• Member Since 17th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago


I'm am an autistic brony, looking to write fantasy and everyday life novels for my kind. I became a brony when I related well with applejack and twlight, and I love the show.


From the creative—and insane—mind of Elsa's Snowdrop, If You Give Derpy A Muffin, and a Silver Life, comes A.J. Vasauez, AKA, The Autistic Pony's, next big fic.

Set in the EQG universe, Button Mash was just a simple little nerd, never being into dating, even when it came to his supposed crush, Sweetie Belle. However, after a chance encounter and self-discovery,—and some bad luck— he wound up on a date with Silver Spoon. The second most popular girl in school who also happens to be the bane of his existence.

Pre-read by: Maricbel, Gordo, Henki Pie and Zephyr

Cover art done also by Gordo

Chapters (20)
Comments ( 159 )

i find myself intrigued kiddo, lets see how this goes:moustache:


*takes a drag of a cigarette* oh Celestia. *takes another drag* well I'm ready for chapter two.

6467106 I'm going to smoke my way through this story. Please supply me with more of it. Pls.

Hmmm. Intriguing. Not exactly my cup of tea, but I am, for some reasons, interested in this story.
I noticed a couple of typos and grammatical problems, but that can be easily fixed with a single proofreading.

Well, go on, I am curious!


6467148 would you be up to Fic those typos?

Sure. Though I don't know how I could do it - do you have a GDocs file or something else?

I have not read nor do i feel like reading this at this current time, but i felt that you should correct this little error you have seemed to made in the introduction

he wound up on a date with Silver spoon

This part is perfectly fine by itself.

The worst part, he has a date with her.

As is this part, however when you have both it seems too redundant. The second part is written like it is revealing something, even though the thing it is revealing has already been revealed earlier in the paragraph. Sorry for being a grammar nazi, but it pays to look professional in the intro.

Title mistake.
*Button's Date with Silver Spoon

6467579 what's the mistake, how woudk you title it?

6467880 I'm saying you forgot an apostrophe. It's "Button's" not "Buttons"

Ah :D
Would you pre-read for me?:scootangel:

Not sure what so say about this, really.

You've done an excellent job of writing this story as though it were being written by an awkward, mildly autistic, possibly slightly learning-disabled kid.

Unfortunately...that's the problem.

If that wasn't your intent, then you should probably get a prereader and/or an editor to smooth this out.

6468299 Sorry, sir I'm not the best at pre-reading. I will read your fix and tell you if there are awkward bits and pieces in there.

6472958 I'm saying it needs massive editing.

EDIT: And having just read your short bio, which I hadn't at the time I left my comment, I feel like a dick for the way I phrased my original comment, and I do apologize for it. Still, the point stands: this story is awkward to read, and you need to get someone to help you fix it.

6473485 yeah, I'm always on the look fr some

Things are getting interesting, I see.
Well, carry on.
The proofreader question is still not solved, though.

6490386 didn't I ask if you could pre-read for me?

Yeah, and I asked you about a way I could do it.
Or... did you expect me to copy/paste the whole thing or something?

6490831 oh, sorry. I mean, can I get you on full time for this Fic, not just in the comments? By that I mean I would send you a copy of my next chapters via google docs for you to look over and draft.

Sure, I can do that!
Let's take this to private message level, so we won't interfere with the comments, shall we?

Nice story! Please do continue..Tracking this story now

Scoots do not be starting shit with my man Button or I will end you:pinkiecrazy:

So cool...can wait in what other mess buttons gets in

30th like. And may you get many more.

*slowly claps 5 times*

Well done mate, well done.

The scene played out perfectly, and I'm pretty sure in real life, it COULD'VE happened, not saying it would've... but considering that even Button knew that he could've been rejected, he wasn't and that was the last thing he was expecting! Not even I could've come up with something so well done... I think...

Hope this continues to be a great story! :pinkiehappy:

Wow......soawesomeilovethiscantwaitforthenextchapter...-breaths- so cool and i enjoy the story so far

Yay!! Update !! Cant wait to see how the date unfolds

6574765 thanks, i am a master mind *grins evily

That was...wow. Really good! It went through more motions than I thought it would but...that was awesome!

Yes, yes, good. Give me more silver button fluff. :pinkiehappy:

6622171 pleasure to make you emotinal

So cool!! Can't wait for next part

Well, that was cute. Though it's a shame Silver doesn't at least try to be honest with Di. Not like Tray would be able to do anything to her, bark bark and all that no bitey stuff. But I certainly see where she's coming from.

This is a really lovely interpretation of Silver Spoon. Never seen her have so many interests and hobbies all in one fic. And d'aww, that little tsundere moment with Diamond blushing at Pip's all to blunt honesty with his approach. lol

Have to say it irks me. The way Sweetie lost her smile like some super bad awful thing was going to happen when Button was having them guess what his sexuality alignment was. I really hate the stigma that you can't just be friends with the opposite sex because it never works out. Worst still when one is straight and the other is not. If someone's been friends with you for so long, why end a friendship over what COULD happen?

Oh well, at least Sweetie and Button got things settled. Fun story so far. Ha! That surprise tongue, so cute! xD

Nice read. Pretty good look into a level of what being asexual is like, even if in my opinion Button (at least in earlier points) is more of the extreme type of the asexuals. Many can and do have relationships just fine and even have families. Though I guess those would be the reverse extreme. So, yeah. Keep up the pace. And one bit of advice. Do backup this story on Google or other sites like Fanfiction.net. Unless these characters are all 18, any sex shown or explored further than what we got with the kissing might trigger a mod somewhere nuking the story. You've been warned.

Any more deeply romantic scenes would have to be offsite. If fimfiction doesn't want readers going offsite to read more complete versions of a story than they shouldn't live in and host servers in the UK where made up characters are given arbitrary numbers same rights as living human beings. :P

Well, she can have well-toned arms and still have weak joints. How bad exactly where these beatings? Did they really shatter her bones to a point she can't play basketball? She already seems like she already has a firm booty slapper of a hand on her.

So I think she's attractive!” Sweetie confessed, then shrank into her seat. “I mean... she dresses nice and all

Scootaloo’s mouth began to open and close rapidly. “Bu-but… but it’s Silver Spoon!

Sweetie Belle crossed her arms. “Oh? It’s not like I haven’t seen you check out Diamond Tiara’s rear from time to time!”

Scootaloo’s face reddened. “Ta… take that back!”

It's okay to undress others with your eyes Scoots but not so cool when your girlfriend admits to finding someone else attractive, huh? xD

I wonder why Tiara goes that far with Scoots. Sure, it's the easiest way to get a reaction, but damn. She always seems to aim it at Scoots the most. Starting to wonder if she's a closest lesbian and she's just been taking it out on the girl that makes her feel weird. Especially how 'gross' it's supposed to be in this more anti-same sex universe here.

Also, gonna post a think I didn't bother posting the last time since I figured you mostly just wanted more exposure through groups by putting the stuff in a form of a question. But this latest chapter just reinforces it the need for a sex tag since this is not just some light-hearted comedy with a little bit of flirting added into it.

Honestly, just add a Sex tag and remove the human. Those two things need to happen. Unless you know humans with straight up orange girls, gray-handed girls, etc, skin tones. Tags just feel really redundant given you've chosen to use Equestria Girls tag.

This story has kissing, talks of sexuality, slip of the tongue into mouth, heavily focuses on the love life of these students. To top it off you've even had multiple moments that heavily imply Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle have had sex and continue to tease about it between all the displays of affection and long passionate kissing, you can ask around several more groups and you'll not hear the one answer you're wanting to hear which is "No, don't add a Sex tag!" because you don't seem to want to tarnish your story in some way?

It won't. But you could avoid downvotes from those who are not comfortable getting that deep into the topics and displays of makeouts and discussions that this fic has for those being told this has no sexually related content beyond holding hands and hugs.

Should you add a "Sex" tag?
You'd be doing everyone and yourself a favor if you did. It's a SUB-tag. Having read the WHOLE story back when I made my first post I can tell you, like others did the first time, to add the tag.

So, no bluff. Long time and serious reader here. Veteran fan. I like the story, it isn't anything too vulgar nor nothing I'd be ashamed of showing someone. It's got some good stuff in here. But tag it properly. Add the sub-tag.

This was initially going to be my reply to your re-posting on your story and question at the Silver Spoon group. No helping but to post this now given how the fic only revolves around the topic of sex and sexualities as well as partaking in intimate moments, not counting the implied off-screen snu snu stuff either.

6632536 that a ur tithe sex tag? I feud I wasn't going to make a plot where button and silver worry about vet having a sexual relationship after all

I love this story so much it is awesome

So cute i dont want this fic to end . (^.^) Keep it up man

6666777 i know, but thank you for the comment

Kinda rushed but i dont judge. It was still sweet though,u honestly make have to debate if weather sweetiemash or silvermash is better everytime i read this. Keep up the cuteness

I'm not sure how I feel about the surprise-she's-secretly-a-lesbian twist. Still, you've handled the topic of sexual identity pretty damn well so far so I do have faith that you know what you're doing since many times you have done things that make me worried about the direction this story is going only to turn it into really interesting character development. Personally, I'm hoping she turns out to be another demi-sexual or maybe even bisexual.

Another great chapter and looking forward to where Silver Spoon and Button Mash go from here.

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