• Member Since 12th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2023

Onyx Archer

A lazy turd of a writer that likes making stories where Sunset likes to listen to Punk Rock. Current Projects: Minerva's Den (working title), Retrograde



Twilight and Sunset are good friends. Some might even say they are the best of friends. Connected by a magic mirror, the two begin to experiment with the idea of being something more than friends.

However, this idea is made more complicated when said magic mirror begins to mysteriously crack, and if it keeps cracking, it will seal the gateway between the two worlds forever. In order to make sure that doesn't happen, Sunset returns to Equestria to help find a way to stop it. Will she and Twilight succeed, or will they have to say goodbye to their friends at Canterlot High forever? Will they make new friends along the way? All they know for sure is that they have to try.

SunLight, and potentially other ships.

Rating may change with future chapters. Updates may vary in frequency. Cover art by Zanies (Thanks a million, friend!)

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 37 )

This sounds pretty good so far. I can't wait to read more.

Nice start. This first chapter could work as a Sunlight standalone actually. I'm curious to see where things go from here for the couple, especially with all of their friends likely to be involved sooner or later. Looking forward to more chapters.

Hmm. Strong start, especially for a first fic on here. I personally would have preferred delaying the snuggling bit a chapter or two, but that's mainly because I'm a sucker for slow burns.

If you don't have one, you may want to look into an editor/pre-reader. Everything here was definitely good enough that I'm not gonna say it's a necessity, but they always help!

6954177 Well, it's not the first thing I've ever written. I've done a ton of original concept writing over the past year, and I've got some past experience writing fanfics. I mean, I used to write in the Sonic fandom for a few years, before I got bored with it. As for a pre-reader, smxsonic has been doing it thus far, as I'm too rusty to spot small mistakes/areas that could be improved unless I sit on them for a day, and I don't really want to wait too long between posts, or I lose motivation. Thankfully, getting the cover art has filled me with determination.

Considering the fact I want them to establish the whole "relationship trial period" thing sooner rather than later, I opted to write it early, since it's not going to be the 100% focus of the story. It's going to be more than just Sunset and Twilight being adorkable together after all. Either way, hope you enjoy the story moving forward, and thanks for reading.

6951063 Thanks. Yeah, I feel like the first chapter could have been a one shot standalone, but I wanted to start strong, since it pushes me to try harder to keep the level of quality up. I'm a stickler for that kind of thing, so yeah. But thanks for reading, and hopefully you like where everything goes. Just an fyi, I'm probably going rarepairs for most of the couples. Depends on how soon the site updates itself to have a certain 5 characters in the tags.

6950627 Considering I've caught your attention, and me knowing you are a huge SunLight fan, I'm happy you like what you see so far. Thanks for checking out my first posted foray into the world of SunLight fanfiction!

6954763 Indeed I am. Pony Princess Twilight with Sunset and not her human counterpart yet.

I have to wonder if Sunny Flare drinks ‘Sunny D.’

I know someone who does... :trollestia:

It’s a turn of phrase here. Apparently he was a huge fraud of a magician here a long time ago,

It's likely Hocus Pocus is a corruption of the line 'Hoc est corpus meum' (This is my body) from the Catholic Latin liturgy. It's at this line in the mass that transubstantiation of the bread into the body of Christ supposedly occurs.

6955234 I'm aware that the term has another meaning, but given that this world likely would have a being by the name OF Hocus Pocus, this could have played into the idea of the term. Either way, thanks for reading!

6955242 Figured as much. I'm just, y'know, a giant nerd and for some reason enjoy broadcasting that fact as loudly and often as possible.

Yay, second chapter already! Well, if this is after you slowed down the pace a bit, I'm glad, given how fast they've gotten to dating. Well, sort of dating. Not sure if I'm for or against Sunset admitting her feelings so quickly, just so used to fiction in general dragging out the confession for as long as possible. Here, Sunset realizes her feelings, admits them to Twilight, and then they agree to try it out. I'm happy the angst isn't dragged out, but given that they're already sort of dating, I know the rest of the story can't go that smoothly (as the plot summary already mentions).

Wonder if the shift from human back to pony will change things up too. They're already really cute together as girls, I expect the adorable-ness to be doubled (at least) back in Equestria.

6955487 To quickly clarify, they aren't dating... yet. Basically, they are on the cusp of dating, but are more or less testing the waters, as right now, Twilight's still got her reservations. I'm not one for needless angst either, since it just drags out certain aspects of a relationship. It kind of comes down to headcanons I have too, so there's that. My headcanons of the Pony versions of both Twilight and Sunset will become apparent as the story continues, as will other character headcanons.

You are right to assume the story of their developing relationship isn't going to be an easy one for them, as the summary states, they'll likely have to make a hard set of choices later on. I'm more of a "watch a relationship between two or more go through hell to see how strong it is with a number of the cards on the table" than a "watch two characters struggle feelings they are unwilling to admit to the other party out of fear of rejection" kind of person, if that makes any sense.

Besides, I've more or less decided that their relationship isn't the only one that's going to be in the story. Some will shock your fellow readers I'm sure. I've even surprised myself with the plans I have for one of them :trixieshiftright:

I love this so far! However, i may not ship SunLight, but this is an interesting story.

6961223 Thanks! I know it's not a ship everyone ships, but I'm glad you are enjoying it despite that.

So they finally made it through the portal. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Cute fluffy chapter, especially with them still trying to define where they stand at the moment. Looking forward to seeing how Sunset does back in Equestria, not to mention interacting with ponies she sort of knows (if you count their human counterparts).

I love sun light stories so much. lookin forward to more

This just keeps getting better and better. Keep up the good work.

I'm exited to read the rest of the story. I just found this 2 nights ago. Keep up the good work

The TV simply showed what appeared to be about girls that were apparently talking space rocks, and a boy that was half space rock, half human. Sunset had showed her the show a few days prior, and Twilight had to admit, it was pretty cute, and very entertaining. She couldn’t quite recall the name of the show, and didn’t really bother to try as she sipped at her warm beverage.

For the past few days, I've been catching up on the second season of Steven Universe, and I couldn't help but immediately recognize it. Well played.


Four months with no updates... Looks like it's in a limbo of sorts. Not on hiatus, because not tagged as such, ad not yet dead, because it (IMHO) requires no updates for at least half a year.

Please don't stop it's going so well

Is this story on haitus or cancelled!? I mean it's good but why did you stop?

So....are you still rewriting this, or is it forever dead?

8634777 8635140
The story is being re-written to better reflect a change in tone. I kept hitting a mental roadblock in the form of "this story is supposed to be about the mirror being on the verge of shattering," but instead the story's tone, during the writing process itself, began taking on a tone not in line with the mission statement I set out to write. I've been in talks with my buddy RQK about the tone, among other things, seeing as he predominately writes things in a similar ilk to what I want to achieve. As it turns out, his plans for his own stuff had very similar ideas, and as such, I decided to tweak the story further, hence the massive dry spell I'm in, in terms of writing this (or rather, the rework of this, which is under a slightly different name to better reflect the changes).

It's not as high up on my list of priorities as a project that I've been working towards for nearly half a decade, which is an original work that I'm extremely passionate about working on, has started entering the next stages of pre-production. I'm not saying I don't intend on making this story, since I want to make it, I just have to pull myself away from my non-fanfic creation for long enough to be productive. Sorry. :twilightblush:

Dude again... no apologies. I know exactly how you feel on writers block. Trust me and you do you man.

It's more than writer's block, since I have notes upon notes as to what I want to do. It's more that I'm more invested in other things right now, not the least of which is my passion project. Honestly, there's a lot of stuff I want to do with the story, and it's a matter of organizing it all, and sitting down to write it. The issue being that I tend to spend more time on my original work, to the detriment of everything else. That's what the apology is for, since it's simply, at the end of the day, me being a little lazy with stuff that isn't related to my primary project, because I can justify spending ungodly amounts of time/spending ungodly amounts of money on things for that, but not for fan works as much.

In short, I'm going to get to Fractured Skies (the rework of this) when I hit some kind of creative roadblock for The Soundwaves Saga (my original work, and current passion project), or some other thing that can pull me out of my custom made toybox haha.

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