• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 7,734 Views, 75 Comments

Re-Igniting Love - Loxart

A human who has been trapped in Equestria that ends up making the leader of the wonderbolts develope a crush on him

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Whats a Wonderbolt? (Anon/Spitfire POV)

(Anon POV)

"A what now?" I ask, tilting my head.

"Wonderbolt! Get it through your thick head, will you?" Rainbow Dash glares at me.

It has been less than a month since I arrived in this place known as Equestria. I'll be honest, I'm not the smartest of people, so I can't really explain how I got here. All I remember is a thunderstorm and a flash of lightning and something coming towards me. Next thing I know, I'm here. But less than 5 seconds after arrival, I instantly got tackled by a rainbow maned Pegasus.

Yes, that's right. The inhabitants of this land are ponies. Talking ponies who look like they were spawned from a crayon box. I was terrified of them at first but they were even more so of me. I had to run into the forest to hide away and I have been living there ever since. I have a nice house that I built, cozy and sturdy. It was hard to get food at the time, but that problem didn't last for long. One day I had left my house to scavenge for food and I noticed a basket just sitting there and inside were some seeds. Along with that were gardening supplies and a note from a Fluttershy. As soon as I asked what a Fluttershy was, a yellow Pegasus with a light pink mane landed in front of me. I screamed and ran into the house as fast as I could.

A few minutes later I heard crying outside. I slowly opened my front door and noticed that the Pegasus was crying. As much as I wanted to tell her to fly away and leave me alone, my caring side TKO'd my shy side and I slowly walked towards her. As I sat in front of her, she looked up and tilted her head. I opened my arms to invite her into a hug and she accepted it and started the waterworks. She told me that she had very bad social anxiety and had a hard time making new friends. I felt heartbroken for running and starting tearing up. I asked her name but she couldn't stop crying. So I just held her there.

Funny enough, she was the one to help me break my shell and go out into town with her that day. As we walked through the town, everyone seemed frightened of me, but when they saw that Fluttershy was at my side, they all smiled at me. That is until that same rainbow maned Pegasus rammed straight into me again. But this time, when she got up, Fluttershy was explaining that I was not hostile or evil and the other Pegasus put her hooves to her mouth in despair. She helped me up and apologized continually. I told her it was fine but she said that one day she would make it up to me. Today is that day.

"Ok, so what about this 'Wonderbolt' show?" I ask.

"I got two tickets and I thought that this could make up for what I did." She says, pridefully smiling.

"You don't have to!" I say, trying to tell her it was fine.

"But I want to!" She pouts at me.

"You wont drop this until I say yes, will you?"

"Bingo!" She crosses her forelegs.

"Fine!" I retort, taking one of the tickets.

"Yes! Meet me at the station in 5 hours. But first stop at the library and ask Twilight if she can cast the cloud-walking spell on you. BYE!" She says as she darts of to who knows where.

5 hours eh, that gives me some time to kill. I wonder what I should do. I could always go see Fluttershy for a bit. She always seems to enjoy my company. If I'm going to her place I might as well hit up the library first so I can get the spell out of the way. I guess that's a good enough plan for now.

As I head off for the library, I notice that Ponyville is very quiet today. I'm guessing everyone had something to do and are all busy. Seems reasonable enough. As I walk over to the market for a shortcut, I notice that sound is starting to reveal itself. As I turn the final corner before reaching the shopping portion of the town, I notice most of the ponies here. I guess it was shopping day for most of them. As I cut through the market, I got the occasional hello and how are you from a couple of ponies and I responded as well as I could. I honestly was not in the mood to be paying attention today.

As I reached the entrance of the library, I gave it a quick knock and in doing so, a very angry unicorn shouted from the other side.

"WHY DOES EVERYPONY KNOCK! IT'S A PUBLIC LIBRARY!" A wound up Twilight screamed.

"Ok, A) I'm HUMAN and B) It's technically also your house" I shout back.

"Well I-" She tried to speak up but couldn't.

"Point Anon!" I fist pump, "May I come in?"

She pokes her head out the door "Depends, do you need the couldwalking spell or are you just here to visit?"

"Spell but I don't se- AHHHHHH" I scream, getting hit by a bolt of magic.

"Done, goodbye!" She slams the door again.

As I shake of the pain, I quickly dart my head towards the door and knock once more. As she opens the door, she looks absolutely livid. There was only one thing I could do before I went to Fluttershy's cottage.

"Boop!" I say, poking her muzzle.

(Spitfire POV)

"Hmmm..." I start thinking to myself.

"Whats up Spits?" Fleetfoot asks.

"What?" I totally forgot she was beside me, "Oh, nothing. Just thinking."

"About?" She tilts her head.

"Do you think I'm attractive enough to be courted?" I ask, bluntly.

"Ugh, this again." Fleetfoot looks at me annoyed, "Spitfire, you will find your special somepony at some point! Most stallions are just intimidated by your status as captain of the number one flying group in all of Equestria!"

"I guess your right." I say, head down.

"I'm always right!" She says, playfully, "Anyways, gotta fly. Catch you tonight Spits!"

"See ya Fleet." I respond, still down.

I honestly don't understand why no one ever tries to ask me out. I mean, Fleetfoot gets asked out all the time but she is waiting for that special somepony. I don't know what it is about me. Was Fleet right in saying that stallions are intimidated by me? Or is it just that no pony wants to date me period.

Maybe after tonight's show I'll grab a drink and drown my sorrows at the bar. The bartenders a nice stallion, gave me a private booth in the back so no pony else would disturb me and anypony I brought with me. I would go there now and then between or after shows and I would rant to him all about how I felt. He would make a great coltfriend if he wasn't already married.

I grab the newspaper that caught my eye a couple of weeks ago. The Ponyville Papers had published an article about that human thing finally coming into town and trying to make friends. He seemed very popular.

"What I wouldn't give to meet him! He seems so cool!"

(Anon POV)

After my visit with Fluttershy, I headed towards the train station to see that Rainbow Dash was darting her head around, most likely trying to find me. When I waved at her, she flew over to me.

"Finally you're here. Ready to go?" She asks.

I nodded "Where we heading?"

"Cloudsdale, I was thinking that after we watch the game that we could hit up a bar or something?"

"Sounds like a plan."

As she handed me a train ticket, we hopped about and sat down. As we started moving, she told me all about these Wonderbolts. The main pony she talked about was their Captain, but she didn't give a name. She kept going on about how she was her idol and how cool and awesome she was. I don't know why, but I felt intrest in listening closely about this Captain. She seemed like someone I would like to befriend.

'What I wouldn't give to meet her! She seems so famous!' I thought to myself as I listened to Rainbow talk on.

Author's Note:

The POV will go between Spitfire and Anon depending on what chapter it is.

And I don't know how short or long this chapter is going to be, I'm currently writing the authors note at 626 words.

Boop scene inspired by: