• Published 15th Feb 2016
  • 643 Views, 14 Comments

The Crystal Changeling - Zoljen

What do you do when you discover a changeling that was encased in a crystal egg? Why, get it to tell you a story of adventure!

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The Crystal Changeling

“What is it?” A unicorn stallion glanced at his comrade. The unicorns were of similar colors, both having a dusty brown coat. One had a bright green mane, the other a dark purple. They were both wearing the glittery blue armor of the Crystal Empire. And the one with the green mane was also glittery, showing off his crystal fur coat.

The pair were staring at a changeling, at least what appeared to be one. The grey limbs appeared to match, and the bands around its barrel were a deep blue. It has a pair of bright red bat-like dragon wings on its back, and a matching dragon like tail that ended in a green crystal. Along its neck was a crest of a deep purple. A pair of fangs were visible from its closed mouth as it laid there, barely breathing. Finally, the shell on it's back was a milky white.

“I suspect it's a changeling. But… that's about it,” The pony with the purple mane glanced up, seeing a broken crystal that looked more like an egg then a crystal. Shards of it were strewn about the room. The guards had been called in when a few mining ponies had found this area. He turned to the other pony, “Go get Shining Armor and Princess Cadance down here, Corporal Horn.”

Horn saluted. “Sir, yes sir. Lieutenant Spire.” He turned and bolted out of the room. Leaving Glimmering Spire alone with the unusual creature. He turned his attention back to the changeling, noticing something that seemed to escape his eyes before. Was it glimmering like a crystal pony?

He shook his head and continued to look it over, his eyes falling upon its right fetlock, where a silver bracer rested. The design on it appeared to be a single dragon wrapping around it like a snake, and within its claws it grasped a deep purple gem. As Spire stared at the gem, he swore he saw a bolt of lightning, and something stare back at him. He blinked and quickly shook his head, looking about the room.

The room appeared to be carved out somewhat hastily. No designs upon its walls aside from a single line that appeared like words that he couldn't read. He shrugged and looked inside the egg, seeing a single weapon resting within. The weapon was a sword, at least he assumed it was. The hilt and handle were made of ivory and designed for someone with paws. He could make out faint images of griffins along the scabbard.

He tried to reach out with his magic to grab it, and gasped. His magic couldn't touch it! It wasn't like an anti-magic shell or ring, it just wasn't there for his magic to feel. He would have gone to grab it, but this strange creature laid in front of the egg.

He took a step, but stopped and glanced over his shoulder, just as Shining Armor came into the room. Following behind him was Princess Cadance and a snow white unicorn with a blue mane that had a stripe of purple in his mane, and a deeper blue stripe in his tail. The three of them stared in shock at the changeling.

Spire quickly straightened up with a salute. “Sir!”

“Stand down, Spire,” Shining said as he kept his eyes on the creature. “What is it, Scope?”

The snow white unicorn took a few steps towards it. “Uh, it appears like Talon. But beyond that, I don't know.” He kept looking it over. “We’re near the Crystal Heart, closer than any normal changeling should be. So it should be waking up soon, if it is one.”

“For now we should move it to the palace, put a few anti magic things on it,” Shining said, turning to Spire. “Go get them and a cart, we’ll watch over it.” Spire nodded and dashed out of the room.

Shining turned to Scope a few moments after Spire left. “Any clues, since you're the changeling expert?”

“It appears similar to me, the wings and tail anyway. And its carapace there…” He shrugged, pointing towards its back plate. “It appears to be from the Quartz hive. But they died out half a century before the last griffin-drake war.” He turned to look at Shining. “And I have yet to see a changeling with a Cutie Mark.” He pointed to the changelings flank, where a rather interestingly shaped blue, white, and brown crystal sat that looked like Earth would from orbit.

“Would moving it closer to the heart wake it up and power it up?” Shining looked at the changeling, “Because if so, the last thing we need is a changeling powered up in the middle of the Crystal City.”

“If it's anything like me, sir, I doubt it’d get more than a buzz,” Scope looked at the weapon in the egg, taking a few steps towards it, he pointed it out to Shining. “Why would a changeling need a sword?”

Shining looked up. “I don't know.”

Scope reached out with his magic, right as Cadance looked at the blade. She saw something hovering over it, like an outline of a ghost. Scopes magic actually managed to touch it unlike Spire who couldn't do anything with it

As Scope’s red aura grabbed the handle, Cadance yelled out to not touch it. The aura held it for all of a second before white lightning arced back at Scope, sending him flying into the wall. His disguise held up as he slumped down.

“Ow…” Scope shook his head, glancing up at his sizzling and scorched horn. Cadance ran over to his side and looked him over. “Well, I feel dumb now,” he said as he looked at the Princess.

“As you should be, did you not see the protective aura around it?”

Scope shook his head, looking back at the sword, “Nope. In fact I barely felt the sword there.”

Shining focused on the sword, looking it over and reaching out his magic just to touch it. He blinked when he felt it clear as day, he dare not touch it though, even if that ghostly image seemed to part for him. “Huh, that's weird.”

Cadance looked back at Shining, then to the blade and noticed the same thing, “For now, we should leave it be. We clearly can't touch it, at least with magic.” She looked at Scope. “Can you stand?”

Scope shook his head a few times, “Once the world stops spinning, yeah.”

“Are you sure we should even touch it with hooves? Who knows how it would bite then.” Shining took a few steps from the egg, keeping his eye on the weapon for a moment longer before looking at the changeling before them.

They debated back and forth for a good half hour and finally decided to leave the blade there, right as Spire returned with a cart, and the four loaded the creature onto it, after making sure the wings were tied, and a ring put upon its strangely unnotched horn.

Shining and Scope proceeded to bar up the room, and posted a pair of guards outside it to make sure no pony could disturb it. Afterwards, Scope followed the cart back to the palace, keeping a constant watch on the unconscious changeling.

“That horn is… weird. I mean, it's strange enough that it’s lacking notches, but the changeling looks to be old.” Scope shrugged as he walked, Cadance next to him.

“Maybe when it wakes up, if it isn't hostile, we can get our questions answered. We should at least put it in a semi comfortable room. Not one of the jail cells,” Cadance said softly, glancing at Scope.

“Even if said jail cells have cotton sheets and comfy beds?” Scope chuckled softly, as Cadance glared at him to make him shy away for a moment. “Sorry, your highness.”

“Just because I prefer my prisoners to at least be somewhat comfortable while they are doing their time doesn't mean anything.” Cadance said with a huff.

“Yeah, I think it’s the overpowering air freshener you have down there that keeps ponies from committing crimes. Maybe that's what Celestia should do for her dungeons,” Scope chuckled, ignoring the glare from Cadance.

“Do you want to be down there, Scope?” Cadance lowered herself, narrowing her eyes at the unicorn-disguised changeling.

“Uh, no. I'm going to shut up now, ma’am… Highness,” Scope gulped, scooting a little away.

“Good,” Cadance straightened up, as Shining merely chuckled from his position ahead of the cart. They slowed as they neared the room, and both Scope and Shining floated the creature gently into it and onto a bed.

“Well, it should be comfortable on that bed,” Scope chuckled softly as he started towards the door.

“And guess who just volunteered to watch it first,” Shining pointed at Scope, who sighed.

“Yes sir.” He moved to sit outside the door. Shining smirked and walked to Cadance’s side and they trotted off down the hallway.

“Remember, four hour watch, I’ll get somepony to replace you then,” Shining called back.

“Yes sir!” Scope said with a minor salute in his general direction, since he wasn't watching.

A pony dressed as a maid nodded to the guard ponies outside the room. They opened the door to let her in, one of the two guard ponies moving in with her to keep an eye on her. They both looked at the bed and gasped. Laying in a neat pile on a neatly made bed, was some rope and a small horn ring.

The guard quickly dashed back into the hallway. “The creature is missing!” he shouted at the other guard, before dashing down the hallway. He took a few various turns, passing by ponies until he made it to the lobby, where Shining and Cadance were, just as they were greeting a familiar purple alicorn.

He slid to a stop near Shining, panting softly. Shining turned and raised an eyebrow at him, he quickly saluted, “Sir! The creature has vanished!”

“Vanished?! HOW?” Shining turned quickly to glare at the guard who held his ground.

“Unsure!” He kept his salute.

Shining turned back to the newcomer. “Sorry for the interruption, Twily!” Shining turned and was about to take a step or two in that direction.

“You used the guest rooms, right?” Twilight asked, getting a nod from Shining. “Okay, one mass teleport coming up.”

“Wait Prin-” The guard managed to say, before the area suddenly shifted to a hallway, “-cess, urk!” The guard turned a few shades greener as he quickly looked for a potted plant. Shining was already dashing down the hallway with Cadance hot on his hooves. Twilight looked at the guard apologetically.

“Sorry.” She cringed, and quickly left the guard to share his lunch with the potted plant.

Shining had already made it to the room and inside, quickly looking around. The window was closed, no signs of visibly leaving the room at all. Cadance and Twilight soon cantered in, looking around as well.

“How…? The window is closed, it had that null-magic ring on its horn,” Shining mumbled to himself. Twilight trotted over to the bed, looking it over, just as Scope trotted into the room.

“Huh,” Twilight started, getting every ponies attention, “A teleport spell? You said it looked like a changeling?” She looked up at Shining, “I doubt even Talon could teleport out of here,” She closed her eyes, horn glowing a little, “I think I can follow it.”

“Do it!”

Twilight opened her eyes and glared at her brother “Aren't you bossy.”

“If it is a changeling, it's loose in the Crystal City! It could be going after the Heart as we speak!” Shining looked towards the doorway. “You, outside the door! Go increase the guards at the Crystal Heart!”

“I think you’re over-reacting, sir,” Scope said calmly, as the guard outside the door galloped down the hall.

“Better to overreact then be unprepared.” Shining turned to Twilight. “Can you please take us along that trail?”

“At least you said please…” Twilight trailed off, powering up her horn. With a pop, Cadance, Twilight, Shining, and Scope all vanished from the room.

The four appeared in a familiar dusty room, scaring the guards at it's doorway. They appeared in the room that was discovered in the mine shaft. The four quickly looked around, “Huh, it came here?” Shining asked no one.

“She.” All four turned to the source of the sweet and gentle voice, staring at the creature that looked back them with a gentle smile and gleaming emerald green pony eyes. She was standing near the words on the wall, and the blade that was resting in the egg was on her back, the scabbards straps across her shoulder and barrel. She watched all their shocked expressions for a moment, keeping her eyes on Twilight for a few moments longer, before she turned to the wall and rested a hoof on it, just under the words.

“What are you doing down here? How did you escape that room?” Shining started barking questions at her. She ignored him, sighing softly at the wall. “Answer me!”

“Reminiscing,” She then angled a wing to point at Twilight. “And what the owner of the Element of Magic did.”

Twilight just stared wide eyed at her, “How…?”

“My best friend used it very well.” She kept facing the wall, “Considering he was an earth pony.”

“I don't believe you,” Twilight said flatly.

“Did not figure you would.” She turned to face the crew, looking among each one and lingering upon Scope for a moment longer. “Hmm…”

Scope raised an eyebrow.“You obviously know what I am.”

“Perhaps we should talk somewhere more private” She glanced at Shining. “My name is Crystal.” She bowed gracefully, sweeping her wings out to the side as she lowered herself to Shining.

Shining growled softly. “How did you teleport out of that room?”

“Simple,” She glanced at Twilight for a second, and the five of them suddenly found themselves back in the bedroom, with Cadance standing on the bed, “Like so.”

Twilight looked around, “How did you…?” She felt herself get teleported, but it was so subtle that it was barely detected. No one else showed any signs of discomfort, and her horn barely glowed!

“So many questions for me, perhaps a meal is in order and I will explain everything.” She shrugged slightly, sitting. “And you can tie me up if it makes you feel better, Captain.”

Shining just glared at the changeling as Twilight moved over and sat next to him. “Easy Shiny, we know she means no harm.”

“Easy for you to say! How did she know you are an Element of Harmony?”

“Because I was once one.” She glanced towards the window. “What year is it?”

“Eh, the year is 1055… which is 1005 years after Princess Luna’s banishment.” Twilight shrugged slightly. “And 50 years before that was the fall of the Equus Empire.”

“The Equus Empire fell?” She quickly turned to Twilight, who winced slightly. The changeling sighed softly, “So, well over a thousand years have passed since I was sealed away.” She looked back out the window. “I wonder how much has actually changed.”

“A lot I’d suspect. why were you sealed away?” Twilight asked, raising an eyebrow.

“That is a very long story and I should start at the beginning for that,” Crystal let out a long sigh, looking directly at Shining. “But I doubt you all want to hear it right now. You are more concerned if I am a threat, which I am not. If anything I helped save this land from a conflict all those years ago with my friends who are no longer around.”

“Before you start, how did you know I was the owner of the Element of Magic?” Twilight sat, looking over the changeling.

“Because being able to follow a teleport trail is hard enough to do for a simple unicorn. Being the Element of Magic means you can sense faint traces of magic in the air. And... I was merely suspicious before your Captain here said so.”

“And what was your element?” Cadance asked as she had settled down on the bed, watching the changeling curiously.

“You would not believe me.”

“Why’d ya leave us in the lobby, Twi’?” the orange earth pony asked as Twilight sheepishly stood before her friends.

“Sorry, something came up and I kind of teleported Cadance, Shining, Glimmering Spire, and I to the guest rooms.” Twilight rubbed the back of her neck as she looked among the other ponies present.

“I’m sure that whatever it was, was very important,” Rarity calmly spoke, just as Pinkie bounced up next to her.

“Yup, another changeling! Like him!” She pointed towards Talon, as he stood next to Rainbow Dash, “Only more like a rainbow of colors!” She grinned widely as Twilight just shook her head.

Talon just shrugged, “If you say so Pinkie. I don't know of any of my hive that had a rainbow of colors.”

“That's because she isn't from your hive,” Scope said as he trotted in, Crystal and Cadance trotted in behind him, with a softly growling Shining behind Crystal. Talon grinned at Scope for a moment, then bowed to Cadance and Shining, before turning to Crystal and looking confused.

“Huh, I agree there. You’re not Quartz, either. Are you?” Talon looked over Crystal.

“Nope, I was a member of the Emerald Hive,” Crystal shrugs slightly, looking over at the mares, “And these must be the other Element Bearers.”

“Let me guess, you can tell that too?” Twilight deadpanned.

Crystals eyes fell on Pinkie. “Laughter was owned by an interesting griffin,” She turned to Rarity. “Wouldn't suspect a dragon to be generous.” she turned and bowed to Fluttershy, making her squeak. “Kindness, a good pegasus owned that one before.” She turned to Rainbow Dash. “And my friend, Rose Wind, a loyal thestral.” Her eyes fell upon Applejack, with a faint smirk.


The changeling bowed to her like she did to Fluttershy, “You appear to be an honest and hard working pony.”

“Twi’… what does she mean by that?” Applejack looked horribly confused.

Twilight looked just as confused at the changeling, “You… mean… Your element was honesty?!”

“Ironic, no? An honest morphling?” Crystal grinned widely at Twilight. “I told you; you would not believe me.”

“What in tarnation is she talking about?” Applejack pointed at Crystal.

“She was apparently an Element of Harmony at one point, way in the past before even the fall of the Equus Empire.”