• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 34,540 Views, 2,421 Comments

Normal Life - Hiver

What's a normal life might be relative. Especially when dating a Princess and being followed around by changelings.

  • ...

Chapter 24

"Excuse me? I need that book.”

Looking up in surprise, I spotted a light yellow unicorn with a strange mane color and style. It was pink and purple. Most of it was left free, but the bangs that could get in her eyes was held together by a hair band, pointing straight up at the top of her head like a second horn. Even more unusually, she was wearing a polo neck shirt and a pair of thick rimmed glasses.

Ponies rarely wore clothes other than for specific work or formal occasions.

This was one of the reasons to why I preferred the royal archives. Much less traffic by ponies and students in general.

Sadly, their collection had some holes in it. For one thing, their collection of fiction was rather limited.

This wasn't fiction however, I got stuck reading a book about dragons. I'm sure this was somewhere in the royal library as well, but I had not run into it yes.

“Sorry, I'll be done with it in a couple of hours.”

She sighed, looking somewhat annoyed, “Fine.” before she blinked and put her hooves on the table, leaning closer, “...Is that a herald medallion? One with Princess Luna's mark nonetheless.”

Blinking in surprise I then looked down at it before looking up at her again, “...Yes?”

“Where in Equestria did you find one!? They are impossible to locate!” She exclaimed quietly, "Never mind! You can't wear it, it's illegal.”


“I'm pretty sure it's legal for me.” I slowly said, “There is pretty much no way to say this without sounding like a egomaniac, but... don't you know who I am?”

That got a bit of a unsure look from her before she shook her head, “...No.”

That's actually pretty nice.

I was not overly excited about the entire fame thing. It was getting increasingly rare to find somepony in canterlot that didn't at least recognize my name. What was annoying about it was that it was less about my books and more about my relationship with Luna.

If I had to be famous, I wanted it to be because what I was doing instead of whom. But I suppose that kind of thing came with being Luna's consort.

“I'm Blank Page.” I said offering my hoof for a shake, “Don't worry, I got the medallion directly from Princess Luna. I can wear it legally.”

“Moondancer.” She answered, shaking my hood, “Oh... did it have something to do with the entire changeling thing?”

“Let's go with that.” I happily agreed.

The unicorn sighed and shook her head, “Sorry, I'm not overly up to date. I prefer to focus on my studies.”

I nodded. I could perfectly understand that. Back on Earth I couldn't have cared less what celebrity got together with which celebrity either. Hell, I likely wouldn't have known half their names.

“What are you studying?”

She settled down across the table from me and shrugged, “Pretty much everything. Pottery, calligraphy, sociology. Math. Magic.”

I grinned at that, “I'm doing the same at this point. Right now, dragons. A couple of days ago it was ship construction.”

“Oh! Have you written any thesis I might have read? I don't recognize your name.”

Shaking my head I shrugged, “No, sorry. This is mostly just some personal study. Collecting information to write a book.”

“What kind of book?”

“It's a...”


I folded my ears back and waved sorry to the librarian before leaning closer to Moondancer, lowering my voice further, “I'm going to write a novel and realized I knew way to little about the subject matter. I was going to look at similar novels, but I got stuck on a book on dragons. I'm sure I can work a dragon in there somewhere.”

She looked surprised at that, “A novel? Have you written anything before?” she asked, sounding somewhat dubious.

“The Jedi series.”

“Never heard of it.” Moondancer answered before she adjusted her glasses, “But then again, I don't read much modern fiction.”

I smirked at that, “A lot of it is of dubious quality.” I agreed, “But even you have to admit that it's nice to settle down with a cup of hot tea and a lowbrow adventure book like Daring Doo once in a while.”

Moondancer frowned at me, “Daring Doo?”

Resisting the urge to facehoof, I sighed softly, “Never mind. What do you need the book for?”

“I'm looking into the subject of dragon migrations.” she explained quietly, “And the different paths taken. One happened not too long ago but took a unusual path. I'm looking into if it's because the pony population redistribution since the last one.”

Huh. That actually did sound interesting. And possibly problematic if it really was true for the future. Because if ponies disturbed that kind of thing too much, it sounded like there might be problems with armored, hundred meter or longer firebreathing lithovores.

That ranked higher than my idle curiosity.

“I think I saw a piece in here on migrations.” I said and floated the book over to her, “Chapter nine I think. You can take the book, I have written the title down already, I'm sure there is a copy in the royal archives anyway.”

“Tha...you have access to the royal archives!?”