• Published 22nd Aug 2015
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A Beautiful New Age - JDPrime22

As it is said, true peace can only be granted through countless innocent lives. In hindsight, the ponies were never that different from humans. Ultron’s plan is not over, and soon his strings will be severed for the last time.

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Chapter 6-That Ain’t Earth! That Ain’t Earth!

“Wow! What’s this?!”

“Don’t touch that.”

“This is incredible! Never in all my years of science have I witnessed such…such…precision and fluidity!”

“That’s cool. Now back off.”

“Can I touch this one?”

“No! You… Actually, yeah, you can touch that one.”

“How did you even manage to capture electrified light particles and use them for both flight and offensive capabilities?”

“I’ll tell you when you’re older. Now please, this is very delicate equipment, and I can’t have anyone getting too close to the—”

“How ‘bout this one?”

“Which—? No! Don’t touch tha—!”

Spike had gripped his claw around a small, cylinder-shaped object resting within the forearm piece of the shattered, metal suit. Doing so activated the miniature missile to shoot outwards at breakneck speeds, the poor dragon still clasping onto the object for dear life. Tony Stark, who was previously fixing up the lower torso portion of his suit, ducked once the missile flew over his and Twilight’s head, the dragon following suit.

“Spike!” cried Twilight, both she and Stark ducking once more as the missile came back for a flyby, carrying Spike across the library, bouncing against the crystal walls, and finally impacting the top of the exit. Spike, of course, faceplanted against the crystal wall before he and the missile slowly fell to the ground.

Twilight made her move forward, only to be stopped short by Stark’s hand blocking her path.

“Wait up…” Tony warned, eyes wide and breathing silent.

Twilight shot her stare away from the man and onto her injured friend. Spike groaned in pain, the missile in his claw sputtering for several seconds. It popped, small puffs of smoke escaping its exhaust before finally falling silent. Stark breathed a sigh of relief.

“Just a dud,” said Stark casually. “That was a close one. Could’ve sworn the missile was gonna blow there.”

“Wait, what?!” both Spike and Twilight shouted.

“Well, what’d you expect?” Tony said, his arms out wide as if he was confused by their response. “My suit is a personal weapon of war, treated only by the hands of specialists…me personally. I don’t carry around toys, kiddies. Oh, and you might want to get rid of that missile like…now. Probably might want to bury it, too. Just to be on the safe side.”

Spike’s eyes shot open. All the pain in his body suddenly vanished. He leapt up with renewed vigor, carefully handling the missile in his claws as he made his way out of the library and presumably outside the castle to do as Stark mentioned. Twilight watched him leave, her eyes shifting over to gaze at Stark. He paid her no heed, already returning to his work.

“So that…missile could’ve blown up?” Twilight asked, moving over to stand to his left.

“Oh, yeah,” Tony said nodding, bending down and picking apart several wires within the exposed chest cavity of his suit. He sighed and returned his gaze over to the pile of tools Twilight had provided him with. “You got any smaller tools…or anything that could be useful to me?”

He didn’t get a response right away. That irked him. He always expected a direct response right away whenever he was working on his suits. Just like how Jarvis…

Stark momentarily stopped what he was doing. He closed his eyes. His hand that had been previously gripping the miniature screwdriver dropped the tool and rose up to rub his temples. He needed to stop this. Now. He was gone, nothing could change that. Every bit of his existence was transfused within the heart and soul of the android. He had a body, he had a figure. He finally had his freedom. But still…the feeling of having old Jarvis back, back when he was just making suits. Those were the days. Not like recently with the world tearing itself a—

Twilight’s voice returned, breaking Stark’s daydream and causing him to blink several times.

“That missile…could’ve blown up?” Twilight asked, her voice on the edge. This time, Tony looked back at her, though he still looked bemused. “And what about my friend? What would’ve happened to Spike?”

“Are these supposed to be the important questions?” Stark asked with his arms crossed, causing Twilight to frown. He continued, pointing at her. “Because I only answer the important questions, remember?” The look on her face…

He rolled his eyes, facing the table again and checking the tools he was given. “There was a good…twelve percent chance it was gonna blow, but that’s just speculating. I’m sure Draco would’ve been fine.”


He couldn’t even make references around these characters. Now what?

Tony just shook his head. “It’s nothing. Just…forget it,” he told her, falling into an uncomfortable silence, one Stark was not used to. He needed someone to talk to, someone who he can connect with or, better yet, belittle. Rarity had left the moment he started talking about the Arc Reactor technology that once powered the suit—which Twilight took great interest into—so she was out. He kind of liked Spike, but he wasn’t really the techy kind of person. The only one who was really interested in his work was…

“Sooo…” the unmistakable voice of Twilight Sparkle began from his side. Tony stopped picking up torn and unusable pieces from his armor lying across the table and turned his eyes towards her, noticing her hooves placed firmly against the crystal and her eyes staring intently at his broken suit.

The look in her eyes was so fresh, ready to take on the challenge of exploring all that there was about all of the information of the technology Stark had told her, all that he presumably told her. There were still many secrets not even the purple pony should know. Tony, on the other hand, was waiting for her to continue, his mind reeling on what she could ask next.

The entire walk into the castle, through the halls, into the library, him stripping down and breaking off the armor was just questions after questions after questions. Every single one was about his suit, and he told her as much as she should know. Nothing more. What else could she ask? What else could be in that young, intelligent mind of Princess Twilight Sparkle?

“About you falling out of the sky…”

The inevitable question, the one that Stark hoped she’d never ask.

He remained silent, tinkering away at the metallic arm. She said, “You seem to know your way around the suit, considering you built it and all. So, there must’ve been something that happened to you when you were flying, something unexpected. Mind if I ask what it was?”

Stark jammed his hand into the right forearm, bringing up the armor and flexing his fingers. He eyed it cautiously, raising up the screwdriver and tightening the mechanics. “Yup…something definitely did happen,” he told her, biting his lower lip.

“Which was…?”

“Let’s just say I got into a fight. Kind of a…big fight over the safety of the entire world.” He shot out his arm, the palm of his hand glowing bright. “Where I’m from…I’m sort of a ‘big deal’ and a…uh… I guess you could say I’m a superhero.”

That actually shut her up. But only for a few seconds. Thank God for those seconds of silence.

Twilight smirked, her eyebrow rising suspiciously. “You? A superhero?”

“Hey, an argument could be made for a different title. Take your pick: billionaire, playboy, super genius, whichever you’d like.”

The Alicorn giggled. “I’d never imagine someone like you to be a superhero,” she said, still incredulous on the information.

Neither would I, Stark thought, pulling his arm out of the metal covering and placing it gently back on the table. It wasn’t too long before Twilight begun asking her next wave of impending questions. But only Stark determined if they were worthy.

“So, where you’re from…you’re a superhero?” Twilight asked, earning a nod from the man half-focused on his work. “Where exactly are you from?”

“A little planet called Earth,” Stark answered almost immediately, lifting up his chest plate out in front of him. “Mind holding this for me?”

Twilight’s horn began to glow, enveloping the chest covering in a purple aura. Tony moved the plating over to where it floated in-between the two, blocking Twilight’s face as he moved in to begin his work, screwdriver in hand. It was little, but it was all he had to work with.

Twilight breathed out through her nose, nearly releasing an exasperated snort. It was as if Tony was trying to block her away, to stop her from asking those burning questions. He could try.

“So this ‘Earth’ is your home planet?” she asked. Tony didn’t respond, but she assumed the answer was yes and continued on. “Are there any…other humans that live on Earth?”

It was as if she could see the strange look Stark had given her from behind the plating. He said, “Yeah…about seven billion of ‘em…hopefully. Why do you ask? You plannin’ an invasion or somethin’?”

Twilight shook her head, but she knew he didn’t see that. “No, I was just…wondering is all,” she told him, letting something slip by moments later. “…It’s just that I was curious exactly where the portal sent me each time I visited the human world and where all of my Canterlot High friends—”

She could see his fingers coil around the chest covering and fling it to the ground in an instant, causing Twilight to yelp and back away as Stark gave her the wildest expression she’d seen out of the calm and collective human. His eyes nearly bugged out of his skull, his jaw was slightly ajar, and his words came out in confused mumbles.

He dropped the screwdriver, lifting both his hands that were nearly touching her face. “You… You’ve had a portal to Earth this entire time…and you don’t tell me about this until now?” he asked her, voice wanting and fists clenched.

Twilight shook her head, taking a few steps back. She clearly wasn’t expecting this side of Stark. From his bubbly and sarcastic personality, it was a surprise to see him so…serious all of a sudden.

She opened her mouth to begin to explain, but Tony beat her to the punch, standing up fully and looking around the library. “You know what? It doesn’t matter to me. Where’s the portal, or is it just one of those portals that open up every few years or so? I cannot stay here in screwed-up horsey land for that long. I can’t! The tech here—pardon me—sucks, and I can hardly even repair my suit.”

While Stark was busy speaking to no one in particular, just yelling out random nonsense at that point of staying in a wooden cottage chopping wood, Twilight trotted over to her bookshelf and levitated a certain brown-covered book out from its position. She smiled, eyeing the sun image on the front cover.

“And you might want to go in looking for a better sanitation area, because that toilet I used was way too… What are you doing?” Stark’s speech was cut short with the sight of Twilight trotting past him with a book in her magical grasp. He watched her make her way over to a machine he would’ve slapped himself for not noticing earlier.

The machine stood a good ten or twelve feet tall, being made out of what appeared to be wooden gears and pistons with metallic rods sticking up and out of every direction. A large mirror sat in the center of the machine with steps leading up to the glass. Twilight, however, paid no attention to the glass and instead levitated the book upwards to sit on a golden stand.

What happened next actually surprised Stark. The book began to glow, raising a purple light upwards until it shot out to the two metal rods, traveling through the entire machine until the lights caught up together near the mirror, striking once with what appeared to be a flash. Tony flinched, resting his gaze on the aftermath.

Twilight stood in front of the mirror, or if it could even be called a mirror anymore. Clouds of purple and white swirled together and sank deep into the center of the mirror, creating a certain portal-like affect that Stark’s seen in plenty of sci-fi-type movies. It was so cliché and awesome at the same time.

Tony began to approach the machine, never breaking his eyes from the glowing mirror. He practically ignored Twilight as she began explaining its purpose.

“I’ve used this portal many a time to travel all the way to the human world, or should I say ‘Earth’?” she quipped, smirking over at Stark whose eyes refused to remove themselves from the portal. “All you need to do is step through the portal and you’ll be there. However, I feel the need to warn you about some certain…side effects that might occur.”

Tony dropped his gaze and stared at her questioningly. “Side effects?” he asked.

Twilight rubbed her hoof, her eyes staring deeply into the swirling shades. “Well…I know that a pony changes into a human once he or she enters the portal, and Spike turned into a dog. The best I can assume is that when I returned from being a human I changed back into a pony. So…a human entering the human world…”

“You guys are weird. I’m going in,” Tony Stark commented, already taking his first steps into the portal despite Twilight’s warning. No more than four seconds did he return with a look of terror etched on his face.

Twilight gasped, running up to him. “Mr. Stark, are you okay?! What happened in there?” she asked, leaning over to see passed his legs.

The man blinked numerous times, almost forcing himself to draw the images out of his brain. He shook his head, refusing to meet the Alicorn’s gaze and said, “Well, Twilight, you were right and you were wrong.”

She tilted her head sideways. “Huh?”

Stark pursed his lips. “That wasn’t Earth…and there were side effects.”

“Like what?”

As if he awoke from a terrible nightmare, Tony shook his head quickly, breathing out through parted and chapped lips. He muttered, “Well…I was at a high school filled with multi-colored teenagers…and I was a horse. Like…a legitimate, freaking horse, not like a pony like you.”

Twilight’s eyes grew wide, her stare shifting over to the portal curiously. A heavy sigh came from above, prompting the Alicorn to turn her gaze there.

Tony rubbed his eyes, groaning, “You got any bleach?”

Before Twilight could question the usage of such an item, a polite and elegant cough caught both of their attentions. Rarity appeared from behind holding out a tray which contained a few cups and a medium pitcher of tea. Some sandwiches were laid out, two having a pair of daises which earned a curious eyebrow to rise from Stark.

Rarity set the tray down on the table next to Stark’s disassembled suit and approached the duo. She eyed the purple light escaping the mirror and asked, “My word, Twilight. Whatever are you doing with the portal open?”

“Oh, nothing major, just an experiment is all,” answered Twilight, who levitated the book off its golden stand which deactivated the machine and closed the portal. She lowered the book so that it would be in her reach, but Tony snagged it out of the air before it could pass him.

He held out the book to the two mares, shaking it slightly. “I’m gonna burn this thing.”

“No, you’re not!” Twilight sternly told him, yanking the book free from his grasp and placing it back in the bookshelf. She sent a glare his way, earning a defeated raise of hands from Stark as he retreated back to the table.

Rarity watched him pass. “So, is there any reason why I just saw Spike burying a metal rod behind Twilight’s castle no more than a few minutes ago?” she asked, turning to face Twilight.

“It’s a long story, Rarity,” Twilight muttered, her tired eyes landing on Stark poking the sandwiches with a screwdriver. She sighed. “Look…there’s something I need to talk with you about.”

“Oh? And what might that be, dearie?”

Tony cut her off. “Hey, are those daisies on the sandwiches?”

Rarity spun around, smiling awkwardly. She stammered, “Oh, w-well, yes, darling. I’m dreadfully sorry. I didn’t know if you’d like daisies on your sandwich, so I just made you a plain tomato and lettuce sandwich… I-if that’s alright with you, I mean?”

Stark eyed the sandwich as if it were another one of his bombs ready to blow, striking shards into his heart. With one final look at Rarity, he pointed at her and asked, “Whole wheat?”

“Of course,” Rarity confirmed with a smile.

Stark smiled back, though more jovial than Rarity had. He slapped his hands together and announced, “Then we’re on peaceful terms, I’d say!”

“Yes…um…quite,” the unicorn muttered faintly, eyes staring at the back of the man as he sat down and began to feast. A purple wing draped over Rarity’s withers, earning a surprised squeak from the mare as Twilight leaned in close.

“Listen, Rarity,” Twilight whispered as she took her friend over to the library’s exit, “I just had a discussion with Mr. Stark about where he comes from. He said he was from the human world, a world called ‘Earth’, but when he stepped in the portal he described it as not being his home planet.”

Tony poured himself a cup of tea, taking another bite out of his sandwich while simultaneously working on his suit. Rarity broke her gaze from the man and brought it back to Twilight.

“So, what you’re implying is that there is a whole other human world besides the one with your Canterlot High friends?” Rarity pondered.

Twilight nodded with a smile. “Yes, and we need to learn as much as we can about it. I’ll contact Princess Celestia as soon as Spike gets back into the castle and inform her of this information. She might want to have a little discussion with Mr. Stark…”

Rarity slipped under and away from Twilight’s wing, having reached the exit of the library and back into the hallways of the castle. She faced Twilight fully, saying, “Sounds like a splendid idea! What should we do in the meantime, darling?”

“Well, Spike might still be outside trying to bury that missile as far down into the ground as possible, so I’ll go get him. You stay here and make Mr. Stark some more food because I think he’s already finished with his…and ours.”

“Daisies were a bit much! Not a fan!” they heard from within the library.

Rarity looked over Twilight’s shoulder, showing off a little half-grin. “My, my, he certainly has quite the appetite for a…um…uh…a human, that is. They are certainly odd creatures, wouldn't you say, Twilight?”

Twilight nodded, smiling as well. Joining her friend, she spun her neck around and witnessed Tony Stark continuing his work, never halting and only taking a few sips from his tea every now and then. He was so productive, so silent in his work that he almost gave off the impression that he was a machine himself, just like his suit. As Twilight continued to stare, Rarity took a step away.

“Well, I will be in the kitchen fetching fresh delicacies for our host if you need me,” Rarity chimed, smiling as she made her way down the hall.

Twilight chuckled. “You sure warmed up to him.”

“As long as he doesn’t call me Marshmallow, darling, then we're on peaceful terms!” she called, already disappearing in the darkness. Before she could make her own retreat, Twilight spun back around, eyeing Stark tamper with his suit.

“Do you need anything else, Mr. Stark?” she let slip by.

Tony Stark lifted up his head and smiled.

“If you happen to have any information on assorted onboard weapons systems and repairs for communication arrays and sensors, I would love to hear about it. Oh, and viable power sources suitable enough to be able to withstand any force of nature, bullets, rocket blasts, and enemy radar would be greatly appreciated.”

“Really? I’ve just been recently studying a spell that can electrically charge any particles on command. I’m certain the spell can work for power sources, just as soon as you get them up and running. Take your time. I have confidence you’ll get it fixed sooner or later.”

Stark’s smile fell apart. Twilight turned away and left, a victorious grin tugging at her lips.

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