• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 4,891 Views, 41 Comments

Canterlot Wedding Remix - chronicLurker

A slightly less kid-friendly take on the Season 2 finale.

  • ...

Chapter Seven: Changelings

The rush of magic faded and the wielders of the Elements of Harmony slowly dropped back to the ground, still tingling from the vague euphoria that came in the wake of the power.

Shaking away a lazy half-smile, Dash perked up and asked, “Did we do it? Are the changelings-?”

“Look up!” Pinkie shouted, sitting back on her haunches with one hoof pointed toward the sky.

Black shapes fell from the air, tumbling, flailing, and crying out as they plummeted toward the ground. Some of them still had wings and were able to catch themselves. Others were not so lucky – their wings had vanished – but their flying comrades did their best to catch them. The few who were not caught in midair were either enveloped in the glow of magic and decelerated or snagged by compassionate pegasi before they struck the ground.

Acting on reflex, Rainbow Dash darted up a few meters to rescue one of their falling enemies, her eyes widening when she saw what she’d caught. The half-grown colt, his tiny wings too small to sustain flight, was a pegasus pony, not a changeling. He immediately twisted in her loose hold and clung to her like a limpet, sobbing from fear. Dash gaped at him for a moment before looking to her friends for help.

Applejack stared. “What in tarnation...?”

“Look at them,” Rarity said in a hushed, disbelieving undertone as she stared off down the street. The others turned to follow her gaze and joined her in being entirely flummoxed.

The changelings were no longer changelings; they were normal unicorns, earth ponies, and pegasi, some of them mares, some stallions, and even some foals. Each one had a coat as black as night, their manes and tails in various shades from blue to green. They looked around with electric blue eyes, regarding their surroundings and their new bodies with shock as colorful ponies approached them tentatively.

One black earth pony with a mane of darkest blue was turning circles as he examined himself, occasionally laughing unsteadily. When he stumbled and nearly fell, a beige stallion reflexively caught and held him up. The helpful pony received an exuberant hug in return. Not far away, a pair of ponies who had been clinging together during the battle now stared at each other, still caught in a loose embrace. The black mare began to stammer out an apology, but the orange stallion cut her off with a desperate question. She shook her head sharply and he tightened his forelegs around her as he spoke softly and thoughtfully. Her coat was too dark for a blush to be visible, but her shy expression spoke volumes. He smiled at her and she smiled back.

Others were not so joyful.

“I’m a pony,” an elderly pegasus observed blankly, tears streaming down her wrinkled cheeks. “I’m a pony.”

A little further down the street, a tiny black unicorn colt picked himself up, shaking his head. Eyes widening, he slowly looked up to find a rose-colored unicorn staring down at him, one of her hooves half raised as if to reach out. His little face crumpled and he burst into tears. The mare swayed in his direction, the motion setting a pendant around her neck swinging. She paused, apparently torn, and looked around. Another black pony – a slightly gangly young pegasus with a stunned expression and a limp – was approaching the crying foal. Eyes widening, the unicorn reached out and scooped up the colt, who latched onto her desperately and continued to cry. The pegasus stumbled to a halt and unceremoniously dropped to sit on her haunches.

“It’s true,” Twilight realized aloud. “They really were ponies once.”

Dash – who’d sunk down to the ground and was in the process of transferring the weeping colt to a cooing Fluttershy – exclaimed, “What?! They were ponies the whole time?”

“Well, duh,” Pinkie chirped, rolling her eyes. “Of course they were! Other than being black and having fangs and funny eyes they looked just like us. And now they look even more like us!”

“If that don’t beat all,” Applejack said. “Was it some kind of curse?”

“No,” Twilight responded absently, “but it must have been a spell or-” She shook herself free of her thoughts to stare at Pinkie, who gave her an innocent look. “No,” Twilight breathed. “No, it can’t be.” She turned and stamped a hoof to get the others’ attention. “We have to meet the princesses and my brother in the throne room. Come on, let’s get all of this sorted out.”

The palace grounds were full of ponies. True Royal Guards trickled in from the city and began to take charge. Servants arrived and vanished into the palace to restore order. Former changelings were also converging on the palace. They milled about aimlessly on the lawn, but seemed to be slowly congregating in small groups under the watchful eyes of the guard. One such group relieved Fluttershy of her young charge, who seemed relieved to huddle together with a few other black foals.

No one impeded the progress of the six mares as they entered the palace and made their way to the throne room. There they found the doors open and a group of confused and uncertain black ponies, mostly unicorn stallions, loitering nearby. The former changelings stared at them, awe and uncertainty in their eyes as they began to whisper amongst themselves. Some of them even genuflected before the mares. Embarrassed and puzzled, Twilight and the others moved past them quickly.

Luna, Shining Armor, and Cadance were being attended by veritable horde of guardsponies and members of the palace staff at the base of the dais upon which sat the throne. The moon princess was giving orders while her captain received reports, Cadance leaning into his shoulder exhaustedly.

Seeing the mares entering, Shining Armor perked up and called out, “Twiley!” He eased away from Cadance, ensuring that the groggy princess was stable before cantering to his sister. Rearing up, he laid his forehooves gently on her shoulders and stared into her eyes intently as he urgently asked, "Twilight, are you okay? Did they...did they hurt you? You can tell me."

"I'm fine," she replied, a little puzzled. She looked around at her friends, smiling as they all nodded to show that they, too, were whole and unharmed. Turning back to her brother, she asked, "Are you?"

"Yeah," he said, slumping with relief and favoring her with a tired grin. "I’ll be alright." He lowered his forelegs and stepped back, glancing to his right as Cadance came up alongside him slowly.

Taking in the princess’s downcast demeanor, Twilight ventured, “Cadance?”

“I’m sorry,” Cadance apologized heavily. “I can’t...I can’t say or do anything to make it up to all of you, but at least know that I am so sorry for everything that’s happened.” Beside her, Shining Armor looked pained but said nothing as he cast a guilty glance at his sister and her friends.

“That’s silly, silly,” Pinkie Pie objected, laughing. “You don’t have anything to apologize for. It was the meanie-pants changelings who were naughty, and they’re nice now. Hey, since they’re all freed from the evil spell, this is a good end! That means no one has to say they’re sorry!”

“Yeah,” Dash agreed. “I mean, you didn’t want to do what those jerks said, right?”

Applejack nodded staunchly. “And you helped stop them, so we’re square as far as I’m concerned.”

“Yes, your highness,” Rarity chimed in. “We were a little frightened and suffered an unpleasant shock, but no permanent harm was done. Please, don’t worry about it.”

Cadance looked up with teary eyes. "No, I- What I’ve done to you, to everyone? I should have fought harder. I should have refused no matter what they said. I hurt ponies. I'm a monster!”

Twilight shook her head, keeping her eyes locked with the trembling princess's as she said, "No, you’re not.”

A hoof fell softly on Cadance’s shoulder and she looked up, startled, to find Fluttershy regarding her with gentle, sincere empathy. “It’s okay,” she told the princess earnestly. “You’re not a bad pony. You did a bad thing, but you didn’t want to and you’re sorry. We forgive you.” Behind her, the other Elements nodded their agreement. Cadance’s face crumpled. A low whine emerged from her as she tried to respond; then she broke down completely, slumping to the ground at the yellow mare’s hooves and sobbing out all of the fear, frustration, and crushing guilt of her imprisonment between bursts of unintelligible apologies.

Twilight looked helplessly to her brother, who responded with a sober look before crouching beside his fiancée to comfort her. Fluttershy elected to help by folding her legs gracefully beneath her so that she was on Cadance’s level and nuzzling the older mare. Rarity stepped forward wordlessly and began to groom Cadance with the soft blue glow of her magic, smoothing and cleaning her matted and grimy coat and mane.

Twilight moved as if to join in, but a flash of golden light drew her attention toward the front of the room. Princess Celestia had appeared, hovering a few feet off the floor on widespread wings. A purple baby dragon clung to her back, wide-eyed, as she lowered herself to the floor and crouched down so that he could leap from his perch. Relieved, Twilight cast one last slightly guilty glance toward Cadance before trotting a few paces further into the room and calling, “Spike!”

Looking around, Spike caught sight of his caretaker and immediately rushed toward her, calling out, “Twilight!” Lunging forward, he flung his short arms around her neck and hugged her tightly.

Twilight returned the embrace, hooking a foreleg over his back and giving a quick nuzzle to his scaly head. “I’m so glad that you’re safe.”

“Me too,” he sighed. In a quiet, reticent voice, he told her, “Princess Celestia said that you would be okay, but last night, when you just collapsed like that...” He squeezed a little harder, the tips of his claws just beginning to dig into her coat. “I was worried.”

“I’m sorry you had to see that, Spike,” Twilight said seriously, releasing the little dragon. “Don’t worry, everypony is perfectly fine. Thank you for sending a letter to the princess. Because of your quick thinking, everything worked out okay.”

He bashfully scratched the back of his head with one claw and, “Aw, it was nothing.” He glanced past Twilight, his eyes passing quickly over their other friends to land on Rarity. She was still occupied with Cadance’s mane. Uncertainly, he asked, “Is Princess Cadance okay?”

“The whole situation has been pretty hard on her,” Twilight hedged diplomatically.

“Best to leave ‘em be for now, Spike,” Applejack advised as she walked up to Twilight’s side. She nudged the unicorn with a hoof. “Twi, I think the princesses are waiting for you.”

Startled, Twilight looked toward the throne and saw Celestia and Luna watching her, the former smiling patiently while the latter merely looked calm and remote. Gulping more out of old habit than any real nerves, Twilight quickly left her friends and trotted up the red carpet which led to the front of the room. As she approached she scanned her mentor surreptitiously for battle damage, but Celestia was as perfect as ever, not a hair or a feather out of place. “I’m sorry,” Twilight began contritely, “I didn’t-”

“It is alright, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna assured her. “I suggested to my sister that it would be best to include you in this discussion that we may avoid repetition later.”

“And I agreed,” Celestia interjected serenely. “Are you well, Twilight?”

“Yes, Princess,” the unicorn replied promptly. “Everypony is fine.” She cast a glance back to her friends, who were still gathered around a prone Cadance. “Or they will be, I guess.”

“I’ll take that as good news,” Celestia said mildly. “On that note, it will be some time before Queen Chrysalis presents any sort of danger to Equestria.”

“It is good to hear,” Luna replied. “The changeling army has been dealt with as well, thanks to the Elements of Harmony.” She waved a silver shod hoof at the crowd of black ponies at the back of the room. “We appear to have acquired quite a few new subjects.”

“Truly?” Celestia turned her rapt gaze to the former changelings and mused, “How strange. I had no idea that the Elements would affect them in such a way.”

“Princess,” Twilight interjected, “about the changelings. Pinkie said something earlier - though I don’t think she meant it quite this way - and it’s probably nothing, but I think you should know just in case she’s on to something...”

Gently, Celestia laid a gold-shod hoof on her student’s shoulder and reassured her, “Twilight, I trust your judgment. If you feel that it’s important, I’m listening.”

Twilight had to suppress the bubble of giddy warmth that swelled in her chest before she embarrassed herself. Forcing herself to remain calm and collected, she ventured, “Well, the changelings – when you consider what the Elements did to them-” She looked to Luna guiltily and lowered her voice to hesitantly continue, “They reminded me a little of...of Nightmare Moon.”

Luna recoiled visibly, eyes wide and lips parting as if she would object, but no words emerged. Celestia, on the other hoof, took it with her usual poise. “Yes, I see what you mean.” Glancing at her sister, she calmly agreed, “It is possible that there is a connection, but we may never know for certain. For now, let us keep it in mind and move on. Did the Elements remove the love spells from the citizens?”

Still reeling a little, a slightly more subdued Luna answered, “Yes, in that regard, the Elements functioned as we hoped they would.”

As if on cue, Cadance approached gingerly, flanked by Shining Armor and Fluttershy. She looked much better for Rarity’s attentions, though she could still use a hot bath and a good night’s sleep. Bowing before the sun princess, she said, “Princess Celestia, I’m so sorry. The changelings never could have gotten so far without my love spell. I understand that I probably couldn’t have stopped them, but I...” She paused and glanced toward Shining Armor, who gave her a supportive smile. Taking a deep breath, Cadance continued, “I’m sorry, your highness. I'll never use that spell again."

“Princess Cadance,” Celestia sighed, “please don’t say that.” She stepped closer to the winged unicorn and touched her muzzle to Cadance’s shoulder, encouraging the younger mare to look up. Celestia met her eyes with an expression of gentle compassion. “Any spell can be misused. Rather than forsaking your special gift, take this as a lesson. You wield powerful magic and should always consider carefully before using it. What has happened here these last few weeks is not your fault.”

“I...I understand what you’re saying,” Cadance said, “but I don’t think I could bring myself to do that to anypony ever again.”

Celestia nodded. “In time, perhaps.”

“In time, all things,” Pinkie Pie chirped, bouncing past the white alicorn. Gleefully, she leapt into the decorative water feature beside the throne and began to splash around. “Whee!”

“Ahaha,” Twilight laughed nervously, her face suddenly frozen in a forced smile. Her horn lit and Pinkie was enveloped in magenta light and lifted out of the shallow pool. “Sorry, Princess, Pinkie is just a little wound up from all of the excitement. She is so sorry-” (“I’m not sorry! That was fun!”) “-and she’ll never do it again, she promises.”

“It’s alright,” Celestia replied, smiling indulgently as Pinkie giggled and wiggled around in midair, dripping freely on the red carpet below her. “It has been quite a day. Why don’t you and your friends go get something to eat?" Twilight looked uncertain, but the princess was serenely adamant. "Don’t worry, Luna and I can handle things. Captain, please escort the Elements of Harmony and Princess Cadance to brunch and ensure that they receive whatever accommodations they desire. I think that Lieutenant Horn Blower can fill you in when you get back.” One of the earth pony guards saluted crisply.

Shining Armor looked a little surprised, but obediently said, “Yes, your highness.” Turning toward the lieutenant, he told the younger officer, "Hold off on searching the caves until I get back, but be sure that everyone guarding the entrance stays on their hooves. Oh, and have Lieutenant Bush compile a list of soldiers and palace staff who haven't returned to duty; it's possible some were hurt when the changelings arrived."

"Yes, sir!" Horn Blower and the other guards saluted their captain.

Shining Armor returned the gesture before bowing respectfully to the princesses. The Ponyvillians and Cadance followed suit, and the ponies took their leave as the rulers of Equestria watched them go. The small group was halfway through the throne room before a nudge from Applejack reminded Twilight to let Pinkie down.

As they came to the door, Twilight hesitated. A Celestia-sized black stallion with a long, sharp horn was just entering, his broad wings tucked neatly against his sides. He stopped when he saw the purple unicorn and returned her stare with shocked, luminescent blue eyes. Her friends moved on, none-too-subtly ushering Shining Armor and Spike forward when they would have stopped, and left Twilight effectively alone.

She had to say something, if only to end the horribly awkward silence. “You,” Twilight blurted out dumbly. The stallion shifted slightly and she took a skittish, involuntary step back, unsure of what to think or feel.

“No, it’s okay,” he said, quickly raising a hoof in a placating gesture. “I don’t love you anymore.” He blushed immediately, strongly enough to be seen through his dark coat. “Sorry, that didn’t sound right. I mean, the enchantment was broken.”

“Oh right. Of course it was,” Twilight replied weakly, calming down a little. She studied the former changeling more thoroughly, wryly thinking that he still resembled the princess a bit too much even though his long, flowing, azure mane and tail were merely normal hair. “So...you really are an alicorn now.”

“A unicorn with wings,” he corrected, “much like Princess Cadance. I’m nothing special.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” she countered. “We might not have found Cadance or my friends without your help.”

“I’m vain enough to pretend that’s true,” he chuckled. Growing serious, he gravely told her, “I wanted to apologize for what I put you through and also to thank you for saving us.” He nodded toward the other former changelings, who stared at Twilight with awe. “I don’t think I can express what it was like. We owe you more than we will ever be able to repay.”

"It wasn't just me," she protested modestly, uneasy under the weight of so many wide, earnest blue eyes. "I couldn't have done it without my friends. And you certainly don’t owe us anything."

He gave her a look that gently disagreed, but something behind her caught his eye before he could say anything in response. Twilight glanced over her shoulder to see both princesses looking in her direction. Luna was gesturing for the stallion to approach but paused at a word from Celestia. The unicorn felt her face begin to heat up as she realized who she was talking to and what her teacher must think-

“I should go to them,” the stallion said reluctantly, drawing Twilight’s attention back before she could work herself up too much. “Princess Luna said that she would speak to Princess Celestia about making us citizens of Equestria. She thinks that a lot of the other former changelings will look to me for guidance...” He fluffed his wings and bobbed his horned head pointedly, a somewhat wry expression on his face. “...and it will be easier for us to integrate if we have a public face who looks ‘royal’.”

She nodded and silence fell between them. He hesitated briefly but seemed unsure of what else to say. With an awkwardly polite nod, he walked past her and approached the waiting princesses. The rest of the former changelings moved to follow, drifting after the winged unicorn stallion like nervous shadows.

He’d gone a dozen steps when Twilight whirled around and called, “Wait!” He glanced back over his shoulder at her and she hesitantly pointed out, “It’s kind of embarrassing, but I never asked your name.”

The other ponies continued to file past, all of them giving the winged unicorn a respectful berth as he paused and turned to face her again. “I didn’t have one before,” he admitted, “but Princess Luna suggested Caeruleus Nox.”

“I like it.” She closed the distance between them and, smiling up at him, held out a hoof. “Friends, Caeruleus Nox?”

Nox’s returning smile was brilliant. He nodded as he gently bumped her hoof with his own and happily agreed, “Friends, Twilight Sparkle.”

Cadance and Shining Armor had paused just outside the open doors of the throne room to wait with Twilight’s friends when the young unicorn fell behind. They were grouped in a loose circle, Cadance leaning into Shining Armor’s side and hesitantly allowing the other mares and Spike to engage her in conversation. The stallion paid no attention to the discussion as he watched his sister interact with the former changeling through narrowed eyes. Suspiciously, he began, “Cadance, wasn’t that guy the one who-”

“Oh my, what a day,” Rarity interrupted dramatically, fanning herself with a hoof. “I can’t remember the last time I ran around so much.”

“Oh, that’s a good question! Hmm, I think it was when we fought Discord,” Pinkie mused. “Saving the world sure is hard work.”

“You said it, sugar,” Applejack chuckled. “I don’t know about ya’ll, but I’m plumb tuckered.”

“Me too,” Fluttershy softly agreed.

Rainbow Dash laughed as she landed and flexed her wings. “No kidding. And I thought coming out here for a wedding would be boring.”

Rarity suddenly looked stricken. “Oh no, the wedding!” she gasped. “I never finished our dresses!”

“Uh, I’m not sure there’s actually a wedding, Rarity,” Applejack ventured, glancing uneasily at the couple who might or might not be tying the knot. “Wasn’t that just part of the changeling trap?”

“Not exactly,” Shining Armor replied slowly. “I had asked Cadance to marry me and we were beginning to make plans, but then the changelings came. We’d already decided on the date and asked the princess for permission, so Chrysalis incorporated the celebration into her scheme.”

Cadance chimed in softly, her eyes on the floor. “Tomorrow is the anniversary of the first time I foalsat Twilight; it was the day Shining Armor and I met.”

Fluttershy shifted uneasily on her hooves and tentatively asked, “So, um, you’re still getting married?”

Cadance looked to Shining Armor uncertainly. “Sh-shining?”

“Of course we’re still going to get married,” Shining Armor said softly, stroking her forelock back and smiling at her. “Unless you don’t-“

“I do,” she insisted quickly. “But after all this-“

“I told you that none of that matters to me. I love you,” he told her firmly. “We’ll just have to postpone the ceremony a little.”

“No, you won’t,” Twilight said. All eyes turned to the mare who had just joined them. She looked around at her friends, a challenging smile on her face as she asked, “What do you think, girls? Does twenty-four hours sound like enough to set up the best wedding ever?”

Pinkie, Rainbow, and AJ loudly agreed, with Fluttershy joining them much more quietly. Only Rarity looked unhappy. AJ poked her in the side with a hoof and said, “Uh, Rarity? That was our cue to say yes.”

Completely deadpan, the white mare asked, “Are you mad? Prepare a wedding in twenty-four hours? Do you know how much time and effort goes into making a wedding dress? Hours of labor! Multiple fittings! That’s not even to mention the bridesmaids’ dresses, hair and make-up, decorations, the food, the invitations, the music, and the flowers! And this is a royal wedding! Only the best will do and everything must be absolutely perfect! Nopony could accomplish such a task, no matter how brilliant, talented, and fashion-forward she might be! It’s simply impossible!”

The other ponies stared at her blankly as she heaved with indignation. Finally, Spike hesitantly ventured, “Impossible for anypony but one as brilliant, talented, and fashion-forward as you?”

Rarity rolled her eyes and flipped her mane dramatically. “Oh, alright. But I’m going to need Fluttershy, six gallons of hot coffee, unrestricted access to the bride, and a large workroom with a suitably inspirational view.”

Comments ( 11 )

Many apologies for the delay in posting this chapter. :twilightblush: A combination of RL, writer's block, and dithering held this part back quite a bit. There will be one more chapter (originally this was to be last, but it started getting a little long compared to the others) which is still in the works at the moment. Hopefully I can get that finished soon! :twilightsmile:


Thank you! I'm glad you liked it :twilightsmile:

And that last line shows why Rarity is best pony. :rainbowlaugh:
Interesting take on the Changelings.

I Can't Believe That The Changelings were Once Ponies. :twilightoops:
I'm Starting to Feel Bad for Them. :pinkiesad2:
Nice Story By The Way. :pinkiehappy:

Before I read this I wanna know, does this Fic link with A Lot To Think About?

Okay, now this was a far better story than canon. Chrysalis's plan made sense, the conflict was well thought out, and the resolution felt unforced. Yes, well done.

hey... this says incomplete.... moar? there's moar? YAAAY! and i love how you gave twi a love interest that works with the cannon you've laid about, i count Nox as a love interest, NO MORE FLASH SENTRY! :pinkiehappy:

Ok, you just summarily, - and in order no less - obliterated all of the issues I had with the Canterlot Wedding episodes. And you managed to keep the cast in better characterization than the episodes themselves.

Well. Frigging. Done! I'd send you your choice of cupcakes, cookies or pie but I have no idea where you are.

This is now how I see those episodes - from here on out this is my headcannon. It is now a three parter, has a better plot, better conflict and resolution, and we get to see Luna and Celestia be boss, which is woefully not something we get in the series. I approve whole heartily. Have a mustache. :moustache:

this story is dead.:fluttercry:

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