• Published 18th Sep 2015
  • 2,231 Views, 23 Comments

The Lost World: Jurassic Pony - mistercokehold8

Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy must go face their worst nightmares as Site B is revealed.

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Escaping The Lost World

Against better judgement Applejack limped onwards with her friends. While they were waiting to see if her leg got better they all saw the lights from their location. Keeping close to the southern mare so she wouldn’t fall over, the four mares and little filly walked right down the middle of large skeletal remains until they arrived at the long powered off gate to the compound.

“Well….this looks inviting.” Rarity noted. Everything seemed calm and quiet; the group didn’t like that one bit.

“Everypony keep close.” Fluttershy said quietly, she and Rarity putting Babs in between them. Who knew what else on the island noticed all the lights. Slowly the group trotted through the open gate. Applejack didn’t notice if there were any signs of reason life.

“Mac!” She shouted, her voice echoing out into the night. Several moments of silence passed, and Applejack didn’t like it. “Mac!” Once more her voice echoed off the abandoned compound. “Mac! Big Macintosh!” The group halted their progress, waiting for a response from the stallion somewhere in the compound. Tree Hugger rubbed her sore hooves from earlier when she heard a high pitch growl. Turning her attention behind her, she screamed out when a Velociraptor leaped on top of the worn out car behind the mares, before pouncing the mare and sending the two sliding along the dirt right next to the survivors

“TREE HUGGER!!!!” Babs screamed as the mare unbuckled her saddlebag, the beast ripping it off and shaking it apart. Fluttershy and Rarity scrambled to lift Tree Hugger back onto her hooves.

“Gogogogo!” Applejack moved the group around to the side as the Raptor tore into the saddlebag, but as the group was about to make a run for it the dinosaur turned it gaze right to the ponies. Tree Hugger and Fluttershy pulled Babs in between them, trying to protect the frighten filly while Rarity and Applejack each took a wooden pole and started striking the fallen structure in front of them.

“Here! Here! Here! Here! Here!” Applejack waved her hooves, getting the Raptor’s attention to herself and Rarity before she turned to her remaining friends. “Inside! Anywhere!” Tree Hugger, Fluttershy and Babs made a dash for one of the few standing buildings as two more Raptors jumped on top of the ruined car. Leaping forward, the two carnivores lunged forward as the mares slammed the door in their faces.

Applejack and Rarity ducked down behind the corner of the worn down vehicle as the first Raptor pounced onto the hood of the car, hissing at the madly.

“Scatter!” The southern mare said to the unicorn. The two broke apart with Rarity ducking inside an open jeep with its windows still intact while Applejack galloped to the small building behind them. The mare slammed the door shut, and pressed herself up against it to hold the creature out; she was not however expecting the Raptor to merely pounce through the window, sending shards of glass flying. “Now that’s just cheatin’!” Applejack said annoyed. Before the beast could pounce again, the mare ripping the door off its hinges and held it in front of her like a shield. Taken aback for a brief moment, the Raptor rammed into the door, sending Applejack flying backwards through another window.

Picking herself off the ground, Applejack saw the jeep Rarity had taken shelter in. The unicorn was motioning frantically to her friend to get over here pronto. The southern pony broke into a mad dash as the Raptor leaped out of the building, quick on the pony’s heels. Applejack threw herself into the jeep as the carnivore pounced forward, actually forcing the door shut. Rarity pressed her hoof onto the lock, keeping the dino out for the time being.

Inside the locked tower Fluttershy, Tree Hugger and Babs watched as their window of safety was getting smaller and smaller by the moment. The Raptors outside the door hissed and roared as they rammed the door, shaking the wall wildly and knocking tools to the ground. At the bottom of the door dirt begun to fly as to the mares horror the creatures decided to dig their way under.

“Oh no….” Fluttershy muttered in fear. The three ponies slowly backed into the rear wall of the tower, before they had the idea of trying to break it down so they could escape. As worn out as the building was the wall wasn’t gonna give anytime soon. Getting down onto her knees, Tree Hugger began to dig the dirt out, Fluttershy and Babs getting down helping out their friend so they could all get to safety.

In the jeep Applejack and Rarity watched on as the Raptor was slowly picking its way through the cracked window. Thankfully due to the tempered glass the creature was having a tough time, but that time would run out for the mares if they didn’t think of a plan soon. Rarity looked out the windshield in terror as the Raptors at the door to the tower were making great progress with their digging….

Inside the tower the two mares and filly were digging away at the dirt desperately. Taking occasional glances back at the door, they could see the Raptors outside making progress…..more progress than the three ponies were making. The snorts and screeches of the Raptors on the other side of the door was helping speed up the progress for the three. They were so focused on their task they failed to notice the door had gone awfully quiet.

Feeling the hole they dug was large enough, Tree Hugger reached down and begun pulling boards loose so they could slip through it.

“Ok Babs, go.”

“Where do I go when I’m out?” Babs asked crawling into the hole.

“To the Communications Building, we’re right behind-“Right as Babs was crawling through the hole the snarling muzzle of a Velociraptor poked into their line of sight. Tree Hugger and Fluttershy quickly pulled the filly back as the Raptor tried to pulling itself into the tower.

“Climb! Climb!” Fluttershy pushed the two over to the pipes connecting the upper level to the floor. Babs and Tree Hugger began pulling themselves up the pipes with the meek pegasus following behind.

Outside at the jeep the Raptor had finally broken through the passenger side window, hissing and snarling at the two mares pressed against the driver side door. Looking through the windshield, they noticed the two Raptors digging at the door had left. Now was their chance.

“Go!” Applejack pushed the door open, with her and Rarity spilling to the ground. Pulling themselves up, they dashed as quickly as they could to the door, with the Raptor at the jeep getting caught in the door. Throwing themselves into the tower, the two mares slammed the door shut.

“Look out! Applejack! Rarity! Look out!” Fluttershy screamed from the spot she, Tree Hugger and Babs had taken shelter in. The southern mare and fashion unicorn turned to see what the problem was when they discovered the roaring raptor pulling itself through the hole the ponies dug.

“Up here!” Babs called down. Rarity and Applejack began climbing up electrical equipment as the carnivore finally pulled itself out of the hole, snapping and biting at the ponies hooves as they climbed. From up above the ponies tried to think of a way to help, but nothing was coming to mind. The little filly looked at a bar going from one end of the room to the other; an idea forming in her head. Fluttershy noticed the look in Babs eyes.

“Babs?” She asked as Babs moved back to build up some speed. “Babs no!” The mare failed to grab the filly as she jumped out, taking hold of the bar. To the amazement of Fluttershy and Tree Hugger, they watched as the little filly began building up momentum by doing gymnastics.

Rarity and Applejack climbed up higher along the tower until the Raptor found a jumping up point, landing smack dab right in front of the two mares. Pressing themselves against the wall, Applejack looked ready to go down fighting as the creature hissed at them.

“Hey! You!” A voice above called. The Raptor turned to the filly on the bar as Babs swung upwards, before swinging down and striking the Raptor with all the force she had. The creature screamed out as it launched backwards and out an open window before falling and impaling itself on a spike just outside the building. As the dinosaur called out in pain, Babs let herself fall to the ground below, staring forward at the thought of what she just did. Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy quickly climbed down to the fallen filly, the older southern mare helping her back onto her hooves.

“…..they didn’t let you on the team?” Applejack asked her cousin confused. Tree Hugger was ready to join the group when she could see shadows approaching the hole they dug.

“Get out of here! Go!” She called. Applejack heard the hissing, then quickly ushered her friends out the door while Tree Hugger climbed high up the tower. It wasn’t long before she reached the very top. With all the force she could use, she kicked open the top window, carefully sliding out onto the roof. In an attempt to put space between her and the Raptors she slid to the edge and leaped across, smacking down onto the rooftop on the other side. Gripping the tiles so she wouldn’t slide further, the mare heard the roar as the Raptor chasing her climbed out the tower and leaped over the gap, landing right in front of her.

Screaming, Tree Hugger lost her grip and slid to the edge of the roof. She was able to catch herself as the second Raptor started leaping and snapping at her hooves. Tree began sliding tiles off and throwing them own upon the creature in an attempt to make it go away, then she noticed something. Every time she threw a tile down, the Raptor in front of her slid closer to the edge. This gave her an idea. Using everything she had she began pulling out tile after tile until finally several rows of tiles gave, showering down upon the Raptor on the ground before finally sending the creature in front of her crashing down below.

The Raptor on the roof smacked into the one on the ground, sending the second carnivore into a frenzy. The two Raptors began snarling and snapping at each other before finally attacking one another. Tree Hugger let out a massive sigh of relief that they weren’t focused on her any longer, before her grip finally gave out, sending her crashing into the ground. As the combating Raptors rolled passed her, the mare threw herself into a hole located a few feet in front of her. Bouncing off a lighting fixture that broke, it sent her rolling through a glass window before finally settling on the ground the pain shooting through her from the jolt of the impact.

“There she is!” Tree Hugger turned to see Applejack and Rarity helping her onto her hooves. As the southern mare ushered the group together they could see something moving across the night sky, something they been waiting for. Up the hill they saw a light waving back and forth frantically.

“Come on let’s go!” Big Mac called, his voice echoing across the grounds as the sound of the helicopter grew closer. Applejack put Babs onto her back once more so they could move quicker. Making a mad dash, the group of ponies galloped up the hill towards the communication building where the stallion stood. “Come on let’s go! Let’s go!” Mac shouted as the helicopter slowly made its descent. The group galloped up the steps, Big Mac leading them into the building before shutting the door so the Raptors couldn’t follow them if they chose to.

The group heard the chopper touch down on the roof above. Mac moved them towards the stairs leading up to the roof, where once they broke through the door, the a pony in flying gear was waiting for them.

“Let’s go! Let’s go!” He shouted over the roar of the helicopter blades, opening te door for the group of ponies.

“What about the others?! There must be more survivors!” Applejack shouted.

“There’s another helicopter coming!” Letting Babs climb into the chopper first, one by one the group of ponies filed in before the pilot climbed back into the pilot seat. Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy looked out the window as the island began to grow smaller as they took to the air, finally leaving their fears and horrors behind them.

The group sat in silence, Babs clinging to Applejack with a few tears streaming down her face.

“It’s alright, it’s over now.” The southern mare said quietly, trying to sooth her little cousin.

“It’s all over.” Rarity said, looking at an exhausted Fluttershy and Tree Hugger. Big Mac calmly reached into his saddle bag and pulled out two very small objects.

“That’s souvenir they won’t be takin’.” He said with a slight smirk, before letting the two slugs he got from Goliath’s gun earlier fall to the helicopter floor.

“Let’s speed things along. I want the infant in my private jet within the hour. Hurry before the female knows we’re here.” Blueblood said into his headset as ponies repelled down to the forest floor. Several more ponies were tossing rope and chains over the large holding structure where the male Tyrannosaurus Rex that chased the ponies on the island slept in a dart induced sleep. The griffon that shot him sat next to his prize with his hat and rifle in his claws. “Goliath! I can’t thank you enough! We lost everything we came for but the male and his infant with single handily bail us out!” The prince said.

“Congratulations.” Goliath said, not sharing the same enthusiasm as the pony.

“You caught your trophy!” Blueblood said, trying to lighten up the mood. “Buck only! It’s alive and everypony from miles around will pay to see it!” It was then the prince finally noticed the griffon’s mood. “What’s the matter?”

“Point Blank.” Goliath responded, before standing. “He didn’t make it.”

“Oh I’m sorry.” Blueblood said as the griffon began to walk off. “Really, I am.” The pony had to pick up his pace to keep up. “You know, I remember those who help me. There’s a job at the park if you want it.”

“No thank you.” Goliath said calmly, surprising the prince with his refusal. The griffon stopped in his tracks and gave Blueblood a dark grim look, standing beak to muzzle with the prince. “I believe I’ve spent enough time with the company of death.” With that Goliath placed his hat firmly on his head, shouldering his rifle before turning and trotting off to the waiting helicopter. Blueblood stood there, letting the griffon’s words slowly sink in.

From above Applejack was staring out the window calmly until she saw something that alarmed her greatly.

“No…..oh no.” Against better judgement she reached down and slid the helicopter door open. Before her friends could ask what was wrong they got a good look at what the southern mare saw. Rarity and Fluttershy shared Applejack’s concerned look as they saw the ponies on the ground finish securing the male Rex. The three also saw Blueblood turn his gaze upwards, staring directly at them.

The three mares looked at each other, each making a silent agreement before Applejack turned her attention back downwards.

“We’re not done with you yet Blueblood, not by a long shot.”