• Member Since 24th Oct, 2014
  • offline last seen January 13th


"Would you love me more if I was who I was back then?" - A Sleepy Inc Bois song


This is a The Life of a Wanted Changeling-sidestory.

Like the original this is comment-driven.

Tags may change as the finer details of the story take form.

In the Nightmare-verse of the sequel to it, there is a Timberwolf, he is said to be a leader of the horde, a Cult of the Nightmare.

That is him there. But what about him in the real universe? Here, the Nightmare never ran rampage. Surely he must have stayed in the Everfree without the Nightmare to showcase the Nightmare's potential?

That is wrong.

A chance encounter leads to him leaving his home behind, and searching new ways to be violent...

And a new pack.

This is his story and quest.

Neon Star

Note: This may or may not be canon to TLoaWC / TLoaWC:DtaD, that is not for me to decide.

Oh, and... Am I blind or is there the Timberwolf-charactersymbol missing?


Standard. I searched a Timberwolf-picture, found one and added text.

If I get notice that I violated copyright, I will put it down.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 75 )

AYYYYYYYYYY. I just got on and find that it was just posted

so! anyways.... hmmmmm

Theodore (i call the sea monster Theodore cause it sounds sophisticated) proceeds to scream a girlish scream and try's splashing water at you. unfortunately, what seems like little splashes of water to him is actually house sized waves to you cause of size difference and all


"BUT YOU LIVE IN WATER!" you/solarkness/unnamed timberwolf screams back while trying to dodge the waves "HOW DOES THAT MAKE ANY SENSE!"

Theodore stops splashing and seems to put on a 'thinking' face "you know, you do have a point"

"YA THINK!?" you shout back while trying to regain your breath

"terribly sorry about that" theodore responds "my name is ser Theodore Jackson the 4th, but you may call me Theo or preferably Theodore for short. may I ask yours?"

you give him an incredulous look before giving a sweatdrop and a sigh "I'll have to get back to you on the name bit"

"ah, its alright, I will just call you ser Wilhelm for now" Theodore says before giving you a curious look "say, you are the first timberwolf i have ever seen that can talk Equush, let alone be friendly in any way"

"I guess you can say im special" you shrug

Ask him about his mustache

<Exchange some pleasantries> There is a pregnant pause as seconds, minutes pass. The sea serpents mind is currently working in overdrive trying, but failing, to find a way to approach this oh so delicate with his bountiful splendor while you chastise yourself for being a terrible starting conversation. You cough into a forepaw and begin the conversation anew. "*cough*, Well, excu-" Before you could finish, the apparently flamboyant serpent screams in a most dignified manner. Fearing that your 'dirty exterior' may contaminate its most illustrious facial physique, it daintily toward you in hopes that it would deter you from current path. However, what appeared to be dainty slashes of water to the sea serpent are turned into a massive waves that nearly threw you into the steam. Your make a quite prayer to Gaea hoping this encounter won't go straight to tartarus.

6220813 I believe his name is Steven Magnet.

6221989 It is. But I thought I would surprise Pentakill by first saying that 'you' start to call him Theodore, just to find out he was called Steven. Still going to do that, unless he changes his comment, which I hope he won't.

Nice to see everyone here :pinkiehappy:

Comment posted by Panem et Circenses deleted Jul 19th, 2015

Sorry accidentally deleted my post.
Stupid iPad.
Anyway, you are free to use my OC if you wish. (This goes for all TLOAWC side stories) I put the description in the forum post about OCs.

6221989 I still call him theodore (I actually forgot he was called steven magnet. I haven't read anything about him in over 2 years)

6221996 maybe he just calls him theodore because he thinks that steven magnet sound stupid.

For some reason, the serpent sniffs into the air. Eventually, It leads to him taking a whiff of you, which makes him rear back all of a sudden in a cringe.

"Woo! When is the last time since you had a bath?"

"Uh," you reply, "Never? Timberwolves don't really need baths."

The serpent gives a gasp. "You poor thing! Here, let me help you," he says as he swishes under the river.

"Waitwait—no!" you cry, but it is too late.

A precise splash of water pours out and it lands on you, soaking you to the stick and leaves in your body. You are left dripping wet and cold, since you have no innate heating system, but, most of all, odorless!

"How am I supposed to mark my territory now!?" you yell enraged. "Now even Manticores won't recognize and avoid me! I'm going to be in a heap of trouble and annoyance if other random everfreelings stumble upon me."

You wonder briefly how a serpent has any hair at all. Creatures with scales have no need of hair. So why does this one have a mustache?
You look at the elegance and become super jealous of it. If a creature with no need of hair can have one, why not you?
A mustache might confuse your prey long enough for you to strike at it, and it would set you apart.
"How did you grow your mustache?" you ask the serpent.
He seems confused by the statement.
"I didn't shave?" he says.
"No, how did you a water serpent grow one?"
"I really don't understand the question, I just did" he says confusedly.
You mutter to yourself that it must be magical.
In the back of your mind you make a note to somehow get a magical mustache in the future. You swear you will be stylin and profilin...whatever that means.

Nice Job man! This has alot of potential!


You get this strange feeling from this serpent. You feel like this serpent has a sense of...fabulousness surrounding it. You don't know how to feel about this, so you decide to just stare at him. But as you stare at him, you start to get intrampted in his moustache. The way it's just sitting there on it's face all moustachy. You start to gain a strange feeling to start chewing on his mustache. The more you stare at it the more you want to chew it. Eventually minutes pass by and you start to drool slightly at the thought of eating his moustache. However your snaped out of it when you notice the serpent giving you a strange look. You quickly smack yourself to keep it together before you open your mouth to say {insert other comment here}

Great chap man! The grammar could be better, but besides that it was great!


As you start to ponder on how to find this 'Newspaper', you begin to realize something. Your packmates bodies (or what's left of them at least) are still smoking. Which means that these were all fresh kills, and whoever or whatever did this to them could still be in the area. Watching and waiting for you to drop your guard and turn you into a smoldering pile of ash as well.

Deciding that you'd like to continue living and not end up like your ex-packmates, you make a beeline for the entrance of your old cave. You figured if whatever did this knew about the secret exit, then it could be waiting there to kill off any survivors who try to take it. So logic states that exiting through the way you came would give you a higher chance of living. As you exit the entrance you stop to take a breather. However as you do your ears pick up noises. Not just any noises, pony noises. You can just hear the sounds of hoof steps in the distance, as well as a conversation. Deciding that finding those ponies and following them would be a good idea, you take off after the noises. If whatever killed your packmates follows you, you could use the ponies as a distraction for you to escape.


I like where this is going.

Using your new found scent (or lack of one), you make your way closer to what you assume to be ponies without alerting them since your 'natural' timberwolf scent would have cause them to flee or vomit. Sometimes it's both. 'I should probably feel grateful for that bath Steven gave me, but i'm still kind of miffed since he didn't ask first before throwing a freakin tsunami at me.'

Making your way closer, you see a modest sized encampment with ponies and a few griffins milling about. Sure, it's uncommon for ponies to traverse through the Everfree, usually believing they are taking a shortcut if they lack the foreknowledge of the notorious forest. It's rarer for ponies and griffins to travel together. However, this is not what piqued your interest. A majority of the caravan appears to be wearing western style apparel with the few exceptions wearing padded armor. Although you usually stay away from civilization('ponies need to build some backbone'), you can recall the map from a not so luck adventurer. You believe that this caravan must have come from either Dodge or Appleloosa. 'By Gaea, these ponies and their puns'. As you continue with your covert observation of the caravan,but you notice an argument break out between a griffinness caravaneer and an earth pony stallion.

I was using this map


if you watched family guy, you would get the reference

I will just call you Mordekaiser for now

I now have an urge to wear a suit of armor and run around whacking people with a mace whilst yelling huehuehue...


While you walk to the path to the town to get a newspaper, you realize that ponies are definitely going to freak out at seeing your appearance. You and your pack know not to venture near the apple scented ones, they have always been known to kick hard.

You have heard rumors however of a shaman however that lives within the woods. She is said to usually travel in a cloak, and has been left alone by timberwolf, manticore and other creatures do to her aura.
If you are sneaky enough, maybe, just maybe you can take one of her spare cloaks.

You walk towards the shaman's dwelling, and you can smell the magic in the air, and it's some pretty bad juju. There are masks on the outside of the house, and an aura of unease just hits you. Luckily, you see that there is no light on in the window, so maybe she isn't home.

Sneaking around the back, you see a laundry line, and sure enough, there are some cloaks hanging out to dry. You snag one, not even checking the pockets and take off. You don't know what a shaman would do to a thief, but you aren't going to stick around to find out.

Find some sort of disguise, ponys don't much like timber wolfs do to the fact that that have a tendency to maim/kill ponys. And what's with THE ONE AND ONLY thing?

6231992 I have to ask you: Have you seen another undeadponylord around?

And Trixie always says Great and Mighty about Trixie, so why can't I call you The ONE AND ONLY?
6230580 Nice to hear that :twilightsmile:
Sorry if my grammar is pretty bad, could you please point out which mistakes I do the most? I'd prefer to fix them now before I do them all the time.
6231617 *cough* Pretty fascinating he picked exactly that name, isn't it?

Yaaaa im gonna murder this Flamer dick.

6232604 hue. oh and its the GRRRRREAT (lol tony the tiger) AND POWERFUL TRRRRRRRIXIE! you gotta roll the R's



Ignoring your own advice, eh?

6233493 if its the second letter in the word, you roll the R. I cant imagine POWERRRRRRRRRFUL

6233606 I do. Well, not everyone is perfect, eh? Oh, and my first real-life name is actually Per... Just saying.

As you wander through the forest on your quest to find a new pack, you come across a strange crack in the side of a stone ledge. Naturally you get a strange urge to kick it and it opens into a cavern entrance. You head inside where you find an old monkey with a long beard (Why is it you cannot grow such majestic facial hair?) and a long cloak.
Old Monkey: It's dangerous to go alone. Take this!
*The monkey tosses a red cloak to you*
Monkey:Yep use it well. It will help keep pony magic from sensing you and will help mask your natural odor from those without a keen sense of smell. Keep that in mind.
You:Cool that should help a lot. I never got your....
*you look around to find yourself alone in the cave.

There should be a comedic chase at some point

Observing the car you will reside in until your reach Fillydelphia, you notice that it's full of luggage's, trunks, and various other containers of personal effects. 'Hmmmmm, I believe this is what they call the, bag cart? No no, baggage car, yes that sounds right.' Thanks to your thorough evaluation you notice that there are piles of baggage's than you could hide in the chance someone decides to enter this car. Finished with scrutinizing the entire car, you can afford yourself to reflect on your current situation. You are currently in the very last car or the train with a low chance of anyone discovering you, a stow away. Ponies fear you for obvious reasons. '*sigh* Getting tired of being chased away from people. Welp, I certainly have plenty of time to myself. Might as well try and find a way to improve my equine disguise. Perhaps there's something in those bags that could help.'

Sifting through the mountains that are luggage's, you find some choice pieces of cloths and suit of armor to create a disguise. As you finish shifting into a more equine shape, you begin to don your new set of full-plate armor. Placing the last piece of armor on your head-the helmet-you will your spirit to inhabit both your wooden body and your armor as well. Cryptozoologist have found that 'alpha' timberwolves, or those of strong spirits are able to form bodies out of materials other than wood. Though they prefer to to inhabit wooden bodies, they will use other material out of necessity.

Overcome with sense of vertigo, your body sways side-to-side before finally falling over in the most dramatic fashion possible, LIKE THIS! at the end of your fall, you pull a large curtain as you fall to the floor. You look up to see what has been uncovered. 'Hmmm, a mirror.' Through the darkness you can you see yourself in your sick new duds. 'Hmmm, . . . yes. This look well on me. But the glowing eyes and wooden face aren't doing me any favors.' Once your head is thoroughly hidden in a layer of blue cloth you begin ogling the now knightly stallion in the mirror. As you look into the vanity, you can hear something scuttling about at the other end of the car. Drawing your massive sword, you cautiously approach your fellow stowaway. A small shadowy form jumps from cover and begins wildly punching your armor. lamely you lower your sword and look over your withers . . . . . . to see a small ragged filly trying to bite off one of you plates.


Wait, I killed some homeless dude? Well that's news to me :twilightoops:
You realize that a hood enough isn't going to work. You need some facial hair.
Sitting across from you is a portly looking unicorn with a long, magnificent beard. You want that beard!
"Now how the buck do I get it?" you wonder. You can't just pull it off his face, and it might wake him up.
Looking through your pockets, you find an honest to goodness razor in one of the pockets, and some scissors in the other.
"Well that's convenient," you mutter, "But I still need some sort of shaving cream..."
You look around the nearly empty room, but you do spot a desert trolley, and a bowl of whipped cream is on it.
"Eh, better than nothing."
You take the cram then look around the room, to make sure you aren't being watched. Then gently as you can, you smear the cream all over his beard.
He stirs in his sleep, but keeps on snoring.
You then take out your razor and scissors and begin cutting the beard gingerly.
Luckily for you, no one sees your impromptu barber technique, and you clean shave him.
You see that the pony looks decades younger than he used to.
"Alright, now I got my beard..." you say as you pick up pawfulls of loose hair that in no way look like a beard.
"Huh..." you say as you realize how stupid this plan was. With no adhesive to keep it all together, it's just hair.
"I did not just do that expert, albeit my first, shave to not have a beard!" you say frustrated.

Looking around the room, you open up pony luggage and find some Beeswax candles and a lighter.
You swear to Gaia, that beard will stick!.
You go to the bathroom with your clumps of hair and melt some candles, smearing the wax and hair onto your face.
If you wanted to look like a scraggly drifter, congratulations!

Later, the Ticket Pony seems to think your a drifter thanks to your beard and lack of ticket, and you are tossed off the train, in the middle of the desert at night.

6246178 Not you. According to Pentakill Apocalypse that was a reference, so I dunno.

Hmm, you gotta have an escape plan. So watch out with yo sniffing timberwolf senses.

6248139 ummmmm... Who? I don't think I heard of them

6249281 Wake up see this what do. The most classic comment driven story.

*Begins chewing on the wood of all the furniture in the car* 'Wait a minute, Beck, is that you? The couch you were chewing disassembles and congregates into something vaguely similar to a . . . . Timberwolf?!
"Beck! How did this-what-who did this to you!?"
* cough* "It . . It was the lumber . . . Jaaaccksssss . . . . . "
"Beck? Come on now. This isn't funny. Beck? BECK!!! Nnoooooooooo!!"


*ping* <optional mission> seek vengeance against Loose Logs Lumber Company

<pockets maybe found in various locations within cloaks>?

If you have enough comments to drive to story forward, you wouldn't have need to incorporate so many. Or maybe a select few while you fill in the 'fluff' of the story?

" . . . . . . Oh my. She must have been knocked unconscious. Who would do suc-" A familiar weight on you back makes itself known as you find the Great-sword wedged between a plate and a pauldron. You must had clocked her while looking around with your sword moving as you took in you surrounding. Looking away from the culprit on you shoulder, you turn your head to look back to the unconscious filly laying there on the floor. Though the filly did attempt to 'eat you' (with you being 'one' with your armor), you can't help feel guilty for knocking her senseless with your massive sword. The festering feeling inside you intensifies as you observer her still form. 'She looks slightly malnourished with her skin stretching slightly pass a few ribs. Her coat is also grimy right under her tattered clothes/cloak.' "*sigh*, this is worse than that time I accidentally 'killed' a baby Phoenix, but with the possibility of mare-slaughter."

'This filly is owed an apology for my transgression. Perhaps I could-'

You hear a set of hooves trying, and failing to sneak toward you. You wait for them to draw closer as you faux interest in the unconscious filly so you can disable them, maybe kill them if needed. Feeling a weight press against your neck guard, the surprisingly high pitched voice of your muggers speaks. "Hooves in the air where i can-" You cut of your would be muggers by deftly knocking a levitated knife out of the colts grip to the side with one hoof, and swing your sword mere inches away from his face.

To your shock, you nearly decapitated a pair of foals. To their surprise, you had disarmed them of their only means of defense along with your sword being uncomfortably too close. Second that felt like years pass. Finally, out of shock, the foals bleat like goats and tip over with their hooves twitching in the air, knocked unconscious from surprise and fear. You sigh as you sheath your sword, wondering what your should do with the trio of filthy, malnourished, foals. With a heavy sigh, you curse your bleeding heart as you decide to take them on you journey to find these proclaimed 'Crimson Knights.'

Giving into your guilt, you pile passage's onto you back and will you one of your cloaks to perpetually billow heroically in the non-existing wind. Minutes into you trek you can feel the loneliness in your chest slowly diminish in size. With or without their consent, you feel as if your all one big happy pack/herd. You recall the past few days as to the most eventful series of events in your life. From becoming pack-less, to searching for a 'newspaper', to traveling with some slumbering foals to find the Crimson Knights. You can feel a smile make its way across your face. "As the saying goes, 'The journey beats the destination'."

(Note/perk/feat/power thing/whatever): Billowing Magnificence
-Bodily hair, leafs, clothing. You can will the to move to a non-existing wind so you may appear more charismatic. That and boost your swager-asity
-It can also provide some shade for days when its hot as balls.

After hours of of walking, you finally make you way to a trading hub.

Holy shit, da faq is wrong with me!? This a comment driven. *sigh* maybe I should start my very own story . . . . ? Nah. I don't have the commitment just yest to try.



as it turns out, you have extremely deep pockets. (GTA pockets)

you come across the towns weapon store, your eyes light up in excitement as you practically trip over yourself to look at the glorious tools of destruction. much to your dismay, their weapons turn out to be apple pies. you hang your head in disappointment as you exit the sad excuse of a weapons store only to fall through the steps. the piesmith (weaponsmith) tells his apprentice to fetch the home improvement guy (you can guess who that is)

if you get the reference, you are my new best friend

You find a sultry looking red maned mare with a cherry for a cutie mark. She is loading up a wagon with baskets of cherries.
"I can't believe we're one stallion short. Are you sure you boys can handle the load with one less hoof?" she asks the stallions hooked up to the saddle.
"Well it will be tough ma'am, but not unreasonable. It may take a few more hours to get there.
"Oh, but these orders are already late as it is. Is there no other big strong stallions in this...hey you sir!" she shouts at you.
"Me?" you ask.
"Yes you! Please, we could use your help."
"With what?"
"You think you could help these fine gentlemen pull my wagon to Manehattan?"
"Umm...I don't think..."
"I'll pay you 750 bits,"
"Which way is Manehattan?!" you say as you hook yourself up.

Alright, these three kids were all knocked out, either by accident or fright, by you. You promptly stuffed them in your pockets and smuggled them hundreds of miles away to another city.
The kids do the only rational thing.
They scream at the top of their lungs for the police since you kidnapped them!
Ponies all around the city see you, a big figure in armor and a coat and three crying children, and that does not paint a pretty picture.

I think the Zecora's stolen cloak should be called the Shaman cloak, simple as that :pinkiehappy:

1. Should we name each disguise?
>Sure, sound like a good idea to me. Unless 'timberwolf' decides to use a single disguise, it would be easier to name the disguise he chooses to don.

1a. What is the name of the Shaman's cloak?
>Shaman's/zebrican/Zecora's cloak?

1b. What is the name of the Red Monkey Cloak?
>The "Red Monkey" in the cave was a legend of zelda refrence, yea guy? Maybe the Heroic/Hero's cloak? (With a closer examination of the cloak given to you by the strange monkey like creature, you can tell it is not a simple cloak to increase your swagger. You can feel the cloak invigorate you, as if you could weather the worst the world could throw at you. Increase vigor, immunity to fear effects, swagger bonus stays the same.(?))

Abyss Knight sound intimitating.
"If you want to control someone, all you have to do is to make them feel afraid."
-Paulo Coelho

Ah yes, the use of intimidation is useful. It's exponential fun to use in pathfinder. Need to unlock a door? Intimidate. Need to boil water? Intimidate. Need to roll a better check? Intimidate. Ok, that last one might not work. Just some fun times with Dungeons and Dragons.

2. Does the Abyss Knight have runes engraved / the powers of Artorias?
>From what I've read about the armor, some of its most note worthy features are its resistances (not immunity) against fires and curses. As for Artorias's powers? He's already swinging his sword like no other. Why stop there?

3. Is it okay for me to call you the Lifeforce?
Meaning you are the energy that keeps him animated, or the Force of Life deciding what happens...
>You mean something akin to the fates and the like? That's pretty nito since the commentators that drive the story play such a roll already to a certain extent.

they somehow wrap you up in a rainbow plastic wrap and start dancing on you whilst wearing (those that dont have horns) paper unicorn horns while a disembodies voice is singing

-cut to a pink fluffy pony dancing on rainbow dash, then sneezes, causing her to fly away like a rocket-

-back to you-

I dont. I cant-. what is happening?

The foals should panic due to them not knowing where they are

Question 1: I like the idea of naming each disguise.
1A: For Zecora's "borrowed" cloak, I like SnapDrakeGames's suggestion of the Classic Cloak.
1B: For the Red Cloak, I feel like it could be called the Hero's Cloak. Due to the obvious reference.
2: I have no idea. I've never played the game.
3: I love the name Lifeforce.

to play on 6272329 Coment, The Kids (Huey, Duey, and Louie) get you to help get them to their uncle ( who you find out is named Scrooge McHoof). He thanks you by giving a sizable reward that was posted around Equestria for their safe return after you explain that you found them on a train. You then ask for directions for Fillydelphia, which he gets a train ticket for you.

. . . promptly throws the apple in the direction of your head and galloped away as fast as their little legs could take them. Shaking your head from the apple bits you proceed to chase down your chargin. Awhile into the chase, you lose sight of them, leaving you very irrate for losing them in the city. “Curses, I am dangerous predator of the Everfree, how could I have lost them so easily-wait a minute, what’s this?” Checking your disguise, you notice that a section of the blue cloth wrapped around you body was torn off. However, you can still feel the section of missing cloth, but it feels as if it’s moving through the city . . . . ‘oh, one of those foals must have took a piece of my cloak. This will make finding them exponentially easier.’ You did imbed your ‘spirit’ into your disguises, should make sense that you can keep track of your own ‘essence.’ “Right, now I just need to find them.”

Making your way through a series of alleyways, your find yourself in an inside of a worn factory with various vendors selling their wares of questionable origins and purpose. Left and right, you hear merchants yelling their wares to attract the attention to possible customers. One particular vendor pique your interest. “ARMS AND ARMOR! ALL IN PRISTINE CONDITION! ROYAL GUARDS ARMOR WITH FUNCTIONAL DISGUISE ENCHANTMENTS! NEED A FIX GOT SOME- OH HELLO THERE-*cough cough* hrmp, I mean hello there my good stallion. Care to browse my wares?” “Hmmmm, you said something about disguise enchantments, right? Are you sure they still function? And if they do, what kind of disguise?” “Oh, interested in some of the royal guards armor ey? Well, I just so happen to, ‘procure,’ some to display in my inventory. Guaranteed one of a kind. Hows about this one for . . . 1000 bits, yea guy?”

His smile falters slightly, having a hard time reading your reaction due to your covered face. “Hey, ahm jokin, so 1000 bits might be askin for too much right? Let me whittle that down to ah, lets see, 800 bits. I’ll even throw in ah weapon for ya.” He winces as he glanced to the wicked looking greatswords on your back. “Course, you probably don’t need ah notha. So, hows bout we settle for, 750 bits, eh guy?” You stroke your chin, mulling over your choices. Your eyes catches a light shining from several crate behind his stall. Pointing your hoof, “What are those?” The vendor pony appears to be sweating bullets as tries to cover the crate of familiar armor. “Oh, these, these are just, umm broken-no faulty yea faulty. These aren’t for sale sooo-” one of the crates miraculously spills over showing several suits of similar armor. “Eh hehe, yea sooooo . . . . . “ “One of a kind you said?” “Hey hey hey, these are just, umm-” You lean over the counter, grabbing the vendors head and pulling him toward you. “Listen here you cur, if thou expects us to purchase illicit merchandise of yours, you best not try your trickery upon us less you-” Shifting your shoulder to display your greatsword, “-an untimely demise. So, let us continue as this never happen shall we? . . .*Ahem*, We would like to purchase that suit of armor for . . . 250 bits. Is that not a fair price?” “Uhhhh, yes-no, I mean, just take the stupid armor and leave me alone!!! Please?” Thanks to you exceptional bartering skills you now own a suit of outdated royal guards armor. You make your way out of the black market, but before you do that, you turn around to address the quivering vendor. “Excuse me, did you happen to see a small group of foals traveling through here?” “NOT THE FACE- o-oh? U-uumm, I think ah o-ov-ver heard em sayin that they w-we-ere headin somewhere that way. W-w-would that b-be all, um, sir?” "Yes, that would be all." "Finally!- I mean, have a nice! *sigh*, goddesses above do I need a drink . . . " after leaving the market, you go down an abandoned section of the factory to don your new set of armor. Less than a second after attaching the last piece of armor, you 'pony' form is shrouded in the armors illusion enchantment, leaving behind a simple white coated blue mane earth pony stallion. "Good. So he didn't lie about the enchantment. This should make finding those foals a simpler task.

New item acquired: outdated guards armor
Only high ranking officers of the royal guard wear these heavy suits of armor. Disguise more likely to works on civilians and lower ranking officers.

Dodger's perspective [for the sake of naming them, they shall be dubbed Oliver (unicorn colt), Dodger (earth pony filly), and Cosette (thestral filly) debate about the names later anyone?:

Afta ah nailed dat cloahked pohny thing wif da ahpple, we high tailed id out-ah thera. Weh prhactically ran hafway’z cross da dang city. "*gasp* oheh yoz *pant* foals, I fhink *pant* weh los em." With one final step, I decided that that was nuff fore today. I'm glad ma friends was able to keep up, them slow pokes. I'm surprised we heven made it this far, wif not have'n eatin any thing since yesterday. *ggrrrrooOoowwllll*, shad up you! Can’n hear Mah self finkin with ya whinin. *rooOoaarr*, uuggghhhh, wish ah still had thad apple. Ah really wished weh could ress ear, but ah knew we wasn't safe restin here. So I got up ta troops.

"Ok, we should keep movin. Who knows when that hood pony's gonna find us. So come 'mon fillies." " *sigh*,can't we just wait a little bit longer. I feel like my legs are gonna fall off." "Oigh, not yet twist, not until it's safe. So move em noodle legs so's we can- omph!! Aahhh! Ahm blind halp getitoffgetitoffgetitoff- *smack!* ack! EY COSY, NOT COOL- ,oh ey, ah can see. Thanks." " Don't mention it. Hmm? Hey Twist! Look at this flyer." "Oh hey a convention. Welcome to the 21st annual Manehattan convention found on something . . . . . Maybe we should check it out? What do you Cosette?" "I think it would be a fun idea. Dodger, what do you think?" Hmmm, sound like fun. Maybe we'z could steal some merch an pick some pockets, yea. I'm in!" So, afta ah vote we'z decided itd's be our best interest ta head for tha convention and maybe snag a few 'souvenirs'. "Alrightly then, I guess our next destinations the convention. Gosh, I hope they have some power ponies there. Nothing gonna ruin our day now!"

<2 hours later>

“Cain ya believe dat stallion? Kickin some foals to da curbs lik some garbage. Bet he’s compensatin for somethin.” “Well, we did try to sneak in without tickets? Anypony have any ideas?” “Hmmmm, perhaps I could carry one of you two onto the roof at a time?” “Nah, bet tha doors up there ah locked. Heven iff we mak ah way up, sum-mon’s gonna spot us. Per haps we need ah more suddle aproach?” Pointin a hoof at the 20 hoof long costum, ma two friends look at each otha before turnin to me wif recognition in their faces. Afta sneakin in though the entrance . . .

(my god am i tired. I'm very bad person for trying Brooklyn accent. I'z so hard ta type. Ehhh, fawget aboutit Much shape to mlp community, so doge.)

With the help of his confusion you quickly subdue the fisrt guard. However, in the few seconds it took you to knock him unconcious the other guard, being trained for quick thinking (even though he wasn't at the top of his class), has realized you are, in fact, NOT his superiour and that he should probably stop you. He levels his spear at you accordingly and it's pretty obvious he's not going down as easily (he did graduate at the top of THAT class but you don't know that).

You see a nearby vendor selling bannanas you quickly react by throwing them at the guards with levitation and knock
them unconscious

You slammed into the guard with enough force to tip him over and into a roll. You try to choke him out but your armored plating makes it difficult to get your hooves around him. Noticing you inability to fully pin him, the guard below you roll you into to the side. You're locked in a grapple, trying to gain leverage on the other.

The other guard that was was tripped by some untangle force *cough cough*, manages to stand without tripping. He prepares to assist his fellow guard, only to find his partner and you grappling, in a mud pit, with spectators occasionally throwing money into said pit. His wings become fully erect from the sight and his nose begins to bleed a little. 'Oh Celestia this is hot, I know we need to get those Horde guys buuuuut, come on! Mud wrestling! Wow this this is getting me really excited! Look at em . . Wait, is this my . . Blood? Awww fudge . . . ' It's a shame that this guard has hemophilia since his little bloody nose transformed Inot a raging torrent.

One of the spectators sees the guard bleeding and Beckons for everyone to help in anyway possible. This caused some of them spectating civilians to drop some bits in their rush to help or observe the guard with the extreme case of hemophilia.

Oh hey! im alive! I havent been on here since like, august! cause school and shit like that *I hate my life*, then I look here and *gasp* new chapter!, though im a week late. btw if you dont remember me, im the guy who let you use my OC bat-pony thingy guy..... of fighting. *sigh* im so alone right now

6717717 Right now, you are. But in the far, I see a light for you... no wait, its a train. So... do you want me to give you a hug?

6718720 *sniff* it would be much appreciated

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