• Published 13th Dec 2015
  • 10,774 Views, 428 Comments

The Days Passed - SilverEyedWolf

A poor break-up sends Spike to the most understanding of the Six. She sends him to bed.

  • ...

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No, Really, What Day is It?

The picnic went relatively well, as long as you discounted Rarity's small crying spell. And the fact that Rainbow and AJ had talked Spike into creating something Twilight had called “the Tower of Terror”, and Fluttershy had called “Oh Celestia Please Put Them Down Please”.

Everything else had been fine, though. Even Twilight's annoyance at the fact that Spike had planned on sleeping on Fluttershy's couch again. And her annoyance at their little nuzzle when they started talking at the same time. And when Spike had wrapped a foreleg around Fluttershy, acting nonchalant when she squeaked and nestled into him.

Twilight was just irritated in general, she decided as she slammed a book into a missing slot on its shelf. More than she should be.

Looking around the deserted room, Twilight sighed before lifting all the books off of the return cart, levitating them into their proper slots as she left the small (for her castle anyway) set of rooms she used as a public library.

Looking down the halls, she caught a giggle as her (pretty much former) student darted through a hallway, most likely playing some sort of teleportation game with her marefriend. Those two loved blinking around the castle, Trixie using it mostly as an excuse to practice her magics, but also to tackle Starlight whenever she caught her.

Twilight shook her head, unable to keep off her smile, but also unable to shake off the general sadness lingering about herself.

Wandering away from the marefriends, she walked up to an older room, took a deep breath, and gently pushed open the door to Spike's first bedroom.

Glad she took the breath, she cast a dusting spell, then walked into the cleaner room.

It was surprisingly clear of anything, beyond the item she'd come to get. Spike had cleared it out extremely well when he'd hit his first natural growth spurt, taking all but one item. After all, he'd been well and colt sized at that point, and needed a bed.

What need would he have had for the little basket, abandoned in this empty room?

She gingerly picked up the little cushion inside the woven bed, gently patting some extra little dust off of the bottom, flicking away a tiny forgotten scale shed long ago. The basket itself wasn't looking great, a little fragile from the age, but the cushion seemed just fine. Maybe a stray thread or two. She sat down, holding it to her barrel.

She nuzzled the pillow for a while, thinking long and hard. Eventually, she nodded to herself, then stood and walked out of the bare room, making her way to her own suite.

Walking through the receiving room, past the library and her actual bedroom, she made her way to what she considered her office; a spacious room with a single bookshelf (covered in law-books, no light reading to relieve potential boredom) and a large desk, covered in tidy stacks of paperwork and a large map of the area.

Gently, she floated a chunk over to the long table she had on the side, for just this reason. Pulling out a quill and parchment, she filled out a note and looked it over, magically erasing a part and trying to make it a little gentler.

Reading it over, she nodded with a smile, before gently wiping away a tear with the pillow.

Satisfied, she walked into her personal library, then pulled open the book on the table beside the large chair in front of the window, and she enjoyed the warmth of the sun as she looked through her latest read.

The pillow stayed beneath her barrel, gently cushioning her as she read.


She heard him first, fuming and hovering outside her library door. Setting her book to the side, she turned her chair and another so that they could comfortably face each other. Nodding, she moved a table close to the other one, then opened the chamber door with a smile.
“I half expected you tonight, half in the morning.”

He waved the letter in his claw, frowning at it. “I thought that this was more important than helping Flutters make dinner. As did she. Can I ask why?”

Twilight nodded, her smile wavering. “Of course, Spike. But please, sit down? I can have some tea here, if…?”

He nodded, then slowly took his seat next to Twilight. He placed the note on the table he knew Twilight had placed by his chair, then accepted a summoned teacup.

They both took a sip from their cups, then exhaled, looking each other in the eye as they did so. They smiled at themselves, making fun of older, other times. Spike's smile fell quickly, and his eyes dipped as well, into his teacup.


Twilight interrupted him immediately, saying, “No, Spike, it's nothing you've done. Or, at least, nothing you've done wrong. It's not a punishment, just something I think will help me cope with...”

When she trailed off, he prompted her, “Cope with?”

“Well, with you growing up,” she finished, with a smile. “I mean, this thing with Fluttershy's helped me realize just how grown up you're getting to be. I'm well,” Twilight shivered, a chill down her back, “aware, of some of the things you and Rarity were getting up to,” Spike blushed, and looked awkwardly out the window, “but sex doesn't always equate with adulthood.”

They both took a moment to breathe, sipping from their mugs of tea.

“But things are not the same with Fluttershy, are they? I believe you when you say you've just kissed, yet you're spending much more time with her then you did with Rarity at the beginning, and you're already making dinner with her, and spending the night on her couch, helping her with her animals… stuff like that… I don't know, Spike,” she huffed, throwing her hooves up in the air.

“Things just feel different, don't they?” he asked, smiling at her. “With Rarity it was sort of a 'leap for it before it's gone' type of thing, while this… It's more 'be careful, go slow, enjoy this moment' type of thing.”

“You've thought about this a lot, Spike?” Twilight asked, looking over the dragon. He seemed… tired, but happy. Sort of like he was ready to glow, if he wasn't quite yet.

“Twilight, I am so afraid that I'm just using Fluttershy as a rebound for Rarity,” he admitted, his smile falling. “She deserves so much more than that, and I cannot even imagine what would happen if that was what's happening right now.”

He set his cup to the side, and ran his claws over his face.

“On top of that, she basically admitted to not even having thought of me romantically before, no surprise there of course, but...”

“Whoa, Spike,” Twilight said, holding up a hoof. “It sounds to me like you're over thinking this, especially if you're specifically going slow. I mean, it's obvious she likes you now, right?”

He nodded.

“Well then, that should be all you need, right?”

“That...” he started, taking a long breath in the middle, breathing out with a smile. “Yeah, that really should be, shouldn't it?”

He looked up from his cup, smiling at Twilight. “It will be, Twilight. Thank you.”

She nodded, and for a minute, both of them smiled at each other. Then Spike's smile dropped, and he tapped the letter with a claw.

“So, you're evicting me because I'm getting to old?”

“Yup!” she said cheerfully. “You need to spread your wings, and yada yada yada.” Sighing, Twilight leaned forward. “Spike, you are well out of adolescence, into your early twenties now. I'm Mama Bird-ing you, and I might should have done it earlier. You'll have two weeks…”

Spike held up a claw, cutting her off silently. “That seems like quite a bit of time, Twi. I think a real landlord would say a week, maybe five days?”

Twilight looked at Spike for a moment, then giggled as she nodded. “Very true. You'll have a week…”

“Oh, come on!” he once again cut off Twilight, bursting out angrily, “That's nowhere near enough time to find a place to live, and to move into! How am I supposed to move in a week!?”

Twilight gawked at him for a moment, stunned by the sudden outburst. His scowl slowly turned into a grin, and they both started to chuckle, then burst into laughter.

“Really though,” Twilight said, wiping away a tear. “I'd like you to start looking for a house. Standard Princess/Student stipend, so you should be able to find somewhere reasonable. And Spike?”

Her face turned stony, and he squashed his giggles, trying to match her gravity.

“I don't want you just bunking with Fluttershy. Not,” she lifted a hoof as he moved to interrupt her. “Not because your relationship is so young, or because I think untoward things would happen. I just want to see you succeeding on your own, not off of one of your friends. Do you understand?”

He sighed, then nodded. “You want to be sure I can take care of myself.”

“The same as Celestia when she moved me out here, the same as I'll eventually have to do with Starlight Glimmer.” Twilight looked suspiciously around the room, as though her name had invoked her somehow. “Though with Trixie, and seeing as how she had her own town for awhile, I'm sure she'll do fine.”

Spike nodded absently, already going through his options in his head. “I don't suppose there are any houses for rent right now, are there?” he mused out loud.

He jumped a bit when Twilight cleared her throat and jumped out of her chair, making for the door.

“I doubt it, but the Mayor always keeps me in the loop about empty houses. Making sure nothing moves into them without paying, I suppose.”

Walking into her office, Twilight picked up the large map and clipped it to the cork-board on the wall, looking over the massive square.

“There's a few, actually, though some of these might have been taken already,” Twilight said absently, as she floated few metal markers over to the board, highlighting houses with certain symbols written within them. Finished, she put the rest away, leaving twelve markers on the board.

“More than I expected,” Spike muttered, looking over the placement. “All of these are for rent?”

“All of these have owners than can be talked into renting,” Twilight corrected, highlighting a marker with her magic. “This one you'd have trouble with, maybe, but most of the rest would be happy to rent out their properties. Four of them you'd have to talk into it, this one,” she let her magic fizz a bit, “included.”

“So eight ready to rent, four possibly rent-able,” he confirmed, Twilight nodding her head in his peripheral. “Would you happen to have a notepad, so I...”

A piece of parchment floated over, already inscribed with the details.
Chuckling, Spike took the paper. “I don't care what Rainbow says, you rock. Alright then, I'm going to go look over everything in my room. Make sure I want to take all of it, and all.”

“Take your time, of course. Just remember two things; this is not a punishment for anything, and I love you very much, Spike.”

Blushing, Spike leaned down to hug Twilight. “Love you too, big sis.”

They both leaned to hug each-other, Spike leaning down while Twilight had to stretch ever-so-slightly up, and sniffled on themselves for a few seconds. Playfully, Spike shoved Twilight away, rubbing at his eyes.

They both started giggling, then Twilight composed herself long enough to salute carefully, Spike looking at her strangely until he floated up into the air, turned, and zoomed out Twilight's door, the wooden piece slamming behind him.

They both chuckled for a while, both sobering up quickly when Spike shut the door to Twilight's suite.

Twilight stayed where she was for a while, her mind a tumult of nothing and everything combining into static. She stared at those houses for a long time, noting the few closest to her, as well as those closest to Fluttershy, and for some reason, those closest to Rarity.

She walked back to the library, sat on her chair, and used his cushion to wipe at her tears.

“How the buck do you do it?” she whispered to the sun, streaming in her window.

The sun didn't answer.

Author's Note:

I am so sorry that this took this long to get to, I promise that I didn't just have this sitting around gathering dust (I had about twenty words today at 1400). Thank you so much for staying around for this, and I promise to get the next one done sooner.

Please, is there's anything wrong, or just not as good, comment or message me and I'll fix it as soon as I can. Love you all, and thanks for reading :pinkiehappy:

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