• Published 12th Nov 2015
  • 931 Views, 40 Comments

Death Be Not Proud - ShinigamiDad

Death's Agent in Equestria must regain his lost powers with Luna and Twilight's help.

  • ...

Predator and Prey

Dawn was breaking feebly to their left as Luna and Reaper stumbled through a crumbling wall into the courtyard of a ruined garrison. Heavy snow, whipped by strong winds, swirled around the overgrown courtyard, and piled against a wrecked and burned-out armory.

Reaper squinted into the slashing wind and pointed to a sagging two-story structure beyond the armory’s blackened husk: “Looks like a barracks. Let’s get against its leeward side, and get out of this damned wind!”

Luna nodded and tugged on the dalzis’ lead, guiding them across the pock-marked courtyard and into the relative shelter beyond.
Reaper helped her secure the mounts’ ropes to a post, and stepped through a gap in the barracks wall. His eyes adjusted, and he scanned the interior.

Luna joined him a minutes later, ducking low to avoid hitting her head on the crumbling masonry: “It seems fairly intact.”

“Agreed. The other end of this building is as burned-out as that armory up front, but this bit seems to have been spared the worst of it.”

Luna stepped in further and peered into a darkened back corner: “Others have also found these accommodations useful, it would appear.”

Reaper stepped beside her: “A fire pit. That’s good and bad.”

Luna raised an eyebrow: “Good seems self-explanatory. What is the negative?”

“It means we might have visitors drop in on us, who may not be quite as tractable as Sumi and Sagu.”

Luna nodded: “I understand. But do you think it likely anyone else is desperate enough to be out in the wilderness in this weather?”

Reaper stepped into the corner and poked at the ash and charcoal: “Probably not, but I’m concerned nonetheless.”

He peered up through an opening in the ceiling above the fire pit, and studied the collapsed second story above: “Looks like the floor above fell apart without crashing through into this space. Just hope this wind doesn’t finish it off!”

Luna looked back over her shoulder: “Should we bring in the dalzi?"

“Yeah, let’s see if we can coax them through this opening in the wall. The actual door to this room is clearly blocked.”

He pointed to a pile of rubble and fallen masonry across the room to their right.

Luna nodded and pulled the her hood tight before stepping back into the slashing, wind-driven snow.

Reaper stood to one side of the hole, waiting for Luna to hand him a lead. She reached through a moment later and waved a leather strap in the air.

Reaper grabbed for it, and tugged gently: “Got it!” He guided the skittish brown Nag into the room. It laid down its ears and looked about furtively.

Reaper spoke soothingly to it: “C’mon beastie, it’s safe in here. And you’re a lot less likely to freeze to death!”

Luna re-entered the chamber backwards, pulling Bitch inside, her aquamarine eyes locked with the pale dalzi’s large golden eyes. She stepped away and shook the snow from her hood.

“You seem to have a rapport with that one,” Reaper observed as he lashed Nag’s lead to an old bench.

“Yes. I know they are not sentient, but you are correct that they are intelligent and capable of connection.”

“Score another one for a bit of stow-away Equestrian magic!”

Luna smiled: “So I note that it must be morning, regardless of the dark sky. How long do you think we will need to remain here?”

“As long as it takes. No way are we going back into that. I’ve traveled in these northern realms before, and this sort of early spring storm usually blows through fairly quickly.”

“Very well. Is there sufficient fuel to get a fire going?”

Reaper walked toward the fire pit and backtracked to its opposite corner: “Looks like someone left a bit behind, yes.”

He began building a fire as Luna inspected the dalzi more closely: “A very odd mix of dog and pony. I rather like the thicker fur and shaggy tail. I do not think I would like their hooves, however.”

“Those three-toed things of theirs really are good over soft terrain and loose mountainsides and the like.”

Reaper struck sparks into a bundle of grass and twigs: “The only real advantage pony hooves have are on paved road surfaces.”

Luna bent down and picked up one of Bitch’s feet: “Yes, I can see that. They have some hard material, but not as much as a pony.”

“Right--and there’s no way to secure a shoe to it, the way some earth ponies do.”

Luna stood and stroked Bitch’s short, cream-colored mane: “I see why they gave her her name. She has an untamed fire in her eyes that some would find intimidating.”

Reaper blew life into the smoldering tinder and stacked a few heavier pieces on top: “But not you, I’m sure!”

She leaned forward and kissed the dalzi on its forehead: “Never! I am intimidated by no creature!”

“Well, except your sister…”

Luna turned toward Reaper and chewed her lip: “We have a complicated relationship…”

“I find it interesting that the age difference between the two of you withered to insignificance millennia ago, yet you still have a very ‘big-sister/little-sister’ dynamic.”

“I think much of that stems from my lingering guilt, and the feeling of rebirth I experienced when I was defeated as Nightmare Moon.”

Reaper paused as he pulled the blanket out of his pack and spread it beside the fire. He looked back over his shoulder at Luna: “Defeated. I wonder…”

She started to speak, but furrowed her brow and bit her lip instead. She walked to the fire and sat beside Reaper.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, chewing on some of Reaper’s dwindling provisions.

“How long do you think it will be before we reach the village? I am growing concerned that our food may give out soon.” Luna said between bites of a flattened biscuit.

Reaper tipped his head back and stared at the ceiling: “Based on Sagu’s map, I would say Rixk’a is likely another day’s long march away. We’re OK food-wise, and the stream’s always close for water. I just hope we don’t run into anyone else. We’re woefully under-armed.”

Luna took a sip of water from Reaper’s flask: “And I badly need a bath!”

Reaper laughed: “That’s not usually a big concern out here in the wilderness!”

Luna held her chin high: “Well, a T’zesa of the Zaldun must see to her hygiene! It is an important part of her image!”

Reaper grinned as Luna suddenly shifted uncomfortably: “Speaking of, would it be acceptable if I relieved myself in the far corner? I do not relish the thought of half disrobing in that storm!”

Reaper shook his head as Luna stood: “No, that’s fine. I don’t blame you for not wanting to squat out in that--you’d likely freeze your ass off!”

Luna rolled her eyes as she walked to the far corner, dropped her breeches and squatted, successfully emptying her bladder on a trampled pile of accumulated leaves that had collected next to the wall.

Reaper heard the trickling sound of her stream and called out: “Having better luck this time?”

Luna stood and gingerly pulled her breeches back up: “Yes. I still contend this is most undignified, but it does work.”

She turned to head back to the fire, when a pale stick entangled in a scrap of cloth caught her eye. She bent down to pick it up. Her eyes widened when she shook the bit of rag free and saw that the ‘stick’ was actually a length of leg bone.

Luna knelt next to Reaper on the blanket: “Should we be concerned about this?”

He turned with a quizzical expression that dropped into a frown when he saw what Luna bore: “Oh, shit!”

Reaper took the bone and held it close to the fire: “Heavy teeth marks. This poor bastard met his end in the mouth of a hartz!”

“Are we in danger?”


Reaper lifted a burning branch from the fire, stood and walked to where Luna had found the bone.

He crouched: “Well, I can certainly smell your piss, which is going to make it somewhat difficult to check for hartz spoor.”

Luna stepped up beside Reaper and took the makeshift torch as he went down on his hands and knees.

“My apologies…”

“No, you didn’t do anything wrong; you had no idea. I’m just hoping this isn’t a den--that some hartz just dragged its kill here long ago.”

Reaper continued to poke around for a few minutes, sifting through bits of leather and cloth, unearthing additional bone fragments. He stood at last and headed back toward the fire.

Luna sat down: “What do you think?”

Reaper settled in beside her and took a draw from his flask: “Hard to say. The evidence doesn’t look very fresh, but it’s pretty clear there’s a mix of remains. I don’t think this was a one-off. It’s possible there may be otsal mixed in with this too. They’re scavengers.”

“So we are in a bit of a pickle, as the farm ponies would say.”

“Yeah, I would say so. Let’s rest up for a bit, but just until the worst of this storm passes, then we clear out of here and get back on the trail south. I’d rather deal with nasty weather than nasty carnivores!”

“You should certainly take some rest. I do not believe you have slept since our arrival.”

Reaper smiled: “You first. I want to jot down another set of notes, see if I can re-draw that map while it’s still fresh in my mind.”

“Fine, but please alert me at the first sign of trouble.”

Luna wrapped-up tightly in the blanket, as Reaper added another log to the fire, and pulled out his notebook.

The wind whistled through chinks in the crumbling walls of the Castle of the Two Sisters as Luna wandered its abandoned and rubble-strewn halls.

She observed moonlight spilling in through holes in the roof, and felt the bite of cold air. It was then she noticed that though her horn and tail had returned, her skin was still hairless and walking on two legs. She heard voices in the distance.

“Hello?” She called out. “Is anyone, or anypony here?”

Her voice echoed back to her in unfamiliar words: “Ka’ix?”

“I do not understand you!”

“That is because you do not belong.”

“Who is this? Who are you? Are you pony or Kurlin?”

“Hard to tell.”

“That seems unlikely. It is easy enough: do you have a thick coat and walk on all fours?”

“You mean like a dalzi?”

“No, I meant…”

“Or like a dog that squats to piss? You know: like a bitch.”

Luna furrowed her brow in confusion: “No--Bitch is a dalzi.”

“Or your sister…”

“I am cold. Is there anything here I can use to wrap myself?”

A shaft of moonlight fell on a jumbled and broken skeleton shrouded in a cloak.

Luna stepped forward and leaned down to pick up the tattered garment, when she noticed the skeleton was that of a unicorn, still bearing patches of light brown hide.

She held up the cloak and looked at the symbol on the back: 死

“This is Reaper’s--it was destroyed.”

“Fitting, since he was, too.”

“Not true! He has returned to Kur to regain that which was lost.”

“You mean ‘take’ that which was given. That power resides inside you. Will you be usurped again?”

Luna peered into the dark and tried to illuminate her horn, but the silvery glow was snuffed out like a candle by a black ribbon of smoke.

“Who are you?”

Her voice echoed back again: “Nor z’ara?”

She clenched her fists and shouted at the gathering dark: “Enough of these damn riddles--WHO ARE YOOOOU?!”

Her angry cry was taken up by the wind and transformed to the howl of a wolf, hungry and close by.

Luna woke with a start. The odd howling was near, though not quite that of a wolf (or wolves?) She rubbed her eyes and struggled to sit up.

Reaper, slumped over, stirred next to her and took a deep, shuddering breath.

“Reaper! Wake up! We were both asleep, it appears!”

“Wha--what? Oh, shit! I fell asleep! How long?”

“I do not know, though the fire is down to embers, so at least three hours, I would suspect.”

Reaper ran his fingers through his hair and slapped his face: “Damn it! I was more exhausted than I thought!”

He stood up and stepped to the wood pile, retrieving a pair of thick branches, tossing them on the coals.

He squinted at the hole in the ceiling: “It’s brighter outside, so I would say it’s mid-day, by now.”

Luna tipped her head and peered intently at the two dalzi, who were now huddled together, trembling and making grunting noises.

She stood and took a step toward the animals: “I thought I dreamt I heard wolves, but the dalzi seem upset by something.”

Reaper knelt at the fire, blowing and rearranging fuel and coals, teasing the fire back to life: “Who knows--they may smell something on the wind, or…”

He was interrupted by a chorus of howls that sounded like a blend of wolf and elk cries, coming from the courtyard.

Luna froze, Reaper’s head snapped up, and the dalzi began shifting nervously.

Reaper licked his lips: “We have a problem.”

“Will the otsal attack us?”

Reaper slowly picked up his short sword and slipped it back through his belt as he walked toward Luna, who had moved next to the trembling dalzi.

“Sounds like three, so you and I aren’t likely in much danger, but the dalzi are.”

“Can we run them off?”

“Not yet. Our best bet is sit tight, stoke the fire, and prepare a few burning branches. I just wish we had another weapon.”

Luna scanned the room for anything useful while she laid her hand on Bitch’s forehead, calming the nervous beast.

Reaper headed back to the fire and thrust in two more branches, stirring the embers and causing fresh flames to flare.

“What were you dreaming?”

Luna looked back toward the fire pit: “What?”

Reaper began packing their scattered effects: “I was wondering what you were dreaming about.”

Luna furrowed her brow: “I was back in the ruined castle, having some sort of dialogue with, well somepony or someone. I could not tell.”

“More Nightmare Moon?”

“Possibly. I have felt little evidence of her presence since our climactic battle with Grey Thorn. I wondered if perhaps she had been, well, removed or dissolved or something. I am unsure quite how to express it.”

Reaper started to speak then stopped and held up his hand: “They’ve stopped howling. Do you hear that snuffling sound?”

Luna looked toward the opening in the wall: “Yes. I think they are moving toward the hole.”

Reaper slowly moved nearer the opening when a broken spear haft caught his eye.

He gestured toward it: “Do you see that spear shaft? Grab that when you get the chance. I’m going to poke my head out and see if I can spot the damn things.”

Suddenly something fell through the ceiling above the fire pit with a loud crash. Reaper and Luna spun around to see what had happened at the same moment two otsal dashed into the room, biting at the dalzis’ legs, and yelping like hyenas.

Nag let out a loud wailing sound and strained at her lead, which held. Bitch’s did not, and she bolted, knocking Luna aside and leaping through the hole.

The otsal were both engaged with Nag for a moment, and Luna regained her footing just in time to grab at the broken spear, and step in front of the gap in the wall.

Reaper ran toward the fire to seize a burning branch, and found himself facing a large, singed, silver-grey otsa, shaking free of the scattered fire.

Reaper yanked his sword from his belt and stabbed at the beast, driving it back toward the fire: “You OK over there, Luna?”

“No! Bitch fled! I must retrieve her!”

“No, no! Stay here! There’s no telling what’s out there in that blizzard! One dalzi isn’t worth the risk!”

Luna lunged at the two otsal engaged with Nag, shooing them back long enough to free the dalzi. She then stumbled toward the hole, falling heavily against the wall, knocking down a large section of weakened masonry and timber as she dove through the opening into the snow beyond.

Reaper looked back over his shoulder at the crumbling wall and cloud of dust: “Damn it, Luna, no!”

The large otsa took the opportunity to scurry out of the corner and make a break for Nag, joining its mates who were likewise closing in on the sweating dalzi.


Reaper dashed toward the knot of animals, waving the burning branch, and slashing with his sword. Nag reared and knocked one of the smaller otsal backward, directly at Reaper. He skewered it through the back and tossed the body aside.

“Nicely done, girl!”

Nag shied away and tried to make for the half-blocked hole. Reaper grabbed her lead and wrapped it around his forearm.

“Oh, no you don’t! I don’t want you taking off, too!”

He pivoted to his left just as the second smaller otsa dove at his leg, teeth gnashing. He thrust the burning branch at it, blinding it and driving it back. The large silver-gray leader jumped up on Nag’s back and opened its mouth to bite into the dalzi’s neck.

Nag reared and screamed, throwing the flailing predator onto Reaper, knocking him down. He grappled with the otsa, avoiding direct bites, but taking a series of claw slashes across his arms and chest.

He hugged the otsa tight, locked his head against the side of its jaw, and drove its head hard into the wall, stunning it for a moment.

Reaper staggered up and away, just as Nag kicked free of the remaining smaller otsa, sending it sprawling. Reaper jumped at the chance, took two, long, stumbling strides, and fell forward onto the creature, driving his sword through its throat with his full weight.

He shook his head to clear the glittering fog that filled his vision, yanked his sword free of the twitching otsa, and advanced on the last of the pack.

“C’mon, boy--it’s just you, and me. I don’t bear you any ill will, but I can’t have you tracking us, and I’m in a hurry to find Luna!”

The otsa snarled and feigned an attack at Nag’s hindquarters, causing her to kick, shielding the otsa for a moment. It scurried beneath the frightened dalzi and bolted for the crumbling gap in the wall.


Reaper jumped up and to his right to avoid Nag’s kick, and flung his sword at the escaping predator. It caught the otsa in its right hind leg, opening a long gash. The otsa yelped in pain and squirmed through the hole. It limped off into the storm, leaving behind a crimson trail.

Nag ran to the hole, and began to dig.

Reaper scrambled in the dirt to regain control of her lead: “Damn it, not you too! Just sit still for a minute and let me catch my breath!”

He sat down heavily on the floor and took several long, deep breaths. He stood stiffly and wrapped Nag’s lead around the bench where it had been secured before.

He limped back toward the fire pit: “Just hang tight a minute, girl. Let me scoop up all our stuff and we’ll get out of here.”

He hastily finished packing, slung the pack over his shoulder, kicked out the fire, untied Nag’s lead from the bench, and led her tentatively through the now-collapsing wall. It caved in just as Reaper and his dalzi stepped clear.

He squinted into the sky, and noticed that the snow had diminished substantially, but that the day had also grown late.

“Great,” he sighed as he scanned the courtyard for evidence of Luna and Bitch’s flight.

He saw a pair of tracks leading off to the north, and set off briskly, with Nag following close behind.

“I sure hope she didn’t go far…”

“Damn it, Luna, no!”

Luna scrambled across loose, snow-covered stones and clumps of vegetation, vainly trying to regain her footing while keeping Bitch in sight.
She whistled and shouted after the rapidly-escaping dalzi: “Bitch, girl--please stop!”

Luna began to fall forward, but caught herself against the spear shaft she was carrying, and finally recovered her balance. She broke into a fast run, her long legs carrying her quickly out of the garrison compound, heading north.

She kept a brisk pace for several minutes, following the dalzi’s footprints into the edge of a forest that covered the lower slopes of a range of rocky hills and outcroppings.

She stumbled down a steep bank to the edge of a frozen rill, where she tripped over an unseen root, buried in the snow, and sprawled forward on her face with a shout.

She rolled over, spitting snow and shaking her hair free from her cloak’s hood: “Damn!”

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and began calling in a low, soft voice: “Biiitch! Please come to me! I am really more like you than you know--we are both ponies, in our way. Let me be your friend!”

Luna stood and knocked the wet, heavy snow from her cloak and breeches, and gingerly stepped across the ice-covered stream, wincing with each crack and snap.

She picked her way slowly up the opposite embankment, stepping into the dalzi’s footprints wherever possible. She grabbed a heavy, gnarled shrub and pulled herself up the last few feet, then noticed another pair of tracks coming in from the west, merging with Bitch’s.

She furrowed her brow and peered at the heavy, four-toed prints bearing distinctive claw marks: “Oh, no!”

Luna began to run along the mingled tracks as quickly as the heavy snow and uncertain footing would allow. She strained her ears, listening for any sounds of distress or pain, but heard only the gusting wind rustling the surrounding evergreen forest. She bit her lip and quickened her pace.

A few anxious minutes passed, and Luna skidded to a stop in a large patch of confused tracks and disturbed snow. She heard the guttural cry of a distressed animal, and the counterpoint of a feral roar. She froze in her tracks and closed her eyes, trying to gauge the direction of the sounds in the dense forest.

Suddenly Bitch broke through the underbrush to Luna’s right, fleeing a pursuing hartz. The large, shaggy, dark grey beast was on all fours, hot on the fleeing dalzi’s heels, mere strides from overtaking her.

Luna pivoted and ran forward to meet the charging predator head-on, splintered spear shaft leveled like a lance: “Leave her be, you monster!”

The spear shaft gouged into the hartz’s right shoulder, drawing blood and throwing it off its stride. Bitch scurried sideways and dashed for cover as Luna turned to face the enraged beast, now standing at least two feet taller than herself.

She sized up her opponent: bear-like, though slimmer, with smaller paws, shaggier fur, and a more cat-like face and claws. It dropped back onto all four paws, gave a cry of rage and charged Luna from only a few feet away.

She sidestepped the hartz’s charge, poking her weapon at its face. It turned its head to avoid the spear’s splintered end, and drove its shoulder into Luna’s chest, sending her sprawling.

She swiftly rolled up onto her knees, turned and swung the spear shaft in a wide arc, striking the hartz across the back of its head. It howled in pain and rage, and scrambled upright, paws upraised, claws flashing. It lunged forward as Luna stumbled to her feet and twisted away to avoid its blow.

The hartz’s right paw caught Luna squarely across the back, rending her cloak and tearing the skin open between her shoulders.

Luna shrieked in pain and staggered forward as the hartz reared up again to its full height, preparing to drop its full weight on top of its crippled opponent.

Luna rolled over and tried to level her weapon, but her vision was blurred and all she could make out was a large grey mass descending on her.

“Do your worst!” she spat through gritted teeth.

But just as the hartz lunged forward, a pale shape broke in from Luna’s right, knocking the beast aside.

Luna planted the spear shaft into the ground and forced herself upright: “Bitch! Thank you!”

The dalzi turned back toward the combatants, pawed at the ground, and charged again, driving her head into the confused hartz’s abdomen, bowling it over.

Bitch reared up and drove its three-toed feet into the hartz's neck, but it was not enough. The hartz quickly rolled up on its haunches and swiped at the dalzi, knocking her down. In an instant the grey beast was on top of its squealing prey, preparing to sink its fangs into Bitch’s neck.

Luna dashed forward and leapt on the hartz’s back, sliding the spear shaft across its throat and pulling its head back. The enraged beast howled and swung a paw back, clubbing the side of Luna’s head.

Luna maintained her grip and position, though her head swam, and her senses were filled with the smells of frightened and angry animals, their cries of rage and terror, her own fear and searing pain. The hartz shook Luna free, causing her to slide off its back and around to its front, presenting her own throat as a target. The fangs closed in as Luna fell backwards across Bitch’s head. She felt death’s presence.

Suddenly the hartz reared back, dazzled and terrified as Luna’s eyes snapped open and blazed forth with a cold, white fire.

Luna grabbed a handful of the hartz’s neck fur, and let it pull her upright as it tried to back up and off its intended prey. Her other hand brought the shattered spear shaft around.

“I have faced mightier foes than you, beast!” she cried as she drove the spear shaft up under the hartz's jaw.

The terrified beast fell back, teeth clashing, paws swiping, but Luna clung to it, howling in rage, and drove her bloody weapon up through the back of its mouth and into its brain.

The hartz gave a great, shuddering sigh and collapsed forward across Luna, crushing her to the ground under its bulk.

Luna’s eyes dimmed as she struggled weakly to free herself from the hartz’s twitching body. Bitch stumbled over and pushed with her head at the great, grey body in an attempt to help free Luna, but to little avail.

Luna managed to free her upper body and hips, but exhaustion overtook her before she could pry her legs loose. She slumped onto her side and slipped into unconsciousness. Bitch settled in next to Luna, shielding her from the wind, and laid her head next to her mistress with a sigh as the storm’s last flakes floated down silently, and Larg rose, cold and pale above the treetops.