• Member Since 12th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Thunder Quill

I write when I'm motivated, which, I am disappointed in myself to say, is few and far between, so don't expect chapters often. I'm also a sub par HiE writer that occasionally writes other things.

Comments ( 123 )

So instead of the MILES MORE INTERESTING Psychopathic Cyborg Ninja who has tons of baggage and problems yet to be solved, we're left with some no-name punk who's "personality" will probably be overridden by Raiden's own for no other reason than to throw him into Equestria with a sad excuse to give him Out of Character moments.

Prove me wrong:


You should probably know the drill by now. Guy

ran out of original ideas so he stooped to actually writing a LoHAV


You know, it's not terribly written, though it continues to surprise me how much people tend to despise this particular idea.

Perhaps if it wasn't so lazily executed and the beginning wasn't such an interchangeable prologue for 90 percent of this genre, then the negative backlash wouldn't prove so prevalent.

6433137 Yes, even I have to admit that people do tend to focus a bit on a 'copy and paste' attitude with these stories rather than making it their own.

6432912 I'll try.

6432970 I just honestly wanted to see how this was received. That, and I've been playing a ton of Metal Gear Rising.

6432973 Seriously?! I even searched it up to make sure it hadn't been done!

6433151 Did I copy past this overall?

All in all, I made this cause I was a bit stuck on my main story, Mind Over Magic, and that I was playing a ton of Metal Gear Rising, as I've said above. I'll probably only continue this when I've got writers block on Mind Over Magic.

:flutterrage:RULES OF NATURE!!!:flutterrage: haha can't help it! :twilightsheepish:

6433865 It's a good song. I still prefer, 'A stranger I remain,' as my favorite song.

Great first chapter, the pacing is great. I just wish it was longer.

Oh author~! :twilightsmile:Ware are Scootaloo and Sweetie Bell at? They better be alright Quill, or you'll GET IT!!!:flutterrage:

6482948 Jesus dude, I don't think I have it in me to actually hurt them.

Plus, I don't know how long it'll be until the next chapter, mostly cause I have two other stories to be working on.

Hm... following for now. My one nitpick is that I find it hard to believe that any sword or amor in Equestria could parry a High Frequency blade, much less the Murasama.

6496832 Unless said armor/weapons were enchanted for durability, or that he just isn't using his full strength. Raiden doesn't chop through people unless he is using Blade Mode or Ripper Mode, and I doubt that cyborgs are made of high-frequency metals. Unless I'm wrong, of course, then feel free to correct me.

6497204 I think he's able to activate it outside those modes via a trigger on the handle or something to that effect, but at current I doubt he'd be able to know/figure that out right now since he's still trying to get over his wtf.exe going off when he woke up. But truthfully i'm not quite sure about that.

6540489 That is another good idea. I might use that.

6540531 Happy to have been some assistance for ya

6540807 I'll be working on it over the week.

6541297 I hope I can live up to your expectations.

6541367 Still, I need this to be as good as it can possibly be.

so far so good.

6435076 Its RED SUN where it is for me.

6541633 KO AWESOME hope there'll be some blood action and sword fighting as well. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2: Hopefully the next chapter comes soon.

6541633 KO PLEASE say the next chapter is coming soon for more awesome action. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::rainbowdetermined2:

6681137 In the next coming days I am going to put out a blog post. I'm putting all of my stories on an indefinite Hiatus while I work on a series that I can publish professionally.

6681205 KO awesome I was worried for a sec so hope work on this when your free. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

6681297 I don't know if you understand. It could be years before I come back to my stories here on this site. I really want to get this other Universe I'm working on up and running. I want something that will help me in my future as a professional author.

6681329 KO that's awesome your gonna do awesome in your life I'll try to be patient for as long as it takes. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

6681345 Alright, don't say I didn't warn ya.

Also, what's with the KO in the beginning of each reply? I doubt you're saying Knock Out every time.

6681435 KO it's like my catchphrase just who I am I guess. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

any more gonna be made?

A number of proofreading mistakes, and a glaring story mistake too: None of them good in a fight? The entire group fought off a sizable chunk of changeling soldiers on their own in the series. And they've gotten through the Everfree on their own and a large number of other threats. They're more than capable in a fight, even without professional training.

It's alive!!!!!!!

For a minute there I thought Jack the ripper was gonna make a scene. Really glad I was wrong.

7114069 Nope! Not at the moment!
7114067 Yes! Now that I have a constant proofreader/editor, I should be more on track with my writing!

7114076 KO awesome chapter, Chrysalis had surrendered, Canterlot is safe, and the wedding if back on. So will there also be any romance involve. :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2:

Will you make crossovers to another authors work with this? I hope not since that tend to make the quality of the chapters go down majorly.

7115047 There will be some, not as much as some other stories, but some.

7115515 Well then Iam out of here. bye.

:trixieshiftright:Hm... You still have my interest. I'd like to see where you're going with this, especially with Chrysalis.

And depending on what I see, I may want to get involved.

7118832 Oohh... You wrote Gilgamesh...

You and Shagohad12 are my heroes when it comes to displaced!

7118836 Thank you. Always helps to know others enjoy my work. I look forwards to more of yours.

7119233 No problem! New chapter should hopefully be out by Sunday!

You mean this isn't dead? Back to the read later list with it.


7184862 No, this shall never die!

Honestly, none of my stories will truly ever die. I like to imagine them as coma patients. They never actually die, but they aren't really living.

Is this a weird analogy? Probably.

I hope this isn't offensive.

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