• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 2,234 Views, 65 Comments

The Foundation - Solar Caesar

Celestia has realized that the time has come. The time has come to share to Twilight and her friends one of the biggest and most classified secrets in equestrian history.

  • ...



"Object Class: Euclid (previously Keter)."

A few slightly grimaced at knowing this.

"Special Containment Procedures: SCP-2219-2 is allowed to freely roam Site 19, during the hours of 10:00-21:00(10:00-9:00), accompanied by no fewer than four(4) armed guards. If SCP-2219-2 wishes to roam outside of the facility, he will be accompanied by three(3) Mobile Task Force units of Alpha-1. If SCP-2219-2 informs any civilian or any non-authorized personnel about anything at The Foundation, that person(s) are to be given Class-A amnesiacs, and SCP-2219-2 will be detained and placed in a 'solitary' containment cell. After 21:00, SCP-2219-2 will be held an a standard humanoid containment cell. Food is to be dropped in at 10:00, 13:00, and 19:00. If SCP-2219-2 attacks anyone in an attempt to escape, or otherwise, he is to be heavily sedated and put in his solitary cell for two(2) days."

"Description: SCP-2219-2 is a male changeling, ages 25-30(though the subject claims to be 28). He is of average build, and strength, and has no abnormal mental properties. He has red eyes."

"The subject has shown to have extreme luck and can escape and predict almost inescapable and unpredictable scenario's."

A picture of a changeling popped up. Two, actually. One with him facing straight towards them, and another towards the side. He had a cut on his bottom lip.

"This picture is a mug shot filed by Canterlot police on █/█/2010. This was before he was brought to The Foundation's attention. He was arrested for assault of a Canterlot royal guard."

"Through various study and interviews, SCP-2219-2, before being apprehended by The Foundation, was a terrorist."

Rarity gasped. "That changeling was a terrorist!? Ooh, when I see him, I'll give him a peace of my mind!"

"It should also be noted, that SCP-2219-2 attempted to steal the elements, and hold them for a ransom. He would've hijacked live television, and exhibit his needs and requirements there."

"The following is a video recording of SCP-2219-2 attempting to steal the elements."

The screen cut to a video, which was apparently security camera footage of him trying to steal them. He enters the chamber, and then starts to grab the elements. But then he stops, and looks at Twilight's element. He touches the crystal. He then is blown back, appearing to be stunned. He looks around, and then runs to the exit.

The camera then switches to outside the chamber, where he went up the elevator to escape. A janitor who's working spots the changeling. There is no audio, but he appears to be asking the changeling questions. He starts to back away, and the janitor approaches him. The changeling grabs a book, behind him and hits the janitor in the face with it, knocking him out cold.

The changeling looked at the janitors body. He looks at his hooves. He then sprints to the exit.

"SCP-2219-2 was apprehended when Mobile Task Force unit Nine Tailed Fox went to SCP-2219-2's apartment in [REDACTED], Manehattan. There were no casualties, of Mobile Task Force or civilians. A recovery log can be found below:

Celestia opened the recovery log.

Nine Tailed Fox Unit-4: "All civilians have been cleared from the premises. No incidents."

Commander █████: "Roger that Unit-4, you are cleared to breach and extract."

Unit-4, Unit-6, and Unit-7 place C4 on the apartment door. Unit-7 sets the detonation time.

Nine Tailed Fox Unit-7: "Stand back."

The C4 detonates. The team enters and SCP-2219-2 is seen in the middle of the room.

Nine Tailed Fox Unit-5: "Put your hands up! Get on the floor now!"

SCP-2219-2: "Oh ████. How did you-"

Nine Tailed Fox Unit-2: "None of your business. Now, put your hands in the air, and we won't have a problem."

SCP-2219-2: "Oh, screw this."

SCP-2219-2 runs toward the window and jumps through.

Commander █████: "He can't get away! Chase after him, but watch your fire! There are civilians down there! And do not, I repeat, do NOT, use lethal force!"

The team chases after SCP-2219-2 through buildings, and Nine Tailed Fox Unit-3 tackles SCP-2219-2 through a glass roof. He lands on SCP-2219-2, knocking him unconscious.

Nine Tailed Fox Unit-3: "Dammit! I think he's dead."

SCP-2219-2 slowly regains consciousness.

Nine Tailed Fox Unit-3: "Actually, cancel that. He's alive. But I think he's hurt."

Commander █████: "Of course he's hurt. You just tackled him through a goddamn glass roof and fell ten feet. Get him back here."

"SCP-2219-2 has been in The Foundation's custody since 2010. The first interview is below. Following interviews are found in File-2219-I."

Interview Log:

Interviewer: Dr. Cadance.

Interviewed: SCP-2219-2.

Dr. Cadance: "Now, what is your name?"

SCP-2219-2: (silent)

Dr. Cadance: "If you refuse to speak, I will put you back in containment."

SCP-2219-2: "My name's Christchurch."

Dr. Cadance: "Christchurch?"

SCP-2219-2: "Yeah."

Dr. Cadance: "Christchurch...?"

SCP-2219-2: "O' Halley. Christchurch O' Halley."

Dr. Cadance: "Alright. Age?"

SCP-2219-2: "28."

Dr. Cadance: "Now, we have footage of you attempting to steal the elements. Have you attempted to steal the elements?"

SCP-2219-2: "...Yeah..."

Dr. Cadance: "Why?"

SCP-2219-2: "Making a statement."

Dr. Cadance: "Against what?"

SCP-2219: "Against you ponies hating us. You always think that the entire species is horrible. But that's just the army."

Dr. Cadance: "And what about your queen?"

SCP-2219-2: "She's nice. It's just her military is strict."

Dr. Cadance: "Right. You've been extremely evasive."

SCP-2219-2: "Well, I don't know what you guys are gonna do to me."

Dr. Cadance: "You are just...in study."

SCP-2219-2: "Sure."

Dr. Cadance: "And you are a terrorist."

SCP-2219-2: "I prefer the term, 'Freedom Fighter'.

Dr. Cadance: "Okay, this interview is over."

"Please note: SCP-2219-2 has a strange relationship with SCP-105. If he wishes to see her, Princess Celestia must approve it herself, and no one else."

"It seems like they bonded. I'm not sure what about, but they both seem happier overall. I wonder if one of them has romantic feelings for the other. Further testing required. -Shining Armor, Chief of Security."

"Honey, if one actually does have a crush on the other, it's not required that we find out. Their just in love. Nothing to it. -Dr. Cadance, L-4 researcher."

"This is a weird topic to bring up. Are we seriously talking about SCP romance? If you want romance, watch Grey's Anatomy. -Smart Aleck, 05-9."

"Addendum-1: SCP-2219-2 and SCP-105's conversation is logged in Incident-105/2219-2-A."

"Huh." Twilight said. "I'm definitely gonna research him."

"Interesting, right?" Cadance said.

"I just hate the fact that he's a terrorist." Rarity scoffed.

"Well, he's here somewhere. I bet you can find him." Celestia told them.

"Ugh, I just need a break. I'll go and get something to drink." Rainbow stated.

"294?" Twilight asked.

"294." she replied.

Author's Note:

I changed SCP-2176 to SCP-2219 because I found out that someone took the spot for 2176. Sucks. 2176 was a cool number.

Also, I took inspiration from Call of Duty Black Ops 3. That terrorist that you chase down.