to herself in the third person. I am hoping that her interactions with Midnight will give her both the closure and self-confidence that she needs to pursue a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

I'm just wondering I love the story btw, but what is the upload schedule for this fic anyway? like every three months?

The schedule is filled with "Soon" and "Soonish" (TM Blizzard) basically.

But really it depends on me having a clear idea for the chapter. I do not have a charter with "plot mile stones" for the protagonist to reach. I write this... organically, for the the lack of a better word.

Gravity? To create a black hole in the air as big as a coin( witch isn't empty space) you need all the 4 fundamental forces of Fisic, Gravity alone is not enough.
Instead with that show Midnight proved how could manipulate the pillars of reality in a fundamental scale.

To create a black hole Midnight must have reached the atoms in the air, force not only to fuse but to break down from regular matter to primordial matter of that after the Big Bang and antimatter. Breaking the bonds of matter so fundamentally you need a powerful electromagnetic field and an incredible nuclear force.

The attraction of Gravity depends on the amount of matter a Corp posses. The bigger it is the strongest is the pull. Only stars can become black holes for their huge amount of mater. That's why black holes can not exist in a small scale

Still without mater and gravity It is possible to create a small black hole using the other forces of Fisic. In fact I think midnight did just that, he used his magic to augment all the forces in a single point in space.

Using gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear forces.

Midnight is a force to be reckon with.

And to add icing on the cake the SIMBOLISM. I congratulate Vohira for the idea Because it's fitting.

Black holes are Dead Stars. Or stars that upon their deaths reached a new existence.

And Midnight is a dead human that's enjoying his new existence as a pony.

What is the black sphere is it a shere of absolute zero that formed a black hole and Hawking radiation and decay was the bang? Or was it a shere of absolute zero that caused Leidenfrost affect to take hold and turned heat into kinetic energy? Or did weird graviton quantum mechanics take hold? I would go more in depth in that but its not my field of... relativity... no? Ya know... special relativity... not quantum mechanics... alright then in just gonna go.

Since everyone's so hinged on his magic being gravity, I'd like to throw out the possibilities of creating vacuums. Because that is some real chilly environments, considering there is literally nothing there.


So.... ponies are overweight collapsed humans that exploded? :rainbowlaugh:

Happy to see more, lets see where this all goes... and when others finally appear

Nature is so fascinating :yay:

I'm not sure how "cold" relates to creating a gravitational black hole... I have to suspect his specialty is something other than black holes.

Oh, BTW, will Midnight eventually have an encounter with Ice Fang!?:twilightoops:


Well, if it's a real black hole, I think the cold is due to reduced entropy from the compressed matter, when you look at it from a general relativity perspective. Or something like that. A black hole's temperature is inversely proportional to it's mass, so the more it absorbs, the colder it gets.

If Midnight's cutie mark shows the symbolic match for his magical 'type', then that's why I would guess he could be good with gravity manipulation. I guess it's similar to whether or not ice magic is a little easier for him than fire magic, due to the association between ice and cold.

Celestia watches the young Colt basically crushing a part of the city with a black hole, briefly looks at her new student who had destroyed another part of the city a few weeks earlier via instant giant dragon, and mutters: "what are they feeding this generation?" before teleporting to solve the mess and invite the new walking fluffy WMD to appear in her city to her school. :trollestia:

I am seriously loving these paint arts, I just love them, no idea why, but good :pinkiecrazy:

Moar pls, enjoyable chapters n all :derpytongue2:

While i eagerly await the next chapter, I'm left to wonder about how the rest of the orphanage will take Midnight's leaving. Miss Rose will miss having a generally well behaved child leave; the rest of the foals will be sad to see him go. But both of those groups will adjust fine. It's not the first time someone will have left the orphanage. Trixie, meanwhile, will be heartbroken. First losing her home and family, then losing a friend as he moves away. Hopefully Midnight keeps in touch with letters, and perhaps advanced spells that he sneaks out from the school for Trixie to study and practice.

Might as well write it down, I think Trixie is either crushing on me or is becoming jealous or something. She can become awkward in my company at the strangest of times. Time to investigate!

The word jealous was used last chapter (maybe the one before that) too, but what does Trixie have to be jealous about? As Midnight has more power/capability than Trixie, envy or some other emotion would be more appropriate in my mind.

LOVING the way you involve characters here. Hmm, maybe he can make Sunset nicer with an earlier meeting while Trixie crushes on him. Hah, big sis Sunset for both.....Lord help any who try to pick on them.

It took me WAY too long to get to reading this chapter.

Oof. That is a heck of an update. I have to say the story really sucked me in beleive it or not! Please keep it coming.

I really love this story and I immediately got into it ! I really hope you'll put up an update soon enough ! Cheers !!!


Not really a distinction that people make (anymore, at least). I know you are saying that 'jealous' relates to your things while 'envious' applies to others, but the vast majority of people use them interchangeably. Google 'jealous' in Chrome - the top definitions literally use envy in their descriptions:

feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.

“Hello Midnight. I must say I’m deeply sorry for what mage Hearthfire did,” Celestia moved to sit by Midnight’s bedside as the doctor began to prod him with dark green magic. Midnight had to fight himself not to squirm, whatever the doctor was doing was slightly ticklish. “He won’t be teaching you any longer.”

Heartfire has got to be dead, he was way to close to ground zero if an entire wing of the school was destroyed.

Amazingstory! I Cant Wait FOr MORE!!!!

i just spent the past 3 hours of my life reading this story...i regret nothing, bravo sir, i hope to see the next chapter sometime soon

Can't wait til the next chapter. Midnight's Cutie Mark Talent has got to be related to Space, ( nor not outer space), Dimensions, or Rifts. Though if so then that makes him a literal Black Hole Gary Stu! Nah I am just kidding.

If that is the case he really did made a black hole then Mr. Hearthfire was either sent to another dimension, ripped apart by the force of said blackhole, or SOMEHOW survived, (probably thanks to Celestia's intervention).

Though if Herathfire did....meet an unfortunate end, besides occupation, does that mean Midnight killed him and Celestia is purposely covering it up by lying to Midnight? Could have severe repurcussions if true. Though for who will depend.

Also if he is being enrolled in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, then is amongst six canterlot "friends" class, or since this is before her entry just with another group?

Midnight did reject Celestia's offer before in order to prevent messing with the timeline however it seems he left an impact regardless enough for Celestia to enforce it due to recent events.

If he does become a "personal student" of Celestia's, then Sunset would NOT be pleased. At all. Also speaking of CSFGU students in canon Trixie did attend the school, (while Twilight was there), but either flunked or dropped out as stated by Lauren Faust.

Though her chances are looking pretty unlikely here for even that. Did Midnight admittance to the orphanage prevented her possibly doing so in this timeline? If so Midnight would feel pretty upset about that fact.

Finally would we see Sunburst appear in the school? The seasons 5-8 of MLP they mentioned he was a student afer gaining his Cutie Mark. While he easily attained and sometimes supassed others with his knowledge of the mechanics of magic, he had trouble in actual performing such spells.

It was to the point he had trouble focusing and stress, was ashamed to others like his family & especially Starlight know that he was a failure, and eventully the stress got to him and he flunked out too.

Who knows maybe Midnight can help them both sonehow?

All good points and somewhat tie to the long delay of the next chapter. As of right now I wrote and re-wrote the next chapter compleately at least twice... This arc will shape a lot of later story so I've got a lot of decisions to make.


Patience is advised :twilightsheepish:

Oh sorry if I made you worry then. That was not my intention. It is important to try to pace yourself. While I love this story I love the pacing as it is. Also I just remembered two other important key characters that also attended CSFGU. With the possibly of even becoming princesses even.

Spring Rain and Glitter Drops, the foalhood friends of Fizzlebop Berrytwist aka Tempest Shadow. The three orginally planned to joining and attending the school together.

With the possibly of even becoming princesses even. How they came to this conclusion I don't know. Though I believe it has to do with the public interaperation of Cadence's acension from a pegasus and she is mentioned as one of three currently known princesses in the book as well. That I believe it was young Fizzlebop's wishful thinking on her part.

Well that is until Fizzlebop lost her horn to the Ursa Major. Deoending on which interperatation you use it varies, but I prefer the story chapter book: The Stormy Road to Canterlot version of Fizzlebop Backstory for in that those two avtually tried to keep in touch with her, but both Fizzle's denial, shame, and an incident if magic oractice where she almost started a fire and possibly hatm her friends with her unstable friends caused her to retreat into her self.

Eventually they did leave to attend for the school, but not before confronting Fizzlebop about it to let her know they are leaving for applicatioms and perhaps she can in the next term....evetually. Still they seemed to have left on good terms with her even if somewhat onesided.

I highly reccommend reading the book as it gives far more details into Tempest Shadow's backstory amd unlike the film it literally shows the vague abridged beginning of her story, but not her actual Start of Darkness and it shiws her progression throughout the years with several timeskips included.

Plus the Movie IS canon to the show's timeline as both the Season 7 finale and Season 8 Premiere the following episodes references it directly. More so in the second examples case.

Huh this school tends to have drastic affected either directly or indirectly on multiple young unicorn's lifes.

Given what is revealed of the school guidelines that are dictacted by Equestrian Education Association Council in the two parter "School Daze" as stated by Celestia herself.

Chancellor Neighsay's "views", "preferences", and authoritive connections regarding the matter of the quality and permittance of student applicants, the severe proper lack of proper school scouts, the fact they somehow expected fillies and colts to hatch a freaking Dragon egg of all things, Celestia's expectation of a young 5 to 8 yearold Twilight to be able to raise a dragon hatchling AND attend courses , is effectively equating to a teenage mom going to college, (or highschool), the SEVERE lack of counselers or therapists of any sort to mitigate or prevent the major social or pychological issues a LOT of these characters would develop, (Moondancer, Trixie, Sunburst, Sunset, and Twilight all say hi), and the fact NO one seems to catch on thus until the very last moment or when long since been too late.

Seems VERY suspect to me. Lastly it be kinda cool to Professor Inkwel make an apeearance during this arc. She was a cool character even if she only appeared in comic canon. Well anyways thanks for responding in general and I look forward to seeing more.

advisory noted have a good evening sir

so Space/Time (because the two are linked) or Full on Void Mage?

How's the next chapter coming along? Is the story dead?

Is This STORY dead?






Yes I'm alive, although for the past year neck deep in trying to gain a Masters degree in quantitative methods... That stuff can really make you think, you're studing some kind of black magic... :pinkiecrazy:

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