• Published 30th May 2012
  • 1,962 Views, 220 Comments

Canterlot: Her Creation and Her Architects - vren55

The untold story of Canterlot Castle's inception and construction after the Rise of Nightmare Moon.

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The Conditions

The Conditions

The announcement of the architects was full of pomp, circumstance and a bit of a hassle as Spire was rather picky on where he should put his painting and the guards had to gently coax the nervous Chartres up onto stage. Other than that there was a lot of cheering from as the construction of the new capital was announced.

However, the real business was to begin in a large meeting tent with a round table in the centre. This was where the seven ponies were going to meet with Princess Celestia for their first meeting regarding the construction of the capital.

One of the chairs at the table was different from the others, for good reason. Celestia’s was to be an ornate, high-backed, piece of furniture, with several large cushions nestled on them. As Vaultaire entered the tent, she noticed the sandy-colored pony known as Sa’id hunched by the throne, with a hammer and several nails.

“What are you doing to Celestia’s chair Sa’id?” asked Vaultaire warily.

“I’m fixing it. I can’t believe her majesty has to sit constantly on this piece of horse crap.” The desert pony grimaced as he continued to chip at something on the legs of the throne. Breathing a sigh of relief, the pegasus chuckled.

“She’s complained to me about her ceremonial sets more times than I can count, so I gave her those cushions as a Hearts Warming Gift and she has never gone without them,” recounted Vaultaire. The desert pony raised his eyebrows in approval as he began to fiddle with one of the chair’s armrests.

“Ah! A good choice! They are firm, not soft and provide good support. They look good too! I swear ponies forget that function and beauty must come hoof in hoof! Now hold that piece for me.”

Thirty minutes later...

If the table had a corner seat, Byzas would have chosen it for himself. However, the shape of the table denied that wish and the anxious earth pony soon found himself seated between Golden Triangle and Vaultaire. For a long minute Byzas sat in silence, until he decided to ask the duke a question that had been on his mind for a while.

“YourgraceTrottinghamisthe. Sorry, Your Grace Trottingham. May I ask you a question?” inquired Byzas. The unicorn nodded, initially surprised that the younger pony had earlier addressed him by title as opposed to name. Rather good etiquette for a commoner artist.

“Is the entire reason for The Great Gathering was so that Princess Celestia could choose architects for the new capital?” stammered Byzas.

“As far as we know master Spire, that was only one of the major reasons our sovereign convened this celebration. There were other issues that were to be addressed by The Great Gathering. Thanks to the war the development of the arts within Equestria were stymied. Not only that, but her highness Luna was patron to a large group of artists who were persecuted and their works lost. So our hypothesis is that her majesty wanted to use this event to start a revival of the arts.”

“It’sjustthat. Sorry Your Grace, I’m surprised that her majesty was able to finance the Gathering, with Equestria being in the condition it is now,” said Byzas. The earth pony on his journeys throughout post-war Equestria had witnessed the devastating impact of such a long period of sun deprivation. Fields had wilted away, orchards had become firewood and if not for the back-up granaries designed have for a situation like this, Equestria would have torn itself to pieces.

“Well young Spire, have our ways in finances and mayhaps we shall share some of our secrets with thee,” replied Golden Triangle with a smile, and a higher opinion of the young artist.

Across the table, Chartres sunk deeper into her soft cushioned seat, nervously wondering how she would be able to contribute to the meeting.

“You’ll be fine. Just think first, and then state your opinions clearly,” assured a voice to her right. The unicorn turned to see White Tower with a piece of parchment, some ink and quills. Clearly, the earth pony was preparing to take notes of the meeting.

"What... how did you know what I was thinking?” asked Chartres. The earth pony shrugged as she wrote the date on top of her scroll as well as a few unintelligible details.

“Felt the same way during my first meeting with Barbican. Not to mention that your feelings were all over your face.” It was then that Barbican, who was seated to White Tower’s right, asked the earth pony a question, leaving Chartres with somehow more confidence that before.

At that moment, Princess Celestia entered the tent, causing all the occupants to bow.

"Morning my little ponies, I trust thou slept well?” asked Celestia. At the nods and positive replies, the alicorn sat down to began the meeting and opened her eyes in surprise.

“Did anypony touch our throne?” The assembled ponies glanced at each other and soon, the majority of the gazes settled on Sa’id and Vaultaire, both of whom were struggling to hold back their grins.

“Do you like what we did your highness?” asked the desert pony. The princess’s eyes narrowed, causing a few hearts to pump faster, before a smile stretched across the alicorn’s face.

“The comfort has been doubled thanks to thy efforts. We may actually enjoy sitting this throne now,” remarked Celestia, causing Sa’id and Vaultaire to spew raucous laughter and the rest of the ponies to drop their jaws.

After the laughter was stifled and the jaws locked back into place, the meeting finally began. Celestia stood up and addressed the ponies.

“We have decided that for the design and construction of the new capital of Equestria, we are giving thou free reign over most aspects of the project. However, our advisors and we have several conditions that thou must follow.”

“Mount Canter shall be the site of the new capital. Being highly defensible and close to the centre of Equestria, it will be the ideal spot. The city must make our ponies feel safe and must protect them. Additionally, it must impress itself upon all who gaze upon it.”

The seven ponies nodded at the princess’s requests. They seemed quite basic of any city or structure of this magnitude. The final condition threw most of them into a loop.

“Finally, the new capital must be based off of Spire’s painting. Thou needs not follow it to the last brush, but we would like thou to take much inspiration from it,” said Celestia. With that, the princess gently levitated the canvas painting from its place beside Spire and unfurled it.

The artist had completed the painting in record time, but that did not detract from the quality of the piece. Stately perched upon the side of the mountain, was the city and castle of gold, purple and white. The elegant spires and rounded domes that made up the main castle were interconnected by a series of bridges and arches. Clean glistening waterfalls ran through the bustling city in front of the castle, and low walls encircled the entire complex. But with one look at the painting, Barbican began to feel worried.

“It’s mounted on the edge of a cliff Spire.” Byzas was still trying to get over the fact that his painting was going to be the inspiration for the new capitol. He was also wondering what Chartres was thinking of him and thus, Barbican’s statement went right through one ear and out the other.

“... Huh?” replied the dazed artist.

“What if the castle falls off? There’s no way we can build something that dangerous,” said the pegasus grimly.

“We can do it safely,” said Sa’id eyes scanning the painting.

That completely baffled everypony in the tent, even Spire.

“How? It’s a castle, not an octopus! It’s hath no suckers Sa’id!” decried Barbican.

“Of course it doesn’t suck Barbican. What in Equestria were you thinking? Only parts of it are hanging off the cliff. Most of it can be grounded onto the cliff, providing we find the right one of course. The rest gradually from the face using stone, some reinforcement charms, volcanic ash...”

“Volcanic ash?” remarked Celestia curiously. Sa’id’s excitement seemed to grow exponentially as he explained.

“Your engineers have never used it? Used in mortar it resists water greatly and is extremely durable to all weather! Thus we can build the castle off the edge of a cliff and there will not be a problem for a thousand years. Oh this will be so FUN!”

Again, the ponies were speechless and all that was heard was Celestia’s soft laugh.

“We shall take thy word for it Sa’id. Though, we hope that thou can present a measure of proof to alleviate any worries,” said Celestia. Sa’id nodded in agreement as Golden Triangle spoke up, his visage serious.

“We have a number of concerns about the castle in thy painting. While we admit that Spire’s painting is impressive, we think it would be better if the design for the capital only contain aspects of what is being shown to our eyes,” said the unicorn.

“Whatsort... sorry. What’s wrong with the capitol in my painting sir? Is it the colour? Is it the environment? Is it that the perspective is off?” stammered Spire as he closely examined his work again.

“Nay Spire. While there are aspects and attributes we wish to change, that was not the problem we were concerned about. We apologise for our complaint and implore thou to not take offense for our objection to thy work-,”

“Get the point Golden Oldy and stop posturing,” groaned Vaultaire bluntly, having recognized her old professor’s descent into incomprehensible mush from the lectures she had to sit through. The turquoise unicorn glared at the pegasus causing many of the table’s occupants to shrink back into their chairs.

“The towers Spire. They are too tall. They may look... imperious, but they do not please the eye,” said Golden Triangle in a low voice while glancing at Vaultaire. Hesitantly, Spire leaned forward, wondering how to placate Golden Triangle.

“Your grace, are you sure they are too tall? If they are any shorter, the castle will pale in comparison to the mountain and the capital won’t be able to impress anypony,” said Spire. Golden Triangle shook his head and replied in a condescending tone that elicited a rare frown from the earth pony.

“Thou art young and immature Spire. I can prove that shorter, larger towers can work better.”

“Proven by your fancy mathematics Golden Oldy?” blurted out Vaultaire, unable to take any more of Golden Triangle’s sweet-talk. The unicorn’s reply was still formal and courteous, but there was an unseen edge to it.

“Of course Baroness, how can thou argue that the basic forms and golden proportions are not the most beautiful objects...”

“Ever created blabla I get it Goldy, but as Spire mentioned, short towers won’t work against the profile of the mountain. Not to mention they’re out of style and they do not impress!” interrupted the pegasus.

“Thou only care about impression, size and glamour foolish feather brained foal! Did we not explain how the form of any structure must appeal to the eye of the beholder and not scar it like thy unruly coiffure? Not to mention that shorter towers are better for defensive purposes,” retorted the unicorn coldly. Vaultaire leaned across the unfortunate cringing Spire and smugly stuck her face right up to Golden Triangle’s.

“No attacker will be able to get up the mountain for the love of Faust, so there is no need for defensive towers! All they would do is fade away in the background like you old fogey!” Golden Triangle growled at Vaultaire as he bit back his boiling anger and frustration.

“And thou would know everything about lonely mountains thou decrepit, dropout and leech. Thou tall towers would be loved for a moment and torn down the next like thou legacy!”


And the Royal Voice was unleashed, like a massive western gale that swept through the tent. The architects were pinned into their seats by the sheer shockwave and the guards outside jumped in fright.

“Vaultaire and Golden Triangle, didst thou not swore to work together in harmony?” demanded Celestia. Sheepishly the two ponies remembered their oaths and looked down at their hooves. Meanwhile, White Tower raised her own.

“Princess, if I may?”

The still cross alicorn nodded, her attention still focused on the two shamed architects.

“Most ponies here have suggested good points based upon what insight the painting has to offer. However, the majority of the points though have been focused on the environment and foundations of the site. Since the setting within the painting is fictional, I suggest that we go to choose a site before we discuss these issues more in depth,” proposed the earth pony. There was a pause after White Tower’s suggestion, followed by widespread agreement. There was only one question.

“When should we set out?” asked Spire.

“Hmm, I don’t know... Chartres, what do you think?” asked White Tower turning to her neighbour. The unicorn hadn’t spoken for the entire meeting and with the attention all focused on her, she almost seem to disappear into her seat.

“I... Uh... tomorrow! Maybe... I mean... the faster we get started, the sooner we can start planning the capitol. I think there will be sunny weather tomorrow, so it will be a good time to observe the environment. We also... need to know if we can even build the capitol on Mount Canter in the first place,” stammered Chartres.

Wow! She’s smart! Thought Byzas as he hung on Chartres’s every word. With a nod, Celestia rose from her throne.

“It is settled then. Tomorrow we shall hike on the Mountain Canter,” declared the alicorn.

Author’s Note: Check out my new story Remembering the Fallen which answers the question: What happens when the Mane 6 discover the truth about the War of the Sun and Moon. AND... also gives a little backstory into Barbican, White Tower and the War of the Sun and Moon. Did anybrony or pegasister get the references?