• Published 6th Apr 2016
  • 8,556 Views, 880 Comments

Young Amazons - Wanderer D

Sunset Shimmer is flung into another universe

  • ...

Chapter 17: Fangs

Young Amazons
By Ackbarfan5556
Executive Produced By Wanderer D
Chapter 17: Fangs

“Okay, Sunset, you can do this,” Sunset thought to herself as took a deep breath and looked forward, her nerves heightened as she felt extremely nervous about her next move. She steeled herself as she ran forward… and landed perfectly on the ground before the crowd began to cheer.

Sunset looked over to the judges' table to see what her score was. The five judges held up their respective scores for her: she had scored a forty-nine out of fifty; one woman had given her a nine for her Arabian Double Front. While not the score Sunset would’ve liked, she was still happy for the near-perfect numbers since she hadn’t truly nailed down the move.

She walked back over to the rest of Gotham High’s gymnastics’ team; the school was one of several that were competing in an invitational being held in Gotham. Sunset’s teammates were patting her on the back and congratulating her for her performance.

“Try and beat that,” she said to Barbara who was up next. “And I’m serious about that. Beat my score and we will easily beat that school from St. Paul.”

“Relax, I’ve got this handled,” Barbara assured her.

“Now, girls, let’s not get overconfident; wait until after the final performance before we start celebrating,” Ms. Vann reminded them.

Sunset took her seat and watched as Barbara stretched for a moment before she got ready for her performance. Barbara ran forward and jumped onto the springboard and in less than a few seconds; she had landed on the mat after flawlessly attempting an Amanar Vault.

Sunset could see Barbara was panting as she tried catching her breath from the difficult stunt. The action paid off though as the crowd erupted in applause and Barbara was getting a perfect fifty from the judges; easily sealing the win for Gotham High.

“That was amazing, Barb!” Sunset congratulated her friend after the team had received their awards and were now joining the rest of the crowd in the building by going home.

“Well, you did say that you wanted me to beat what you did, that was the only thing I could think of that would do it.” Barbara rubbed the back of her neck as she felt slightly embarrassed.

“Either way, that was great, you honestly prove why those scouts think you’re Olympic material,”

“I wouldn’t say I’m the only one proving it, I think you were certainly getting their attention as well.”

“From the way I see it,” Both girls turned and saw Pamela walking towards them. “I think Red is right about those scouts, Sunny.”

“Hey, Pam,” Barbara smiled. “You came out to one of these?”

Pamela shrugged her shoulders. “I was feeling a bit bored today so I thought I should come out and watch you two. You did great by the way, I guess. Sorry, I’m not well aware of the whole rules about competitive gymnastics.”

All three girls chuckled at Pamela’s comment. “It’s fine,” Sunset said. “Just know that we won and that’s it.”

Pamela nodded. “Well, if that’s the case, then do you girls feel like celebrating for a great job?”

“Celebrating?” Barbara asked.

“Yeah, do some girl things you know? Hang out, get a bite to eat, maybe go see a movie?”

“Oh,” Barbara realized. “That sounds like a great idea; a good way to relieve all the stress I still have in my system.”

Sunset checked her cell phone and noticed the time. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to pass on that offer, girls, I’ve got some things I need to take care of back at the apartment.”

“You sure?” Pamela asked. “We could hang out with you at your place if you want.”

“No, no, it’s fine,” Sunset assured them. “You two have some fun and enjoy our victory for me. I’ll see you girls on Monday.” Sunset then began to walk towards one of the exits.

“Okay then, see you at school,” Pamela nodded.

“Oh, great job again.” Barbara waved. “By the way, be careful tonight, we’re supposed to get some thunderstorms.” The redhead added.

“Got it. Bye.” Sunset waved.

“Hmm, maybe I should’ve just taken Pamela’s suggestion and hung out with them tonight,” Sunset sighed as she sat on the edge of a rooftop while Gotham’s sky slowly began to get darker than normal.

Sunset passed up on hanging out with her friends so she could be able to go on a patrol but so far it seems like even criminals were heeding the weather report and deciding not to commit crimes tonight.

Still, she was sure that someone would try something. The bad weather was sure to at least slow down the Gotham police which would be perfect for some small-time thieves to attempt a robbery.

The crack of thunder filled the air as the sky flashed before Sunset could feel the rain coming down. It was yet another reason why she probably should’ve skipped the patrol. She reached into one of her pockets and pulled out the Bat communicator.

“Hello, are you out there, Batman?” she asked.

“I’m here,” Batman’s voice crackled over the communicator. “You currently patrolling mid-town?”

Sunset looked around expecting to see Batman on a nearby rooftop somewhere. “How-“

“The communicator has a tracker in it, shows me where exactly you are.”

Sunset nodded as she should’ve expected that. “And I’m to guess that while you can track me, I can’t track you?”

“You of all people should know the phrase about ‘magicians revealing their secrets’.”

“Ha, ha,” Sunset gave a deadpan laugh. “Certainly doesn’t look like there’s much going on tonight.”

“Agreed, the storm is probably keeping most of Gotham’s criminals indoors tonight.”

Sunset gave a small sigh. “If that’s the case, then I’m going to go back home and get out of this rain,”

“Come in, Batman, Alicorn, either of you, come in.” Sunset now heard Detective Yin’s voice on the communicator.

“Go ahead, Detective,” Batman said.

“You two doing anything at the moment?” Yin asked.

“I can’t speak for Batman at the moment but I’m currently getting soaked to the bone right now,” Sunset told her.

“Well, if you consider getting caught in the rain as the worst part of your night, I’m afraid I’ve got worse news.”

“What is it?”

“We’ve got a dual breakout tonight,” Sunset saw on her communicator two mugshots of Penguin and Joker with the words ‘escaped’ over their pictures. “Penguin has escaped from Blackgate while Joker snuck out of Arkham.”

“At the same time?” Batman asked.

“Just about, we have no idea where they’re going and it’ll take a while for us to figure out how they escaped if we even do figure it out. Those two always seem to stump the GCPD with their escapes,” Yin reluctantly admitted.

“Do you think this was planned?” Sunset wondered.

“Doubtful, Joker and Penguin are certainly not ones to have similar goals with each other nor work together. Penguin is obsessed with money to regain his family’s fortune while Joker...” Batman paused for a moment. “He’s more obsessed with just causing chaos.”

“Well, at least then we wouldn’t have to worry about those two allying.” Sunset gave a small sigh of relief. She still had not encountered the infamous Clown Prince of Crime in the flesh, but his infamy was all too well known to the young superheroine.

“Okay, thanks for the heads up, Detective,” Batman said.

“You got it; I’ve got to go,” Yin said before she went silent.

“Guess I’m not going home then.” Sunset stood up as she got ready to move.

“Listen, I’ll handle Joker, Alicorn, you tail Penguin and try to find out where he’s going; I’ll help deal with him after I take care of Joker.”

“Alright, I’m not too far away from Blackgate, I’ll see if I get lucky enough to spot him.”

“Just be careful,” The Dark Knight reminded her.

“Don’t worry, I will,” Sunset then turned off the communicator and started to run along the rooftops; her eyes peeled for her prey.

The next fifteen minutes bared no luck for her as she was forced to slow down due to the storm; the roofs slowly becoming more slippery which kept her from searching at a full sprint.

“He’s a short man in a suit with a beak-like nose, how hard is to spot him?” Sunset stopped for a moment and closed her eyes as she took a deep breath to calm down.

“Okay, Sunset, no point in getting upset, just be patient and you will surely find at least a clue to his whereabouts.” As if on cue, she heard some grumbling coming from one of the city’s rivers below her.

Her eyes widened as she saw that Cobblepot was walking along one of the city’s river canals as he was trying to dry out his clothes as best as he could.

“Once again, good things come to those that wait,” Sunset smirked as she kept her eyes on the short man and followed him while staying hidden on the roofs.

“Curse that fruit loop and his little tricks,” Cobblepot growled as he had his umbrella out to try and keep him dry from the storm. “Why did I not see that joy buzzer coming? And now he knows about the stash, ugh, way to open your big mouth there Ozzie.”

Sunset kept moving along with him while keeping her ears open. Cobblepot ran into Joker and now the two of them were after some sort of stash.

“I mean, what’s he going to do with all that money? It’s not like he cares about it as I would. At least that clown’s got the Bat on his tail which leaves me all alone for all that money. Certainly not going to share it with that loser I ditched at Blackgate and especially with that screw loose ”

Now, Sunset could tell the stash involved cash; more than likely it was all stolen. She glanced back down but unfortunately leaned against a loose brick that soon fell off the building and landed right next to Penguin.

She ducked down; hopeful he didn’t see her but Cobblepot wasn’t entirely stupid and was more than likely looking at her direction.

“Oh, been following me tonight, have you, my dear?” Cobblepot snickered. “Don’t bother to hide, I know it’s not the bat since he’s with Joker, which leaves only one other person in this town.”

Sunset mentally cursed to herself before she stood up and revealed her presence. “Didn’t realize you were out on parole already, bird brain.”

“Oh, you know the justice system, it’s like a revolving door.” He laughed.

“Then how’s about revolving it back with you in your cell again.” Sunset crossed her arms.

Cobblepot flashed a sick grin with his sharp teeth. “If you want to do that, you’re going to have to catch me then!” He shouted before he took off running.

Sunset ran across a few more rooftops before she started to go down a few levels, getting closer to the ground while Cobblepot continued to edge the distance with her. She soon was at street level and ran parallel to the river canal that Penguin continued to follow.

Penguin was desperate to lose her so he could be able to beat Joker in whatever race they were having. Penguin soon got out of the river canals and the chase moved into the alleys.

The two of them ran through the rain-soaked streets of Gotham with neither of them gaining or losing ground. However, the two of them soon found a very busy street right ahead of them.

Sunset tried to get a bit more speed to catch with Penguin but the man took a huge risk and decided to distance himself from Sunset by running through the traffic. Sunset came to a complete stop as Penguin jumped over a few moving cars before he ducked down a different alley and out of Sunset’s sight.

“Dang it! Almost had him,” Sunset snapped her fingers as she wouldn’t take as huge of a risk as Penguin. “Should’ve expected this, when it comes to the flight-or-fight response, the bird will take flight.”

She then heard the sounds of a nearby police siren and knew that it was time to hide back in the shadows once again.

Sunset climbed her way back up onto a Gotham roof before she sat down and let the rain continue to fall on her. She pulled out her communicator once more and got ready to tell Batman how she failed to keep an eye on Penguin.

“Come in, Batman, it’s Alicorn,” she said into the device.

“I hear you,” Batman responded, though his voice sounded a bit darker like something had happened. “Did you find Penguin?”

“Yeah, but I got some bad news with that. I accidentally got his attention and I had to chase him for several blocks before he lost me. He jumped through a busy street just to escape me, and I hesitated in following him.”

“No, you did the right thing,” Batman told her, much to her confusion. “If he wants to be foolish enough to put himself in harm’s way like that, then let him. You shouldn’t risk your life like that, not when you’re still not truly confident in your abilities,”

“Being a crime fighter means you need to be smart and sometimes be willing to allow an adversary a small victory for the time being,” The Dark Knight explained to her.

“I understand, we’ll get him whenever he pops his head back up again. By the way, he mentioned something about being after some sort of stash of riches that he was trying to get to before the Joker, what happened with him?”

There was no response for a few moments. “Joker’s gone.”

“He got away?”

“No, he fell. I chased him to one of the Gotham sewage treatment plants and he ended up falling into Lake Gotham. I tried to pull him up as he was hanging for his life, but he tried to get me with his joy buzzer - which ended up electrocuted him when he fell into the water - and he never came back up.”

Sunset had to pause for a moment as she tried to understand what she heard. It sounded like Joker was dead but Batman was deeply impacted by it. Maybe he was willing to not let the clown die, as a way of perhaps proving he was better than the criminals he threw in jail.

She took a deep breath and soon dismissed those thoughts. There was no point in trying to understand what was going through the Dark Knight’s head. The issue at hand was that the Penguin was still on the loose and that he needed to be stopped.

“Well, as you said a moment ago, if he wanted to put himself in harm’s way, then let him. It wasn’t your fault that he met his end at his own devices,” Sunset said.

“You’re catching on quick,” he said. “I’m heading back to the Batcave; I think you should probably go home and get some rest. We’ll deal with Penguin soon enough.”

“Alright,” Sunset turned off the communicator once more and headed back home.

Penguin was truly terrified for once in all his years.

The short, bird-obsessed thief was running for his life after crawling out of the cave that was connected to the tomb he was in; not daring to look back at the horrible monstrosity that was chasing him.

It all seemed so normal only a few hours before. Cobblepot was getting ready to break out of Blackgate his usual way, the police still had not figured it out and made efforts to close his escape route, before he received a new cellmate. The man was in for robbing an armored truck that broke down and had gotten thirty years; he tried to fake mental illness to get ten at Arkham but was figured out quick.

However, the man knew that Penguin could escape and let him in on where he hid not only the money but as well as the gold and jewels that some gangsters were hoarding throughout the years in Gotham. He told him it was in a crypt in Gotham Cemetery, a place that hadn’t been used much in recent decades and promised to share with Penguin half of the fortune if he could get him out.

The man was a bit too naïve as Penguin made his escape but left his cellmate behind. He was smart enough to at least keep hidden which crypt the stash was held in, but that didn’t bother Penguin. He was sure that he was going to find it sooner or later since the only other person who knew about it was still locked up.

Or at least that was the case until Penguin opened his mouth while sneaking through Gotham’s canals and accidentally said the whole thing aloud; just as the Joker was right within earshot, much to Cobblepot’s surprise.

Joker offered to split the take with Penguin and he stupidly fell for one of the clown’s tricks as he got joy buzzed when they tried to shake hands. At least karma caught up to Joker as Penguin last saw him being chased after Batman.

After he managed to lose Alicorn, Penguin soon arrived at the cemetery but was lost as there were more crypts than he expected. He decided to pick one and walked in where he found a coffin that was chained up by some heavy chains. The whole decor screamed that something frightening was buried there and shouldn’t be opened.

He should’ve believed it. He tried to open the coffin with his umbrella blade and ended up cutting his hand before looking inside. Inside was a corpse that was almost nothing by dirt by this point, though it didn’t look human. Penguin decided to try to see if the treasure was hidden somewhere else in the tomb before he found a cave behind one of the walls.

And that’s when he heard the moaning of something rising out of the coffin before he looked back and saw the corpse had returned to life. It was practically nothing but bones with very thin pale flesh covering it and glowing blue eyes.

That was the predicament that Penguin found himself as he was trying to get away from the cemetery alive with the monster close behind him.

He was running along the cemetery’s edge as he tried to get back to the main road of the city; he could care less if he was caught by the police, he just wanted to not be slaughtered by this horrific creature from the depths of the underworld.

Penguin quickly glanced down as he kept moving and realized that the deep cut on his hand was still bleeding and probably leaving quite the trail for the monster. He turned a corner and ducked down behind a tree before he went deathly quiet.

“Blood,” Penguin heard a raspy voice say near him. He slowly peeked around and found what looked like the cemetery guard shining his flashlight on the monster.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” The man asked which turned out to be a fatal mistake. The monster turned his attention from the Penguin to the man and jumped him. The guard cried out in terror as Penguin heard the sound of flesh being pierced before the man’s cries began to die down.

“That will do,” the monster said as he got back up, his voice sounded not as raspy as before. Cobblepot took his chance and tried to make a break for it. He looked back to the guard as he ran but found the monster to be missing; until Penguin ran right into something and was knocked to the ground.

He looked up to find the monster looking right at him, somehow it got in front of him. Penguin slowly began crawling backward until he bumped into the corpse of the guard.

“Looks like this bird is the main course,” Penguin feared before he was in for a major shock. The corpse suddenly leaned back up looking alive; aside from the guard’s glowing eyes and pale skin.

“Gah!” Penguin cried out. “You’re dead! The dead don’t get back up like that!”

“Not dead,” the monster said as he broke off the metal collar he had around his neck. “Undead.”

The undead guard got up and charged towards Penguin, his mouth showing off two large fangs. However, before the recently deceased man could get a hold of Penguin, the monster held his hand up and the guard stopped; as if he was ordered.

“He is not for feeding upon,” the monster ordered. “I will require a live human servant to act as the guardian for my coffin during the day.”

“Now hang on just a moment!” Cobblepot took offense to what the monster said and regained his courage. “I’ll have you know that you’re addressing a Cobblepot, and Cobblepots do not serve anyone!”

The monster glared at Penguin before his eyes turned red and Cobblepot was placed under a hypnotic trance. Despite his intelligence, Penguin had no chance of resisting the monster’s control. A moment later, Penguin had a smug grin on his face.

“My name is Oswald Cobblepot, but you can call me Penguin,” he took off his top hat and bowed. “I will be happy to serve you.”

“Good,” the monster looked forward and stared at Gotham’s skyline. “I have been asleep for quite some time. Transylvania looks so different now.”

“Oh, I’m afraid we’re not in Transylvania, or Romania or even in Europe, my lord. You’re on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean in the United States, this is Gotham City.” Penguin informed him.

“I see, so I am in the recently discovered New World,” the monster nodded in understanding. “Then if I’m not in Transylvania, near my castle, events must have happened that drove me away. I must have been killed while I rested in my coffin. The fools who killed me must have placed me on a boat and hoped I would’ve been claimed by the sea if I am in the New World.”

He turned to look at Penguin once more. “I want you to take me on a tour of this so-called Gotham City, Penguin, the night is still young, and I still thirst.”

For the next week, things were pretty quiet in terms of criminal activity in Sunset’s eyes; Joker still had not made an appearance, which meant that he probably was dead, and Penguin was still gone to ground. However, despite the respite, a new fear was gripping Gotham for the past few days that Sunset could see on the news.

“The tally of missing persons has spiked dramatically in Gotham this past week. Gotham PD has informed that they have no real leads or are coming any closer to who or what is behind the mysterious disappearances of these ‘Lost Ones’, one thing is certain: a cloud of fear has descended upon this city.”

Sunset turned off the television as she leaned back in her chair. The Lost Ones certainly was the mystery. During her patrols, she could find nothing short of a clue to the vanishings or the culprits and it seemed like Batman was stumped as well. This was truly a problem if even he couldn’t solve it.

The young superheroine got up and headed to her room before she started to suit up. One way or another, she was going to figure out this mystery before even more people end up disappearing.

Sunset spent the next hour constantly on the move trying almost desperately to be lucky enough to find whoever was behind the Lost Ones in the act.

She settled down near one of Gotham’s rail lines as the areas underneath them were a perfect area for someone to get ambushed.

The former unicorn watched as a lone black haired woman walked down from one of the stations by herself; clearly, the woman wasn’t as concerned about the disappearances as she probably should’ve been.

Sunset kept her eyes on her before she noticed a beanie-wearing man jump out from a nearby alley, run up behind her and snatched her purse.

“No, stop!” The woman cried out. Sunset shook her head; she was disappointed it wasn’t whoever was behind the Lost Ones, but she certainly wasn’t simply going to let the thief get away.

Sunset sprang into action and jumped down, timing her kick perfectly as she ended up slamming both her boots into the man’s back, knocking him onto the ground and causing him to drop the purse.

“You certainly picked a bad night to try and steal a woman’s purse,” Sunset kneeled and picked up the purse as she stayed on the man’s back. “Now then, why don’t you be alone with your thoughts for the next few minutes while I return this.”

The woman had a relieved look on her face when Sunset walked up to her with the woman’s purse.

“Oh, thank you very much! I thought he was sure to get away with this,” the woman thanked as Sunset handed the bag off to her.

“No problem, ma’am, dealing with guys like him are just an average night fo-“

“AHHHUGGGG!!!” Sunset suddenly stopped as both she and the woman turned around and saw the man get violently thrown out of the alleyway. He landed and Sunset could see that the attempted thief wasn’t moving. A security guard walked out of the alleyway and faced the two of them, his head down so Sunset couldn’t see his face.

“Ma’am, I suggest running home now and locking your door.” Sunset positioned herself as she was ready to run at a moment’s notice while the woman took her advice and bolted from the scene.

The guard started walking towards Sunset before she glanced up and saw Batman land on a nearby rail beam. Sunset could easily tell that something was off about the man as she slowly started to back up.

“Sir, I don’t know what you did to that man, but I’m warning you,” she told him. She didn’t get a chance to say anything more before the guard looked up, and Sunset came face-to-face with practically Death himself.

The guard hissed at her before he showed off his massive fangs and tried to wrap his long hands around her. Sunset ducked down and delivered a swift kick to the guard’s groin before backing up a few feet.

“Batman! Help!” she cried out to the Dark Knight as the monstrous man recovered faster than she expected and tried to grab her again. Batman went right into action and swung down before delivering a double boot kick to the man’s face.

The kick knocked the man over Sunset’s head as ducked down and ran next to Batman. The monster landed perfectly on his feet before he jumped up and landed on the side of a building before crawling on it like a bug.

This action was something that took both heroes aback before the guard jumped down and tackled Batman. He was pinned on the ground as the guard looked like he was trying to bite him with his teeth before Sunset kicked him off of the dark vigilante.

Batman used the opportunity that Sunset had made by going on the attack and delivering punch after punch on the attacking man before he threw one hard punch that sent to the guard to the ground. Sunset ran next to Batman to see the knuckles on his right hand exposed; he tore up his gloves punching the man.

“Guessing that doesn’t happen often,” she observed. The two of them suddenly turned their heads towards the thief as they watched him slowly get back up; something Sunset thought would be impossible since she was sure he was dead. The thief turned around and stared at the heroes, looking almost exactly like their attacker. “And I’m pretty sure that doesn’t happen at all.”

The two monsters roared at them before they went on the attack once more. Both Batman and Sunset quickly dodged the rapid strikes as the creatures didn’t slow down for even a moment. Sunset held out her hand and a bright light wrapped around one of the legs of the thief but nothing happened.

“Oh, no…” Sunset said as she ducked down to avoid a swipe from one of the creatures.

“What did you do?” Batman asked as he punched a creature in the gut.

“I tried to do a numbing spell on his leg, to make him at least lose his balance. No response,” she explained as she performed a leg sweep.

“Come on,” Batman grabbed Sunset before he launched his grappling and carried the two of them up onto the rail lines before he threw some smoke bombs onto the monsters. However, they both watched as the two monsters practically flew out of the smoke and landed right behind them when they landed on the rail.

Batman pulled out two of his Batarangs and held them tight as the monsters turned their attention on him. The attacks were violent as Sunset watched Batman trying to fight off the monsters that had the ferocity of a wild animal.

One monster clawed Batman in the chest before knocking him on the ground. Sunset ran to support and managed to throw a blindside punch on the guard before kicking the thief off Batman. He looked over where he saw a train coming right for them and grabbed Sunset once more.

“Hang on tight,” he told her as he held her tight and grappled a train going away from the monsters; while leaving them staring right into the lights of the incoming one.

Sunset watched as the train hit the brakes before Batman jumped back on the slowing train while she got off the moving one. She waited for a few moments before Batman came back to her.

“Well?” she asked.

“No sign of them looks like they got out of the way,” he said.

“So, I know we’re probably both thinking it, but do correct me if I’m wrong,” Sunset took a deep breath. “Those monsters we fought, they were vampires, weren’t they?”

Batman said nothing for a moment. “I wish I could say you have an overactive imagination, but I saw the same thing. Those were vampires.”

“Great, that’s just great,” Sunset started to walk away. “Well, I’m going back to my apartment and locking the doors tight until we can figure out how to deal with these bloodsuckers.”

“No, you’re not,” Sunset felt Batman grab her shoulder. “Follow me.”

Sunset followed him down to the street level before the Batmobile pulled up in front of them. He motioned for her to get in which she obeyed. She put on her seatbelt and the car zoomed through the empty Gotham streets.

The car soon pulled up into an alleyway with a dumpster at the end of it before Batman hit the gas. Sunset felt very worried as she watched the dumpster get closer and closer. Before they could hit it though, the dumpster rose up and the Batmobile went into a tunnel. Sunset sighed relief before she glanced over and saw Batman with a small smirk.

“Very funny,” she huffed. The car continued to drive down a long dark tunnel before it finally came to a stop in a chamber with multiple levels of platforms around it. Sunset looked around and took in the sight of the Batcave.

However, as soon as she stepped out, red flashing warning lights began to flare.

“Batcave, cancel intruder alert and recognize intruder as friendly,” Batman called out before the sirens stopped.

Sunset kept looking around before she whistled. “I have to say, this is not really what I imagined the Batcave. It’s more impressive than I thought. Oh, and nice to know that I’m friendly in your eyes.”

“Well, you’ve certainly proven yourself over these last few months, though I attribute that more to Zatanna’s training, as well as her faith in you.”

“I’m guessing that if I didn’t have Zatanna helping me, you would probably not been so...accepting... of my help if I was say—untrained, or not getting assistance.”

“Exactly.” He walked over to a fire pole and was suddenly carried up to a higher level. Sunset grabbed it after him and was carried up as well. “And now, after losing Joker, I don’t intend to lose anyone else while I’m around, especially you.”

“So that’s why you brought me here?”

Batman nodded. “Considering we are dealing with vampires, I would feel better if I could at least be sure to keep an eye out on you,”

“I guess that would be the smart thing. I mean, I could at least give you a hand with this, after all, two heroes would be better one,” she explained. “Plus, I know where I could get some information on vampires from a very reliable source.”

“What you said about two heroes.” Batman turned around to look at her. “I think you might be right for more than just this.”

Sunset gave the Dark Knight a look. “Excuse me?”

“Sunset, I trust you enough to be able to keep this a secret,” Sunset’s eyes widened as Batman reached up to pull off his mask… and reveal his identity of Bruce Wayne.

“Called it.”