• Published 4th Jun 2012
  • 1,288 Views, 23 Comments

A Friend in Flour - Lucefudu

Madam Le'Flour helps Pinkie one last time.

  • ...


Pinkie Pie was currently at a loss. She had tried her best over and over again; two of her most clever puns were mercilessly tossed at the audience, only for them to be dismissed by the loud wails of the two foals. She had gone through all the trouble to even set up a stage, complete with a red curtain, a small bench with a water cup and a small table for both foals to sit by. But by now it was all for naught, for the foals’ relentless cries and screams were the biggest indication that her stand-up act had been a complete failure.

In her desperation to make the ear shattering cries stop, an idea came to her mind. She was quick to kick the small wooden bench and to throw the old broom away. “Fine, I wasn't going to pull the show-stopper. But you're a luckily audience and I think you deserve it!” Pinkie Pie confidently exclaimed before she hid behind the red curtain as some drums began to roll out, seemingly out of nowhere.

~ First you jiggle your tail! Oink oink oink.

The pink pony was quick to burst forth from behind the curtain, her muzzle bearing a plastic pig snout attached with strings to her head as she cheerily began to sing to an impromptu song. The moment she began to sing, both foals stopped their wailing and looked at her quizzically, following the hyperactive pony with their eyes and trying to make some sense out of her.

Unbeknownst to the trio of ponies, another presence was in the room. Silently watching her pink friend’s every move, Madam Le’Flour stood from the top of a purple cabinet. She would’ve smiled if she was capable of such feature; Pinkie Pie was a pony of many tricks and never failed to make everypony happy, certainly these two foals stood no chance.

But as Pinkie’s small antic continued, Le’Flour noticed that the babies’ confused expression began to droop, becoming one of annoyance and, soon enough, they began to cry once more. No matter how many “oinks”, hops and cheering Pinkie could do, the foals were adamant in continuing with their wails, something that prompted Pinkie Pie to pick up the tempo in order to impress them both.

"Sacrebleu!" exclaimed Madam Le'Flour upon acknowledging that Pinkie's little sing and dance show was turning out to be a complete fiasco. "Meez Pinkie! She eez bomb-ing!" The little sack of flour could do nothing but watch helplessly as Pinkie sweated and gave her best, only to be met by the disapproving cries of the infants.

~ Then shout it oooou-

Pinkie, in her desperation, spiraled out of control and hurled against the cabinet upon which Madam Le'Flour silently sat up until now. It tumbled, shaking back and forth. For the little sack of flour, it all boiled down to that last moment. One insane move. Le'Flour knew that she had everything to lose and very little to gain, but she figured that, if it was for a greater cause, then her sacrifice would be worth it. "I must help her!" she exclaimed and began to inch forwards, accompanying the shaking cabinet. "I am com-eeg my friend!"

Time began to slow down for the sack of flour. She began to remember; simpler times in which there was only Pinkie Pie and both the Cakes living at Sugarcube Corner. The days were mostly quiet, as the party pony was always outside; enjoying all the time she could with the company of her five friends. Few were the times in which she was feeling moody and needed her other friends’ company, but whenever Pinkie was feeling under the weather, Madam Le’Flour, Sir Lints-a-lot, Rocky and Mr. Turnip were always there for her.

They never told Pinkie that she was random, nuts or crazy, no. Le’Flour and the other three were always understanding of her, never disagreeing, never arguing. Loyal friends; they were there when the five ponies had abandoned her, prompting her to think that they were trying to get her to leave Ponyville. When Pinkie explained what had truly happened, Madam Le’Flour, Rocky, Sir Lints-a-lot and Mr. Turnip were overjoyed by learning that Pinkie’s friends had a good reason for keeping her in the dark and meant no ill will against her.

Yes, those were the good days. But then those two foals appeared, ruining everything for them. For one whole month they had been forgotten by Pinkie Pie. For one whole month had she preferred the company of these mentally disadvantaged ponies. If somepony were to warn her beforehand about it, Le’Flour wouldn’t have any of it. But now that she thought about it, she couldn’t believe what she had just done.

She had chosen to forfeit her entire existence just to help Pinkie. But after all that had transpired, was it really worth it? Sure she thought so before, but being in the situation often broadened your horizons, shedding a blinding light that sometimes revealed places you didn’t wish to see. Rationalization was beyond Madam Le’Flour by now; the little sack of flour was in a maelstrom of emotions.

She never before stopped to think just how selfish Pinkie was. To her, Le’Flour and the trio’s existence was only needed when she felt alone. How ungrateful Pinkie Pie was to abandon them all when the option to presented itself. Figures, since she wouldn’t know what it was to be locked within a pantry, waiting alone in the darkness for the time in which her master’s mood demanded their presence. Well, from that moment forth, Le’Flour wouldn’t be tricked so easily... if she could escape her impending doom, that is.

What would the others say to her? Rocky would probably laugh and point out just how stupid she wa- Rocky! Why wasn’t he in this situation? He would probably survive the fall -- and teach Pinkie Pie a lesson, Le’Flour thought. And even if Rocky weren’t to survive, nobody would feel his absence. He had always been a brute towards everyone, including the ever-so-honest Sir Lints-a-lot. None of them would feel bad for him were this situation taking place on his shoes. But alas, it was the Madam’s fate that was now unfolding before her, not someone else’s.

But... was this how it was supposed to end? With a puff of white cloud and a dirty pony? Why exactly she had chosen this path? To her, the answer was clear; to help a friend who had never really cared for her. Who took their existence for granted, never once stopping to think about how they actually felt about it. It seemed fruitless, as Pinkie wouldn’t even remember her after the incident. All that Pinkie cared about right now was these foals’ well-being, not some dumb, old sack of flour like her. It was with some grief that Le’Flour thought that Pinkie probably didn’t remember about them anymore.

Then, it came to her. It wouldn’t matter if Pinkie would forget about her existence completely after the incident. It wouldn’t matter because, even though for the rest of the world this act would seem like a mere coincidence, to her it would mean something far greater than that. If Pinkie were to forget about her sacrifice, then so be it. For the first time in her whole existence, Le’Flour felt complete. She didn’t know before that all of her life would come to this; helping a friend in need. But now that she had this little epiphany, she couldn’t help but feel whole because, for the first time, she had everything so very clear before her.

She had a purpose.

The emotion, joined by the falling speed was enough to tear through one of her sides, sending sprinkles of snowy-white flour in the air. Then, it happened. In a matter of seconds, Madam Le’Flour felt herself being ripped open as her insides were forced out from the violent impact. The moment the ivory specks that the Madam contained within herself fell upon the pink pony, the crying of both babies ceased completely. They looked confused at Pinkie Pie, who seemed to be more surprised by the lack of crying than anything else. Soon, a smile formed on both Pound's and Pumpkin's muzzle, erupting into a torrent of innocent giggles and laughs.

"I..." cough cough "... regret noth-zing!" the empty sack whispered, as the white clouds began to settle upon the wooden floor.

Comments ( 23 )

This was an interesting experiment of mine, a (somewhat) more serious one. As always, criticism is very welcome.

Fun fact: Madam Le'Flour passes through all the Stages of Grief postulated by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.


I didn't notice anything severely wrong, but it was comedy and I am certainly biased against it. (Experiences as a [younger]child + comedy jaded my opinion)

Come online, see a new story by Luce. MY DAY HAS BEEN MADE ALREADY.

Thumbs up'd, beautiful story bro. Keep on writing! :F

You madman.

I don't think it will. :rainbowlaugh:
But worth the experiment nevertheless.

I'm still waiting for that Pinkie Pie one-shot, Car Car!

I do what I can. :pinkiecrazy:

695594 Which one? I have oh so many planned.

Because you must.

Static, my boy! That one I'm eager to see!

Cupcakes with music? I'd rather this little thing.

695631 Static isn't a one-shot. It's a multi-chapter fic. Derp.

695636 But... but... :rainbowhuh:
You... said that... :rainbowderp:

695638 Ugh, you have access to the fic, and you've SEEN what has been done. How did you forget?

695653 No I don't. :X
And at early stages it was planned to be a one-shot.
Your PM was lost at sea (Seriously, a page system for PMs wouldn't be a bad thing)


Sweet Jesus.

695655 Is it just me, or does he seem a bit forceful? Jeebus, it makes what we do behind the curtain of the PMs seem like foreplay! I didn't think you were into that kind of thing Lucy! :rainbowlaugh:

--Srs line--

Seriously, he makes it look as if he is entitled to your 100% attention in any of the comments I've seen with you two, seems greedy to me. :twilightoops:


695937 U MAD BRAH?

No, but seriously, Car Car is kind of my waifu... when he feels like it, at least. :fluttershbad:


Ahem, B-but I thought....we had something special!:fluttercry:
I'm just going to go over here and cry over my shattered hopes and dreams of being your waifu, you do whatever.

696104 There's always room for a ménage à trois. :raritywink:

And he abuses me...

696113 Love triangle?! Count me in!
I'm almost tempted to get Swiper to write a Clop fic about it...:pinkiecrazy:

696187 Swiper writing a fanfic about homosexual intercourse between Carmine, Lucefudu and MuzzledElk? That would be... I don't even. :rainbowhuh:

696654 Oh God! That I want to read.

696666 Indeed it would be the only gayfaggotry I'd ever read and get off to.

:applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry::applecry: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats so cute and sad! I Have To Say, You Did A Great Job Adding So Much Emotion To A Flour Sack! Now I Want To THink About My Place In The Universe.:derpyderp2: :trixieshiftright:

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