• Member Since 23rd Dec, 2011
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Jack Kellar

Nothing to see here. Move along to the "Stories" section, please.


They were all dead. The Cleaner case was wrapped up, waiting to become a part of the NYPD's police archives, a present to be delivered with an extensive obituary as the ribbon tying the box shut.

To me, too, it was over... just not in the way I had imagined.

A Max Payne crossover.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 43 )

Well, boys and girls, this is it! Enjoy, if you can.

I gotta say many thanks to Rust, Muppetz and Clonehunter, for reasons that are rather easy to figure out after you read this wall-o-text up there. You guys were responsible for much of my drive to write, and great sources of inspiration as well. To anyone else, seriously, go check those dudes out: they're awesome.

Oh, and for the one that thumbed this down without leaving a comment explaining the reason...
Or, in clearer words, go fuck yourself with a rusty pipe full of dirty water.

638400 very welldone
you got max just right:yay:

Chapter 2, GO!

Before you ask: the last part is in italics for a reason.

Give me moar

644894 Nice to know that! Max is a very complicated character to write, and it makes me happy to know I'm up for the challenge.

Very good
Keep up the good work

When will you launch the next chapter?

773344 When it's done. :ajbemused:

Take this as your cue. I don't like being rushed.
If someone asks this again, well... Expect a 1-day delay on posting for each time it's asked. :moustache:

Ugh :facehoof: At least I got this one out before August.

Sorry for the delay, my dears, but rushing through the process to get a driver's license, along with a busted hard drive making my PC unusable (good thing I have three different copies of all my document files, all updated frequently), threw me on an inevitable delay. But it's all good now: I got a 1TB Samsung Barracuda on my baby, and am now officially qualified for driving both cars and bikes. Now I can focus back on what really matters to you guys :pinkiehappy:

Great story
P.S which game is this based in?

867868 just wanting to make sure

867896 If you're asking about the scenes, I thought Max's situation was very vaguely similar to chapters 3-5 and 3-6 of the first game ("In The Land Of The Blind" and "Byzantine Power Game"), and I wrote it based on them, but with a different approach based on what Max had seen.

Yay, two chapters in one month's time! :moustache:

Now, boys and girls, this baby here may be going on a slight hiatus. I have another story I write that I haven't updated for many months. I'm even thinking of bringing it here to this site, since FanFiction started acting like a bunch of assholes a while back.

This is it, if you're interested. It's a crossover with Left 4 Dead, so it may not be exactly your cup of tea. You have been warned.

In my opinion, the best MP/MLP crossover I've read. Great portrayal of Max, and love the interactions so far.
Can't wait for the next chapter, hiatus or not!

1017864 Well, it wouldn't be Max Payne if the character wasn't Max, now would it? :moustache:

Glad to hear you like it so much, I pour effort into writing this! :yay:

I like this Max Payne. You know, the Max Payne before 3, when he kinda became a parody of himself. Now don't get me wrong, that game is fun, but damn, I really started to hate Max.

What can I say? Max Payne is pretty well in character, although the rigid attempts to keep the narrative in Max's voice sometimes occludes what's going on to the point where I get a little confused as to what is actually happening.

For a little while there, i wasn't sure I got it, so let me see if I get this straight. Luna saw what she thought was the Nightmare in Max's eyes, so she called out the Elements to blast him. The Elements failed, or did not work as intended, placing the Bearers in some kind of horrific vision, during which Max made a break for it. He was stopped by the guards and Celestia...

Is this right, or am I confused?

I want you to understand that I DO like this story, I think you're doing an excellent job. The problem is, Max's particular style of narrative works in conjunction with a visual of some sort. In the game, while Max is going off on his pain and drug induced rambling tangents about the soul and the nature of evil, we can plainly see what is actually happening in the comic style panels or the action itself. This is a stylistic choice by the game developers, because what Max narrates is muddy and full of emotional jagged edges, whereas what is happening on screen is crystal razor clear. That dichotomy is what makes the game work.

In a story, we only have Max's narrative voice, so when it's done RIGHT, as you have, the result is... a little unclear. Does that makes sense? I'm not trying to bring you down, I'm just trying to explore why I am confused, at times.

Of course, there's always the possibility that the problem is on my end. Either way, this deserves way more attention than it is getting.

1162953 That's why I promised myself not to touch 3, and started this right at the end of 2. I really don't like how they wrote my favorite detective, way too vulgar and shallow for a guy that's inherently introspective. Sure, there are good things in it (including a bit that will come up soon), but I'm not buying a questionable CD just because of a good track.

You nailed the current events down to a T. Luna saw what she thought was the Nightmare in Max, the same way he saw himself in her. With her character development in the series, she understood that something so similar to Nightmare Moon can hardly be anything but a threat, so she called the elements against him. As for the Elements of Harmony, refer to the scene at the end of the second chapter, the one in italics. And yes, it was Celestia who grabbed him mid-jump.

About the style needing a visual aid, that's exactly why it takes me so long to release these chapters even with this meager length: it's really hard to write the story without being overly descriptive, something that Max wouldn't be. I try to maintain that 'comic book narrative' feel, only explaining the very least necessary while still being clear enough to understand.
In fact, I'm surprised you're the first one that asked about the development.

As a final note, thank you for the kind words and posting an actual intelligent comment! :heart::raritywink:

lol poor max he is in for a BIG BIG change in his life style and i dont think he will like it much

fucking shit luna stop fucking up in every game crossover

Comment posted by Jack Kellar deleted Mar 23rd, 2013

There a chance this might see more work done on it in the near future? Because I'm kinda diggin' it. :pinkiesmile:

1683746 The next chapter is a bit over 1,000 words in, JSYK :raritywink: I just gotta break my little writing funk for the moment, and get done with an RL issue or two :ajsleepy:

638400 Holy crap, I hate it when people do that!

Also, as for the idea behind this fic, :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:


This story is really interesting. I hope it gets finished soon.

... and not a single comment was posted that day :fluttershysad:

Dude, I'm so glad The Rogue Wolf recommended this fic. You captured the feeling of the games so perfectly! Please tell me this isn't dead!

This was quite an interesting read! Also came here through Wolf's blog, guess I missed this fic earlier, but I am really enjoying it.

Wait, wait, wait, hold the phone there. I got featured on somepony else's blog? :rainbowderp:
Jesus, I had no idea.
You bronies just made my freakin' day! :pinkiehappy:

And negatory, it's FAR from dead, guys. I just need to get my noir bone tickled again, preferably after I get a break from university and finish re-writing another story I think you'll like when I post it. Trust me, I got ideas and ideas for this baby :rainbowkiss:

Comment posted by Deadinlight deleted Jul 19th, 2013

Your story have been sitting in my read later list since The Rogue Wolf recommended it, and I must say, now that I have read it, I am pleasantly surprised - or in other words: I really like your story so far.

I hope you get your noir bone tickled so the story can continue, but if you don't, I just want you to know, that what you have written here is good, and that I think it is unfortunate that this story haven't taken off in popularity in a way it deserves.

2945004 Those are some very kind words, brony :pinkiesmile: As I said, this story'll only die when I have no conceivable ways of continuing it, and I mean that in the physical sense. So expect to see more sometime in the future.

This fic deserves more love! :heart:

Also, my brain hurts more than it did while playing the third game, so congrats! God, that game had too many flashy lights.

2972238 Pretty sure I saw it... I even commented on it.

Oh...well...read it again! GET SELF-ESTEEM!

All of sudden, it became clear why you enjoyed my Manhunt crossover. Not that I blame you, for I also like Max Payne. It's definitely an interesting story. :pinkiehappy:

I just came here to add some green to that bar up there . :rainbowlaugh:

Here’s hoping you come back and finish this. It’s really interesting so far!

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