• Member Since 15th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen 14 hours ago

Princess OtakuGeek

I am a Princess Unikitty!


Chrysalis has won, Twilight is dying and everything looks hopeless. Still feeling the sting of betrayal from her friends, three powerfull entities visit Twilight's fading mind and offer her a deal. To not only survive, but to assume their mantle of power. Twilight accepts and is reborn as the next Queen of the kaiju.

This is all based on Snow Ghost Pony's, Kaiju Rumble. Credit for this wonderful idea goes to them.

Edit A\N new cover! This cover is fan art created by Cyanjames2819 and they did a wonderful job. Shout out to Cyanjames, thank you!

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 224 )


Here you mean "GUARDIAN"
Earlier you misspelled 'Guard'. You wrote 'Gaurd' accidentally.

Well this is off to a cool start!:rainbowdetermined2:

Keeps getting more and more interesting....

a someone who has already read the original and was hoping for an update i find this story greatly pleases me

ok 2 things

1) AJ, Dash you are fucking morons dash less so since you only tried to grab spike and hit her on accident can't wait for cadence to tear you two new alicorn sized assholes

2) for a supposedly xenophobic race that panics at the site off any thing not a pony how did twilight get served at the bar when her walking in there should have caused the bar to panic, maybe it was a griffin bar, or maybe it's just ponyville that are xenophobic

Damn... That's definitely one way to start things up!

Holy throne, I finish the last chapter and there's an instant Update! And dang if it isn't a shocker there!

Becoming Godzilla giving her wings seems strange, but we shall see.

But that pulse and the energy she's been radiating since share strong similarities with dark magic. Specifically, Sombra's brand of dark magic.

How should the Mane 5 know what that is? No one knows a thing about Sombra or the Crystal Empire in the modern age. While dark magic may be around, knowledge of Sombra isn't.

Under normal circumstances, Chrysalis wouldn't hurt a fly which is why we were stunned by her actions in the throne room.

But she'd splatter a kitten for fun?

The changeling justification feels a bit...hollow, for lack of a better word, now that we've seen Chrysalis in the Season finale and the comics being a cruel and insane leader who only wants to grab on to personal power and couldn't give less of a damn about any other changeling. Also, Thorax's implication that changelings are born cruel and nasty to others.

Still though, the prose is good, and it is good that at least the issue isn't being played unilaterally.

Why exactly is Twilight acting subversive? Ponies may be xenophobic, but it's not like they can actually stop her and besides, the princesses can vouch for her being who she says she is.

When you originally mentioned a red Kaiju, I wasn't thinking Destoroyah at all, I was actually thinking of Red, from the NES Godzilla creepypasta.

7664513 Please remember that this is an AU and I started writing this looooong before the latest season finale so a lot of things that are in the show aren't.

7664639 That is true, but if the Canterlot Wedding still went off the same way, then changelings do in fact suck out love and power like a parasite since Shining Armor was weak and feeble after Chrysalis was done gorging herself on him.

7664528 because the princesses besides cadence all think its dark magic currupthion affecting her

7664765 Cadance can explain to the princesses, can she not? Heck, Cadance can just serve as an escort for Twilight to show that she's okay.

7664823 and they could think shes beeing brainwashed or is a hostage

7664866 And so what if they do? They can't hurt Twilight and she has all the time in the world to just prove her story in any way she chooses.

7664914 except if she loses her temper without learning her strength first she could destroy everything and everypony she cares about

7664922 Exactly why she's leaving. Think about it, she still pretty mad at her friends for what happened at the wedding rehearsal and the way she is now she might do or say something she'll regret. She just needs some breathing room to figure things out and control her new abilities. Plus right now Celestia thinks that she's not in her right mind.

7665031 thankyou and was my guss shes a combo of all three kiju correct

7665070 Correct. She's a combination of Godzilla, Xenilla and Destroyah.

7665092 :rainbowhuh:????????? What, was it a guessing game? I thought I was pretty clear.

I like that Twi is being more realistic and not forgiving the rest of mane 6 just like that, simply because they're her friends. Forgiveness isn't something you give to someone, they need to earn it, and they and Celestia need to work if they want her forgiveness.

7665095 im pretty sure someone commented it was just godzillas powers not all 3 so i said to them it was a combo of all 3

7665130 And you would be correct. It is a combo of all three.

7665134 ok before i was gussing wen i said it was a combo because i wasent sure hence the i knew it

Well I'm interested seems good so far. Also An and dash are a bit stupid at times acting before they think.

7665233 Yeah, that's pretty much them most of the time.

Though from what I'VE personally seen, AJ tends to be a bit more commonsensical than Dash is.

And by that I mean that she tends to think things through just a WEE bit better than Dash most of the time.

"That's.... unbelievable." She said quietly.

"It sounds awesome!" Spike piped up. "I mean if you can eat Aether, then what do you think you could do with it?"

"I have no clue, Spike." Twilight said with a shrug. "And by the way, you seem pretty okay with all of this."

The little dragon shrugged. "Why wouldn't I be?" He asked. "I mean, yeah, you look a lot different, but you're still Twilight. Besides, you've always been okay with me being a dragon, so I see no reason why I shouldn't be okay with you being a kaiju."

Twilight pulled him into a hug, almost hiding him from sight with her bulk. "Thanks Spike." She whispered softly and Spike grinned as he hugged back.

"Hey, that's what friends are for." He said. "And besides, what would you do without your Number One Assistant?"

This is one of the reasons that Spike is so great. Personally i think that he totally could have wielded the element of Loyalty abck in season 2. He's at his best when he's the calm voice of reason, typically reining Twilight in from any panicked reactions (which, considering the current situation, could be disastrous! :twilightoops:) He's humble and caring while still remaining true to himself.

Ok there is a couple things that bug me. First Is i think the story should be more about Twi and the rest of the Elements + The princesses. Characters like Iris and the changeling seems very pointless. Should just be about Twi getting to grips with her new experience and knowing her loved ones are trying to capture her and attacking her. And her having be on the run. And then comes the Second part. I don't really mind Spike but Iris i have a problem with. At most should just be Twi and Spike. Or just Twi. But other then that i am liking the story. I'm also hoping that She has something like a special form where she turns into Pure Kaiju. As big as Godzilla and the others. Hope to see this continued

P.S Sorry if this doesn't even make much sense or if my grammar sucks. i'm to tired to even be up at this hour

I like the idea but it desperately needs work, the pacing is too fast and I think that twilight interaction with cadence could have been more entertaining with her new kiju form.

I was totally in to this story....until chapter 2 which is comprised mostly of characters acting like idiots about the changelings and then a really really forced changelings aren't actually evil narrative for most of the chapter before finally returning to the actual main character at the very end. Killed my enthusiasm.

Hmmm. Improvement needed, but.... I sense potential.

7666875 I also found the chapter to be filled with needless filler. There are paragraphs that could be condensed into just a few sentences or weren't even needed to begin with.

7666985 I call it character development, but that's just me, you can call it what you want.

Man... That explanation on the invasion happened was just awful to read. You don't bring a army then go "it was all just a misunderstanding."

Amongst these were doctors and medics ranging from paramedics and doctors from various clinics and hospitals in Canterlot to medics from the Royal Guard and Wonderbolts.

This sentence repeats itself.

next time Twilight friend will see her I betting is during the crystal empire events, where she being the beat down on the king of shadows, and with luck she will have more control over of new angry issue and body

oh god I so want to see Kaiju Twilight go up against Trirek

There are differences between "its" and "it's" with "it's" being a contraction of "it is" or "it has". Further more, there is a difference between "there", "their", and "they're".

Pieces of dialog followed by a word like "said", "asked", or "explained" are not usually a separate sentence. Example:
"Why do we have to do it like that again?" she questioned, her face screwed up in contemplation as she tried to remember.
Question marks and exclamation marks do not change but places where the dialog would end with a sentence are changed to commas.

Currently the OCs Freowire and Iris Song feel like they are added for convenience sake, shoehorned in to fill some future goal. OCs are not bad, but since they are so different it is a large glaring sign saying, "Oh look, this is my OC, aren't they cool?" It immediately had me disliking the OC.

You have something here, but it will need a little polishing. Maybe completely new plans with the OCs.

good story, I going to be keep an eye or 50 on this one......

next chapter please

In Shining Armor's defense he was being mind controlled. The others have no such excuse. The rest of the Mane Six, it was Lesson Zero all over again. IMO, in many ways Canterlot Wedding was their low point

So, Cadence's response to all this was to take an underage dragon bar crawling to look for Twilight. (Well, that's her story and she's sticking to it). Apparently, no one in Equestria has ever heard of Corrupting the Morals of a Minor.

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