• Published 22nd Oct 2015
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The Lost Hero - Ultimate Warrior of Zera

Daring Do leads her new friends on an adventure to stop her enemies from stealing an artifact, but they run into a strange stallion who claims to be a superhero from another planet. Set during Season Five.

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The Backstory

It was the year 3012 on the planet Earth, and much had changed.

Superman soared through the sky, and then flew up into outer space, looking upon his adopted home with pride. Not for the first time, he began to reminisce about everything that led to this point.

He was born Kal-El on the planet Krypton with his fraternal twin sister Kara-El. When they were mere infants, their parents Jor-El and Lara-El realized the planet would be destroyed by a supernova. When they failed to warn their people of the danger, they decided to load their children in a special escape ship made of crystal and launch them to Earth, just in time.

They landed in Smallville, Kansas on June 18, 1967, where they were adopted by the kindly farming couple Jonathan and Martha Kent and rechristened Clark Kent and Mae Kent. At around puberty, they began to develop amazing powers. They became strong enough to effortlessly lift a car and fast enough to disappear from sight. Left with no choice, their parents revealed that they were adopted and showed them the ship that they arrived in. As soon as they touched it, the ship converted into an easy to carry crystal and beckoned them to travel to the most remote location on Earth.

With their new powers, the siblings quickly traveled to the middle of Antarctica and placed the crystal in the ground as it instructed. Using the energy it had been charging for 14 years, it quickly transformed into a magnificent structure, which was eventually dubbed the Fortress of Solitude. Inside, they found a digitized copy of their father, who explained their true origins and powers which came from absorbing yellow sunlight. After several training sessions, the siblings mastered their powers of super strength, speed, nigh invulnerability, flight, heat vision, X-Ray vision, telescopic vision, microscopic vision, super hearing, and super breath. At the end of their training, Jor-El presented them with uniforms, complete with capes.

After graduating college, they developed costumed personas to protect their private lives and became the superheroes Superman and Supergirl (they agreed “Superwoman” sounds a little awkward), setting up shop in Metropolis. In this journey, they made many friends. Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen (whom Mae Kent started dating soon after they met), Perry White, Batman, Nightwing, The Flash, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern Hal Jordan, and many others too numerous to list. They made many enemies, and did their best to stop them from committing acts of evil, only killing them as a last resort. Unfortunately, they weren’t perfect, and they didn’t always succeed in saving every life threatened by the villains’ schemes. They would often receive criticism from the public for this, but they did their best, and that was all anyone could ever ask of them.

Eventually, they discovered that a radioactive green rock that they later dubbed kryptonite could harm and potentially kill them unless blocked with lead. They pragmatically kept its existence a secret from all but their most trusted friends. They also discovered that magic was real and could bypass their invulnerability, reminding them that they could not become careless in battle.

The heroes united into a government approved organization called the Justice League, led by J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter, who was considered the oldest and wisest among them as he was over 500 years old. Technically, Wonder Woman was the oldest at about 1000, but her sheltered life before she left the mysterious island Themyscira meant that she had very little practical experience in anything besides fighting and surviving in the wilderness, and the Amazons’ politics were much different from the modern world’s.

Clark and Mae soon forged a great friendship with Billy Batson and his sister Mary. The siblings were both gifted with magic by a great wizard as thanks for showing him kindness as he was dying from a terminal curse caused by one of his enemies. By speaking his name, SHAZAM, they could transform and gain amazing powers rivaling those of Kryptonians, becoming the superheroes Captain Marvel and Lady Marvel. The two sibling duos found their similar power levels complimented each other and allowed them to form effective teams.

Clark Kent’s love life was a bit tumultuous. After revealing his secret, he dated and eventually proposed to star reporter Lois Lane, three years his senior, around 1990. Despite her lack of superpowers, her bravery and resourcefulness allowed her to contribute to several villains’ defeats and save many lives.

Their marriage was almost destroyed the day Maxima, the Warrior Queen of Planet Almerac, visited Earth. Her strength and speed rivaled his, plus she possessed incredible telepathic and telekinetic abilities and a katana named Inevitable that could seemingly slice through anything (she claimed it was a coincidence that her weapon resembled a Japanese katana, noting that similar to mathematics, effective and efficient designs are universal). She challenged him to a fight at night in the Sahara Desert where no bystanders would get hurt, having heard tales of his powers and heroic deeds, then attacked, ignoring his protests. The titanic battle lasted for over an hour until he finally forced her to submit.

Pleased that he had proved his strength, she declared him worthy of being her husband and kissed him before he could react. Overcome with lust from the excitement of the battle, her beauty, the kiss, and perhaps her telepathic abilities, he forgot about Lois for one night.

When he woke up the next morning, Clark realized what he had done and was enraged. Unable to understand, Maxima explained that thanks to his display of strength and besting her in battle, he was now her husband and the King of Almerac. Clark didn’t care. She had tricked him into violating his marriage vows. Overcome with rage, he beat her into the ground, then ordered her to leave, roaring that he never wanted to see her again. In tears, she opened a portal and departed.

Clark flew back home, but found himself in some serious trouble. The Justice League’s satellite surveillance saw the whole thing (they were tasteful enough to erase the footage of their lovemaking, or so they claimed). Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, and Batman berated him for his recklessness and failure to see the big picture (Flash complimented him on scoring with Maxima, but everyone told him to shut up). Alienating Maxima cost them a valuable ally, and risked Almerac declaring war on Earth. Humbled, Clark swore to do his best to defend Earth should that happen. Lois, the ever vigilant reporter, quickly found out. It took her a month to forgive him, and she made him sleep on the couch the whole time. Despite his vast power, he would never have harmed her, and he vowed that he would never touch another woman as long as she was alive.

Everyone waited with baited breath for Maxima to lead her armies to Earth seeking revenge, but were surprised when no such attack came. Almerac was one of the planets the Green Lantern Corps did not patrol, since its inhabitants were so powerful, but some were able to spy on it and reported that Maxima seemed to have moved on with her life. It also turned out that Almerac was practically a death world, with harsh weather, natural disasters, and monsters that give even an Almeracian pause. Despite her arrogance, Maxima had enough wisdom to know her people must tame their planet. While her people would be powerful enough to invade other worlds, she knew that if she allowed this before Almerac was made a comfortable world to live, she would lose control of her people, and they would soon lose their cultural identity, becoming savage, disorganized warlords. By having her people stay on the planet and work together to restore it, she kept them united. She allowed some citizens to visit other worlds to bring in new technology, new ideas, and new blood, all to strengthen and improve her race.

Clark realized that was partially the reason why she seduced him, to help her people, and felt guilty for their harsh farewell. The Justice League and the Green Lantern Corps decided that in light of this new information, they would steer clear of Almerac and let them stay busy restoring their planet, but be ready to assist them with any world threatening disasters or invasions, and they would extend the hand of friendship when Almerac was ready to join the rest of the universe.

After a few years of battling natural disasters and generic criminals and villains, the world got a huge wake up call when General Dru-Zod and his army escaped from the Phantom Zone, a prison dimension that housed Krypton’s greatest criminals, in 1993.

Zod was a ruthless and greedy figure who believed the powers Kryptonians gain under the yellow sun give them an inherent right to rule over all. He and his army were considered so dangerous that the Justice League had no choice but to reveal kryptonite’s existence to give the people a fighting chance. Even with the superheroes and world’s militaries working together and equipped with kryptonite weaponry supplied by Superman’s self-proclaimed arch enemy Lex Luthor (who had already known of kryptonite and had been stockpiling it) and magical weaponry supplied by Wonder Woman and other magical beings, the losses the Earth’s population suffered were astronomical. The evil Kryptonians were willing to do anything to win, including murdering women and children to unbalance the heroes. Zod invaded the Fortress of Solitude and managed to erase the A.I. of Jor-El, but not before Jor-El showed his children how to reopen and close the Phantom Zone portal.

With a lot of luck and teamwork, the heroes were able to either send the criminals back to the Phantom Zone or kill them, as the criminals made it perfectly clear that they would never change their ways and would never stop until the human race was dead or enslaved. Captain Marvel and Martian Manhunter took down and banished the hulking brute Non. Supergirl, Lady Marvel, and Wonder Woman banished Zod’s top enforcer, Faora. Superman personally faced Zod himself in a final battle. Zod had a massive advantage in experience and skill, but his arrogance caused him to underestimate his foe. After cleverly creating a huge smoke and dust cloud to block out the sun, preventing either of them from recharging their energy, Superman used street fighting tactics to take out Zod’s knee. The injury quickly healed up, but that was all the opening he needed to get the advantage. Superman pinned Zod and broke his bones over and over again. Crippled with pain, Zod was helpless as his body’s reserves of solar energy were depleted to allow him to regenerate, until he was reduced to ordinary human levels. Taking hold of him, Superman debated allowing him to live on in the Phantom Zone or slaying him to prevent him from threatening the world if he ever escaped again, but the choice was taken from him when Lex Luthor out of nowhere shot Zod through the head with a sniper rifle.

Everyone was shocked, but for his valor and effort in the fight, Luthor was pardoned of all his past crimes. The superheroes did not press the issue, as they needed to spend all their efforts rebuilding the planet. Through it all, Clark regretted losing his temper and sending Maxima away. Despite what she had done, he would have preferred her and her people helping them against the Kryptonians, which could have reduced the loss of life. He and his sister mourned the civilians and the simulation of their father.

More and more supervillains came out of the woodwork. Superman and the others often found themselves assisting each other with their enemies, especially since the reveal of kryptonite’s existence led to many criminals and supervillains seeking it out and carrying it as a precaution.

About five months later, a portal opened and an army of monsters attempted to invade the planet. They were quickly beaten back, but everyone was shocked to find Supergirl and Lady Marvel missing. Green Lantern scanned the portal before it closed and his Power Ring determined it was called a Boom Tube. After consulting with his superiors, he explained that the army came from Apokolips, a distant planet ruled by Darkseid, the evil God of Tyranny. The Green Lanterns were instructed to avoid this planet at all costs, but since the Power Ring told him the missing girls had passed through the portal, Hal agreed to help the others rescue them. Shortly afterwards, another Boom Tube opened and three figures emerged: Orion, Mister Miracle, and Big Barda. They explained that they were from Apokolips’ archenemy, New Genesis, here to help. Darkseid often abducted powerful individuals from planets to indoctrinate them into his armies, and this was undoubtedly what happened to the missing girls.

Orion, Mister Miracle, Big Barda, Hal, Superman, and Captain Marvel passed through the portal to Apokolips. They figured bringing anybody else would be too dangerous, and they needed some heavy hitters like Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, and Flash to protect the planet.

They emerged onto a hellish, polluted wasteland where slaves toiled indefinitely to keep machines running. Shocked, the Earthlings attempted to help them, but the New Genesis trio solemnly explained their individuality and spark of hope had been stamped out long ago. After defeating armies of demons, the maniacal hunter Steppenwolf, and the elite female squad known as the Furies, they made it to Darkseid’s palace.

After working together to defeat the maniacal Granny Goodness, the sadistic Desaad, and the brutish Kalibak, the trio entered the throne room to find the tyrant calmly seated on his throne. When they demanded to know what happened to their missing comrades, Darkseid instead mocked them by revealing that the war against Zod’s forces generated so much energy that it allowed him to detect Earth, so it was all the heroes’ fault that he decided to turn his attention to and inevitably conquer their planet. He then clapped his hands and shocked them by revealing Supergirl and Lady Marvel, now under his control. Lady Marvel’s red uniform had been replaced by an all black version with a dangerously short skirt, and Supergirl wore only black boots, green pants, and a black bra. Darkseid declared he would not waste his valuable time fighting “mere mortals and lesser gods”, though he would be willing to take on his son Orion alone, and disappeared after a final comment claiming that the men’s “sentimental weakness” would make it impossible to defeat the girls.

Before anyone could stop him, Orion charged out of the room, demanding his father face him like a man. Then hundreds of demons rushed in and Mister Miracle and Big Barda assigned themselves the task of fending them off.

Superman, Captain Marvel, and Green Lantern attempted to bring Supergirl and Lady Marvel back to their senses, but the girls mocked them and started making out with each other. The trio were paralyzed by the sight, and in the blink of an eye, the girls knocked them all through walls, Green Lantern’s force field the only thing saving him from being turned into paste. In hindsight, the trio considered the sight of watching the two kiss the only thing they would ever thank Darkseid for, no matter how inappropriate it was for Superman and Captain Marvel to think of their sisters that way.

The trio fought an uphill battle trying to fend off and subdue the girls. Since Apokolips was perpetually covered in smog, Superman started to lose his strength. In contrast, Supergirl and Lady Marvel were both augmented by a dose of Darkseid’s magic, allowing Supergirl to keep her strength and making Lady Marvel slightly stronger than her brother. Green Lantern’s ring made him powerful enough to rival a Kryptonian, but this could only help so far. Eventually, Green Lantern nearly drained his ring’s energy to 0% to unleash a blast powerful enough to knock them out. Fortunately, he had the foresight to bring his power battery with him.

Captain Marvel remembered a spell the wizard Shazam had shown him that could cleanse an innocent being of external evil influences, and used it to restore the girls to normal, purging them of Darkseid’s magic. Because Lady Marvel’s uniform was magically generated, it changed back to normal. Supergirl was chagrined to find she was stuck in her skimpy outfit, but before she could complain, she was pulled into a group hug. In this tearful reunion, the boys were relieved when the girls confirmed that they had not been raped, as Darkseid cares not for sex after having his only three sons Orion, Kalibak, and Grayven. He cares only for conquest, and only sees his minions as tools to be discarded when they have outlived their usefulness.

The five of them quickly helped Mister Miracle and Big Barda drive away the demons. Having learned of Kryptonians, Mister Miracle used his device known as a Mother Box to shower Superman and Supergirl with artificial sunlight, replenishing their strength. Then they found Orion battling Darkseid and getting knocked out cold. The group of seven stepped in before Darkseid could finish him off, but the villain proved that he was considered one of the mightiest of the New Gods for a reason. Even with his energy replenished, Superman found that Darkseid’s strength and speed outclassed his. His never-missing Omega Beam could severely burn even the Kryptonians and the Marvels. Fortunately, just like Zod, Darkseid underestimated his foes. Unlike Zod, since Darkseid preferred not to get his hands dirty, he had less combat experience and concentrated on simply overwhelming his foes. With teamwork and tactics, the seven managed to defeat him, ending with Darkseid being driven through the ground to make a crater and then zapped by the Marvel siblings’ lightning repeatedly until he passed out.

All the party members were exhausted and reinforcements in the form of demons and the Furies were coming, so they decided to grab Orion and escape. Mister Miracle opened a Boom Tube and everyone started filing through it, with Superman in the rear. Before he could enter the portal, Darkseid revived and blasted him with an extra strength Omega Beam, blasting him into outer space and knocking him unconscious.

Superman drifted through space, his stored energy reserves the only thing keeping him from suffocating. A scavenger ship picked him up and deposited the unconscious hero on War World, ruled by the despot Mongul. Superman woke up as a slave, and was soon taken to the gladiator arena. Fortunately, War World orbited a yellow sun, or this adventure would likely not have had a happy ending. He slowly gathered his strength, healing himself and waiting to be restored to full power before any attempt at escape. Superman was forced to defeat gladiator after gladiator, working his way up to Champion after defeating the previous one Draaga, but refused to slay them as Mongul commanded. Mongul was enraged when Superman got the crowd on his side by pointing out treating gladiator matches as a fun sport instead of life or death is more pragmatic for long term entertainment.

Angered that a “lowly slave” was slowly becoming more popular than him, Mongul stepped into the arena himself and challenged Superman to a final battle, offering rule over War World as the prize. Superman faced yet another being with strength superior to himself, but overly arrogant and lacking skill. The hero took a lot of damage, but took advantage of the environment and superior tactics to prevail. Superman was declared the winner, but Mongul declared he would not give up his throne so easily and ordered soldiers loyal to him to attack the exhausted Superman. Fortunately, Superman had befriended the gladiators he spared, and they broke free of their restraints and helped him defeat the soldiers. Mongul was deposed and exiled into space, and Superman was declared king.

After finding equipment to send a continuous beacon to alert the Justice League to his position, Superman began reforming War World with the help of Draaga and the other gladiators. They found that Mongul had ignored issues like foot shortages and lack of medical care and instead concentrated of distracting the population from its troubles with his gladiator games. Superman started addressing these issues to the best of his ability, drawing on both his Earthly knowledge and what he remembered from Jor-El’s lessons. Then he arranged for the gladiators who wished to return home to be returned to their nearby home worlds. About 4 months later (hey, the universe is a big place), Green Lantern found him.

Green Lantern apologized because New Genesis refused to allow the Justice League access to Mother Boxes, meaning they couldn’t just open a Boom Tube to get home immediately. Superman forgave him, saying he was just glad to be back with a friend. Superman passed the title of King of War World to Draaga, who promised to rule it well using the lessons Superman had taught him. Green Lantern activated his ring’s force field and the two flew into space to a standing ovation from the people and the former gladiators.

As they journeyed through space, Hal Jordan explained that shortly after the party fled through the Boom Tube to Earth, they realized Superman was missing. Hal scanned the portal and was able to see Superman getting blown into space. Justice League solemnly decided to not send a search party for him, as every member was needed to protect Earth from future attacks by Apokolips. It tore Lois, Supergirl, Captain Marvel, and Lady Marvel up, but they agreed the chances of finding him still alive were slim to none. New Genesis offered to devote some manpower to try to find him, and that was when Hal made his decision. He reminded the Justice League that he was also a member of the Green Lantern Corps, and not solely bound to Earth. He judged a young man named Kyle Rayner worthy of being a Green Lantern and gave him a spare Power Ring so that he could protect Earth in his place. Then Hal flew into space to search for him. Now that he found him, he sent a message to New Genesis telling them they could call off their search.

On the long journey back to Earth, Superman and Green Lantern had several adventures dealing with figures like Lobo, Evil Star, and Sinestro, the Green Lantern Corps’ sworn enemy.

The duo finally reached Earth to find it was now 1995 and the world had changed.

Hal Jordan was relieved that his replacement Kyle Rayner had done a good job in helping protect Earth and that his girlfriend Carol Ferris was okay and happy to have him back.

Superman was not so lucky. His friends and family reluctantly informed him that although Lois Lane never doubted he would be back, she contracted radiation poisoning while snooping around shady factories and passed away despite the doctors’ best efforts. Naturally, he became extremely depressed upon hearing this news, and almost gave up on being a superhero, until the others were able to bring him around.

He also learned that Jimmy Olsen had broken up with his sister Mae and started dating Lois’ sister Lucy, with Mae’s blessing. Mae started dating Billy Batson, and so Supergirl and Captain Marvel literally became society’s latest power couple.

Martian Manhunter had used his shape-shifting abilities to make it seem Clark Kent was still around, and Superman thanked him before reclaiming his old life.

After a brief period of mourning, Superman got back in the saddle and continued to fight for justice.

About one year later, Mary Batson confessed her feelings for him. He accepted, and Superman and Lady Marvel became the next power couple.

In 1997, Mae Kent and Billy Batson married and had a daughter, Karen.

The heroes continued to face the machinations of evil doers. Darkseid and his forces continued to try to conquer Earth. Sometimes they would try to take it by force, sometimes they would try more subtle methods like sending the false preacher Glorious Godfrey to turn the population against the heroes.

In 1998, the heroes were surprised to learn that many in Wonder Woman’s rogues gallery were actual characters from Greek Mythology. Heracles, the legendary strongman, emerged and revealed himself to be a far cry from the paragon depicted in movies and TV shows by really being a ruthless warlord and misogynist who once raped Wonder Woman’s mother. When he attempted to claim Metropolis as his new kingdom, Superman and friends attempted to stop him, but found themselves outmatched. Unlike Darkseid and Mongul, Heracles was stronger than them all and a highly skilled fighter. When all seemed lost, a new hero arrived, Vartox.

Vartox rendered everyone, including Heracles, speechless by seeming to be oblivious to the battle and introducing himself. He loudly and egotistically explained he was the greatest hero to ever come from the planet Valeron and he journeyed through the cosmos before arriving on Earth and deciding to set up shop here. He then started hitting on Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Lady Marvel, and every other female present.

Heracles snapped out of his stupor and roared that Vartox would pay for his insolence and attacked, only for Vartox to shock everyone by blocking his punch. Vartox read his mind and was absolutely disgusted by what he saw. He declared that women of all species were the most valuable treasures in the universe, and rape was something he would not tolerate. The Justice League looked on in amazement as Vartox beat the shit out of Heracles to a cheering crowd. Finding himself completely outmatched and humiliated, Heracles swore on the River Styx to never bother Metropolis again and teleported away. Wonder Woman explained that sometime in the distant past, the Greek Gods moved to a separate dimension when the worship they derived their powers from started to wane, though some liked to visit Earth from time to time.

The Justice League and the public were very impressed by Vartox’s performance. He agreed to be bound by Wonder Woman’s magic lasso that forced people to tell the truth as he assured he had no evil intentions for Earth or its people, so he was offered membership into the Justice League. Curious, he explained that he was a wanderer at heart, but he would be willing to join them as long as they provided him good food, good fights, and good women. When that shocked them, he clarified that he would never force himself on a woman; he preferred persuading women to want to sleep with him. Martian Manhunter awkwardly explained that his private life was his own, but if he ever tried to steal a woman already taken or harm a woman he would answer to the Justice League, terms he found acceptable. He also agreed to not kill villains or criminals unless absolutely necessary.

As the days passed, Vartox started constantly showing the other members of the Justice League up. They found that he was faster and stronger than the Kryptonians and the Marvels. The Flash was still faster than him, but Vartox also possessed powerful telekinesis, telepathy, senses, heat vision, and super breath. His unbelievably huge ego and endless bragging grated on them, but they couldn’t argue with the fact the man gave good results, especially when he helped stave off an attempt by Mongul to get revenge on Superman by attacking the world he protected. He stopped hitting on Supergirl and Lady Marvel when he learned they were already taken, so he hit on the other females of the Justice League. They all had too much self respect to want to sleep with such an annoying Casanova Wannabe, especially Wonder Woman. Undaunted, he started offering one night stands to girls he rescued. Many accepted despite his obnoxiousness, mostly because of his strength and the fact he looked like Sean Connery.

Vartox’s overconfidence was his downfall. Lex Luthor lured him into an ambush and used a device to drain his psychic energy and use it for himself. Luthor proclaimed himself a god and started terrorizing Metropolis with Vartox’s powers, nearly wiping out several citizens if not for the Justice League’s intervention. Fortunately, his lack of experience using the powers allowed the Justice League to defeat him and reverse the power transfer. For his crimes, he was sentenced to life in prison, with the authorities pointing out his pardon for helping save the world against Zod only applied to his past crimes.

Humbled by the experience of being defeated for the first time, Vartox apologized to everyone for his egotism. He then decided to leave Earth and explore the cosmos again, vowing to return after he had become a better person.

In 1999, Clark Kent and Mary Batson married and had a daughter, Ariella.

In 2000, Jonathan Kent suffered a heart attack and passed away. Clark, Mae, and their friends and family joined Martha in mourning.

A few months later, an ancient monster awakened from his slumber deep below the ground, dubbed Doomsday. He immediately started killing and smashing everything in his path, slowly marching toward the nearest sources of life to exterminate them. Hermes, the God of Messengers, appeared before the Justice League to warn them. He explained that eons ago, Doomsday came down to Earth in a meteorite and tried to destroy everything, his mind and soul filled with nothing but hate. The gods battled him, but his strength rivaled that of Zeus himself and he seemed to become immune to anything after being hit by it once. Zeus had to resort to unleashing his full divine might to slay him. When his soul did not arrive in Tartarus, they realized Doomsday was immortal and his body would soon resurrect. With no other options, they buried his body deep within the ground and placed wards to keep him from waking up. Now it seems those wards have failed. The gods fear Doomsday and will not dare face him again, knowing their powers are now useless against him.

Hermes believed the Justice League did not stand a chance, and only warned them so they could meet death with their eyes open, then returned to the Olympian domain. The Justice League decided that even if they failed, they wouldn’t go down without a fight, then attacked Doomsday. It was a titanic battle, with everyone forced to go all out and fight at their full potential. After a nightmare filled day, the battle ended when Superman put everything he had into one final punch that snapped Doomsday’s neck. Unfortunately, Superman had been impaled by Doomsday’s spikes and started bleeding out. Even with the sun shining down, he had taken too much damage and used up too much energy and wasn’t healing. The others tried to treat him, but he told them to stop Doomsday before he revived again. Billy and Mary had been studying Shazam’s spellbooks, so they buried Doomsday deep in the ground again and applied new wards to keep him asleep, different from the wards Zeus and his ilk had used. Unfortunately, nothing could be done for Superman, and he passed away.

...Or so he thought. He assumed he would soon meet Lois and his father in paradise, and if not, be forced to face trials to prove himself worthy. Instead he found his soul outside his body and unable to be seen or heard by his friends, sister, and wife, and was then greeted by a pretty goth girl, who called herself Death. He would later admit to himself that she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and he felt so calm and loved when around her. She explained that he wasn’t truly dead, as Kryptonians could apparently survive pretty much anything as long as their heads were intact and they had at least a drop of solar energy in their bodies. His body seemed to be dead, but was slowly repairing itself, in a sense, making him similar to Doomsday. Death greets all beings of all species of all worlds who die and takes them to their final destination, and even the Gods will eventually die, give or take a million years. She is also responsible for birth and rebirth. Unfortunately, Doomsday’s soul does not leave his body when he enters temporary death, so she could do nothing for him.

It would take a long time for his body to repair itself, so as an act of kindness, she allowed him to stay in her realm, which looked like a typical apartment, at least to his eyes, an offer he gratefully accepted. Clark did his best to be a model house guest. The apartment had lots of food, good books, and even a TV. Death was very busy, even with her ability to exist in multiple places at once. Sometimes she would bring in others who were also having near death experiences and the two would entertain them until it was time for them to return to their bodies. Sometimes she would bring in people due to be resurrected until it was time for them to return to the living world. Whenever she had time to rest, the two would chat. Death was a bit ignorant of certain aspects of the living world and he would do his best to fill her in, and also teach her how to be a better cook. As they grew more familiar, she allowed him to address her by the nickname Teleute.

After asking her, she admitted that she didn’t know what the true afterlife was like, as she only dropped souls off and never entered it herself. She explained that she was one of the Endless, eternal concepts that have existed since the beginning of the universe, higher than the gods. Her siblings were Destiny (nicknamed Potmos), Dream (nicknamed Morpheus), Desire (nicknamed Epithumia), Despair (nicknamed Aponoia), Destruction (nicknamed Olethros), and Delirium (nicknamed Mania and Delight). Sometimes one or more of her siblings would visit to speak with Death, and they would nod to him with quiet respect, except for Desire, who would sometimes try to goad him by asking why he hadn’t tried to sleep with Death yet. Death explained that Desire was a total prick. Clark admitted that he did not see Death in that way, she was his dear friend, like a sister, which made her very happy. Death later revealed that there were beings higher than even the Endless, known as The Shadows Who Make, Watch, and Rule. They create universes, dictate their inhabitants’ destinies, and then judge them. Universes that bore or displease the Shadows Who Watch get destroyed. At Clark’s alarm, Death assured him that this universe wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon and that everyone’s actions are their own; the Shadows Who Rule only create a rough outline for the universe.

One day, Death told him it was time for him to return to the world of the living. He was very sad to have to part ways with her, but then he remembered his wife, daughter, sister, mother, and friends. She led him to his body, which had been buried in a mausoleum in Metropolis, then kissed his cheek, promising that he would see her again if he had another near death experience and when he died for real. She then remarked that no matter how long it took, she would be there to greet Doomsday when its was time for his final death.

He returned to his now fully healed body, hungry and thirsty. The casket had a crack in it that let in a small beam of light during the day, which was how he healed, a process that took roughly four months. After getting reacquainted with his powers, he broke out of the tomb, just in time to take down a random villain, shocking the world. With the help of Wonder Woman’s lasso, he was able to prove that he was not an imposter, and most of the world welcomed him back with open arms. Once again, Martian Manhunter had impersonated Clark Kent so that he could keep his job, and also helped Mary raise Ariella. Superman thanked his friend and rejoined his family.

Ares, the god of war, attempted to trigger World War III, but the Justice League was able to stop him by pointing out such a conflict could potentially wipe out all life, leaving no one to fight wars and rendering him powerless. Humbled, Ares decided to operate on a smaller scale from now on.

In 2004, the family got a rude awakening when a portal opened and out stepped a 14 year old boy who proclaimed himself Conner, Prince of Almerac and son of Maxima and Superman, conceived on the night they first met. He immediately attacked his father, wanting to prove his strength so he could become Almerac’s new king. Despite his youth, he was already very powerful, armed with a combination of Kryptonian and Almeracian abilities and a sword similar to his mother’s named Inexorable. Nonetheless, Superman defeated him, and Conner was convinced to stand down after his five year old half sister Ariella asked him if they could become family.

Conner still wanted to surpass his father, so Clark, wanting to get to know his son, agreed to train him. He had Conner stay at the Kent farm with Martha, the first grandparent he had ever met as Maxima’s parents were long dead. In addition to improving his fighting skills, Clark, Martha, and Mae taught him how to farm. He considered it degrading at first, but it helped make him more calm, and he realized such a skill would help his planet. Around this time, he met Wonder Woman’s young protege, the demigoddess daughter of Zeus, Cassandra Sandsmark aka Wonder Girl, and the two were quickly inseparable.

Feeling inspired, Superman eventually forged a katana similar to Conner and Maxima’s and named it Dawnbreak, feeling with all the powerful opponents he had faced so far, he may need a weapon. Conner generously supplied him with the materials needed to make it sharp and strong enough to withstand battle on their level. This allowed him to spar with Conner and gain skill with it.

Maxima eventually returned to Earth to check on her son. Though the meeting was awkward at first, Clark and Mary were able to make peace with her. Maxima adored little Ariella and approved of Conner’s new girlfriend. Maxima and Conner, now calling himself Superboy, joined the Justice League, though as part timers as they still had responsibilities on Almerac.

In 2005, Doomsday broke out of his imprisonment once again. After another massive battle, this time with Maxima, Superboy, and Wonder Girl on their side, the Justice League emerged victorious once again. Although Doomsday had become immune to the Marvel siblings’ lightning, Superman got the idea to ram his sword down his throat and use it as a lightning rod. As he hoped, only Doomsday’s skin had become immune, and Billy and Mary’s combined power cooked his insides. Deciding that imprisoning him would not work, Maxima opened a portal and dumped his body on an uninhabited planet.

In 2007, Darkseid and Mongul joined forces in yet another attempt to conquer Earth and get revenge. This time, they used a device to turn the sun red. With their powers waning, Superman and Supergirl were forced to sit most of the battle out to conserve energy. Superboy still had his Almeracian powers to use and so was able to fight. Unfortunately, when Lady Marvel tried to take on Mongul head on, he dodged her lightning to make her transform back into her unpowered state, then killed her before she could transform back. Overcome with hate and rage, Superman attracted a Red Lantern Ring to himself and wielded it. Everyone looked on in horror and amazement when he beat the two into the ground and then threw them both into the sun, incinerating them both.

The two tyrants’ armies were driven off and the sun was returned to normal. With his rage subsiding and replaced by grief, the red ring left him. His Kryptonian healing allowed him to survive and recover from the normally fatal damage caused when a Red Lantern Ring abandons its wielder, but afterwards, Superman’s powers were not restored. After an examination, they determined that his body had burned itself out and was not absorbing solar energy anymore, effectively making him a normal human. Superman didn’t care, devastated over his wife’s death. Billy, Wonder Woman, and the other magical members of the Justice League worked together and found out Mary was in the afterlife and at peace. Clark Kent decided to continue to live as an ordinary human. Everyone pretended that Mary Kent was just one of the many casualties of the invasion.

Apokolips descended into a state of civil war. Without Darkseid to lead it, it was eventually conquered by New Genesis and Orion became its new ruler.

For about a year, Clark experienced what it was like without superpowers. He learned what it was like to have a fever, to pull a muscle and not have it heal in seconds. Yet he persevered. Conner was disappointed that he would be denied his epic rematch, but he still cared for his father.

Vartox returned to Earth and rejoined the Justice League, having lost his arrogance and become a serious fighter. However, he kept his Casanova Wannabe tendencies, and hit on Maxima. Although Maxima wanted a strong man more than anything, even she was turned off by him. She came to Clark and said that powers or no powers, he was the father of her son, and if he found her worthy, she hoped they could give being a couple a chance. Touched by her sincerity, he accepted. His powers gradually came back afterwards. Some suspected that his body had been healing ever since the day he lost them, but the couple suspected it may have been the power of love.

Superman married Maxima and officially became King of Almerac. He, his wife, and son commuted between Earth and Almerac. Father and son put their farming knowledge to use and gradually began to restore the planet. Then the family helped teach the Almeracians to curb their warlike ways and apply their powers to more constructive ends. Superman found out being King meant being constantly challenged for the throne, sometimes by his own son, just as Maxima had constantly been challenged for the title of Queen but he always won in the end.

In 2010, Superman was suddenly pulled into a strange world by people who needed his help. To his shock, he realized they were the Shadows Who Make, the people who write stories of fictional characters like him. They explained that one of them had been playing around with magic and accidentally brought one of his creations to life, the evil vampire god Mandrakk. Since the police or even the military would be of no use against him, they decided to use the spell again to bring other fictional characters to life to counter him. They also brought out Ruby Rose, Queen Elsa of Arendelle, Bayonetta, and Touma Kamijou to help him. After coming to terms with the true nature of their existence, the five were eventually able to work together and vanquish Mandrakk. As thanks, they were allowed to drink The Bleed, a substance from another story that is essentially the lifeblood of the multiverse. It healed their injuries and restored their energy. The five heroes bid each other goodbye before being returned to their worlds.

Superman emerged back on Earth to find the sun red and the world a desperate war zone. Fortunately, drinking The Bleed allowed him to retain his powers for a time. He regrouped with his family and teammates, who were on the run from it seemed everyone in the entire world. After promising he would explain where he had been later, they informed him that Darkseid had somehow returned. He assassinated his own son Orion with a bullet made of Radion, a substance that affects gods the same way kryptonite affects Kryptonians. Then he used something he called the Anti-Life Equation to take over the minds of nearly everyone in the entire world, with the Justice League forming a resistance. Out of desperation, they broke Lex Luthor and other criminals out of prison so they could help.

Superman found he could transfer some of the energy The Bleed gave him and restored his friends’ strength, then they went to confront Darkseid after bypassing his brainwashed army. They noticed the sun in the sky was getting smaller and realized that the Earth was moving away from the sun, causing the sunlight to redshift. By the time they arrived at Darkseid’s palace, the sun was so far away that its light was almost impossible to see.

They were shocked to find Darkseid in Doomsday’s body. Darkseid laughed and explained that as a god, destroying his body in the sun only meant his soul was free to take over another body. After deciding trying to take over a hero would be too much work, he found Doomsday on that deserted planet and entered him, with his simple mind easy to subvert and his burning hatred easily redirected at the heroes who constantly thwarted him and had the audacity to slay his original body. He thanked Superman, for his stupidity paved the way for him to have a superior body. Batman declared he had enough of his gloating and broke his one rule of no guns due to the desperate situation. He shot Darkseid with a Radion bullet which embedded itself into his shoulder. In retaliation, Darkseid killed him with his Omega Beam before anyone could stop him. Darkseid mocked Batman’s efforts, proclaiming that Doomsday’s body would soon make him immune to Radion itself. Undaunted, the rest of the Justice League attacked him. Darkseid made good use of Doomsday’s superior strength, but suddenly collapsed in pain. He asked what was going on, and Wonder Woman pointed out the bullet still inside his shoulder. Radion attacks the soul, not the body, so Doomsday’s physiology could not help him. She then bound him with her lasso and forced him to relinquish his control over the population.

Undaunted, Darkseid pointed up at his final trump card, and everyone gasped when they saw the reason why Earth was moving away from the sun. It was drifting towards a black hole. Darkseid had been aiming for Earth’s destruction the whole time. Then he would move on to another planet and repeat the process of subjugating and then destroying it. Maxima declared that if they had to die, he would die first, then gripped him with telekinesis and blasted him into the black hole. For a second, Superman felt Death’s presence, and he knew that Doomsday’s final death had come. However, Darkseid’s soul, now visible to everyone, emerged and he reminded them that he is a god and eternal, then thanked Maxima for freeing him from Doomsday's body and the Radion. Superman had an epiphany and then, using the last reserves of his power, created a counter-vibration that shattered the evil god, finally allowing Death to claim him.

With his power spent, Superman could do nothing as Vartox, Maxima, Captain Marvel, and every other heavy hitter did their best to prevent Earth from falling into the black hole. Fortunately, the Green Lantern Corps arrived and provided some much needed assistance. Together, they towed Earth back to its original spot in the solar system and restored its orbit.

The Earth was left to rebuild once again. Lex Luthor was pardoned for his crimes once again. This time, seeing the horrible world Darkseid created humbled him and he genuinely renounced his life of crime and evil, becoming a doctor.

Mister Miracle later arrived and informed them that Batman had been blasted by the Omega Sanction, a variant of the Omega Beam that instead of killing, transports its victim to a series of increasingly horrible lives. With a lot of teamwork, the Justice League was able to rescue him, and the Dark Knight rose again.

In 2012, Martha Kent peacefully passed away with her family by her side.

Billy and Mae’s daughter Karen eventually grew up to become a hero herself. She inherited both of her parents’ abilities, so she called herself Power Girl, since she could call on the magic lightning to enhance her Kryptonian powers.

Clark and Mary’s daughter Ariella also became a hero, with similar abilities as her cousin. She went through many hero names before settling on Supergirl 1,000,000 because it sounded cool. There was an incident when exploring space where she fought the forces of evil so destructively that she was nicknamed R’E’L, the Destroyer of Worlds.

Through more study of Shazam’s spellbooks, Billy eventually found a way to make it so that if one person was immortal or ageless, their friends and loved ones would also benefit, unless they rejected the gift. He cast the spell on everyone he knew, though Perry White, Jimmy Olsen, and their families rejected the gift, preferring to live their lives normally. Batman also rejected the gift, wanting to retire and let his son Nightwing take over as Batman. Martian Manhunter rejected the gift, as he missed his deceased family, but also felt a responsibility to help others. So he compromised and said he would only rely on his natural longevity, so that he would fight the good fight until he would eventually join his family in death. The other heroes respected their decisions, even though it meant they would eventually say goodbye.

Conner and Cassandra eventually married and had children. Karen and Ariella eventually found spouses of their own. Thanks to Billy’s spell, their spouses, descendants and everyone they loved would not grow old and leave them behind. Many of them became heroes as well.

After Superman patiently gave him a lot of coaching, Vartox became a true gentleman and convinced Wonder Woman aka Diana Prince to marry him, and they had a daughter named Donna. Billy’s spell benefited their descendants as well. Donna grew up to be a hero and so did her descendants.

Eventually, Superman and Supergirl developed a new ability, the ability to release a short range heat blast from their bodies in every direction. They called it the Solar Pulse since it resembled the Nuclear Pulse from the Godzilla movies. In time, their descendants could use it too.

After much time had passed, heroes eventually gave up on having secret identities, since they had each other to protect them.

The centuries passed and heroes and villains came and went. There were new Batmen, new Green Lanterns, you name it. Almerac was successfully made truly inhabitable and its citizens joined the rest of the galaxy as friends. Superman and Maxima continued to reign as King and Queen of Almerac, though they spent most of their time of Earth, as it needed to be protected more.

Clark, Billy, Vartox, and the others began to see each other as brother and sister, since they were now all related by marriage or blood.

Martian Manhunter peacefully passed away around 2400. As a pop-culture fan, his final words were to quote Yoda, “When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not.”

The Justice League evolved and grew. Leadership would often switch between Clark, Mae, Billy, Maxima, Vartox, Diana, or someone else. Eventually, the organization changed its name to the Legion of Superheroes, as it welcomed new members from across the entire galaxy.

The original, ageless heroes went through many costume changes through the years. Eventually, Superman’s original costume was destroyed except for the cape, so he opted for a black jacket with his symbol on it and the cape attached to it, with jeans and boots, all made of incredibly strong material that only resembled denim and leather.

With so many heroes protecting Earth, most of the time, Superman was a teacher, passing along his knowledge and skill to the next generation of heroes. The sword became standard issue, just in case one lost their powers or faced a truly dangerous foe.

Also standard issue was a Legion Ring, which generated a self-contained environmental force field that allowed the user to survive in outer space and fly. This also proved useful in case one lost their powers.

Superman was pulled out of his reminiscing when he sensed Maxima crying out in pain before being silenced. Then he sensed a massive wave of radiation leaving the atmosphere on the other side of Earth. Shocked, he flew down to Earth and searched for her. He zeroed in on where he last sensed her and came to a massive crater. He spotted fellow Legion members Saturn Girl and Cosmic Boy looking on with grief. Saturn Girl was holding a very familiar sword.

“Hey you two, what happened here?”

The two could barely meet his eyes. Saturn Girl spoke.

“We discovered that some corrupt officials had secretly commissioned an illegal nuclear power plant and was using it to power this city. Something went wrong and the reactor started going c-critical. Queen Maxima showed up to help, so we combined our talents. Maxima and Cosmic Boy used their telekinesis and magnetism to harmlessly funnel the nuclear energy into space, while I telepathically linked with them to assist in their mental calculations. Before we could finish, the reactor detonated. We s-successfully redirected the explosion upwards, but a random tongue of flame flared out and c-caught Maxima. Since she was… she was devoting all her concentration to her telekinesis, she was caught off guard and not invulnerable. She had put Inevitable down before we got started, so... this is all that is left of her.”

She teared up and held up Maxima's weapon.

Cosmic Boy finished for her.

“We’re sorry sir. She was almost instantly reduced to ash.”

Superman staggered to his knees.

“W-What? That cannot be.”

The two heroes tried to approach him, but he stood up and started involuntarily releasing Solar Pulses, almost burning them.


He flew into the sky and out of sight, creating shock waves since he wasn’t bothering to check his strength and speed.

He touched down in the Sahara Desert. He was barely able to keep his emotions in check and stop releasing heat. He recognized this spot, even after over a thousand years. There were so many patches where his heat vision had turned the sand to glass. Even erosion and sand being blown about couldn’t hide them completely.

“Maxima, my lovely Queen, this was where I first fought you and won your heart.”

Tears fell from his face, and he dropped to his knees, weeping uncontrollably.

After a while, he got up and tried to contact his son. Although he did not possess telepathic abilities, telepaths with a link to him like his son, wife, and Vartox could hear his thoughts anywhere in the world if he concentrated hard enough.

Conner, my son. We must speak.

There was no response.

The Hell? Conner, where are you!?

Still nothing. Frustrated, he took his communicator and tried to raise Conner, then Ariella, then Mae, then Billy, and everyone else he knew, before he noticed it wouldn’t turn on. His X-Ray vision showed him the insides had melted.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me! These things are supposed to be state of the art and specially reinforced against my Solar Pulses!”

He roared and threw the communicator down, shattering it. The movement made his cape jump up and cover his head. He snarled, removed it, and threw it down as well.

“Now, now. That’s no way to treat your family heirloom, the last surviving part of the costume your father made for you.”

Superman looked up and beheld Vartox descending like a meteor. He always liked his grand entrances. Superman was in no mood for this.

“Vartox, what do you want!?”

“Don’t talk to me like that, little brother. I’m here to help you.”

Vartox started to tear up a little.

“I heard what happened to Maxima. In case you’re wondering, Conner and the others arrived at the crater a few minutes after you left. He is very distraught. That’s why he isn’t answering you.”

“Distraught!? Distraught!? What about me!?”

He lashed out with a punch, but Vartox caught it and punched Superman in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.

“Oh, how disappointed I am.”

Vartox continued to counter Superman’s attacks and pummel him into the ground. Superman tried to draw Dawnbreak, but Vartox easily caught his wrist and shoved it back into its sheath.

“You lost your wife. Believe me, I understand your pain. After all, I loved her too. But this no excuse for you acting like a little brat! We’ve all lost friends and loved ones over the centuries! I’d think your reaction would be a little more mature. Conner lost his mother, Ariella lost her step-mother, and yet they’re taking this a lot better than you! Look at you, you’re so unbalanced you’re fighting like a total amateur! Even with the difference in our power, you’ve at least been able to keep up with me before!”

After tossing Superman on his ass for the ninth time, he telekinetically pulled Superman’s cape to him, dusted it off, folded it, and tossed it into Superman’s arms.

“Damn it, don’t lecture me!”

Normally, Superman would have understood that Vartox was right, but he was so angry that he couldn’t think straight. As they had a stand off, Vartox sensed something disturbing. Superman’s energy was rising with his rage, but it wasn’t his solar energy.

“Crap. It’s happening already.”

“What are you talking about!?”

Vartox glared at him and unleashed his battle aura of psychic energy, creating a massive draft of wind. Superman backed away, his hate and anger replaced by pure fear. Deep down, he knew he was no match for Vartox, especially now that he was taking this seriously.

Vartox’s voice echoed as a side effect of his power.

As you are now, you are a disgrace!

He held out his hand and a portal opened behind Superman.

You have forgotten what makes you, you. Until you cast aside your demons, I CAST YOU OUT!!!

Before Superman could blink, Vartox grabbed him by the throat and threw him into the portal. Superman screamed Vartox’s name before passing out.

Superman opened his eyes to find himself lying on rocky ground near a river. Around the river was jungle and the sun was shining high above. His body felt strange, then he was shocked to find he was in the body of a pony. Having grown up on a farm, he knew the difference between a horse and a pony.

“All right, Clark, stay calm. Stay calm. Jerks like Mr. Mxyzptlk have turned you into animals before.”

He gingerly walked around until he could get used to moving in this body. What was strange was that although the gravity level was equal to Earth’s, it somehow felt off. Upon closer inspection, he found he was wearing his jacket, now altered to fit his smaller body, and saddlebags. Since he no longer had fingers, he opened his saddlebags with his teeth to find they were a magical bag of holding aka bigger on the inside. Right now, the only things inside were his neatly folded cape and Dawnbreak. His Legion Ring was gone.

He closed the bag and stared at his hoof until he could see his bones and then his DNA. It still looked like his own, but with subtle variances, indicating his transformation was magical in nature. Then he concentrated and his hoof started to become hot.

“Well, at least my powers still work. Okay, I should try to find the portal if it is still there, and if it is not, then food, shelter, and perhaps civilization. Judging by the slightly larger size of the sun, this is not Earth.”

He started wandering the area, but could find no portal. Thinking he might have fallen through the portal out of the air, he attempted to fly up, only to find that now matter how hard he concentrated, he could not defy gravity and leave the ground. Outraged at being denied one of his favorite abilities, he snapped, then started running around punching and stomping the rocks around him into dust.

“Vartox!!! I swear I’ll find a way to get out of this and when I do, I’m going to make you pay!”

After a minute, he stopped and started panting. Then his super hearing picked up three heartbeats and three female voices.

“What in Equestria is going on? Who is this guy?”


“He’s buffer than Prince Shining Armor. Besides that, I've never seen an adult who hadn't earned a Cutie Mark before.”

Cutie Mark?

“He’s even stronger than me. I need several punches to destroy a large boulder, not one.”

Hmm, they are not freaked out by my appearance, only my strength. That means talking ponies are known in this land.

He calmed down and called out.

“I can hear you. Come out of there. I won’t harm you. I promise.”

From behind a boulder came a blue Unicorn with a white mane wearing a cloak and wizard hat, a light gold Pegasus with a greyscale rainbow mane wearing an outfit similar to Indiana Jones, and a grey Earth Pony with a lavender mane wearing a lavender dress. He muttered under his breath.

“Good, at least I’m not an anomaly.”

Interesting. Well, with all the crazy stuff I’ve seen in my long life, this isn’t that strange.

The Pegasus stepped forward.

“My name is Daring Do. These are my friends Trixie Lulamoon and Maud Pie. What’s your name?”

He thought for a second, then spoke.

“Just call me Clark for now.”

I should keep things simple.

Daring Do thought for a second.

Clark? I don’t think that even means anything. He must be from another country, maybe even raised by Zebras or Griffons.

“Not to sound rude mister, but what are you doing out here?”

“Hmm, long story short, I got in an argument with my big brother, Vartox. He made a portal and shoved me through it. I have no idea where we are.”

All three girls considered this.

Is his brother a Unicorn?

Daring Do answered his query.

“This is the Tenochtitlan Basin. Listen, right now we are on the trail of a notorious criminal. You’re pretty strong. If you help us stop him, we’ll help lead you to civilization.”

“Sure, I’ll help you.”

No matter how upset he was, stopping criminals was one of his top priorities, even on another world. He felt he could trust them, as their eyes were not the eyes of evil beings. After living so long, he had learned to distinguish them.

Trixie shrugged.

“All right, let me just get my wagon.”


Clark looked in the direction the trio came from, then smiled.

“Just give me me a second.”

They gasped as he seemed to vanish from sight. A second later, he walked up, pushing Trixie’s wagon with his head.

The trio’s eyes widened, then Trixie sputtered.

“H-How did you do that!?”

He shrugged.

“I’m really fast. Listen, please don’t freak out, but I’m from another world. I didn’t originally look like this, but when I entered this world, I became a pony. Fortunately, I seem to have retained most of my natural abilities.”

For some reason, Maud blushed, but it disappeared after a few seconds as her usual stoicism asserted itself.

As the trio tried to digest this news, Daring Do did her best to calm herself down and succeeded.

“Well, this is not the strangest thing I’ve encountered during my adventures. I should one day introduce you all to a friend of mine called The Doctor. He’s from another world too. You’ll come in handy, that’s for sure. Let’s go.”

Trixie slyly addressed Clark.

“I don’t suppose I could persuade you to pull that wagon.”

“I don’t mind.”

Right now, these are the only friends I have. No matter how powerful I am, I’m going to need help to survive, learn how this world works, and possibly get home.

After Trixie attached the wagon's harness to Clark with her magic, the group of four moved forward after finding Dr. Caballeron and his group’s hoofprints.

Author's Note:

Wow, that was a long backstory. Sorry for the relative lack of ponies this chapter, but this backstory is essential to understand the Superman of this story, not a perfect being, but fallible and flawed just like any other man, though a true hero nonetheless. If I put this info in a blog, nobody would read it. Seriously, why doesn’t anybody read my blogs? I have so many of them already. Plus, the chapter would have been really short.

Supergirl’s civilian name is Mae instead of Kara because it would have to take a huge coincidence for the Kents to give her the same name as her Kryptonian one. Plus, the Matrix version of Supergirl (long story) was named Mae and I thought that was cute. I made her his sister instead of his cousin to keep things simple.

Just so we’re clear, Billy and Mary gained their powers when they were adults, not children. Superman and Supergirl are not cradle-robbers. I made Mary’s superhero name Lady Marvel instead of Mary Marvel because seriously, a superhero name that contains your real name is dumb. Except when Danny Phantom does it, because he’s cool.

Lady Marvel’s costume while under Darkseid’s control is based on the one Mary wore when she turned evil in Countdown to Final Crisis. Supergirl’s costume while under Darkseid’s control is based on the one she wore in Superman/Batman: Apocalypse. I made them kiss because, hey, I’m a guy and that turns me on.

In the comics, Power Girl is a version of Supergirl from an alternate universe, but there was a time when she didn’t know her origin and the writers came up with a bunch of fake ones to troll the fans. At one point, she caught a fever and dreamed that she was Captain Marvel and Supergirl’s daughter from the future. I just decided to make that origin real.

In the comics, Ariella is the daughter of the Silver Age Superman and a dimension displaced Linda Danvers. She survived the Crisis on Infinite Earths and wanders the universe. She is one of the most powerful DC Comics characters. Yes, R'E'L', the Destroyer of Worlds is one of her nicknames.

I partially based the immature Vartox’s personality on Daario Naharis from Game of Thrones, except with a little less luck with the ladies. To quote Naharis, "The gods gave men two gifts to entertain ourselves before we die. The thrill of f**king a woman who wants to be f**ked, and the thrill of killing a man who wants to kill you."

I made Conner the son of Superman and Maxima instead of Superman’s clone because I thought it would make sense. Maxima and Conner both have telekinesis.

Superman with a sword, what can I say? Rule of Cool. Besides, the few times he actually uses a sword in the comics, he’s freaking awesome. Also, I really like katanas.

The Shadows Who Watch, Make, and Rule are from Alex Warlorn’s Pony POV Series. Used with permission. :scootangel: Here, they take the place of the Monitors from the comic book “Final Crisis: Superman Beyond”. In that story, the Monitors summoned Superman and had him team up with his evil mirror universe counterpart Ultraman, his counterpart from a world where the Nazis won called Overman, an alternate universe version of Dr. Manhattan, and an alternate version of Captain Marvel to take on Mandrakk. But I decided to replace the counterparts with some of my favorite fictional characters. Ruby Rose is from the web series RWBY. Queen Elsa of Arendelle is from Disney’s Frozen. Bayonetta is from the video game Bayonetta. Touma Kamijou is from A Certain Magical Index and A Certain Scientific Railgun. In the future, I may or may not write a side story on my fanfiction.net page based on the adventure Superman shared with them.

Donna is Wonder Woman’s sister in the comics, but I decided I might as well use that name for her daughter.

The Solar Pulse is based on both the Super Flare from the New 52 comics and Godzilla’s Nuclear Pulse. Unlike the Super Flare, it does not completely use up Superman’s energy nor does it destroy his clothes. It also only affects things really close to him instead of completely leveling an entire city block.

I based the scene where Vartox throws Superman through the portal on the scene in the Thor movie where Odin casts Thor out of Asgard.

Despite Daring Do commenting that she knew The Doctor, he may or may not appear in the story because I’m not sure I would be able to do his character justice. I only included that line to explain why Daring Do is not that freaked out about Clark.

To avoid spoiling a major development, I left out something really important in the backstory.